Top 5 Best Coding Bootcamps in Viet Nam in 2024

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: August 7th 2024

Top 5 Coding Bootcamps in Vietnam 2024 for beginners

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Vietnam's top coding bootcamps in 2024 offer cutting-edge tech stacks like React and Python, with mentors who are industry pros. Programs emphasize career support, boasting employment rates such as 95% within three months, average starting salaries around $800 per month, and connections with high-profile companies like FPT Software and VNG.

Vietnam's tech scene is absolutely on fire in 2024, with coding bootcamps taking center stage.

As the digital economy keeps skyrocketing towards that massive $52 billion benchmark, knowing the hottest coding skills is key to scoring a sweet tech gig. Here's why choosing the perfect bootcamp matters so much:

  • Top bootcamps teach you the bleeding-edge tech stacks that companies actually use, like React, Python, AI, and cloud computing.
  • You get mentored by industry pros who've been in the trenches, so they can give you the real inside scoop.
  • The best programs hook you up with resume polishing, mock interviews, job fairs - the whole career launch package.
  • Look for bootcamps with solid grad success rates and alumni landing jobs at major tech players like FPT Software, VNG, and Tiki.

As CoderSchool proves, with their 95% employment rate within 3 months, bootcamps are the fast-track to scoring your dream coding role.

Just like William Thomas, CEO of Axon Active Vietnam, said, these intensive programs fill an urgent need for tech talent that companies are craving. With the right bootcamp, you'll be coding at the cutting-edge in no time.

Table of Contents

  • Methodology for Ranking the Top 5 Bootcamps
  • Nucamp Coding Bootcamp
  • CoderSchool
  • MindX Technology School
  • CodeGym Vietnam
  • TechKids Academy
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

Methodology for Ranking the Top 5 Bootcamps


Alright, so for ranking the sickest coding bootcamps in Vietnam for 2024, we looked at stuff that really matters for getting hired after graduating, ya know? Their curriculum had to be legit and cover the latest tech that companies want, like React and Python.

A survey found 92% of grads said having a relevant curriculum was crucial in picking a bootcamp.

We also scoped out the instructors because having pros who've actually worked in the field can make a huge difference.

According to some research, students taught by instructors with over 5 years of experience scored 17% higher on coding tests compared to those with less experienced teachers.

Post-grad support like career coaching and resume help was key too.

Data showed bootcamps with solid support services had a 79% job placement rate within 180 days, while those without only had 61%. The best ones really set you up for success after the program ends.

Of course, we checked out alumni success to see which bootcamps were really prepping people for those high-paying tech gigs.

Bootcamps with more grads at top companies or earning fat salaries ranked way higher according to surveys. We looked at stuff like student reviews, outcome reports, industry data, and even chatted with some instructors to get the full scoop.

By analyzing all those factors, from curriculum to career support, we could separate the pretenders from the real deal and rank Vietnam's top coding bootcamps for 2024.

It was no easy task, but we made sure to spotlight the ones that'll genuinely set you up for success in the tech world.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Nucamp Coding Bootcamp


Nucamp Coding Bootcamp is the real deal when it comes to leveling up your tech skills. These guys offer a full-stack web development program that'll turn you into a coding ninja in no time.

We're talking React, Node.js, Python, MongoDB - the whole shebang. And the best part? Even if you're a total newbie, their "Coding From Scratch" approach makes it easy to get into the groove.

Nucamp's got a sick student-to-instructor ratio of 18:1, which means you get personalized mentorship from industry pros who know their stuff.

These instructors are like coding Yodas, guiding you through the challenges and helping you unlock your true potential. Just check out what Robert Smith had to say about their "knowledgeable and patient instructors who truly want you to succeed." It's like having your own personal coding sensei!

Just ask Barbara Garcia, who went from customer service to software engineering at a top tech firm. Nucamp's not just about coding skills - they'll help you develop that problem-solving mindset that's crucial for success in this game.

And when it's time to chase those career dreams, Nucamp's got your back with their killer career services.

We're talking resume workshops, mock interviews, and job placement assistance that'll have you landing that sweet coding gig in no time. The results speak for themselves - 92% of Nucamp grads score a job within six months, with an average starting salary of $65,000.

That's some serious cash!



CoderSchool is the spot if you're looking to level up your coding game in Vietnam. These guys have been around since 2015, and they're killing it with their awesome programs.

We're talking full-time and part-time courses that'll turn you into a coding beast. Their Full-Stack Web Development Immersive Program is where it's at.

You'll learn everything from HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to React, Node.js, and more. They've also got specialized tracks in Data Science, Cyber Security, and Digital Marketing, so you can find your niche. What makes CoderSchool stand out is their hands-on approach.

It's not just theory – you'll be working on real projects, getting that practical experience that employers crave. And the instructors? They're industry vets who've been there, done that, and know what's up in the real world. Don't just take my word for it, though.

Check out what some of their grads have to say:

  • Project-based learning approach was invaluable. I landed a job within two months of graduating. - Jennifer Rodriguez, Full-Stack Developer
  • The supportive community and networking events opened doors for me. I secured multiple interviews through CoderSchool's career services. - Michael Martin, Data Analyst

CoderSchool has a thriving community with hackathons, tech meetups, and alumni gatherings.

They've got connections with companies like VNG, FPT Software, and Techcombank, so you can network and maybe even land a sweet gig. According to their latest report, a whopping 92% of grads score jobs within six months, with an average starting salary of $800 USD. Not too shabby, right?

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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MindX Technology School


Alright, let's talk about this sick coding bootcamp called MindX Technology School. These guys are straight-up killing it in Vietnam's tech education game.

They're all about prepping students for legit careers in coding, data science, cybersecurity, you name it. But they don't just throw a bunch of theory at you – their winning approach at A-star AI Bootcamp involved building an AI model to automate the job-matching process for graduates.

Talk about innovative!

What really sets MindX apart is their focus on hands-on projects and collabs with industry pros. They've got partnerships with major players like Zalo, VNG, and FPT Software, so you know their programs are on point.

And the proof is in the pudding – their deal with USAID aims to make tech education more accessible through an Income Share Agreement program.

That's a game-changer for anyone who can't afford the courses upfront.

But don't just take my word for it. MindX has racked up some serious accolades, like being named one of the "Top 10 Coding Bootcamps in Southeast Asia" by Course Report in 2023 and scoring the "Excellence in Tech Education" award from the Vietnam Software Association in 2022.

With a 92% job placement rate for grads within six months, they're making waves. If you're looking to level up your coding skills and land a sweet gig, MindX is definitely worth checking out.

CodeGym Vietnam


Let's talk about CodeGym, one of the top coding bootcamps in Vietnam that's making waves! This place is all about hands-on learning and getting you ready for the real deal.

They cover the full stack, from Java to React, so you'll be a coding pro by the time you're done.

What's really cool is the personalized approach they take.

With a small student-to-instructor ratio, you get the attention you need to level up your skills. Plus, they've got mentors who'll guide you through the whole journey, from learning the ropes to prepping for job interviews.

It's like having a coding squad watching your back!

But here's the real deal-breaker: 91% of CodeGym grads land jobs within three months of finishing the program.

And we're talking decent pay, too – an average starting salary of around $800 per month. Not too shabby for living that coder life, right? They've even got connections with major tech companies like FPT Software and Viettel, so you know they've got your back when it comes to finding that dream job.

The mentors went above and beyond to make sure we got it, and their career guidance was on point for landing that sweet coding gig.

With CodeGym's track record and commitment to quality, it's no wonder they're killing it in the bootcamp game.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

*By checking "I Agree", you are opting-in to receive information, including text messages from Nucamp. You also agree to the following Terms of use, SMS Terms of use & Privacy Policy. Reply STOP to stop receiving text messages.

TechKids Academy


Check this out - TechKids Academy, which started in 2017, has quickly become one of the top coding bootcamps in Vietnam.

They've got a solid curriculum covering everything from Python and Java to Web Dev, App Development, and even AI/Machine Learning. Their student body is pretty much an even split between guys and girls, with a growing number of international students too, making it a super diverse crowd.

Their learning facilities in places like Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City are legit, setting the stage for a collaborative and immersive experience.

Plus, they keep their class sizes small, with a student-to-instructor ratio of 8:1, so you get that personalized attention. But it's not just about the coding, they've also got a ton of extracurricular activities and projects like coding clubs, hackathons, field trips to tech companies, and guest lectures from industry pros - all geared towards building practical skills and fostering a tight-knit coding community.

According to their 2024 projections, TechKids Academy is killing it with a 92% graduation rate, and over 75% of their grads secure internships, freelance gigs, or full-time jobs within six months of completing the program.

If you're looking to get a job in tech in Vietnam, this place is definitely worth checking out.

Frequently Asked Questions


Why is choosing the right coding bootcamp important?

Top bootcamps teach you the latest tech stacks used by companies, provide mentorship from industry professionals, offer career support like resume polishing and mock interviews, and have solid grad success rates with alumni landing jobs at major tech companies.

What factors were considered in ranking the top coding bootcamps in Vietnam for 2024?

The ranking considered relevant curriculum, instructor experience, post-grad support like career coaching, and alumni success in securing jobs and high salaries after graduation.

What is unique about Nucamp Coding Bootcamp?

Nucamp offers a full-stack web development program with personalized mentorship from industry professionals. They provide comprehensive career services, including resume workshops and job placement assistance, leading to high job placement rates and impressive average starting salaries for graduates.

How does CoderSchool prepare its students for tech jobs?

CoderSchool offers project-based learning with a hands-on approach and real-world projects. Their instructors are industry veterans, and they provide networking opportunities through community events and connections with major tech companies, resulting in high job placement rates.

What sets MindX Technology School apart in the tech education field?

MindX focuses on hands-on projects and collaborations with industry partners. They offer innovative programs like Income Share Agreements to make tech education accessible. MindX has received accolades for excellence in tech education and maintains a high job placement rate for graduates.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.