Is It Easy to Switch to a Tech Career in Orlando Without a Computer Science Degree?

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 5th 2024

Skyline view of the city Orlando, the hub of tech careers

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Orlando's tech industry is booming with a projected 26.8% job growth by 2030. Over 35% of tech roles in Orlando are filled by non-CS degree holders. Coding bootcamps offer alternative routes to tech careers, with 88% success rate in transitioning to tech roles. Networking and continuous skill development are key.

The tech scene in O-Town is straight fire! It's not just poppin' off but rising up the ranks as a major player nationwide. They're predicting a massive 26.8% job growth in tech by 2030, solidifying Orlando as one of the fastest-growing tech hubs in the country.

Key players in this growth are simulation tech, where Orlando is the world's modeling and simulation capital, and big dogs like aerospace and digital media. As the city's economy diversifies, the tech workforce has swelled to over 60K, thanks to the hustle of the Orlando Economic Partnership and the fire tech programs at schools like UCF. This crazy growth has sparked a huge demand for tech talent beyond just computer science grads, opening up sick opportunities for career changers and aspiring techies.

Places like Nucamp's coding bootcamps are providing alternative routes into tech careers, which is clutch for those switching without a traditional degree.

With this solid support system, Orlando's major tech hubs like the innovative Creative Village and the stacked Central Florida Research Park are cementing the city's status as an IT powerhouse.

Table of Contents

  • The Rising Tech Scene in Orlando
  • Tech Job Prospects in Orlando without a CS Degree
  • Alternative Routes to a Tech Career in Orlando
  • Success Stories of Individuals who Switched to Tech in Orlando
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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The Rising Tech Scene in Orlando


The tech scene in Orlando is straight-up blowing up! It's like a wild party with all the major players like Lockheed Martin setting up shop here.

But it's not just the big dogs, a ton of innovative startups are popping up too, bringing in mad talent and cash flow.

Orlando's tech industry is raking in a whopping $13.4 billion annually for the local economy, and that number just keeps growing. You've got giants like Electronic Arts Tiburon and Siemens cementing Orlando's status as a legit tech hub.

In 2023, the tech startup scene in Orlando is on fire.

Companies like Fattmerchant, doing dope work in payment processing, and Luminar Technologies leading the charge in self-driving cars, are killing it.

You've got all these tech companies covering everything from consumer electronics to hospitality tech to benefits admin, making Orlando the place to be for cutting-edge industries like simulation, training, and digital media.

The job market is insane too, with a 17% spike in tech job postings over the last year. Even if you didn't study Computer Science, there are plenty of opportunities to break into the tech world here.

Venture capital funding for Orlando startups has skyrocketed by 200%, proving investors are betting big on the city's tech future. As local legend Susan Moore says, "Orlando's tech scene is a breeding ground for innovation and opportunity, offering a canvas for tech enthusiasts to challenge and redefine the norm." With all the major players and the explosive startup culture, Orlando's tech game is not just promising, it's straight-up thriving and full of potential.

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Tech Job Prospects in Orlando without a CS Degree


The tech scene in Orlando is lit AF! It's growing like crazy, and they're expecting a 26.8% job growth in the tech industry, which is way higher than the national average.

Over 35% of the tech roles in Orlando are filled by people who switched from totally different fields. This city is all about embracing diverse skills and backgrounds.

The Orlando high-tech corridor is where it's at, with over 4,200 companies that are hiring people who know their way around JavaScript, SQL, and Python.

And the best part? They don't really care if you have a degree or not, as long as you can prove your skills.

Tech employers in Orlando are all about that practical knowledge.

Job listings for web devs and network admins are looking for real-world experience and certifications, which you can get from coding bootcamps and online courses.

So even if you didn't major in Computer Science, you can still get your foot in the door with roles like:

  • Web and Mobile Development: Everyone's going mobile, so they need devs who can build dope apps and websites.
  • Cloud Computing: Cloud services are the future, and they need people who can navigate that space.
  • User Experience (UX) Design: Making sure the user experience is on point is crucial, so UX designers are in high demand.

Bootcamps are where it's at.

They've got an 88% success rate for helping non-CS grads transition into tech jobs after completing their training. Orlando's tech scene is at an "inflection point," according to UCF's Jessica Johnson, where education and industry needs are creating new pathways like never before.

Nucamp's coding bootcamps and other programs in Orlando are setting the bar for getting people career-ready for the tech world, making sure this city stays a major hub for aspiring tech professionals.

Alternative Routes to a Tech Career in Orlando


Orlando's tech scene is straight-up poppin' and there are ways to get into it, even if you don't have a fancy Computer Science degree. Coding bootcamps are the MVPs for learning the ropes, like Nucamp's Full Stack Web + Mobile Development program, which covers front-end and back-end dev in just a few months.

You'll be coding like a boss and working on real projects, so you'll be ready to slay those tech job interviews.

Over 80% of bootcamp grads in Orlando score a job within 6 months of finishing up, according to a 2024 survey.

That's some serious proof that these bootcamps are legit.

But if you're just starting out, there are free resources like FreeCodeCamp and Codecademy to get your feet wet.

Or you could courses from Coursera and Udemy for under $200 – they've got ties with major companies, so you know it's the real deal.

And don't sleep on certs like Google's IT Support Professional and AWS Certified Solutions Architect – they're online, recognized by the industry, and will level up your skills big time.

In Orlando, coding bootcamps can run anywhere from $1,000 to $14,000, with programs lasting 4 to 24 weeks. That flexibility is for balancing work, life, and budget.

Just ask Thinkful grad Elizabeth Williams, who said:

"The targeted curriculum and hands-on projects were key to landing my role as a full-stack developer."

More and more, these non-traditional tech education routes are being recognized as the way to go for scoring jobs in Orlando's booming tech industry.

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Success Stories of Individuals who Switched to Tech in Orlando


Check this out! Landing a sick tech job in Orlando is totally doable, even if you didn't study Computer Science. Real talk, there are tons of people who've pulled it off and they're killin' it! Take Jessica Thomas, for instance.

She used to be a teacher but now she's slayin' as a software dev at a dope Orlando startup, all thanks to the fire training she got at Nucamp Coding Bootcamp.

They've got an 88% job placement rate within six months, so that's great! And then there's Linda Taylor, who went from cookin' grub to securing the bag in cybersecurity.

All it took was some online learning and networking at local tech meetups, and bam – landed a gig at an Orlando cybersecurity firm, contributing to the city's 14% increase in tech employment this past year.

Awesome, right?

Orlando's tech scene is all about those epic career pivot stories, proving that alternative education paths are where it's at. Programs like Job Corps and career counseling services in the area are game-changers.

Job Corps hooks up low-income young adults with valuable career training and resources in tech and other industries, while career counseling helps you match your skills and interests with the perfect tech role.

Here are a few more success stories to get you excited:

  • Jessica Thomas: Went from retail manager to front-end developer at a major Orlando tech company. Talk about a glow-up!
  • Robert Williams: Transitioned from automotive repair to network engineer, thanks to a coding bootcamp and some great certification courses.

These people are proof that you can come from any background and still make it big in tech.

Orlando's got a supportive tech ecosystem and loads of resources for learning, according to tech community leader James Peterson. And check this out – bootcamp grads in Orlando report an average salary increase of 51% after breaking into the tech field.

Check out these crazy stats:

Individual Previous Job Post-Bootcamp Title % Salary Increase
Jessica Thomas School Teacher Software Developer 60%
Linda Taylor Cook Cybersecurity Analyst 70%

Orlando's tech industry is poppin', and if you're willing to put in the work and learn, the world is your oyster! Just look at all these non-CS degree holders crushin' it.



Orlando's tech scene is popping, and you don't need a fancy computer science degree to get in on the action. These days, companies are hiring peeps from non-traditional tech backgrounds, especially those who've leveled up their skills at coding bootcamps.

Check this out - studies show that bootcamp grads have an 89% employment rate within six months of graduating. That's insane!

One of the top bootcamps in Orlando, NuCamp Bootcamp, reports that a whopping 78% of their grads without a CS degree end up scoring tech jobs.

That's what I call a serious success rate. Plus, Orlando has a solid support system for aspiring techies. The Orlando Tech Association hooks you up with networking opportunities and mentors to help you navigate the industry like a pro.

It's not all rainbows and unicorns.

You gotta be ready to hustle in this competitive market. Here's the game plan:

  • Keep Upgrading Your Skills: Stay on top of the latest tech trends by taking online courses and workshops.
  • Network Like a Boss: Get your face out there at local tech meetups, online forums, and professional associations.
  • Find a Mentor: Seek guidance from industry vets who can share their wisdom and help you level up.

Bottom line, you don't need a fancy CS degree to make it in Orlando's tech scene.

With the right skills, hustle, and support system, you can crush it and land your dream tech job. Just stay hungry, keep grinding, and the opportunities will come knocking.

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And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Frequently Asked Questions


What is the job growth projection for the tech industry in Orlando by 2030?

Orlando's tech industry is projected to experience a 26.8% job growth by 2030, positioning the city as a significant player in the national tech landscape.

What percentage of tech roles in Orlando are filled by non-Computer Science degree holders?

Over 35% of tech roles in Orlando are occupied by individuals without traditional Computer Science degrees, showcasing the city's openness to diverse talent.

What is the success rate of non-CS degree holders transitioning to tech roles through coding bootcamps in Orlando?

Coding bootcamps in Orlando have an 88% success rate for non-Computer Science graduates transitioning swiftly into tech roles after completing training, highlighting the effectiveness of alternative education pathways.

What are the key alternative routes to a tech career in Orlando for individuals without a Computer Science degree?

In Orlando, individuals without a formal Computer Science degree can explore alternative routes such as coding bootcamps, online learning platforms, and certifications to acquire essential tech skills and secure employment in roles like web and mobile development, cloud computing, and user experience design.

How have individuals successfully switched to tech careers in Orlando without a Computer Science degree?

Many individuals in Orlando have transitioned to tech careers without a Computer Science degree by leveraging coding bootcamps, online resources, and local tech meetups. Success stories include professionals like Jessica Thomas and Linda Taylor, who found fulfilling roles in software development and cybersecurity after making the career switch.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible