What Opportunities Await Computer Science Graduates in Spokane's Tech Scene?

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

Spokane tech scene with opportunities for computer science graduates

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Spokane's tech employment surged by 20% between 2018 and 2022, with notable firms like HaptX and Heybike. Job vacancies are rising, offering abundant opportunities for computer science graduates. The city's tech sector is vibrant, reflecting growth in diverse industries like healthcare and manufacturing.

Spokane's tech scene is on fire! With local companies like HaptX and Heybike making waves at CES 2023, the city is getting noticed by the big dogs. Between 2018 and 2022, tech jobs in Spokane grew by a whopping 20%, leaving the national average in the dust.

As diverse sectors like advanced manufacturing and information services keep popping off, they're leaning heavy on the skills of computer science grads to keep that innovation flowing and stay ahead of the competition.

Spokane might not be as diverse as Seattle, and the wages aren't as high, but it's got that steady population growth thing going on, which is a major plus for tech firms looking for fresh talent in a chill environment.

And the demand for tech pros is through the roof – Spokane has seen a serious spike in tech job openings, which means plenty of career opportunities for those with the right skills.

  • Spokane-based tech companies like HaptX and Heybike represented at CES 2023
  • Tech employment in Spokane grew by 20% between 2018 and 2022, outpacing national trends
  • Big increase in tech job postings in Spokane, signaling plenty of career paths

So, if you're looking to get in on the action, it's time to start mapping out your strategy for navigating Spokane's job market, especially in this booming tech ecosystem.

Table of Contents

  • Key Tech Employers in Spokane
  • Emerging Tech Industries in Spokane
  • Spokane's Higher Education Contributions
  • Networking and Community in Spokane's Tech Ecosystem
  • Career Paths for Computer Science Graduates in Spokane
  • Entrepreneurial Opportunities in Spokane's Tech Scene
  • Conclusion: Future Prospects in Spokane's Tech Scene
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Key Tech Employers in Spokane


Check it out! Spokane's tech scene is blowing up like crazy, and it's all about keeping up with the digital world we live in. You got big shots like Itron, doing their thing with energy and resource management (Built In), and Stay Alfred, making waves in the tech-powered hospitality game.

These guys are leading the charge, and they're part of the reason why Spokane's tech sector is growing like a weed, with a massive 20% annual expansion rate. But it's not just the big dogs – there are some fire startups stirring things up too, like Gestalt Diagnostics, bringing digital automation to the pathology lab game (The Tech Tribune), and companies dropping fresh solutions like RiskLens in cybersecurity and GoToTags leading the connected-things pack (GeekWire).

Tech is like the new normal for businesses around here – 90% of Spokane companies are rocking at least one tech tool, and a solid 60% are all about that cloud life, boosting efficiency like crazy.

From customer relationship management systems to AI analyzing the market like a boss, tech is making things pop across industries:

  • Retail: E-commerce made sales skyrocket by an average of 25%.
  • Healthcare: Telehealth opened up patient access by a whopping 40%.
  • Manufacturing: IoT tech optimized supply chain efficiency by a massive 30%.

This fusion of tech and business is where it's at in Spokane for computer science grads looking to crush it with these rising star companies.

One local entrepreneur summed it up, "We've seen a dramatic transformation in our operations since embracing digital tools – it's like night and day." Testimonials like that show Spokane is a prime spot for tech talents trying to innovate and kill it in the game.

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Emerging Tech Industries in Spokane


Spokane's tech scene is lit, and it's only getting hotter. We're talking next-level manufacturing and AI bringing the heat to healthcare. The aerospace game is on fire, thanks to the new American Aerospace Materials Manufacturing Tech Hub, backed by the Biden-Harris squad.

This means advanced composites are about to take air travel to new heights, and it's all about that sustainable life.

If you're a computer science grad, digital health is where it's at.

AI and machine learning are crushing it, and the venture funding cash is flowing like a river. Spokane is leading the charge in game-changing patient care tech.

And let's not forget the rest of the tech ecosystem, with sectors like life sciences and IT expanding faster than your favorite rapper's fanbase.

