Top 10 Strategies to Land Your First Remote Tech Job from Viet Nam in 2024

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: August 7th 2024

Young tech professional working remotely from Vietnam with a laptop and coffee

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To land your first remote tech job from Vietnam in 2024, build a strong online presence showcasing your projects, master in-demand skills like AI and cloud computing, leverage freelance platforms, and engage in networking events. The remote work trend has increased from 8% to 35% in Vietnam, with projections reaching 70% by 2024.

Alright, let's talk about remote tech jobs and why you should care in 2024. This lets you do your tech thing from anywhere with a solid internet connection.

It's blowing up worldwide because of perks like:

  • Better work-life balance, more freedom
  • Access to opportunities beyond your local scene
  • Saving cash by ditching that daily commute grind

Globally, remote work among tech pros went from 16% pre-pandemic to over 50% now.

In Vietnam, the numbers jumped from 8% to 35% during that time. By 2024, experts predict a whopping 70% of tech roles will be remote-friendly, opening up some sweet opportunities:

  • Gaining experience with top global companies while chilling in Vietnam
  • Earning that higher overseas pay
  • Contributing to Vietnam's booming tech scene, remotely

As a tech pro, embracing remote work unlocks new paths.

Like Microsoft's CEO Satya Nadella said,

"We've seen two years' worth of digital transformation in two months."

This trend is redefining how we work - remotely.

Table of Contents

  • Building a Strong Online Presence
  • Mastering In-Demand Tech Skills
  • Networking within Viet Nam’s Tech Community
  • Tailoring Your Résumé and Cover Letter
  • Optimizing Your Job Search Strategy
  • Ace the Remote Job Interview
  • Understanding Remote Work Culture
  • Leveraging Freelance Platforms
  • Securing a Remote Tech Job through Internships and Contract Work
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

Building a Strong Online Presence


Landing that remote tech gig in 2024 is all about building a killer LinkedIn profile.

We're talking a professional headshot, a headline that pops, and a summary section that tells your story like a boss. But that's just the start. You gotta create a dope portfolio website to showcase your coding projects, case studies, and tech writing samples.

Make sure it's mobile-friendly and easy to navigate. And don't forget to flex your open-source contributions on GitHub – it's like a digital résumé for coders.

Now, here's the real kicker: social media is where it's at for networking and staying up-to-date with industry trends.

Platforms like Twitter, Reddit, and Stack Overflow are goldmines for connecting with other techies, sharing your knowledge, and positioning yourself as a thought leader.

Heck, you could even start your own YouTube channel or TikTok account to share your coding journey and tutorials. Trust me, recruiters are watching.

At the end of the day, a solid online presence means more than just a LinkedIn profile.

You need a well-rounded digital footprint that showcases your professional brand, technical skills, and enthusiasm for the tech world. With a killer portfolio website, active social media engagement, and a GitHub profile that shines, you'll be unstoppable in the hunt for that dream remote tech job in Viet Nam and beyond.

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Mastering In-Demand Tech Skills


In this rapidly changing tech world, mastering in-demand skills is crucial to landing your dream remote tech job in 2024.

The World Economic Forum's "Future of Jobs Report 2023" highlights that data analysis, AI, cloud computing, cybersecurity, and software development will be the hottest skills.

Continuous learning is no longer optional – it's a must for staying competitive. A survey revealed that 92% of IT professionals believe ongoing training and certifications are key for career growth.

To level up your skills, countless online platforms offer comprehensive courses.

Coursera has AI for Everyone and a Cloud Computing Specialization, while edX offers a Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp and Cybersecurity Fundamentals.

Nucamp's coding bootcamps provide immersive training in full-stack web development, data analytics, and cybersecurity, equipping you with the skills employers crave.

Top certifications for 2024 include CompTIA Security+ and AWS Certified Solutions Architect, according to CertiPort.

Embracing a mindset of lifelong learning and investing in skill development can open doors to remote tech opportunities worldwide.

As one industry leader stated,

"In the midst of rapid digitalization, continuous upskilling is the key to unlocking new career possibilities and staying ahead of the curve."

Staying on top of the latest trends and technologies is crucial for future success.

Networking within Viet Nam’s Tech Community


Alright, so you wanna land your first remote tech job from Vietnam in 2024? Well, let me tell you, networking within the local tech community is key.

You gotta immerse yourself in the scene, gain insights, make connections, and uncover those hidden opportunities. Start by joining local tech meetups - they're like hubs for knowledge sharing and collaborating with others who share your passion.

Don't sleep on online forums and discussion groups either.

Popular platforms like J2Team Vietnam and Viet Tech Intern Community are where it's at.

You can seek advice, discuss the latest trends, and connect with like-minded techies. According to their 2023 Workforce Report, a whopping 72% of hiring managers in Vietnam use it to find tech talent, so make sure your profile is on point.

But networking isn't just about online stuff, you gotta get out there too.

Participate in local hackathons and workshops to sharpen your skills and gain some hands-on experience. In 2024, you should definitely check out the VietChallenge Hackathon in January, the SaigonTech Workshop Series happening quarterly, and the Da Nang AI Summit Hackathon in August.

By actively networking within Vietnam's vibrant tech community, you'll not only expand your knowledge but also increase your chances of landing that first remote tech job.

As that guy Gary Vaynerchuk said,

"The value of your network is not in the number of connections you have, but in the strength of those connections."

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Tailoring Your Résumé and Cover Letter


If you're tryna land that sweet remote tech gig from Vietnam in 2024, your résumé and cover letter gotta be on point, ya dig? It's all about customizing that bad boy for each role you're applying for.

Don't be slacking with some generic one-size-fits-all nonsense - that's a surefire way to get your application tossed in the trash.

You gotta study that job description like it's the holy grail, and sprinkle those keywords throughout your résumé and cover letter.

Make sure to highlight your mad skills and show off how you're the perfect fit for that position. Like, if they're looking for a React wizard, don't just say "JavaScript Developer" - get specific and let 'em know you're a "React Rockstar with 3+ years of experience building dynamic web apps for remote teams, skilled in API integrations and Agile workflows."

Oh, and keep it short and sweet, ya feel me? Recruiters ain't got time to be reading your life story.

Use bullet points to highlight your technical skills and quantify your achievements.

Show 'em how you crushed it by "reducing web app load times by 28% and enhancing UX for over 12K users." That's the kind of stuff that'll make their heads turn and put you at the top of the list.

Optimizing Your Job Search Strategy


Let's talk about landing that remote tech job from Vietnam in 2024.

You gotta optimize your search game, and I've got some fresh tips for you. First off, check out top job boards like VietnamWorks and ITviec - they're like a goldmine for tech openings.

Set up job alerts so you're the first to know when new roles drop. With the remote work wave going global, you can even scope out gigs with international companies like Google or Amazon.

Staying organized is key when you're applying left and right.

Create a spreadsheet or use a job tracking app to keep tabs on everything - companies you've applied to, deadlines, contacts, the works. This way, you won't miss out on any sick opportunities.

According to career experts, having your stuff together makes you twice as likely to impress employers and score interviews.

Don't sleep on networking either.

Join local tech communities and events to connect with industry pros. And don't forget to polish up that portfolio - incorporating Vietnamese language skills can give you a serious edge.

With a strategic approach, mixing in job boards, international remote roles, organization, and networking, you'll be unstoppable in your hunt for that dream remote tech gig from Vietnam this year.

  1. Optimize your search game: Utilize top job boards to find tech openings easily.
  2. Stay organized: Use tools like spreadsheets or job tracking apps to keep track of applications.
  3. Network effectively: Engage with local tech communities and events to make valuable connections.
  4. Enhance your portfolio: Polish your portfolio and consider adding Vietnamese language skills.

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And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Ace the Remote Job Interview


Crushing the remote job interview takes some serious prep. You gotta nail both the technical and behavioral sides. According to this blog, coding skills are a major deal for hiring managers, with 67% putting a lot of weight on practical coding tests during interviews.

So, you better practice coding challenges on sites like LeetCode and HackerRank, covering data structures, algorithms, and language-specific stuff related to the job.

Oh, and don't forget to study the company's tech stack - no slacking there!

For the behavioral part, expect questions that size up your communication game, time management skills, and how well you'd vibe with remote work.

This article mentions that a Stanford study found effective communication and self-motivation are key for remote employees.

Get ready to tackle questions like "How do you stay motivated when working remotely?", "Describe a time when remote collaboration was tough and how you dealt with it", and "What's your strategy for a healthy work-life balance while WFH?"

Roleplaying mock interviews with a friend or mentor can be a game-changer.

You'll get a real taste of video conferencing tools and potential internet issues. Speaking of which, make sure your internet connection is strong and stable for the actual interview - 63% of hiring managers hate it when candidates have technical difficulties during video interviews, according to Glassdoor.

And don't forget to follow up with a thank-you note after the interview, showing you're stoked about the role. A Robert Half study found that 75% of hiring managers see not following up as a major mistake.

Understanding Remote Work Culture


Remote work is straight up taking over in 2024! This study shows in-office collabs can be a drag, but remote gives you mad flexibility and work-life balance.

But real talk, it's not all sunshine and rainbows. These insights reveal comm issues, loneliness, and unplugging after hours can be a struggle.

