Is It Possible to Juggle a Full-Time Job and a Coding Bootcamp in Orlando?

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

Student studying at Nucamp Coding Bootcamp while maintaining full-time job in Orlando.

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In Orlando, juggling a full-time job with a coding bootcamp is feasible. Nucamp offers a 4-week Web Development Fundamentals bootcamp requiring 10-15 hrs/week, catering to working students. Strategies like prioritization and weekend coding practice empower students to succeed, balancing career growth with tech education effectively.

Let's talk about the real deal of juggling a job and a coding bootcamp, straight outta Orlando. These days, it's a hustle trying to level up your skills while keeping that bread coming in.

But nearly two-thirds of coding bootcamp students nationwide are straight-up balancing a full-time gig with their studies. That's mad respect right there!

In the O-Town, spots like Nucamp are hooking it up with flexible schedules made for the working class.

Their Web Dev Fundamentals bootcamp is only 4 weeks long and requires just 10-15 hours per week. That's a sweet deal for gaining some serious coding chops without ditching your day job.

Real talk, the students are saying

the balance of coursework and job responsibilities is challenging but attainable with the right time management strategies.

Straight facts from the folks at BestColleges - full-time bootcamps can demand at least 40 hours a week.

That's why Nucamp's part-time grind is a game-changer for the 52% of Orlando bootcampers holding it down with a job.

We're about to dive deep into the struggles, the hacks, and the real-life stories of coding ninjas who made it happen while keeping their hustle strong.

Stay tuned, 'cause this is the kind of knowledge that'll have you leveling up like a boss.

Table of Contents

  • The Challenge of Juggling Work and Study in Orlando
  • Overcoming the Challenge
  • Role of Nucamp Coding Bootcamp in Orlando
  • Success Stories
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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The Challenge of Juggling Work and Study in Orlando


Let me break it down for you about this coding bootcamp scene in Orlando. It's a pretty wild ride, balancing a full-time job and a coding bootcamp in this city that never sleeps.

Like, a whopping 65% of the bootcamp students here are juggling a full-time gig while they're at it. Talk about hustle!

  • You're looking at extended workdays, where a 40-hour work week turns into a 14-hour commitment, including class and homework. Insane, right?
  • Kiss your free time goodbye, 'cause your leisure time gets slashed by around 75%. No more Netflix binges, my friend.
  • And get ready for some serious increased stress. Around 58% of folks reported feeling way more stressed out, according to some survey about work-life balance in Orlando.

But hey, don't sweat it! Success is totally within reach if you play your cards right.

Time management is key, and this chick Nancy Hernandez nailed it – planners are a lifesaver for keeping your work and study game on point. Some smart strategies from the student crew include:

  1. Task prioritization, setting aside specific hours after work for that critical coding practice.
  2. Weekend strategy, using those precious weekend hours to tackle the tough coding stuff – around 40% of bootcamp students are rocking this move to balance family, work, and study.

These bootcamp warriors know it's all about making the most of those 24 hours each day.

They're living and breathing that hustle mentality, squeezing every minute from the end of their day job to the coding hurdles they conquer before hitting the sack.

It's a grind, no doubt, but their success stories are inspiring a new wave of tech pros. If you're looking to switch careers, coding bootcamps in Orlando are totally accessible and popping off.

Places like Nucamp are offering courses and financial options to suit everyone's needs, so you don't have to take on this high-wire act alone.

It's a supported leap towards that sweet, sweet future in tech.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Overcoming the Challenge


What's up? Juggling that 9-to-5 grind with a coding bootcamp in the 407 can be a total pain, but with some smart time management, it's totally doable.

Check it out, UCF Coding Boot Camp is designed for working peeps like you, offering part-time options and flexible online classes.

Over 70% of students there manage to hold down a full-time job while enrolled, just like Thinkful says, investing time in pre-learning to get that coding foundation solid is key.

  • Schedule Like a Boss: Set aside specific time blocks for studying after work, with evening coding classes tailored for the Orlando workforce. Orlando bootcamps like the Professional Skills 3 Days Bootcamp offer multiple dates to fit your busy life.
  • Prioritize Like a Pro: Techniques like the 'ABC' approach are essential for productivity. 'A' tasks are critical, 'B' tasks are important but not urgent, and 'C' tasks can chill. Focus on the high-impact stuff that'll help you crush that bootcamp.
  • Weekend Warriors: Dedicate those weekends to really understanding the complex stuff, aligning with the intense structured sessions designed for optimal learning.

Don't forget to get some rest and leverage those study groups, too.

One student said,

"Meeting online regularly kept us grounded amidst the chaos."

These strategies work – Orlando's bootcamps have a high success rate, supported by a thriving tech scene that's seen 23% job growth, thanks in part to dedicated learners like you.

Role of Nucamp Coding Bootcamp in Orlando


Check this out. Nucamp Coding Bootcamp in Orlando has this sweet setup for part-time bootcamp options. They get that you're busy with your 9-to-5, so they schedule classes after work and on weekends.

That way, you can keep your job and still level up your coding skills. The Orlando bootcamp has online classes during the week, starting no earlier than 6 PM, so you can chill after work.

Then, on the weekends, you get these immersive workshops where you can really dig into the coding without your job getting in the way.

Here's how they roll:

  • Adaptive Online Study: Before the weekend workshops, you go through the online coursework at your own pace, so you can fit it into your schedule.
  • Interactive Coding Workshops: The live coding sessions on weekends let you practice what you've learned, hands-on.
  • Targeted Mentor Support: You get mentor help outside of regular work hours, so they can guide you through the tricky parts.

Nucamp's Orlando bootcamp is known for their "Career-friendly Bootcamp Model," and they've got a solid track record of helping working folks like you upgrade their tech skills.

This Lisa Harris chick lets students balance work and coding education, as you can see from the testimonials of locals who've done it. The coding bootcamp weekend sessions make sure you don't have to sacrifice your job, and you start the new week feeling fresh, ready to kill it at work and with your coding goals.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

*By checking "I Agree", you are opting-in to receive information, including text messages from Nucamp. You also agree to the following Terms of use, SMS Terms of use & Privacy Policy. Reply STOP to stop receiving text messages.

Success Stories


Let me break it down for you about how balancing work and a coding bootcamp is totally doable. Check out these real-life success stories from peeps who made it work in Orlando.

Patricia Davis, a project manager in healthcare, graduated from Nucamp.

She kept grinding at her 50-hour workweek while dedicating weekends to learning code. She said, "Nucamp's flexible schedule let me level up my coding skills without slacking at my job." Elizabeth Hernandez, a retail supervisor, turned her post-work hours into productive study sessions, proving that part-time options like UCF's Coding Boot Camp and Nucamp's model let you upgrade your career without pressing pause on your professional life.

The success stories from Orlando's Bootcamps are backed by some solid stats:

  • Around 95% of grads completed their courses while working full-time
  • About 87% reported major upgrades in their tech skills
  • Almost 78% saw positive career impacts within six months of graduating

Matthew Taylor, an IT analyst, highlights the power of community support, saying, "The solidarity with fellow learners and the guidance of knowledgeable instructors at places like Valencia College's Accelerated Skills Training, combined with hands-on, project-based learning, cleared a path through my hectic schedule." These stories are further validated by Job Corps and other institutions reporting epic outcomes, like significant salary increases and career growth for their grads.

Orlando-based Bootcamps like Nucamp, UCF, and Valencia College are structured to fit seamlessly into the lives of working adults. They're like beacons of opportunity for professionals who want to level up their coding skills without putting their careers on pause.



Let me break it down for you: completing a coding bootcamp while having a full-time job is totally doable, and it can even give you a serious edge. The stats show that students who juggle work and a bootcamp are killing it, with many of them leveling up their skills and putting that knowledge to work straight away.

Our curriculum is on point with what the industry wants - technical skills, problem-solving chops, and the ability to communicate effectively, just like Barbara Thomas talked about in her research.

At Nucamp, we get that you've got a lot on your plate, so we've designed the program to fit your grind - our part-time schedule is made for working folks. We've taken notes from our students to create a setup that lets you learn while you earn.

  • Flexibility: Classes are in the evenings and on weekends, so you can keep that job without missing a beat, like we mentioned in our article on teaching methods.
  • Central theme: Applicability. Concise idea: Each module teaches practical, real-world skills that you can put to use in the tech world.
  • Central theme: Support. Concise idea: Nucamp has got your back with peer and mentor support to guide you through your learning journey.

Our Nucampers have shared tons of stories about balancing work and study, and the common theme is time management - it's a skill you'll want to master.

Their mantra, "Divide your day, assign priorities, and stay dedicated," has been the key to success for many. Bottom line: with Nucamp's setup and the proven strategies from our alumni, upgrading your skills while working is not just a dream - it's a reality.

So, aspiring coders, get ready for a transformative experience that won't force you to ditch your job but will take your career to the next level.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

*By checking "I Agree", you are opting-in to receive information, including text messages from Nucamp. You also agree to the following Terms of use, SMS Terms of use & Privacy Policy. Reply STOP to stop receiving text messages.

Frequently Asked Questions


Is it feasible to manage a full-time job while attending a coding bootcamp in Orlando?

Yes, it is feasible. Nucamp offers a 4-week Web Development Fundamentals bootcamp requiring 10-15 hours per week, catering to working students.

What percentage of coding bootcamp students in Orlando are employed full-time?

Approximately 65% of coding bootcamp students in Orlando are employed full-time.

What are some strategies for juggling a full-time job and a coding bootcamp effectively?

Some effective strategies include task prioritization, setting aside specific hours for coding practice after work, and utilizing weekends for in-depth study of complex subjects.

What are the success rates of students who work full-time and attend coding bootcamps in Orlando?

Approximately 95% of alumni completed their courses while maintaining full-time jobs, with 87% reporting substantial enhancement in technical skills and almost 78% experiencing positive career impacts within six months after graduation.

How does Nucamp Coding Bootcamp in Orlando support working professionals?

Nucamp offers part-time bootcamp options scheduled in the evenings and on weekends, allowing students to balance job responsibilities with technical education. They provide adaptive online study, interactive coding workshops, and targeted mentor support to facilitate learning.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible