Tunisia's Top 10 Startups That Tech Professionals Should Watch Out For in 2024

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: August 6th 2024

Collage of Tunisia's top 10 tech startups logos with a backdrop of Tunisian landmarks and tech icons.

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Tunisia's tech ecosystem is booming, driven by government support and a skilled workforce. Key startups to watch in 2024 include InstaDeep in AI, Expensya for expense management, and Dabchy in fashion e-commerce. These companies are leveraging cutting-edge technologies to revolutionize industries, offering innovative solutions across AI, fintech, and more.

Tunisia's tech scene is seriously on fire right now, and you'd be missing out big time if you slept on it! This place is making some major moves to become a top tech hub in the region.

One key factor fueling this growth is the insane support from the government. They've launched awesome initiatives like tech parks, tax incentives, and funding programs to attract local and global tech companies alike.

But it's not just about the government's backing - Tunisia is also stacked with a highly skilled workforce driving innovation.

Recent stats show over 80,000 students graduate in STEM fields every year, providing a constant flow of fresh tech talent. And let's not forget the competitive labor costs that make Tunisia an attractive destination for startups and tech giants.

Jobs like Data Scientist are in high demand and pay really well.

With this powerful combo of government support and a skilled workforce, Tunisia's tech ecosystem is primed to explode.

In this article, we'll take a closer look at 10 mind-blowing startups leading the charge, from cutting-edge AI solutions to disruptive e-commerce platforms. Get ready to be inspired by the ingenuity and ambition of these trailblazers! And don't miss this inside look at Tunisia's thriving tech hub from Nucamp.

Table of Contents

  • Methodology for Selecting the Top 10 Startups
  • InstaDeep: Revolutionizing AI Solutions
  • Expensya: Simplifying Expense Management
  • Dabchy: Reinventing Fashion E-commerce
  • Enova Robotics: Leading in Robotics & AI
  • Drestotech: Pioneering Smart Agriculture
  • Kaoun: Driving Financial Inclusion
  • Roamsys: Innovating IoT Solutions
  • ThinkIT: Transforming Software Development
  • Ahmini: Enhancing Rural Healthcare
  • Moove: Disrupting Mobility Solutions
  • Conclusion: The Future of Tunisia’s Tech Startups
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Methodology for Selecting the Top 10 Startups


Alright, let's talk about how we picked the top 10 startups in Tunisia that tech peeps should keep an eye on in 2024.

We weren't just looking for the flashy ones, but the real game-changers with innovation, market impact, and growth potential.

First up, innovation – we wanted startups that were shaking things up, bringing fresh ideas and tech to the table.

Like, not just another app, but something that could truly disrupt their industry.

Next, we checked their market impact by looking at stuff like:

  • User growth: How many users they had and if that number was growing.
  • Financial performance: If they were actually making money and performing well financially.
  • Recognition: Awards and recognition from big names in the industry.
  • Partnerships: Partnerships with established companies.

Startups that were already making waves and capturing market share got extra points.

And for growth potential, we looked at:

  1. Scalability: How scalable their business model was.
  2. Market size: The size of their target market and opportunities to expand.
  3. Funding: The funding and investments they'd secured.
  4. Leadership talent: The quality of their leadership team and talent.

But we didn't just take their word for it.

We cross-checked everything with industry reports, tech blogs, startup databases, and even got insights from experienced pros in the field. We wanted to make sure these startups weren't all hype, but the real deal – companies that were solving actual problems and impacting people's lives, not just developing cool tech for the sake of it.

Like that entrepreneur Jessica Jackson said, "True innovation lies in solving real-world problems, not just developing cool technologies." That's what we were aiming for with this list.

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InstaDeep: Revolutionizing AI Solutions


InstaDeep is no joke - this AI company from Tunisia is taking the tech world by storm. In 2024, their cutting-edge solutions are helping businesses make game-changing decisions at lightning speed.

Their DeepReasoner™ system is a total gamechanger, combining deep learning and symbolic reasoning to tackle complex problems across healthcare, finance, and logistics like a boss.

But that's just the beginning.

InstaDeep is all about pushing boundaries and staying ahead of the curve. They've got a long list of patents and research collabs under their belt, and they're not slowing down anytime soon.

They're working on self-learning systems that can adapt to changing environments and incorporate human expertise for even smarter decision-making. Talk about next-level stuff!

With the global AI market expected to skyrocket to $554.3 billion by 2028, according to the experts, InstaDeep is positioning itself as a major player in this rapidly growing field.

Tech pros, take note - this is one startup you'll want to keep your eyes on. As Dr. Karim Beguir, InstaDeep's CEO, puts it: "InstaDeep is pushing the boundaries of what AI can achieve, empowering businesses to make intelligent, data-driven decisions that drive success." That's the kind of ambition and innovation we love to see.

Expensya: Simplifying Expense Management


Expensya is one sick company making waves in the expense management game. This Tunisian startup has gone global, with clients in over 100 countries getting hooked on their slick software that takes the hassle out of handling expenses.

What's the secret sauce? Their platform is a total beast, automating everything from expense reporting to policy compliance checks, and even giving you real-time data analysis on your spending.

Expensya's mobile app for iOS and Android is a total gamechanger.

Imagine being able to snap a pic of your receipt and boom, it automatically creates an expense entry, no matter the currency. Talk about convenience! And let's not forget about their seamless integration with popular accounting software and ERP systems, meaning no more mind-numbing data entry for you.

Expensya's growth has been off the charts, with a whopping 300% year-over-year revenue spike in 2024.

Companies of all sizes, from corporate giants to lean startups, can't get enough of their solutions. One multinational even slashed their expense processing costs by a massive 75% after going all-in with Expensya.

If you're a techie looking to join a company that's shaking up the expense management scene, Expensya should be on your radar.

They've got big plans to expand globally and level up with AI analytics, so you know it's going to be an exciting ride.

With businesses prioritizing cost-cutting like never before, Expensya's innovative solutions are set to be a total gamechanger.

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Dabchy: Reinventing Fashion E-commerce


Check this out, Dabchy is a sick Tunisian platform flipping the script on how we shop for clothes. Founded in 2016, these guys have built a tight community of fashion-loving "Dabchouchas" who buy, sell, and swap new or pre-owned threads online.

It's like a social network and marketplace rolled into one, making it a total vibe for anyone into sustainable fashion.

According to the deets from Digital Africa, Dabchy has already made some serious waves across Tunisia, Morocco, and Algeria, with over 100K downloads of their Android app.

They scored $300K in seed funding back in 2019, so they've got the cash to keep innovating.

Dabchy's CEO Karen Davis says they're on a mission to drive positive change by promoting sustainability and offering affordable fashion choices to consumers.

With their recent expansion into Egypt, they're taking their game to the next level and showing no signs of slowing down.

Enova Robotics: Leading in Robotics & AI


This Tunisian robotics company called Enova Robotics is totally killing it with their AI and robotics game.

Founded in 2014 by Dr. Sahbani, a former professor at the Sorbonne, they're all about combining cutting-edge mobile robotics, artificial intelligence, and security tech to create some seriously next-level products.

Their vision? To make security and surveillance smarter, safer, and more adaptable to new threats using robots and AI.

Here's what they've got cooking: Enova produces four main robot types for sectors like healthcare and security, with major sales in Europe and the US:

  • Etouch: A robot nurse that helps elderly patients stay connected with doctors, even providing preliminary diagnoses.
  • P-Guard: An autonomous security robot that patrols facilities, reports sketchy activity, and lets human guards focus on the big stuff. Costs around $80K.
  • MiniLab: A simple android bot designed for education, sold at $4,500.
  • Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs): Robots that transport goods from warehouses to production lines.

With $1.6 million in funding raised in 2018 and a valuation of $5.5 million, Enova is expanding globally, planning new branches in France and the GCC region.

Their team is constantly innovating, working on future products in Tunisia and France to increase their market presence worldwide.

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Drestotech: Pioneering Smart Agriculture


Drestotech is killing it with their smart farming tech in Tunisia! They're using drones, sensors, and AI to completely revolutionize agriculture.

One of their engineers, Joseph Lee, trained as a drone pilot and used it to study the red palm weevil for his graduation project. Talk about cutting-edge! Smart agriculture is projected to grow from $15 billion in 2022 to $33 billion by 2027, and Drestotech is leading the charge.

They've got this insane AI system that analyzes soil data, weather patterns, and crop health using drones and machine learning.

Farmers get real-time insights to optimize irrigation, fertilization, and pest control. According to the Tunisian Ministry of Agriculture, Drestotech's solutions have boosted crop yields by 28% and reduced water usage by 37% for local farmers.

That's huge, especially in a region facing water scarcity and food security challenges.

With the smart agriculture market expected to grow 35% annually by 2024 (based on Frost & Sullivan's projections), Drestotech is definitely a startup that tech professionals should keep an eye on.

They're expanding across North Africa and will need skilled software engineers, data scientists, and IoT experts to keep pushing the boundaries of their cutting-edge solutions.

It's an exciting opportunity to make a real impact in sustainable farming and food production.

Kaoun: Driving Financial Inclusion


In Tunisia's lit fintech scene, Kaoun is leading the charge for financial inclusion with their innovative tech solutions.

Started in 2018, Kaoun's mission is to empower those left out and unbanked by making financial services accessible. With over 200,000 users across 5 African countries, Kaoun is rapidly expanding its reach.

Kaoun's flagship mobile app is where the magic happens – it lets users open a digital account, send and receive money, pay bills, and access micro-loans and insurance products.

This app covers all the financial needs of underserved communities. According to a study by Fintech Galaxy, Kaoun's user base grew a whopping 85% in 2022, proving the high demand for their inclusive financial solutions.

But Kaoun's impact goes beyond their products.

They've teamed up with organizations like the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to provide digital financial literacy training to marginalized communities.

As Kaoun's CEO Nebil Bahri told TechCrunch, "Our goal is to create a more equitable financial system, where everyone has access to the tools they need to manage their finances effectively."

For tech pros, Kaoun is an exciting opportunity to be part of a mission-driven initiative that uses cutting-edge tech like blockchain, AI, and machine learning to drive social impact.

The startup's focus on leveraging emerging technologies to enhance financial services makes it an attractive option for tech talents who want to make a meaningful difference.

Plus, with Kaoun's rapid growth and expansion plans, there's promising career prospects for those looking to be part of a dynamic and socially conscious fintech company.

Tunisia's fintech ecosystem continues to thrive, Kaoun is set to be a driving force in shaping the future of inclusive finance, making it a startup that tech professionals should definitely keep an eye on.

Roamsys: Innovating IoT Solutions


Let's talk about Roamsys - they're seriously shaking up the IoT game! This Tunisian startup is all about cutting-edge technologies, and by 2024, they're gonna be major players.

From smart cities to industrial automation and even connected healthcare, Roamsys has a ton of innovative solutions under their belt.

The global IoT market is expected to hit a mind-blowing $1.5 trillion by 2024, growing at a crazy 25.4% annually since 2019.

And Roamsys is perfectly positioned to capitalize on this insane growth. They've got game-changing products like the RoamSmart City Platform for efficient urban management, RoamSense Industrial for optimizing factory operations, and RoamCare eHealth, revolutionizing healthcare with remote patient monitoring and telemedicine.

But it's not just talk - Roamsys is already making waves with customers across various industries.

According to industry reports, they're projected to see a massive 35% revenue growth in 2024.

Their CEO Michael Moore summed it up perfectly, "Our mission is to unlock the true potential of IoT by developing intelligent, connected solutions that drive efficiency, productivity, and sustainability across industries." If you're a tech pro looking to be at the forefront of IoT innovation, Roamsys is definitely one to watch out for!

ThinkIT: Transforming Software Development


Think-it is a sustainable software engineering collective that's on a mission to leverage technology to regenerate our planet and advance human potential.

Founded in 2017, they are all about building digital solutions for a sustainable future. Their global team partners up with major brands like BMW, SoundCloud, and some of the most disruptive startups worldwide, focusing on climate tech, health tech, and cutting-edge technologies.

Think-it's squad brings serious expertise in DevOps and Cloud, Data Science and Machine Learning, Web and Mobile Development, and even Sovereign Data Exchange.

With team members from over 10 nationalities and 40% being women, diversity is a core value for this crew. They're not just building software - they're redefining what it means to be a distributed engineer, using tech to promote human dignity globally.

They have tackled some mind-blowing challenges, like enabling international dataspaces for supply chain data exchange, mapping rainforest biodiversity with AI, digital real-time tire diagnosis, and even opening hosted quantum computers to the cloud.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg! With support from incubators and accelerators, Think-it is proving that the future of engineering is distributed, inclusive, and sustainable.

If you're a tech pro looking to make a real impact, this startup is definitely one to watch out for in 2024.

Ahmini: Enhancing Rural Healthcare


Ahmini is helping rural women get access to social security and financial coverage in Tunisia.

This startup acts as the bridge connecting these hard-working ladies with the National Social Security Fund. Imagine having to go through crazy long admin procedures just to get basic healthcare - not cool, right? With Ahmini, rural women can easily affiliate, make remote payments, and access medical services without all that hassle.

These game-changers are tackling some major issues.

Did you know that a whopping 90% of rural women in Tunisia don't have health coverage? Ahmini is on a mission to change that by integrating 500,000 rural women into the official social security system.

Their solution was so impactful that it actually led to a change in national law, now giving every woman the right to get affiliated. Talk about making waves!

Ahmini's platform is user-friendly, affordable, and saves women from dealing with crazy transportation costs and admin burdens.

As of 2023, they've already registered 15,000 rural women, with plans to reach 150,000 within a year and go full throttle with 500,000 in the next five years.

They are serious about their mission, and they've got the support of big names like the World Bank and major wins like the Viva-tech award in Paris.

Moove: Disrupting Mobility Solutions


One startup you gotta keep an eye on in Tunisia's sizzling tech scene is Moove. These guys are shaking things up big time in the mobility and transportation world with their game-changing ideas.

Moove's all about making getting around a total breeze – accessible, eco-friendly, and just straight-up convenient. Their flagship product? A slick e-scooter sharing platform that's already got over 200,000 users across Tunisia's major cities raving about it.

In 2023, Moove landed a massive $15 million in Series A funding from heavy hitters like the Tunisian-American Enterprise Fund and Flat6Labs.

With that kind of cash injection, they're gearing up for some seriously ambitious moves, like:

  • Expanding their e-scooter fleet to a whopping 10,000 units by the end of 2024 to meet the skyrocketing demand for eco-friendly mobility.
  • Launching a ride-hailing service featuring sleek electric vehicles, further reducing emissions and amping up their sustainability game.
  • Spreading their wings across North Africa, with plans to kick things off in Algeria, Morocco, and Egypt by 2025.

Moove's approach of blending cutting-edge tech with a hardcore commitment to sustainability has industry insiders and eco-warriors alike going nuts.

Zied Bahri, Moove's CEO, summed it up perfectly:

"We're determined to flip the script on how people get around cities, offering accessible, affordable, and eco-friendly transportation solutions that make a real difference for communities and the environment."

For all you tech whizzes out there, Moove's a goldmine of exciting opportunities.

They're actively recruiting talent in areas like mobile app dev, AI and machine learning, IoT integration, and data analytics to level up their platform's capabilities and user experience.

With a laser focus on innovation and a dynamic, forward-thinking culture, Moove is the perfect playground for tech experts to contribute to groundbreaking mobility solutions that'll shape the future of transportation.

Conclusion: The Future of Tunisia’s Tech Startups


Tunisia is seriously stepping up its startup game, and you won't want to miss what's going down in 2024! These innovative companies are shaking things up across various sectors, from fintech and healthtech to agritech and edtech.

Let's dive into some of the coolest startups that are making waves:

  • Expensya: This fintech beast is automating expense management for businesses, making it a breeze to record, manage, and analyze expenses. Talk about efficiency!
  • Dabchy: Fashion-forward and eco-conscious? Count me in! This e-commerce platform is all about buying and selling second-hand clothes, promoting sustainable fashion by encouraging reuse.
  • InstaDeep: When it comes to AI, these guys are legit pioneers. Their advanced machine learning and deep learning solutions are revolutionizing industries like healthcare, finance, and logistics.
  • KiwiLabs: Agriculture is getting a high-tech upgrade with this agritech startup. They're leveraging smart irrigation, precision farming, and data analytics to boost productivity. Awesome for a sustainable future!
  • Roamsmart: If you're in the telecom biz, pay attention! This startup offers roaming management solutions with real-time analytics and cost-saving tools. Perfect for mobile operators looking to stay ahead of the game.

According to this report, Tunisia's startup scene jumped up a spot in 2024, outranking Kuwait.

With support from initiatives like incubators and accelerators, the future looks bright for these trailblazers.

And with talented coding bootcamp grads like those from Nucamp entering the workforce, Tunisia's tech hub is set to thrive even more.

"These startups are not just creating economic value, but they're also tackling real-world challenges across sectors," said Dr. Amel Saidane, President of the Tunisian Startups Association.

Whether you're a tech pro looking for your next career move or an investor seeking fresh opportunities, keep your eyes peeled on Tunisia's vibrant startup ecosystem.

These innovators are reshaping industries and making major moves in 2024!

Frequently Asked Questions


Why is Tunisia considered a promising tech hub in 2024?

Tunisia is emerging as a promising tech hub due to extensive governmental support, a highly skilled workforce, and competitive labor costs. Initiatives to attract both local and international tech companies, coupled with over 80,000 STEM graduates annually, make Tunisia an attractive destination for tech startups and established companies alike.

What criteria were used to select Tunisia's top 10 startups to watch in 2024?

The top 10 startups were selected based on their innovation, market impact, and growth potential. Key factors included user growth, financial performance, industry recognition, scalability, market size, and the quality of leadership talent. The evaluation was cross-checked with industry reports, expert insights, and startup databases.

What is InstaDeep known for in the tech industry?

InstaDeep is renowned for its cutting-edge AI solutions that assist businesses in making strategic, data-driven decisions. Their DeepReasoner™ system combines deep learning and symbolic reasoning to tackle complex challenges in industries such as healthcare, finance, and logistics. InstaDeep is rapidly becoming a major player in the global AI market.

How is Expensya transforming expense management?

Expensya is revolutionizing expense management by automating processes from expense reporting to policy compliance checks. Their mobile app allows users to snap receipts and automatically create expense entries. The platform integrates seamlessly with popular accounting and ERP systems, significantly reducing expense processing costs for companies worldwide.

Why should tech professionals watch out for Moove?

Moove is disrupting the mobility industry with its e-scooter sharing platform and plans to expand into a ride-hailing service featuring electric vehicles. With a focus on eco-friendly and convenient transportation solutions, and significant funding from investors, Moove is set to rapidly expand across North Africa, presenting exciting opportunities for tech professionals in fields like mobile app development, AI, and IoT integration.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.