Tools like Slack, Trello and Zoom are clutch for staying connected with the squad. And don't sleep on setting boundaries - a dedicated workspace and strict schedule keep you focused without burning out.

The real game-changer is these collab tools allowing teams to sync up seamlessly across time zones.

Apps like Notion, Asana and ClickUp make project management a breeze. And let's be real, working remotely expands your talent pool globally - major key for building that dream team.

As this GitLab CEO said:

"An all-remote workforce requires investing in async comm so everyone's always in the loop."

With remote roles projected to rise 25% by 2024, companies have to step up their tech game to keep employees engaged and productive, wherever they're at.

Leveraging Freelance Platforms


Let's talk about landing those sweet remote tech gigs from Vietnam in 2024! Building a killer freelancer profile on sites like Upwork and Freelancer is key.

These platforms connect you with clients worldwide, and skills like web dev, mobile apps, data analysis, and cybersecurity are gonna be in high demand.

Your profile needs to stand out.

Add your best work to your portfolio, list those sweet certifications, and don't forget a pro headshot - it can get you 32% more interview invites! And here's a pro tip from Freelancer: freelancers who completed their first project within a week were 4 times more likely to get rehired.

So start small and build that rating!

Client reviews are everything. A survey by Upwork said 68% of freelancers see reviews and ratings as a top success factor.

Here's how to get those 5-star reviews:

  • Deliver quality work on time, every time.
  • Keep communication flowing with clients.
  • Ask for reviews after nailing a project.
  • Offer discounts or bonuses for detailed feedback.

PayScale says tech freelancers with killer portfolios and positive reviews can make up to 59% more than those without.

So build that profile, slay those projects, and watch those remote opportunities from Vietnam roll in!

Securing a Remote Tech Job through Internships and Contract Work


For all you tech hustlers in Viet Nam looking to score that sweet remote gig, internships are the real deal.

Like, over 60% of remote companies hire interns, and it's one of the top ways to land a full-time remote role, according to the folks at You've got sites like, AngelList, and We Work Remotely hooked up with tons of remote tech internships, from coding to cybersecurity and beyond.

It's all about getting that experience and making connections.

Now, if you're rocking that remote internship, here's what the Glassdoor pros say: get active in those virtual meetings and team collabs to show off your skills and start building bonds.

Find yourself a mentor at the company who can guide you and maybe even hook you up with some solid references later on. And don't sleep on those online networking events and webinars – it's a prime opportunity to expand your network and get your name out there.

So you've crushed that remote internship or contract gig, and now you're eyeing that full-time role.

A FlexJobs study says 58% of remote companies are more likely to hire former interns and contractors, so you're already in a solid position. Here's what Forbes recommends: deliver quality work and hit those deadlines consistently to impress the boss.

Keep that communication open with your manager and let them know you're interested in a permanent role. And don't forget to ask for feedback and testimonials from your colleagues – it'll make your candidacy even stronger.

"Internships and contract work provide that invaluable hands-on experience, industry exposure, and networking opportunities that can pave the way to your dream remote tech career." - Jessica Perez, Founder of

Frequently Asked Questions


Why should I consider landing a remote tech job in Viet Nam in 2024?

Remote tech jobs offer a better work-life balance, increased freedom, and access to global opportunities. By 2024, 70% of tech roles in Viet Nam are expected to be remote-friendly, allowing you to gain experience with top global companies, earn higher overseas pay, and contribute to Viet Nam's booming tech scene.

How can I build a strong online presence to land a remote tech job?

Building a strong online presence involves creating a professional website showcasing your coding projects, case studies, and tech writing samples. Actively engage on social media platforms like LinkedIn and GitHub. Consider starting a YouTube channel or TikTok account to share your coding journey and tutorials to attract recruiters.

What in-demand tech skills should I master for 2024?

To stay competitive in 2024, focus on mastering in-demand skills like data analysis, AI, cloud computing, cybersecurity, and software development. Continuous learning through online courses and obtaining relevant certifications in these areas will enhance your qualifications.

How important is networking within Viet Nam’s tech community?

Networking is key to landing your first remote tech job in Viet Nam. Participate in local tech meetups, online forums, and discussion groups. Engage in local hackathons and workshops to sharpen your skills and connect with industry professionals. Building a solid network increases your chances of uncovering job opportunities.

How should I tailor my résumé and cover letter for remote tech job applications?

Tailor your résumé and cover letter for each job application by closely studying the job description and incorporating relevant keywords and skills. Highlight your technical skills and quantify your achievements. Keep your documents concise and focused, demonstrating how you’re a perfect fit for the specific role you’re applying for.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.