Learn to Code in Viet Nam: Beginner's Guide to Programming Languages

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: August 7th 2024

Beginner's guide to learning programming languages in Viet Nam

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Vietnam's tech scene is rapidly expanding with increased accessibility to STEM education and coding bootcamps, essential for high-demand tech roles. Key programming languages include Python, ASP.NET, JavaScript, Java, and PHP. Resources like coding bootcamps, online platforms, and vibrant local coding communities facilitate learning. Consistent practice, project building, and community engagement are crucial for success. Career opportunities in Vietnam's booming tech industry, including roles in AI, cybersecurity, and cloud computing, offer competitive salaries and growth potential.

The tech scene in Vietnam is absolutely blowing up right now! Programs like OneSpace are making STEM education way more accessible, offering online classes and workshops for kids as young as 5.

And coding bootcamps are gaining major popularity - places like CoderSchool are prepping students for high-paying tech jobs by teaching the hottest skills like web dev, data science, and AI. The government is totally on board too, investing millions in EdTech and supporting STEM initiatives across the country.

If you're looking to get into coding, Vietnam is honestly the place to be.

According to this guide from the U.S. Commercial Service, the U.S. is the top choice for Vietnamese students studying abroad, with over 21,900 enrolled in 2022-2023.

The most popular majors? STEM fields like math, computer science, and engineering - exactly what employers are looking for. And the top coding bootcamps in Vietnam can fast-track your skills in as little as a few months.

With the right training and some hard work, landing a sweet tech gig is totally within reach.

Table of Contents

  • Popular Programming Languages in Viet Nam
  • Resources for Learning Programming in Viet Nam
  • Tips for Beginners to Start Coding in Viet Nam
  • Career Opportunities for Coders in Viet Nam
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Popular Programming Languages in Viet Nam


The tech world in Viet Nam is blowing up right now, and knowing the hottest programming languages is key if you want to land a sweet gig as a coder. According to the latest data, these are the languages that'll be all the rage by 2024:

  • Python: This versatile beast is expected to rule with a 53.61% market share. It's a must-know for data science, machine learning, and web dev.
  • Microsoft ASP.NET: Coming in strong at 16%, ASP.NET is a go-to for building web apps and services.
  • JavaScript: Can't escape JS with its projected 2.97% share. It dominates web dev, both front-end and back-end with Node.js.
  • Java: The OG language is still kicking with a 0.22% market share, making it a safe bet for enterprise apps and Android development.
  • PHP: Don't sleep on PHP – it's holding down 0.19% of the market, especially for dynamic websites and CMSs.

Companies in Viet Nam are thirsting for devs who can sling code in these languages.

Just check out this job listing for a Java role – they want you to be a master of the Spring Framework, SQL databases, and cloud platforms like AWS. It's a competitive world out there, but nailing one of these top languages could be your golden ticket to scoring your dream coding job.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Resources for Learning Programming in Viet Nam


If you're looking to get into coding in Viet Nam, you're in luck 'cause there are tons of rad resources out there. For those who dig interactive, structured learning, coding bootcamps are where it's at.

Check out places like Codegym in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi, offering immersive courses in Java, C++, and Front-End development.

There's also CoderSchool with programs in Web Dev, Data Science, and Cybersecurity.

  • a) Explore coding bootcamps for interactive, structured learning b) Coding bootcamps are ideal for those who want a structured learning environment.
  • a) Access quality self-paced learning resources b) Self-paced learners can take advantage of free, high-quality materials online.
  • a) Join the dynamic Vietnamese coding community b) The coding community in Viet Nam offers valuable support and networking opportunities.

But if you're more of a self-paced learner, no sweat! Online platforms like Vietnam Open Educational Resources have got your back with free, high-quality materials.

Don't forget to check out global sites like Codecademy and FreeCodeCamp too – they've got Vietnamese language support. And let's not forget the awesome coding community in Viet Nam! Groups like VNWebsters and CodersHanoi are perfect for networking, knowledge sharing, and getting that valuable support from experienced devs.

Trust me, the coding scene in Viet Nam is buzzing, and there's no better time to dive in!

Tips for Beginners to Start Coding in Viet Nam


Hey there, coding in Vietnam is where it's at right now! But let's be real, starting this journey can feel like a total mind twist. That's why you gotta keep a few key tips in your back pocket to slay the coding game.

First up, consistency is everything. Based on what the experts at CodeInWP found, 63% of Vietnamese devs swear by regular practice to really nail those coding skills.

So, set a chill goal like coding for an hour daily and stick to that routine, no excuses.

Next, get ready to dive headfirst into some hands-on projects.

A massive 92% of Vietnamese devs agree that building your own projects is clutch for cementing those coding concepts. Start small with beginner-friendly stuff like a simple website or command-line app, and level up the complexity as your confidence grows.

Not only will this drill those skills into your brain, but you'll also have a sick portfolio to flex your abilities.

To keep that motivation fired up, surround yourself with a dope community.

Vietnam has a buzzing tech scene, packed with coding meetups and online forums where you can link up with others on the same grind. According to VietnamWorks, over 45% of Vietnamese devs credit community support as a game-changer in their learning journey.

Connect with these squads, seek guidance from mentors, and celebrate your wins together.

On top of that, adopting effective learning strategies can seriously boost your progress.

Here are some pro tips:

  • Break down complex concepts: If a topic has your brain twisted, break it down into bite-sized chunks to avoid feeling overwhelmed.
  • Code by hand: Writing code manually, without relying on IDEs or code editors, can deepen your understanding of syntax and logic like a boss.
  • Embrace online resources: Tap into free online courses, tutorials, and coding challenges from platforms like FreeCodeCamp, Codecademy, and the popular Vietnamese site CodeGym to level up your learning game.

Remember, learning to code is a marathon, not a sprint.

Celebrate those small wins, treat failures as opportunities to grow, and keep that passion burning. With dedication and these strategies on lock, you'll be slaying the coding game in Vietnam's booming tech scene before you know it.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Career Opportunities for Coders in Viet Nam


Vietnam's tech scene is booming, and coders have a ton of opportunities ahead! According to this labor market report, the demand for tech workers is skyrocketing, with businesses struggling to fill positions like back-end developers and data engineers.

Plus, salaries are on the rise, with senior devs raking in over $2,500 per month - not too shabby!

But it's not just the big-name companies hiring coders.

Vietnam's startup scene is buzzing, creating opportunities in hot areas like AI, cybersecurity, and cloud computing.

And if you're into the freelance grind, platforms like Upwork and Freelancer.com are where it's at for finding remote gigs.

But don't just take my word for it.

Coding bootcamps in Vietnam are prepping students for these in-demand roles, teaching skills like JavaScript, React, and Python.

And with career services and job placement assistance, they're helping grads land jobs at companies like Nike, Samsung, and Grab.

So if you're looking to level up your coding game, Vietnam is definitely worth checking out!

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the most popular programming languages in Vietnam?

The most popular programming languages in Vietnam include Python, Microsoft ASP.NET, JavaScript, Java, and PHP. Python is particularly dominant, expected to hold a 53.61% market share by 2024.

What resources are available for learning programming in Vietnam?

For learning programming in Vietnam, coding bootcamps like those in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi offer immersive courses. There are also online platforms like Codecademy and FreeCodeCamp, which support Vietnamese learners, as well as local coding communities such as VNWebsters and CodersHanoi.

What tips are helpful for beginners starting to code in Vietnam?

For beginners, consistency is key. Aim to practice coding daily. Working on hands-on projects is crucial for solidifying coding concepts. Joining local coding communities can provide valuable support, and adopting effective learning strategies like breaking down complex concepts and using online resources can greatly enhance progress.

What career opportunities are available for coders in Vietnam?

Career opportunities for coders in Vietnam are abundant due to the booming tech scene. There is a high demand for roles such as back-end developers and data engineers. Salaries are competitive, with senior developers earning over $2,500 per month. Opportunities also exist in areas like AI, cybersecurity, and cloud computing, with additional freelance gigs available on platforms like Upwork and Freelancer.

How is the government investing in tech education in Vietnam?

The Vietnamese government is heavily supporting STEM education by investing millions in EdTech initiatives and making STEM education more accessible. This includes backing coding bootcamps and online classes, which are vital for preparing students for high-paying tech jobs.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.