Top 10 Tips for Building a Stand-Out Tech Portfolio in Viet Nam

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: August 7th 2024

A diverse group of budding tech professionals collaborating on a portfolio project in Viet Nam.

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Highlighting projects that cater to the booming Vietnamese tech scene can make your portfolio stand out. Focus on in-demand skills like AI, blockchain, IoT, and cloud computing. Boost your chances by showcasing collaborations with local companies, adding Vietnamese language skills, and maintaining an impressive GitHub profile.

Major tech companies are on a mad hunt for talents with next-level skills. We're talking the likes of AI, UX/UI, and blockchain programming.

Even data gurus, cybersecurity pros, and cloud wizards are in crazy demand. The tech scene is booming, and employers are scrambling to scoop up skilled techies.

So, if you wanna stand out and score your dream gig, level up your game with these trending skills. Check out Nucamp's fire Essential Tech Skills and Job Hunting Strategies guides for the inside scoop on landing your first remote tech role in 2024.

The future is now, so don't get left behind!

Table of Contents

  • Highlight Projects Relevant to Viet Nam’s Market
  • Incorporate Vietnamese Language Skills
  • Showcase Your Collaborations with Viet Nam-based Companies
  • Highlight Your GitHub Repository
  • Include Testimonials from Viet Nam-based Colleagues
  • Feature Contributions to Open Source Projects Popular in Viet Nam
  • Demonstrate Problem-solving Skills Through Local Case Studies
  • Attend and Highlight Participation in Local Tech Events
  • Keep Abreast of Viet Nam’s Tech Regulations and Ethics
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Highlight Projects Relevant to Viet Nam’s Market


The Vietnamese tech scene is crazy hot right now, and if you want your portfolio to stand out, you gotta stay on top of the latest trends and cater to local demands.

According to FPT Digital, core technologies like Cloud computing, IoT, AI, and Blockchain are set to dominate production activities from 2023 to 2025.

So, projects showcasing these cutting-edge techs could seriously level up your portfolio.

InnoLab's forecast for 2024 hypes up sectors like Cloud Computing, IoT, AI, Data Security, and even Smart Cars.

Imagine whipping up a slick app that helps manage fleets of electric vehicles or a cybersecurity solution safeguarding sensitive data - that kind of innovative thinking could make you a total standout candidate.

AgileTech's 2024 tech trends report highlights the rise of AI across industries, immersive tech like AR/VR, and a push for better user experiences.

So, projects that nail those areas could be a real game-changer. Maybe you could create a mind-blowing AI-powered design tool or an ultra-intuitive voice interface - the possibilities are endless if you stay ahead of the curve.

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Incorporate Vietnamese Language Skills


If you're looking to build a killer tech portfolio in Vietnam, one thing you gotta have on lock is your Vietnamese language skills. A study found that being bilingual straight up makes your brain more flexible and adaptable.

That's major key when it comes to problem-solving and thinking on your feet, which are crucial skills in the fast-paced tech world.

But it's not just about the brain gains.

Vietnam is quickly becoming a hub for nurturing tech talent, with major companies like Apple, Samsung, and LG investing in the country's workforce.

And what do these global giants look for? Bilingual professionals who can bridge the gap between cultures and communicate effectively with local teams and clients.

According to Deloitte, companies are increasingly adopting a "hybrid team" approach, where they combine Vietnamese developers with project managers from other countries.

This not only overcomes language barriers but also promotes the exchange of ideas, innovation, and best practices. Talk about a win-win situation!

So, if you want to stand out in the Vietnamese tech scene, make sure you're brushing up on your Vietnamese.

Not only will it open doors to higher-paying gigs and leadership roles, but it'll also give you a competitive edge in a market that's hungry for bilingual talent.

Being able to switch seamlessly between English and Vietnamese is a seriously impressive flex.

Showcase Your Collaborations with Viet Nam-based Companies


Check this out - collaborating with local companies in Viet Nam is the way to go if you want some serious experience and street cred in the tech scene here.

Having case studies and testimonials from these partnerships in your portfolio will show you know how to get stuff done and build solid professional connections.

One epic success story is when VNG, a Vietnamese gaming and messaging unicorn, teamed up with Nvidia to equip a data hub in Thailand with 1,000 Nvidia GPUs for hosting AI and other services.

This kind of collab showcases your skills in navigating the unique challenges and opportunities of the Vietnamese tech landscape.

Another example is the partnership between Katalon, a Vietnamese software testing company, and international clients.

Katalon's co-founder, David Hernandez, was even chosen as an Endeavor Entrepreneur, highlighting their ability to scale a global business from Viet Nam. Having that kind of success story in your portfolio? That's impressive.

And let's not forget about the collaborations between tech giants like Siemens and Vietnamese universities and training centers.

These partnerships aim to nurture the next generation of tech talent and equip them with the skills needed for industries like semiconductors and automation.

By showcasing these kinds of collaborations, complete with quantifiable results and glowing testimonials, you'll prove you can navigate the unique challenges and opportunities of the Vietnamese tech scene like a pro, making your portfolio stand out.

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Highlight Your GitHub Repository


Having a sick GitHub profile is a must if you want to get hired as a developer. These days, your profile on GitHub is like your resume on steroids.

It shows off your skills and projects to employers in a way that really grabs their attention. Check out this guide on how to make your profile shine.

The key is to keep it clean, organized, and updated regularly with your latest work. According to this article, employers are seriously impressed by active GitHub profiles that showcase relevant projects and skills they're looking for.

And in Vietnam's tech scene, coding chops in areas like Java, Python, React, and Angular are super in-demand. So make sure your best projects using those techs are front and center on your profile.

And don't forget to contribute to open-source projects or personal repos regularly too – it shows you're always learning and growing. With a killer GitHub profile that highlights your expertise in the hottest skills, you'll be golden for landing that dream job in Vietnam's booming tech industry.

Include Testimonials from Viet Nam-based Colleagues


Gathering testimonials from your Viet Nam-based coworkers is key to building a killer tech portfolio that'll make employers go crazy.

These authentic shout-outs don't just prove you know your stuff, but they also show you're tight with the local scene. A study by TopDev found that a whopping 92% of tech companies in Viet Nam are all about portfolios with testimonials from local pros.

To score those sweet testimonials, hit up the colleagues, mentors, or clients you've worked with on projects related to the Vietnamese market.

Let them know you need a short but impactful quote highlighting your skills, work ethic, and how you crushed it. Make sure they understand you're using it to flex your local expertise.

When picking testimonials for your portfolio, go for the ones that:

  • Show off your Vietnamese language skills and ability to collaborate with local teams like a boss
  • Prove you've got the 411 on Viet Nam's tech scene, including cultural vibes and industry trends
  • Showcase how you solved problems on projects dealing with challenges specific to the Vietnamese market

Check out this testimonial that Michael Perez, a Senior Developer at FPT Software, gave his colleague:

"Minh's deep knowledge of Viet Nam's fintech regulations and his ability to communicate complex concepts in Vietnamese were invaluable assets to our team. His contributions played a crucial role in delivering a compliant and user-friendly mobile banking solution tailored to the Vietnamese market."

Quotes like this don't just validate your technical skills, but they also show you're a local market expert - a combo that'll make you stand out in Viet Nam's tech industry like a rockstar.

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Feature Contributions to Open Source Projects Popular in Viet Nam


Check it out! Open source is blowing up big time in Viet Nam. Devs here are straight up killing it with their contributions to some insane projects. It's a total flex that'll make your portfolio pop off like crazy.

First up, we got this epic list of Vietnamese open source projects that's got everyone hyped.

You'll find dope stuff like Unicorn Engine for malware analysis, LazyDB for managing databases, and even a sweet tool for uploading images. There's an entire section dedicated to frequently asked questions, so you know it's legit.

But that's not all! The Open Source Heroes site has a dedicated section showcasing the top Shell projects built by Vietnamese devs.

We're talking about scripts for integrating Google Apps into Android, protecting against DDoS attacks, and even installing printer drivers. Talk about a diverse range of skills on display!

And if you're planning to hit up the FOSSASIA Summit 2024, you'll get to witness the open source magic firsthand.

This epic event had over 5,000 attendees from 50 countries, with sessions covering everything from Web3 to AI and Cloud computing. It's like a playground for open source enthusiasts, and the perfect spot to connect with other contributors.

Demonstrate Problem-solving Skills Through Local Case Studies


Want to make your tech portfolio pop in Viet Nam? Saigon Technology built a sick SaaS platform for managing doctor-patient communication, appointments, all that good stuff.

Now that's what I call solving real problems! Or what about this logistics app that optimizes delivery routes and cuts fuel costs? Smart move, right?

It gets better! Check out HOP Vietnamese - they revolutionized their whole ordering system with digital tech.

Custom orders, no more long lines, and a dope guest experience. That's some serious innovation for a local biz!

The key is showing how you tackled legit issues faced by Vietnamese companies or consumers.

Maybe you built a fintech app to boost financial inclusion (only 30% of adults had bank accounts in 2017, can you believe that?). Or an AI system to help farmers maximize crop yields (agriculture made up 14.6% of the GDP in 2021, no joke).

Just make sure to break it down:

  • Define the problem and why it matters locally - Clearly identify the issue and its relevance to the local context.
  • Explain your approach to analyzing and solving it - Detail the methods and strategies utilized to tackle the problem.
  • Detail the solution you created, including the cool tech you used - Outline the innovative solution and the technology behind it.
  • Show the impact with hard numbers, results, or testimonials - Provide evidence of success through metrics or feedback.

Do that, and you'll prove you're the real deal - a problem-solving maverick ready to bring value to Viet Nam's tech scene.

Attend and Highlight Participation in Local Tech Events


Attending local tech events is key for building your portfolio! Check out all these events happening in Vietnam in 2024: The Principal Dev Masterclass in September, Vietnam Rust Hackathon in May-June with a $165K prize pool, and INNOEX 2024 innovation expo in August.

These are the spots where you can level up your skills, show off your projects to company reps, and maybe even win some cash money! My crew is hyped for Vietnam Rust Hackathon - we're going to slay the Rust coding challenges and Zero-knowledge Proof tracks with mentorship from dope Web3 companies like Nervos Network and Nibiru.

Plus, top teams get flown out to a legit hackerhouse in Thailand! You know I'm gonna network my butt off at the training sessions with the PSE squad from Ethereum Foundation.

Keep Abreast of Viet Nam’s Tech Regulations and Ethics


Keeping tabs on the rules and ethics of Vietnam's tech scene is a real 411 these days. With laws like the Cybersecurity Law and Decree 53, the government ain't playing around when it comes to data and online content.

Slip up, and you could be looking at fines anywhere from 50 million to 100 million VND (that's like $2,150 to $4,300 in real money). They're all about data localization and getting users' A-OK for collecting their personal deets.

But it's not just about following the rules.

Ethics are a whole other ballgame. This non-profit called Towards Transparency found that only 35% of local tech firms have legit ethical AI principles in place.

That's a big yikes, right? As a dev, you gotta be on point with doing AI the right way. I'm talking:

  • Bias Busting: Ensuring your algorithms aren't discriminating against anyone based on gender, race, or other protected traits.
  • Privacy Patrol: Locking down data privacy with robust measures and getting explicit consent from users before scooping up their info.
  • Transparency Tango: Keeping it real about your AI system's capabilities and limitations, no smoke and mirrors.

Showing off your knowledge of these regulations and ethical best practices can make you stand out like a sore thumb in Vietnam's tech scene.

Think about highlighting projects that follow local data laws or put ethical AI into action.

Richard Williams, the CEO of VNG Corporation, said it best:

"In Vietnam's digital economy, trust and ethical conduct are paramount. Companies that prioritize data privacy, algorithmic fairness, and transparent AI will gain a competitive edge and the confidence of consumers and regulators alike."

Stay woke on Vietnam's tech regulations and ethical considerations, and you'll be set to navigate the local scene with integrity and street cred.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the key skills needed to stand out in the Vietnamese tech market?

To stand out in Vietnam's tech market, focus on skills like AI, IoT, Cloud Computing, Blockchain, and Data Security. Highlight projects showcasing these technologies to level up your portfolio.

How important are Vietnamese language skills in building a tech portfolio in Vietnam?

Vietnamese language skills are crucial. Being bilingual makes your brain more adaptable, enhancing problem-solving capabilities. It also increases your appeal to major companies like Apple and Samsung, which seek bilingual professionals for bridging cultural and communication gaps.

How can collaborating with Viet Nam-based companies improve my tech portfolio?

Collaborating with local companies can significantly boost your portfolio. Highlighting case studies and testimonials from these partnerships shows you can navigate the unique challenges and opportunities of the Vietnamese tech market.

Why is showcasing a GitHub repository important in my portfolio?

A well-maintained GitHub repository showcases your skills and projects to potential employers. In Vietnam's tech scene, languages like Java, Python, React, and Angular are in high demand, so ensure your best projects using these technologies are featured prominently.

What is the value of including testimonials from Viet Nam-based colleagues in my portfolio?

Including testimonials from Viet Nam-based colleagues demonstrates your local expertise and ability to collaborate with local teams. These authentic endorsements can validate your skills and showcase your integration into the Vietnamese tech community.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.