How to Switch from a Non-Tech Background to a Tech Job in Viet Nam

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: August 7th 2024

Guide on switching from a non-tech background to a tech job in Viet Nam, VN

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Switching from a non-tech background to a tech job in Viet Nam is achievable by leveraging transferable skills like project management and innovative thinking. With a booming tech industry contributing over 10% to the GDP and projected to hit $1.99 billion in market revenue by 2024, opportunities abound in e-commerce, fintech, and software outsourcing. Enhance your tech knowledge through bootcamps, online courses, and local meetups. Build a strong portfolio and resume highlighting relevant technical skills and network actively at industry events to secure high-paying tech jobs in this rapidly growing market.

Viet Nam's tech scene is straight-up booming right now! The top tech companies are killing it - we're talking major global players like Samsung, Intel, and even homegrown unicorns like VNG Corp and MoMo.

This industry is contributing over 10% to the country's GDP, and the government is all about supporting it with sick STEM education programs and incentives for foreign investment.

The IT workforce is projected to keep growing rapidly, with a projected $1.99 billion market revenue in 2024 alone.

E-commerce, fintech, and software outsourcing are where it's at. Stats show IT Outsourcing alone is expected to hit $690 million in 2024.

With a young, tech-hungry population and rising internet access, Viet Nam is well on its way to becoming the next big tech hub in Southeast Asia. And don't forget to check out these job hunting tips from Nucamp to land your dream gig in this booming industry!

Table of Contents

  • Identifying Transferable Skills from Non-Tech Backgrounds
  • Tech Education and Training Resources in Viet Nam
  • Building a Strong Tech Portfolio and Resume
  • Networking and Job Search Strategies in Viet Nam
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Identifying Transferable Skills from Non-Tech Backgrounds


Switching careers to the tech world in Viet Nam ain't as tough as it seems, even if you're coming from a totally different background. Companies here are on the hunt for folks with mad problem-solving skills (85%), solid communication (76%), and the ability to roll with the punches (71%) – talents you can pick up in all sorts of non-tech gigs.

Just look at Nguyen Thi Huong, who went from marketing to killing it as a UI/UX designer at a top tech firm in Hanoi. She took her creative flair, user mindset, and eye for detail from her marketing days and used 'em to crush her new tech career.

Other in-demand skills that can make the jump with you include:

  • Project management: Keeping projects on track and organized
  • Innovative thinking: Out-of-the-box thinking
  • Time management: Time management skills on point
  • Collaboration: Being a team player who can collaborate

To really sell these abilities when applying for tech roles in Viet Nam, here are some tips:

  1. Quantify achievements: Quantify your past achievements and give solid examples of when you rocked those transferable skills.
  2. Customize your application: Customize your resume and cover letter for each job, highlighting the relevant skills they're looking for.
  3. Commit to learning: Level up with online courses or certs to show you're committed to upskilling for the new career.
  4. Build a portfolio: Build a portfolio with projects that flaunt how you put those transferable skills into action.

As David Wilson, who went from accounting to data analytics, put it:

Showcasing my analytical thinking, attention to detail, and ability to crunch huge data sets was key to landing my tech gig. Employers dig diverse skill sets and fresh perspectives.

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Tech Education and Training Resources in Viet Nam


Switching careers to tech in Viet Nam has never been easier, thanks to a ton of awesome coding bootcamps in Ho Chi Minh City.

These intensive programs, like CoderSchool, give you a solid foundation in full-stack web development or data science without dragging on for years. And the best part? They've got a straightforward deal – you only pay after landing a software engineering gig.

But bootcamps aren't the only game in town.

If you prefer going the self-study route, online courses from platforms like The Knowledge Academy cover everything from cybersecurity basics to cloud computing.

And with so many free resources out there like freeCodeCamp, you can start building those coding skills without spending a dime.

Of course, traditional university programs are still an option if you want that full academic experience.

Top universities like Hanoi University of Science and Technology and Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology offer solid computer science degrees. But in this fast-paced tech world, continuous learning is key.

That's where local meetups and communities come in, keeping you in the loop with the latest trends and technologies. The tech scene in Viet Nam is booming, so why not hop on board and score yourself a cool, high-paying job?

Building a Strong Tech Portfolio and Resume


Crafting a dope tech portfolio is key if you're switching from a non-tech background to tech in Vietnam. Your portfolio needs to showcase your skills and impress potential employers.

Here's what you gotta include:

  • Code Samples: Show off your coding skills with clean, well-documented code from personal projects or online challenges.
  • Technical Writing: Prove you can explain complex tech stuff clearly by adding blog posts, documentation, or tutorials you've written.
  • Projects: Highlight your problem-solving abilities and tech expertise with real-world projects, complete with descriptions, code snippets, and visuals.

As for your resume, tailor it to the local job market in Vietnam.

Emphasize relevant skills like Java, Python, or mobile app dev that employers are looking for. Show off your passion by mentioning personal projects or open-source contributions.

And don't forget to highlight your language skills, as many tech companies operate in multiple languages.

To really stand out, use resources like GitHub to host your code and projects.

Platforms like FreeCodeCamp and CodinGame are great for sharpening your skills and earning certs. And check out local meetups and hackathons in Ho Chi Minh City or Hanoi to network and stay updated on industry trends in Vietnam.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Networking and Job Search Strategies in Viet Nam


Landing a tech job in Viet Nam is all about networking and searching smart! You gotta hit up those industry events to connect with the big dogs and expand your circle.

Mark your calendars for significant events like TECH PLAN DEMO DAY in Vietnam 2024 where startups pitch their cutting-edge ideas, or Vietnam Innovation Summit to learn from the top innovators and link up with investors. Online, sites like VietnamWorks and Vibiz are goldmines for tech openings across the country.

But to really stand out, you gotta flex those skills hard! Build a slick online portfolio to showcase your projects and let those coding talents shine.

And don't sleep on platforms like LinkedIn and GitHub to connect with fellow techies and companies. With Viet Nam's tech scene booming (experts say it could hit $16.5 billion by 2024!), now's the time to hustle and grab those opportunities.

Upskill like crazy, maybe with a coding bootcamp to lock in the hottest skills like JavaScript and Python. And most importantly, never stop networking - those connections could lead to your dream gig! Just stay driven and Viet Nam's thriving tech world will be yours for the taking.

Frequently Asked Questions


How is the tech industry growing in Viet Nam?

Viet Nam's tech industry is rapidly growing and is contributing over 10% to the country's GDP. The government supports it with STEM education programs and incentives for foreign investment. The tech market revenue is projected to hit $1.99 billion in 2024.

What transferable skills from non-tech backgrounds are useful for switching to a tech job in Viet Nam?

Useful transferable skills include project management, innovative thinking, time management, and collaboration. Highlighting these in your resume and demonstrating them through quantified achievements can help in making the switch.

What are some educational resources available in Viet Nam for switching to a tech career?

There are multiple resources available, including coding bootcamps like CoderSchool, self-study programs, free resources like freeCodeCamp, and traditional university programs at top universities such as Hanoi University of Science and Technology.

How can I build a strong tech portfolio and resume?

A strong tech portfolio should include code samples, technical writing, and projects that highlight problem-solving abilities. Your resume should emphasize relevant skills, personal projects, language skills, and contributions to open-source projects.

What are effective networking and job search strategies in Viet Nam?

Effective strategies include attending industry events, using online job platforms like VietnamWorks and Vibiz, building a strong online presence through LinkedIn and GitHub, and continually upskilling through coding bootcamps and other educational resources.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.