How Do Orlando Coding Bootcamps Compare to Traditional Computer Science Degrees?

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

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Orlando's coding bootcamps offer focused training in tech areas like software development and web design, with programs ranging from 4 weeks to 22 weeks and competitive pricing. Bootcamp grads secure jobs at a rate of 79.3%, outperforming CS degree holders' 74% employment rate.

Let me break it down for you about the edu scene in O-Town. It's all about that tech flex, feel me? There are mad options for you to get your foot in the door of the tech world.

The Orlando coding bootcamps are blowing up, like Nucamp Coding Bootcamp.

They're dropping some serious knowledge on software dev, cybersecurity, and web design. You can get in and out with a quick 4-week program or go deep with a 22-week sesh.

Nucamp's prices are straight-up affordable, ranging from $458 to $2,905 – way cheaper than the traditional college route.

But if you're more of a long-haul kind of player, you can cop an Associate in Science Degree at spots like Valencia College.

It'll take you two years, but you'll get a solid foundation in your field, and you can even specialize in stuff like plant science and agricultural tech. It's all about options.

The numbers don't lie.

Nearly 80% of bootcamp grads in tech-heavy cities like Orlando are scoring jobs within six months of finishing their program. That's even better than the 74% employment rate for CS degree holders.

Orlando's edu scene is popping off with these fast-paced bootcamps and in-depth degrees, all tailored to the ever-changing tech landscape.

Table of Contents

  • Key Features of Orlando Coding Bootcamps
  • Understanding Traditional Computer Science Degrees in Orlando
  • Comparing Orlando Coding Bootcamps and Computer Science Degrees
  • Making the Decision: Orlando Coding Bootcamp or CS Degree?
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

Key Features of Orlando Coding Bootcamps


Check it out, Orlando's coding bootcamps are straight fire! They've got these intense, skill-focused programs that are all about keeping up with the tech game.

Instead of dragging it out for years, these bootcamps get you job-ready in just a few months.

A whopping 85% of grads landed tech jobs within six months of finishing up, according to a recent survey! They'll hook you up with mentors, career coaching, and dope projects to show off your skills to potential employers.

When you're a student at these bootcamps, you're gonna be in a crew that's all about teamwork and networking.

Sure, it's a grind, but you'll be learning the hottest programming languages and tools out there. Places like UCF Coding Boot Camp and others will get you up to speed on JavaScript, Python, HTML/CSS, SQL, and more, so you'll be ready to slay those tech jobs.

The best part? Orlando bootcamps are constantly updating their curriculums to stay ahead of the curve, unlike those old-school computer science degrees that are stuck in the past.

You won't just be burying your nose in textbooks – it's all about hands-on projects and getting prepped for the real world. Just check out Coding Dojo's approach, where they take you from zero to hero with the latest tech tools that companies are craving.

At the end of the day, these bootcamps are designed to get you out there and crushing it in the tech scene, without having to waste years on a traditional degree.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Understanding Traditional Computer Science Degrees in Orlando


If you're looking to get your computer game on in the O-Town, you got options galore. But those traditional Computer Science (CS) degrees from places like the University of Central Florida (UCF) are where it's at.

They hook you up with the whole shebang – from the nitty-gritty computing principles to exploring other areas like business and health.

Take UCF, for instance.

Their massive $1.8 billion budget means they got a legit Computer Science BS program on deck, along with a whole bunch of other majors. That's the real deal – a traditional CS degree that'll load you up with skills like algorithms, system architecture, and software engineering.

That's the kind of stuff employers go crazy for.

If you're a Florida resident, you can snag a CS degree at one of Orlando's public universities for around $6,000 per year.

Not too shabby, right? And places like UCF have all sorts of programs and research opportunities to get your hands dirty. On the flip side, private colleges like Full Sail University will run you upwards of $30,000 annually.

But hey, they offer accelerated degrees that you can knock out in half the time of traditional programs.

Once you're all graduated and stuff, Orlando's tech scene is poppin' with opportunities.

UCF alone had over 4,000 students snag STEM bachelor's degrees last year. And you know what that means? Entry-level tech jobs paying an average of $60,000 to start! The CS curriculums in Orlando are all about applying that core computer science knowledge to industries like life sciences, engineering, and multimedia.

Sure, most CS degrees take four years to complete, but Full Sail's accelerated programs could have you out there sooner.

At the end of the day, a CS degree in Orlando is a real power move.

As one professor put it,

"A traditional CS degree provides the foundational expertise enabling graduates to thrive in multifaceted tech roles,"

which means you'll be ready to adapt and crush it in the ever-changing tech world.

With the skills you'll gain and the opportunities in this city, getting a CS degree in Orlando is a no-brainer.

Comparing Orlando Coding Bootcamps and Computer Science Degrees


If you're looking to get into tech in Orlando, you've got two major options: coding bootcamps or traditional Computer Science (CS) degrees. Let's break it down:

  • What You'll Learn: Bootcamps teach you practical, job-ready skills for web and mobile development, while CS degrees dive deep into the theoretical side of computer science.
  • Job Prospects: Employers see bootcamp grads as just as prepared as CS degree holders, and these bootcamp guides show impressive job placement rates.
  • Cost: Bootcamps in Orlando can range from $3,500 to $30,000, while a CS degree can be a serious investment, especially for out-of-state students.
  • Flexibility: Bootcamps like Nucamp offer evening and weekend options to fit your schedule, while degree programs are more rigid.

Bootcamps are intense, but they can be a fast track into the tech industry, especially if you're switching careers.

CS degrees offer more comprehensive knowledge and research opportunities, but bootcamp grads make up for it with practical experience and a portfolio to show off their skills.

Orlando's tech scene is hot, and both paths can get you in the game. Just weigh the trade-offs and figure out what works best for you.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Making the Decision: Orlando Coding Bootcamp or CS Degree?


If you're trying to decide between a coding bootcamp in Orlando or going for a traditional Computer Science (CS) degree, you gotta consider the tech scene here.

We've got over 4,200 companies in the area, and it's poppin' with opportunities. If you wanna get right into the action, UCF's Coding Boot Camp offers intense, hands-on training in full stack web development.

The curriculum is designed to match what tech companies need right now. On the other hand, UCF's Computer Science programs are more about setting you up for long-term career growth, with tons of internship and co-op opportunities at the Central Florida Research Park.

The main difference is how quickly you can get those skills.

A bootcamp is short, usually 12-24 weeks, and then you're ready to jump into a tech job with the latest industry skills. Orlando's tech companies dig the practical knowledge bootcamp grads bring to the table, and they're down to hire fresh faces or career changers who are ready to contribute.

But if you go for a CS degree, you're looking at four years of building a solid foundation in theory and design. It's more about gaining that deep technical knowledge that could lead to research or leadership roles in the future.

Money-wise, bootcamps like Tech Elevator are a more affordable option, averaging around $15,000.

That's a way cheaper investment than the crazy costs of a four-year degree, and it means you can switch careers or level up in tech much faster. Of course, the tradeoff is that you might not get that extensive theoretical knowledge.

The good news is that 68% of employers in Orlando see bootcamp credentials as proof that you're job-ready.

But some companies still prefer the depth of knowledge that comes with a CS degree. At the end of the day, the tech scene here needs both types of skills, and whichever path you choose, you'll be tapping into a high-demand career field with tons of room for personal and professional growth.



Let's talk about the coding scene in Orlando and whether bootcamps are the real deal or if you should go for a full-on Computer Science degree. Bootcamps like Tech Elevator and UCF Coding Bootcamps offer an intense, hands-on experience with some solid job placement rates.

Nucamp, for instance, reports a 78% placement rate within nine months of graduating. Not too shabby.

On the flip side, a traditional Computer Science degree from places like UCF gives you a broader programming skillset and a deeper understanding of the theoretical side of things.

Their job placement rate is even higher at 91%, with an average starting salary of $103,000 per year. Pretty sweet, right? Bootcamps are all about getting you job-ready fast, with a focus on practical skills that over 70% of employers dig, according to a 2022 industry report.

But a CS degree might give you an edge for roles that require some serious theoretical know-how. Your long-term career goals will play a big part in which route is best for you.

Bootcamp grads in Orlando have landed gigs at some serious tech companies, proving they can hang. CS degree holders might have an easier path to senior and managerial positions thanks to their more comprehensive education.

But bootcampers are praised for their ability to adapt and hit the ground running. Here's the lowdown on what to consider:

  • Time commitment: Bootcamps can be knocked out in months, while degrees take years.
  • Cost: Bootcamps are generally cheaper than a four-year degree.
  • Career objectives: Some tech roles might favor the depth of a degree, others the practicality of a bootcamp.

Both bootcamps and degrees can get you into the Orlando tech scene.

It all comes down to your personal goals and what employers are looking for. As Jessica Taylor, a Nucamp mentor, puts it: "In the fast-paced tech world, the right education is the one that aligns with where you see yourself tomorrow." Tech is all about constantly learning and evolving, so keep that in mind.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Frequently Asked Questions


What are the key features of Orlando coding bootcamps?

Orlando's coding bootcamps offer intensive, skill-focused curriculums tailored to meet tech industry demands, with condensed timelines, personalized mentorship, robust career placement services, and hands-on projects.

How do Orlando coding bootcamps compare to traditional Computer Science degrees?

Orlando coding bootcamps offer practical, job-ready skills with accelerated timelines and lower costs compared to the more theoretical and comprehensive knowledge base of traditional Computer Science degrees.

What are the job placement rates for Orlando coding bootcamp graduates?

Bootcamp graduates in tech-centric cities like Orlando secure employment at a rate of 79.3% within six months of program completion, outperforming the 74% employment rate of CS degree holders.

What factors should be considered when deciding between an Orlando coding bootcamp and a CS degree?

Consider the curriculum focus, job placement rates, cost analysis, duration, and flexibility. Bootcamps offer practical skills and quicker entry into the tech industry, while CS degrees provide a deeper theoretical foundation and potential opportunities in research and leadership roles.

How does the high-tech corridor in Orlando influence the choice between a coding bootcamp and a CS degree?

The high-tech corridor in Orlando offers over 4,200 companies and abundant opportunities. Bootcamps provide swift entry into the job market with relevant skills, while CS degrees offer a strong theoretical foundation and potential for long-term career growth.

You may be interested in the following topics as well:

  • Learn how the cost of living in Orlando can influence your decision to start a coding bootcamp there.

  • Discover how coding bootcamp graduates in Orlando are excelling with the help of dedicated job placement services.

  • Understanding the financial commitment involved in coding bootcamps is crucial to making an informed decision about your education.

  • Discover how a strategic decision to enroll in a coding bootcamp could be your ticket to significant career enhancement in Orlando's digital economy.


Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible