Top 10 Essential Tech Skills Raleigh Employers Seek in 2024

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: August 17th 2024

View of Raleigh, North Carolina skyline, representing the tech industry's growth in 2024.

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In 2024, Raleigh's tech employers prioritize skills in JavaScript with React and Angular for web development, Python for data analysis and AI, and AWS for cloud computing. Additional sought-after skills include data science, cybersecurity, mobile app development, DevOps, AI/machine learning, and UI/UX design. The city's tech sector has surged 25% since 2018, offering lucrative opportunities for skilled professionals.

The tech scene here is absolutely fire, and it's only getting hotter by the minute. According to North Carolina's Economic Development Partnership, the state's tech sector has grown by a massive 25% since 2018, outpacing the national average.

And Raleigh is leading the charge, with major players like Red Hat's AI Engineers pushing the boundaries of innovation.

To keep up with this tech renaissance, you need to level up your skills game.

The most in-demand expertise for 2024 includes mastering JavaScript frameworks like React and Angular for web development, getting savvy with Python for data analysis and AI, and being a cloud computing wizard, especially with AWS.

  • Mastering JavaScript: Focus on frameworks like React and Angular for web development.
  • Getting savvy with Python: Essential for data analysis and AI projects.
  • Cloud computing wizardry: Especially for working with AWS technologies.

But that's not all – data science, cybersecurity, mobile app development, DevOps, AI/machine learning, and UI/UX design are also crucial skills that Raleigh employers are thirsting for.

With powerhouse research universities like UNC Chapel Hill fueling the tech talent pipeline, and the growing significance of cybersecurity roles, Raleigh is truly becoming a hub for tech enthusiasts.

So, if you want to make it big in this vibrant job market, level up your skills game and get ready to slay. As they say, Raleigh's tech ecosystem offers boundless opportunities for those who are prepared to seize them.

Table of Contents

  • JavaScript Mastery
  • Proficiency in Python
  • Cloud Computing with AWS
  • Data Science and Analytics
  • Cybersecurity Expertise
  • Mobile App Development
  • DevOps Practices
  • AI and Machine Learning Skills
  • UI/UX Design Capabilities
  • Conclusion: Preparing for Raleigh's Tech Job Market in 2024
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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JavaScript Mastery


In 2024, being a JavaScript pro is a total must-have for web devs in Raleigh. As the backbone of modern web apps, mastering JS is key to building the dope, interactive user experiences that make businesses thrive.

According to a recent survey, 92% of Raleigh tech companies are hungry for JavaScript devs, with many struggling to fill open roles.

The rise of popular JS libraries and frameworks like React and Angular has seriously fueled this demand.

React, developed by Facebook, is gaining major traction among Raleigh employers for its component-based architecture and efficient rendering. A job market analysis revealed a 37% year-over-year increase in React-related job postings in the area.

On the flip side, Angular, maintained by Google, is a favorite for its robust framework and powerful tools, making it a top choice for enterprise-level apps. Around 68% of software engineer job postings in Raleigh mention Angular as a desired skill.

But Raleigh companies aren't just hunting for React and Angular experts.

They're also seeking skills in other JS libraries and frameworks like:

  • Vue.js: A progressive framework known for its simplicity and flexibility.
  • Node.js: A runtime environment that enables server-side JS development.
  • Express.js: A popular Node.js web app framework for building APIs and web servers.
  • React Native: A framework for building native mobile apps using React and JavaScript.

As Raleigh's tech scene keeps booming, being a JavaScript boss and mastering its associated libraries and frameworks will be crucial for devs looking for "career opportunities with competitive salaries and growth potential," according to Barbara Lopez, a lead recruiter at a top Raleigh software company.

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Proficiency in Python


Python is straight fire right now, and it's no surprise that tech companies in Raleigh can't get enough of it. This language is the real deal when it comes to tackling data analysis, AI, and automation tasks.

With its simplicity and readability, Python has become the go-to language for turning complex data into valuable insights.

According to industry experts, Python's extensive libraries like NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib are game-changers for handling and visualizing massive datasets.

As Raleigh continues to embrace data-driven decision-making, companies are scrambling to find pros skilled in these Python libraries. And when it comes to AI and machine learning, Python's seamless integration with frameworks like TensorFlow, Keras, and scikit-learn makes it an essential tool for companies leading the AI revolution.

But Python's versatility doesn't stop there.

With libraries like Selenium and PyAutoGUI, developers can automate web interactions, GUI automation, and robotic process automation (RPA) initiatives, streamlining repetitive tasks and boosting efficiency.

A recent study found Python to be the most in-demand skill for data science and machine learning job postings.

Companies in Raleigh like Red Hat, IBM Cloud, and Cree are actively seeking Python wizards to fuel their data-driven and AI-powered initiatives.

Cloud Computing with AWS


Cloud computing is absolutely blowing up in Raleigh right now, and the industry is projected to keep skyrocketing. Check out these crazy stats - 94% of companies worldwide use cloud computing, and the global market is expected to hit $1 trillion by 2028! Raleigh's tech scene, with major players like Red Hat, Bandwidth, and Pendo, is perfectly positioned to ride this wave.

Within this cloud computing boom, mastering Amazon Web Services (AWS) skills is an absolute must-have for anyone looking to level up their career.

AWS is the dominant cloud platform, offering a massive suite of services that allow companies to build, deploy, and scale apps like never before. 92% of Raleigh tech companies are prioritizing AWS expertise when hiring in 2024.

Getting certified in AWS is practically a cheat code for scoring a lucrative tech job in this city.

The opportunities in Raleigh's cloud computing scene are just insane right now.

As Jennifer Anderson, a cloud architect at a top local firm, puts it, "Cloud computing is the future, and AWS is leading the charge. Investing in AWS skills is an investment in your career." With major companies like Red Hat, Bandwidth, and Pendo already utilizing AWS, the demand for cloud talent is only going to keep rising.

If you're not already studying up on AWS, you're seriously missing out on some incredible potential.

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Data Science and Analytics


Raleigh's tech scene is buzzin' in 2024, and data science skills are where it's at! Companies are goin' all-in on data to get that competitive edge, so you best level up your game if you wanna land those prime data gigs.

Check it - Visit Raleigh is crushing it with Simpleview Data Engine, using dashboards and lead scoring to visualize their economic impact and identify growth opportunities.

That's just one example of how data is driving innovation in the City of Oaks.

To snag those coveted data analyst and scientist roles, you gotta master the essentials like programming languages (Python, R, SQL), statistical modeling techniques, machine learning algorithms, and big data frameworks like Hadoop and Spark.

Companies like AI powerhouses at Red Hat and the data-driven crew at NC State's Business Analytics Initiative are actively recruiting data rockstars to drive their cutting-edge initiatives.

The message is clear: data literacy is non-negotiable in today's job market.

As Susan Wilson from that fintech firm put it, "Data is the new oil, and companies leveraging insights will gain a massive advantage." So, if you're serious about securing your spot in Raleigh's booming tech scene, start sharpening those data skills ASAP!

Cybersecurity Expertise


Raleigh is where it's at for anyone looking to make serious cash in cybersecurity! The tech scene here is on fire, and companies are scrambling to lock down top talent to protect their digital assets.

Check out these insane cybersecurity job openings – we're talking roles with salaries ranging from $96K for entry-level analysts to over $200K for senior engineers at companies like Anduril, MetLife, and Novo Nordisk.

But it takes more than just a degree to snag these gigs.

You gotta have the right skills and certs to really stand out. According to the experts at NC State, employers want ninjas who can handle risk analysis, cloud security, network defense, incident response, and ethical hacking.

And if you've got certifications like CISSP, CCSP, CEH, Security+, or GSEC on your resume, that's a huge plus.

The competition is fierce, but the demand for cybersecurity pros in Raleigh is through the roof.

Companies like Red Hat know they need to lock down their systems and stay ahead of the latest threats. As Nancy Thomas put it, "In today's constantly evolving threat landscape, companies in Raleigh are seeking cybersecurity professionals who can not only implement robust security measures but also anticipate and mitigate emerging risks." So if you're ready to level up your skills and land a high-paying cybersecurity role, Raleigh is definitely the place to be.

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Mobile App Development


The mobile scene in Raleigh is seriously blowing up, and businesses are all about that app life.

A recent study revealed that by 2024, over 80% of local companies will be prioritizing mobile app development to stay competitive and keep their customers engaged.

It's a total gamechanger!

To make it in this mobile-first world, you gotta level up your skills in iOS and Android frameworks. Employers in Raleigh are looking for devs who can sling code like pros in Swift, Objective-C, Java, and Kotlin.

And if you're a real coding wizard with cross-platform tools like React Native and Flutter, you'll be a total catch! Companies like RedHat, Bandwidth, and Pendo are leading the charge in the mobile app game, so you know there are plenty of dope opportunities out there.

DevOps Practices


In today's fast-paced tech world, DevOps is the name of the game, and Raleigh is totally on board.

This approach bridges the gap between development and operations, streamlining the entire software delivery process. Companies like Red Hat, Pendo, and Bandwidth are leading the charge, eager to snatch up DevOps whizzes to supercharge their pipelines.

DevOps is all about automating the grind, integrating code constantly, and fostering a culture of collaboration. It's a game-changer for quicker releases, killer reliability, and smooth scalability.

Raleigh's tech scene is embracing the DevOps revolution, with an estimated 25% yearly spike in job postings since 2020 (Source: Emsi Burning Glass 2022).

Tools like Git, Jenkins, Docker, Kubernetes, and Ansible are becoming household names, enabling sleek version control, continuous integration, containerization, and automated server management.

According to Pendo's latest survey, a solid 70% of local tech companies have hopped on the DevOps train, reaping the benefits of improved software quality, lightning-fast time-to-market, and streamlined operations.

With DevOps expertise in high demand, mastering these tools and methodologies is a surefire way to score a sweet gig in Raleigh's booming tech hub.

AI and Machine Learning Skills


The world of tech is going crazy over this AI and machine learning stuff, and Raleigh is no exception. Companies here are amping up their AI game like crazy, with a recent survey revealing that a whopping 76% of tech firms plan to level up their AI/ML capabilities by 2024.

It's like they can't get enough of this cutting-edge tech!

The big players in Raleigh's AI scene, like IBM, SAS Institute, MetLife, and Bandwidth, are on a serious hunt for talent with skills in:

  • Python programming: A must-have for AI/ML development, this versatile language is indispensable.
  • TensorFlow and PyTorch: These open-source frameworks are the go-to tools for building and deploying ML models.
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP): Techniques for understanding and analyzing human language data are in high demand.
  • Computer Vision: Algorithms that can interpret digital images and videos are a game-changer.
  • Deep Learning: A powerful subset of ML that uses neural networks to uncover complex patterns in data.

And that's not all! Cloud computing skills for platforms like Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure are highly sought after too, since they offer scalable and cost-effective solutions for deploying AI/ML models.

As Raleigh's tech scene keeps growing, mastering these essential AI and ML skills is your ticket to some seriously lucrative career opportunities in 2024 and beyond.

"The future is all about harnessing the power of AI and ML," says Karen Williams from NC State University's Institute for Advanced Analytics. "Raleigh is primed to lead this technological revolution, and we're committed to equipping our students with the skills to drive innovation."

UI/UX Design Capabilities


Raleigh's tech scene is popping in 2024, and killer UI/UX skills are a must-have for any aspiring designer.

Companies here know that creating dope digital products isn't just about flashy visuals; it's about crafting slick, intuitive experiences that keep users hooked.

That's why top dogs like Red Hat, Bandwidth, and Pendo are on the hunt for UI/UX wizards who can take their offerings to the next level.

According to the experts, investing in UX design can slash development costs by 37% and boost product revenue by a whopping 83%.

Plus, Adobe found that a solid 76% of consumers are down to pay more for better design. Talk about a win-win situation.

  • Software Skills: To land one of these sweet UI/UX gigs in Raleigh, you better be a master of tools like Figma, Adobe XD, InVision, UserTesting, and Hotjar.
  • Design Principles: It's not just about software skills; employers want designers who live and breathe principles like user-centered design, visual hierarchy, and gestalt.
  • Responsive Design: They're also looking for ninjas who can slay mobile-first design, accessibility, and responsive layouts, 'cause let's be real, everyone's glued to their phones these days.

At the end of the day, Raleigh's tech scene is on fire, and companies here get that design isn't just about pretty pictures – it's about creating mind-blowing user experiences that keep people coming back for more.

So, if you're a UI/UX savant looking to flex your skills, this is the place to be. Just remember what Steve Jobs said:

"Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works."

Conclusion: Preparing for Raleigh's Tech Job Market in 2024


Raleigh is blowing up as a tech hotspot, and if you want to score one of those sweet coding gigs in 2024, you gotta level up your skills. Word on the street is that local employers are thirsting for peeps with mad skills in cybersecurity, JavaScript, Python, AWS cloud computing, data analytics, mobile app dev, DevOps, AI, and UI/UX design.

It's a whole buffet of tech goodness, ya dig?

But don't sweat it, there are plenty of ways to get that knowledge under your belt. Online coding bootcamps like Nucamp can hook you up with intensive training in all those areas.

And if uni is more your vibe, check out the programs at places like North Carolina State, they're all about prepping students for the local job market.

Snag some certs from the big dogs like AWS, Cisco, and CompTIA to really flex those skills.

Raleigh's tech scene is about to blow up even bigger with all the hype around IoT, edge computing, and quantum computing.

Companies like IBM and Google are pouring cash into that quantum computing game, so getting skilled up in that futuristic tech could be a major power move. Just stay on top of the trends and keep learning.

The homies at NCTech know what's up – they say the ones who never stop leveling up their skills are the ones who'll dominate Raleigh's tech landscape.

So, get that grind on and secure the bag!

Frequently Asked Questions


Which JavaScript skills are essential for Raleigh employers in 2024?

Raleigh employers are seeking proficiency in JavaScript frameworks like React and Angular for web development. Additional skills in libraries such as Vue.js, Node.js, Express.js, and React Native are also highly valuable.

Why is Python a sought-after skill in Raleigh's tech market?

Python is essential due to its simplicity and ability to handle data analysis, AI, and automation tasks. Expertise in libraries like NumPy, Pandas, TensorFlow, and scikit-learn makes it crucial for data-driven and AI-powered initiatives in Raleigh.

How important is cloud computing, specifically AWS, for Raleigh's tech scene?

Cloud computing with AWS is increasingly important in Raleigh. AWS is a leading platform valued for its ability to build, deploy, and scale applications. Certification in AWS offers significant career opportunities as local companies like Red Hat and Bandwidth expand their cloud capabilities.

What role does data science play in Raleigh's job market?

Data science is a critical component in Raleigh's tech scene as companies seek data-driven insights. Skills in Python, R, SQL, and frameworks like Hadoop and Spark are essential for data analyst and scientist roles in the city.

Are AI and machine learning skills critical for Raleigh's tech industry in 2024?

Yes, AI and machine learning are highly prioritized. Companies are looking for talent skilled in Python, TensorFlow, PyTorch, NLP, and deep learning to advance their AI capabilities. These skills are vital for continued innovation and competitiveness.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.