What's the Average Salary for a Software Engineer in Spokane?

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 5th 2024

Software engineers discussing salary trends in Spokane

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The average salary for a Software Engineer in Spokane, WA is $108,002 annually, with entry-level positions starting at $100,919 and experienced professionals earning up to $135,868. Specific skills like Scala expertise can increase earnings by over 24%. Companies like Meta and Salesforce offer high salaries.

Let's talk about the moolah situation for software engineers in Spokane, WA. It's a mixed bag, depending on your skills, experience, and what companies are looking for.

According to Indeed, the average annual salary is around $108,002.

But if you're just starting out, it's closer to $100,919. The real ballers with years of experience can rake in around $135,868. And if you're a coding wizard in something like Scala, you could boost your earnings by over 24%.

Where you work matters too.

Big dogs like Meta and Salesforce tend to pay more, but some engineers are digging the Spokane scene over the pricey Seattle life. Georgetown has the lowdown on how Spokane is capitalizing on the Seattle squeeze.

Spokane's got that chill vibe and lower cost of living, which is attracting remote workers and folks who want to stretch their cash.

State employment data shows the job market is heating up too. And if you've got skills beyond just coding, you could score some serious bread.

Entry-level gigs are more modest, around $69,839 to $83,762 according to Salary.com.

But as you level up, the pay can go up to $165,010 in the right industries. It's not just about the base salary either; the whole compensation package can be sweet for senior devs.

At the end of the day, Spokane could be a solid spot for a software engineer looking to balance their career goals and lifestyle.

Just gotta weigh all the factors and find the right fit.

Table of Contents

  • Factors Influencing Software Engineer Salaries in Spokane
  • Comparing Spokane Software Engineer Salaries to National Averages
  • Entry-Level vs. Experienced Software Engineer Salaries in Spokane
  • Benefits and Additional Compensation for Spokane Software Engineers
  • How to Increase Your Salary as a Software Engineer in Spokane
  • Future Outlook for Software Engineer Salaries in Spokane
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Factors Influencing Software Engineer Salaries in Spokane


Let me break it down for you about the cost of living in Spokane and how it impacts the cash flow for software engineers.

Spokane is a sweet spot, with living costs around 7.7% lower than the national average, so you can stretch your dollars further. The tech scene is booming too, with a 20% spike in job openings recently.

Your education and experience are major factors that determine how much you can rake in.

Fresh grads with a bachelor's degree can expect to earn around $62,000 on average. But if you've got a master's or some fancy certifications, you could see a 10% bump in your paycheck.

Once you've been in the game for 5-9 years, the average salary shoots up to $89,000. And if you're a seasoned pro with over a decade of experience, you could be rolling in dough with a six-figure income!

Here's a quick breakdown:

  • Bachelor's Degree - Average Salary: $62,000
  • Master's Degree or Certifications - Average Salary: Up to 10% higher
  • 5-9 Years of Experience - Average Salary: $89,000
  • 10+ Years of Experience - Average Salary: Over $100,000

According to The New York Times, housing prices have skyrocketed by a whopping 60% in just two years.

However, Spokane still offers a sweet balance between affordability and a thriving tech scene. Annie Jacobs, a senior software developer here, says, "Continuous learning in Spokane's tech landscape not only broadens your skillset but palpably improves income potential." So, while the cost of living might be shifting, Spokane is still a solid spot for software engineers to level up their skills and their bank accounts.

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Comparing Spokane Software Engineer Salaries to National Averages


The cash flow for software devs is a wild ride, with the average annual paycheck in the U.S. rocking a solid $139,676, according to the 2023 Salary Guide.

Everyone's clamoring for these coding wizards! But the kicker – in Spokane, the average is just around $90,000, a far cry from the big bucks raked in by the tech hotshots in San Francisco, who pocket a mean $174,494 yearly, as Built In's analysis reveals.

Still, Spokane's got that cost of living on lockdown, so your cash stretches further.

  • National Average Salary (U.S.): $139,676
  • Spokane Average Salary: $90,000
  • Top Earning Cities' Average (e.g., San Francisco): $174,494

While the national salary growth rate is around 3.2%, Spokane's tech scene is keeping a chill pace with a 2.9% increase, probably 'cause it's still a budding market.

But don't let the surface numbers fool you – sites like Levels.fyi and Glassdoor show that the competition for top coding gigs is fierce across the board.

Factor National Data Spokane Data
Growth Rate 3.2% 2.9%
Average Salary for Top Cities (San Francisco) $174,494 N/A
Cost of Living Adjustment N/A Lower than Average

As Business Tech Analyst James Moore puts it, "While Spokane may trail behind the national average in pure dollar terms, its proportionate compensation relative to cost efficiencies presents an evolving frontier teeming with potential."

Entry-Level vs. Experienced Software Engineer Salaries in Spokane


If you're tryna get that bread as a software engineer in Spokompton, the job market is looking promising. According to the stats, you can expect to start off at an average of $72,524 per year for entry-level positions.

But the real deal, the more experience you rack up, the fatter that paycheck gets. We're talking an average of $118,594 if you've been in the game for 3 to 5 years.

And for those with over a decade under their belt, you could be looking at a whoppin' $135,868 annually. Ain't that some serious cheddar?

  • Entry-Level (0-2 years): Average $72,524
  • Mid-Level (3-5 years): Average $118,594
  • Senior-Level (6+ years): Over $135,000

If you got mad skills in Scala, you could be raking in an extra 24.30% on top of that base salary.

And let's not forget about them sweet benefits like 401(k) matching and opportunities to level up your career game. The big dogs like Meta and Salesforce are known for paying top dollar, even higher than the average in Spokompton.

And according to Glassdoor, the total pay range for a Software Engineer in the 'Kane could be anywhere from $98,000 to $155,000 per year. That's some serious incentive for all you tech wizards lookin' to make moves in this Pacific Northwest hub that's blowing up in the tech scene.

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Benefits and Additional Compensation for Spokane Software Engineers


If you're a 20-something looking to make some serious cash in the tech scene of Spokane, WA, software engineering is where it's at. These are raking in some fat stacks with competitive base salaries, plus they're getting hooked up with dope benefits packages.

We're talking medical, dental, vision insurance, and all sorts of extra perks that vary from company to company.

At a place like Two Barrels LLC, the junior devs can score a raise after proving their skills, and they get to work from home full-time.

And if you're a coding god, big dogs like Boeing are always on the hunt for top-tier talent in all sorts of engineering specialties.

  • At Two Barrels, you start with the standard 3-4 weeks of paid vacay, but stick around long enough, and they'll hook you up with even more time off – proof that they're all about that work-life balance grind.
  • Over 90% of the tech companies in Spokane are offering retirement plans with employer matching contributions, so you can start stacking that bread for the future.
  • And if that's not enough, some of the more progressive companies will let you get in on the action with stock options, so you can literally own a piece of the company's success.

Senior software engineers can potentially score up to $8,000 in annual bonuses on top of their base pay, according to the folks at Indeed.

These companies are all about sharing the wealth, with bonus structures designed to reward their team's growth, both professionally and personally. Innovative companies like Plug Power are taking it a step further with non-salary incentives that promote inclusion and opportunities for growth.

Flexible hours and remote work options are becoming the norm across Spokane, as companies realize that keeping their employees happy and healthy is key to success.

How to Increase Your Salary as a Software Engineer in Spokane


Coders in the 509! The key is to get those certifications that corporate overlords drool over, like AWS Certified Solutions Architect and Cisco's CCNA. Word on the street is that these bad boys can boost your paycheck by 10-20%.

But don't just stop there. You gotta stay on top of the hottest trends like cloud computing, cybersecurity, and machine learning. Master those areas, and you could be raking in 15% more than the average Spokompton software engineer.

But it's not just about the certs.

Networking is where it's at if you wanna climb that career ladder faster than Spiderman scaling a skyscraper. Roll with the Spokane Software Developers crew, and you'll make hella connections that could speed up your success by like a quarter, no cap.

Here's what the savvy coders are doing to stay ahead of the game:

  1. Hit up local tech events like DevIntersection or Spokane's annual TechFest to get the scoop on what's poppin' in the industry.
  2. Level up your skills with online courses or part-time programs at places like UCLA Extension. Gotta keep that knowledge fresh, ya dig?
  3. Work that LinkedIn game and link up with the big dogs in Spokane's tech world. Mentors are clutch.

One OG engineer in the 509 summed it up perfectly: "Education and networks are the dual propellers thrusting your career upward." Truth.

If you wanna slay in Spokane's ever-changing tech landscape, you gotta stay hungry for knowledge and keep that network tight.

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Future Outlook for Software Engineer Salaries in Spokane


The tech scene in Spokane is straight-up thriving, even with all the economic craziness going on. Six of the top ten fastest-growing industries are tech-related, and there's a major boom expected in areas like AI-driven sectors.

While the average salary for software devs in 2023 is hovering around $85K, the high demand for skills in cybersecurity, privacy, data storage, and cloud migration means the pay checks are only gonna get fatter.

If you're a software engineer looking to stay ahead of the game, you gotta level up your expertise in these up-and-coming specializations.

  • Sharpen your skills in artificial intelligence and cloud solutions, 'cause that's where Spokane is really focusing on.
  • Get proficient in the programming languages that are in high demand, according to Nucamp surveys - it'll give you a serious edge over the competition.
  • Stay on top of your learning game by attending tech workshops or immersive bootcamps like the ones offered at Nucamp, so your skills stay fresh and relevant.

In this fast-paced environment where adaptability is key, certifications that showcase your specialized skills are like gold.

They can open doors to some serious networking opportunities, which often lead to career-boosting gigs within Spokane's booming tech sphere. Bottom line - if you embrace the latest technologies and get involved in Spokane's supportive tech community, you'll not only land those coveted roles but also pave the way for some serious pay bumps as the demand for your skills keeps soaring.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the average salary for a Software Engineer in Spokane?

The average salary for a Software Engineer in Spokane, WA is $108,002 annually, with entry-level positions starting at $100,919 and experienced professionals earning up to $135,868. Specific skills like Scala expertise can increase earnings by over 24%. Companies like Meta and Salesforce offer high salaries.

What factors influence software engineer salaries in Spokane?

Experience levels, qualifications, specific skills like Scala proficiency, and the choice of company greatly impact software engineer salaries in Spokane. Companies like Meta and Salesforce are known for offering high salaries that can exceed the average.

How can software engineers increase their salary in Spokane?

Software engineers in Spokane can increase their salary by upskilling in areas like cloud computing, cybersecurity, and machine learning. Obtaining relevant certifications and networking with industry professionals can also boost earning potential by up to 15%.

How do entry-level and experienced software engineer salaries compare in Spokane?

Entry-level software engineers in Spokane can expect salaries ranging from $69,839 to $83,762, while experienced professionals with over a decade of experience can earn over $135,868 annually. Skills like Scala expertise can significantly impact earnings.

What are the benefits and additional compensation offered to software engineers in Spokane?

Software engineers in Spokane enjoy competitive base salaries along with benefits packages that include medical, dental, vision insurance, retirement plans like 401(k) with employer matching, stock options, and bonuses. Companies like Two Barrels and Plug Power offer additional perks and incentives.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible