How to Land a Remote Tech Job from San Bernardino: A Step-by-Step Guide

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: August 18th 2024

San Bernardino cityscape representing remote tech job opportunities in California, US.

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To land a remote tech job in San Bernardino, capitalize on the city's 35% growth in remote roles since 2020. Sharpen skills in Python, Java, AWS, and cybersecurity. Customize your resume to highlight expertise in logistics, healthcare, and e-commerce. Network through local meetups like RC Tech Forum and enhance your online presence. Prepare thoroughly for virtual interviews by understanding regional industries and demonstrating proficiency in remote collaboration. Stay strategic and immersed in San Bernardino's dynamic tech scene for success.

San Bernardino's remote tech scene is getting seriously lit, and major players like GXO and Tilly's are on the hunt for remote tech wizards.

Word on the street is that remote gigs in San Bern have skyrocketed by like 35% since 2020, according to the county's Workforce peeps. Companies are digging the flexibility and cost savings of letting techies work from home, and you don't have to be tied down to the 909 to land one of these sweet remote roles.

Table of Contents

  • Building Your Skillset for Success in San Bernardino
  • Crafting a San Bernardino-specific Tech Resume and Portfolio
  • Networking in the San Bernardino Tech Community
  • Preparing for Remote Tech Interviews from San Bernardino
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

  • Explore various Educational Pathways that will set you on the right track to a prosperous tech career.

Building Your Skillset for Success in San Bernardino


San Bernardino's tech scene is heating up, and remote jobs are where it's at.

But to score one of those sweet gigs, you gotta level up your skills. The Inland Empire is battling for more high-tech businesses, and they need peeps who can handle the latest tools and tech.

So, what kind of skills are in demand? Well, coding is a no-brainer – languages like Python, Java, JavaScript, and C++ are must-haves.

But you also need to be a web dev wizard, with skills in HTML, CSS, React, and Angular. And don't sleep on cloud computing – AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud are game-changers.

Data analysis is also huge, so get familiar with SQL, Python, R, and Tableau. And cybersecurity? That's a massive deal, with employers looking for experts in network security, ethical hacking, and risk management.

To level up, check out local resources like Cal State San Bernardino's Extend Programs or online courses from places like Coursera and Udemy.

And if you want a comprehensive bootcamp experience, Nucamp's got you covered with training in web dev, data analysis, and cloud computing.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Crafting a San Bernardino-specific Tech Resume and Portfolio


Let's get this resume and portfolio on point for those rad San Bernardino tech jobs! The homies at Cal State San Bernardino know what's up – customizing your stuff is key to landing that remote gig.

68% of local tech companies want to see you killing it with industry-specific skills and solid experience. To really make your mark, flex those muscles in:

  • Logistics and Supply Chain Management: With giants like Amazon and Walmart running distribution centers, skills in optimizing supply chains, managing inventory systems, and crunching data analytics are straight fire.
  • Healthcare Technology: San Bernardino's healthcare realm needs you rocking electronic health records (EHR) systems, medical billing software, and keeping that healthcare data secure, you understand?
  • E-commerce and Digital Marketing: As online shopping keeps booming, companies are thirsty for talent who can slay platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, SEO tactics, and digital marketing metrics.

But it's not just about the tech know-how.

Remote gigs demand you level up your communication game, stay self-motivated, and collaborate virtually like a boss.

Highlight any remote work experiences, online courses, or certs that show you're ready to crush it from home. As Charles Jones, CEO of TechBridge Consulting in San Bernardino, says,

"A killer portfolio showcasing your remote collaboration and project management skills can give you a serious edge."

Technical Skills Soft Skills
Programming languages (Python, Java, SQL) Time management
Cloud computing (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud) Virtual communication
Cybersecurity protocols Self-discipline
When you customize your resume and portfolio for San Bernardino's tech scene, you'll be landing that dream remote job in no time!

Networking in the San Bernardino Tech Community


Alright, so you want to land a sweet remote tech gig while chillin' in San Bernardino? No worries, the hustle starts with networking your way into the local tech scene.

Check out dope meetups like the RC Tech Forum and Tech-O-Tuesday, where you can vibe with fellow coders, entrepreneurs, and investors over some tacos and brews.

These events are prime for making connections that could unlock remote job opportunities.

But don't stop there! Join online communities like the Tech-O-Tuesday Tech Meetup group on Meetup and the San Bernardino Software Developers group on Facebook.

These virtual spaces are hotspots for job postings, industry buzz, and networking with like-minded techies from all over.

Now, here's where it gets real: level up your game by attending epic tech conferences like the Inland Empire Tech Leaders Forum.

Not only will you connect with industry bigwigs, but you'll also get a chance to showcase your skills and stay ahead of the curve. And don't forget about hackathons like SBHackers – they're perfect for flexing your coding muscles and impressing potential employers.

As you navigate these events, remember to exchange those digits, follow up, and offer a hand whenever you can.

And most importantly, keep that LinkedIn profile fresh – it's your digital calling card in the tech world. With a solid network and a killer online presence, you'll be landing that dream remote gig in no time!

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Preparing for Remote Tech Interviews from San Bernardino


If you want to nail those remote tech interviews with San Bernardino companies, you gotta be strategic.

First things first, do your homework on the company - check out their tech stack, products, and services. The Career Center at Cal State San Bernardino says most hiring managers prioritize candidates with relevant technical skills over those with generic knowledge.

For virtual interviews, make sure your tech is on point - stable internet, webcam, and mic. Here's how to rock that online presence:

  • Body Language: Keep eye contact by looking straight into the camera, sit up straight, and minimize distracting movement.
  • Professional Setting: Find a quiet, well-lit room with a clean background, no clutter or noise.
  • Practice: Do mock interviews with friends or family to rehearse your responses and get comfortable with the virtual format.

Did you know that 88% of companies use video interviews now? That's according to a Glassdoor report, so virtual prep is crucial.

Also, get familiar with San Bernardino's major industries like logistics, manufacturing, and healthcare, so you can tailor your responses. As Patricia Jackson, a local tech recruiter said,

"Candidates who understand our regional business landscape and can show how their skills fit our needs are highly valued."

Before the interview, prepare insightful questions about the company's culture, growth plans, and remote work policies to demonstrate your genuine interest and thoughtfulness.

With the right prep tactics, you'll crush those remote tech interviews and stand out from the competition for San Bernardino tech jobs.

Frequently Asked Questions


What skills are in demand for remote tech jobs in San Bernardino?

Coding skills are essential, with Python, Java, JavaScript, and C++ being must-haves. Web development expertise in HTML, CSS, React, and Angular is crucial. Skills in cloud computing (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud), data analysis using SQL, Python, R, and Tableau, and cybersecurity expertise in network security and ethical hacking are highly sought after.

How can I build a strong tech resume and portfolio for San Bernardino companies?

Customizing your resume and portfolio to highlight industry-specific skills and experiences is key. Focus on areas like logistics and supply chain management, healthcare technology, and e-commerce. Emphasize remote work experience, online courses, and certifications. Highlight technical skills along with soft skills like time management and virtual communication.

What networking opportunities are available for tech professionals in San Bernardino?

Join local meetups like the RC Tech Forum and Tech-O-Tuesday, and participate in online communities on Meetup and Facebook. Attend tech conferences and hackathons such as SBHackers to network with industry leaders and showcase your skills. Maintain an updated LinkedIn profile as part of your networking strategy.

How can I prepare for remote tech interviews with San Bernardino companies?

Research the company's tech stack, products, and services, and tailor your responses to relevant industries like logistics and healthcare. Ensure stable internet, webcam, and mic are set up for virtual interviews. Focus on professional body language, setting, and practice mock interviews. Know about the company's culture and remote policies.

What are the benefits of working remotely in the tech industry in San Bernardino?

Remote tech jobs in San Bernardino offer flexibility and cost savings for both employers and employees. The demand for remote roles has increased by 35% since 2020, driven by companies' interest in flexible work arrangements. This environment allows workers to balance personal life while working in a thriving tech scene.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.