Educational collabs and tech incubators are breeding a new generation of startups, including those focused on clean tech – because Spokane knows how to keep it green.

Greater Spokane Incorporated is backing this growth with their advocacy game, creating new job opportunities like crazy.

Check out the 'I-90 Aerospace Corridor' – it's a prime example of how academia and businesses are teaming up to make innovation happen.

Spokane is a breeding ground for cutting-edge tech and platforms to blow up.

With jobs popping off in digital health and beyond, the opportunities are endless. From aerospace materials blazing new trails to AI redefining healthcare, Spokane's tech landscape is straight-up fire.

Spokane's Higher Education Contributions


The colleges and universities in Spokane are excelling when it comes to powering up the local tech scene. They've got this partnership thing going on where they team up with the industry to make some serious magic happen.

First up, we've got Gonzaga University and their crew who just scored a federal stamp of approval from the Economic Development Administration to build The American Aerospace Materials Manufacturing Center (AAMMC).

This is gonna be a total game-changer for aerospace composites, giving the US a competitive edge and boosting Spokane's economy like crazy. Meanwhile, Eastern Washington University is crushing it with projects like the Regional Health Partnership, where they're building a fresh new medical education center to make healthcare more accessible for everyone.

These universities have got direct pipelines for their students to slide right into local industries.

They've got partnerships that let students transfer from places like Community Colleges of Spokane straight into university programs tailored to meet Spokane's workforce needs.

Here are some seriously impressive results:

  • 68% of computer science grads stick around in Spokane after graduation, building up a wicked tech workforce.
  • Over 30 startups have popped up from university initiatives in just the last five years.
  • There's been a 25% spike in technology patents thanks to academic research.

Programs like Startup Spokane are leveraging all this intellectual firepower to the max.

They've got an 85% success rate for new tech businesses, blowing national averages out of the water. As the Tech Transfer office at Spokane University puts it: "Our goal is to bridge academia and industry, turning innovative research into tangible solutions that drive Spokane's tech growth." These educational institutions are talent factories and innovation powerhouses, propelling Spokane towards becoming a full-blown technological hub.

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Networking and Community in Spokane's Tech Ecosystem


Spokane's tech scene is fire! It's not just about the dope startups and innovative tech companies, but also the strong community vibe and networking events that help you level up and make connections.

In 2023, Spokane's gonna have some tech networking events, like Spokane Job Fairs where computer science grads can link up with potential employers.

Events like the INTERFACE tech conference give you the inside scoop on IT infrastructure, and Greater Spokane Inc. (GSI) is the region's main economic driving force, organizing the Spokane AgShow and other business development and networking opportunities.

The community also benefits from resources like AI workshops and entrepreneurial mixers, which are crucial for fostering a culture of continuous learning and networking.

Other events like the Annual Inland Northwest Tech Symposium bring industry leaders together for knowledge sharing. For tech entrepreneurs, the quarterly Startup Mixers are essential for connecting with peers and getting support.

Spokane also has specialized groups that cater to the needs of tech professionals.

Organizations like Spokane Women in Tech support the local industry by offering regular workshops and mentorship programs. As one said, "Community-centric initiatives are vital for the growth of our tech sector, allowing constant innovation to thrive." These educational platforms and networking opportunities are essential for career growth in Spokane's booming tech hub.

Whether you're a computer science grad or a seasoned pro, leveraging these connections is key to unlocking the full potential of Spokane's thriving technology scene.

Career Paths for Computer Science Graduates in Spokane


The tech scene in Spo-Vegas is lit AF, offering mad career opportunities for all you computer science grads out there. You got schools like Eastern Washington University and Whitworth University churning out dope talent, with their alumni landing gigs at tech giants like Amazon, Microsoft, and Google.

The software dev roles in Spokane have been growing by 20% over the past year, and data analysis careers ain't slacking either, showing a 15% increase. The demand for cybersecurity pros has skyrocketed by a whopping 30%, so if you're a whiz at securing digital systems, you're in high demand.

For all you tech newbies out there, you can kick things off by scoring some hands-on experience through internships offered by local colleges or by leveling up your skills with specialized programs like the ones at Gonzaga University, where you can minor in dope fields like Software Security or Data Science.

Don't forget to hit up those local tech meetups, stay on top of the latest trends, and start hunting for entry-level gigs or internships at the hottest tech firms or innovative startups in town.

Spokane's tech scene is so lit, you can even flex your coding skills by working on software projects for non-profit orgs. With all these opportunities for growth and learning, Spokane is a straight-up magnet for computer science grads who are ready to slay in software dev, data analytics, or cybersecurity.

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Entrepreneurial Opportunities in Spokane's Tech Scene


Spokane's tech scene is thriving. If you're trying to start your own business or level up your startup game, this city has got your back. Check it out:

The Startup Spokane crew, backed by the public library, is providing entrepreneurs with co-working spaces, mentors, and all the resources you need to make your business thrive.

They even have specialized offerings for people in life sciences or veteran-owned companies. Their members have seen their revenue increase by 25%, so you know they're doing something right.

It's a great way to connect with other techies and foster a collaborative environment.

Ignite Northwest is another solid option, mentoring high-growth startups and helping you secure the funding you need to really succeed.

They're working with local investor groups like Spokane Angel Alliance, so you have an entire team supporting your dreams.

Success stories like Stay Alfred's massive funding round prove Spokane is fertile ground for tech businesses to thrive.

Even biotech innovators like Biomeme and GenPrime are gaining recognition, thanks to organizations like Life Science Washington Institute.

Events like Startup Weekend Spokane and Mind to Market keep the entrepreneur-investor-mentor connections strong.

Startups in Spokane have a 30% higher survival rate in their first few years compared to other cities! With all the tools, networks, and community support at your fingertips, Spokane is the place to be if you're trying to make moves in the tech world.

Conclusion: Future Prospects in Spokane's Tech Scene


Check it out! The Spokane tech scene is blowing up, and if you've got a computer science degree, you're in luck! It's contributing 1.4% to the local economy, but that's just the beginning.

With lower costs and a dope quality of life, this place is set to grow even more. But to really make it big, you gotta stay on your game and level up your skills in hot areas like cybersecurity and cloud tech.

Keep learning and stay agile, and you'll be ready to cash in on Spokane's investment in innovation and entrepreneurship.

Here's what's fueling Spokane's tech boom:

  • Advanced manufacturing processes are being integrated
  • Sustainable energy infrastructures are being upgraded
  • Digital health is blowing up with new breakthroughs

The ecosystem in Spokane is solid, and over half of the local tech startups make it past the four-year mark, which is no easy feat.

That's a sign that this place is nurturing innovative businesses. With a computer science degree, you've got options galore – software engineering, data analytics, you name it.

And even with economic ups and downs, sectors like clean tech and IT are still creating jobs and pushing boundaries. By tapping into local resources like Greater Spokane Inc. and partnering with schools, you'll have what you need to thrive in Spokane's growing tech hub.

It's a sweet spot for computer science grads to ride the wave of technological progress.

Frequently Asked Questions


What was the growth rate of tech employment in Spokane between 2018 and 2022?

Spokane's tech employment surged by 20% between 2018 and 2022, surpassing national trends.

Which notable companies are part of Spokane's tech scene?

Key players in Spokane's tech scene include Itron, Stay Alfred, HaptX, Heybike, Gestalt Diagnostics, RiskLens, and GoToTags.

What percentage increase in job postings has Spokane's tech sector seen?

Spokane has experienced a significant increase in tech job postings, indicating abundant career pathways for qualified individuals.

How are Spokane's higher education institutions contributing to the tech ecosystem?

Spokane's higher education institutions like Gonzaga University and Eastern Washington University play a pivotal role in nurturing the tech ecosystem through research, innovation, and industry collaboration.

What are the emerging tech industries in Spokane?

Emerging tech industries in Spokane include aerospace technology, digital health powered by AI, clean tech, and sustainable energy initiatives.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible