Is JavaScript still relevant in 2023?

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

A beginner's guide to understanding JavaScript relevance in 2023

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JavaScript remains highly relevant in 2023 with 97.8% of websites using it. Demand for JavaScript developers is expected to grow by 13% from 2020 to 2030. Key frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue enhance development, with ECMAScript updates on the horizon. The future sees JavaScript's pivotal role evolving with serverless architectures and PWAs increasing.

Let me break it down for you - JavaScript is the real OG in the web dev game, and it ain't going nowhere anytime soon. This banger's been around since '95, and it's only gotten stronger over time.

Like, 97.8% of websites use it now, so you know it's a must-have skill for any dev worth their salt.

JavaScript started as a client-side script, but now it's a total powerhouse that can handle both front-end and back-end stuff.

Remember when AJAX came out in the 2000s and made web apps all asynchronous and stuff? That was a game-changer. And let's not forget about the dope frameworks and libraries like React, Vue, and Angular that simplify development and make your code run like a champ.

The future of JavaScript looks lit, with updates like Top-Level Await and Private Fields coming in 2024 to make your coding life even easier.

And the demand for JavaScript devs is skyrocketing. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics says there's gonna be a 13% growth in web dev jobs from 2020 to 2030, so you better get your skills on point.

JavaScript is adapting to all the modern web dev needs, like Node.js for server-side stuff and Internet of Things integration.

It's efficient, compatible with multiple platforms, and has mad libraries that make your user experience lit and development cycles faster than ever. So, if you want to be a part of the future of web dev, you gotta learn JavaScript.

Trust me, it's the real MVP.

Table of Contents

  • The State of JavaScript in the Tech Industry
  • JavaScript Frameworks and Libraries in 2023
  • Real-World Applications of JavaScript
  • Learning JavaScript in 2023
  • The Future of JavaScript
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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The State of JavaScript in the Tech Industry


The tech world is all hyped up for JavaScript devs, and the demand ain't slowing down anytime soon. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, web dev jobs with a focus on JavaScript are expected to skyrocket by 16% from 2022 to 2032 – that's way faster than most other gigs.

97.7% of websites use JavaScript to make those pages pop and give users a dope experience.

So why are businesses going gaga over JavaScript?

  • Flexibility: JavaScript works like a charm across different platforms, from Windows to Android and iOS, making it perfect for creating websites and apps that adapt to any screen, keeping both businesses and customers happy.
  • Efficiency: With its event-driven nature, JavaScript makes websites load lightning-fast and keeps the user experience smooth as butter, which is crucial for keeping customers hooked and converting those clicks into cash.
  • Community Support: The massive JavaScript community is constantly churning out new libraries and frameworks, helping devs save time and get products out the door faster. And let's not forget the average JavaScript dev salary ranging from $70,000 to $120,000, making it a seriously lucrative career choice.

In Stack Overflow's Developer Survey 2022, JavaScript was crowned the most commonly used programming language for the ninth year in a row.

Companies aren't just digging JavaScript for its technical chops but also for the business growth it offers. One tech CEO summed it up perfectly:

"JavaScript's event-driven model and non-blocking I/O provide unparalleled advantages in creating scalable and high-performing applications, translating directly into business growth."

With benefits like that, JavaScript is the MVP in web and mobile app development, and its demand among devs is only going to keep climbing in 2023 and beyond.

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JavaScript Frameworks and Libraries in 2023


Let's talk about these dope JavaScript frameworks that are killing it in 2023. It's not just React, Vue, and Angular anymore – there's a whole new wave of badass frameworks taking over the game.

React, backed by Facebook, is still the top dog for building slick UIs with its virtual DOM. Vue is getting mad love from startups for its flexibility and ease of use.

And Angular is the go-to for building scalable apps with its robust ecosystem and tools.

Frameworks like Svelte and Next.js are shaking things up by optimizing performance and adding server-side rendering capabilities.

It's like web development on steroids!

These frameworks are game-changers for developers. React's reusable components make development a breeze and cut down on bugs.

Vue can speed up project timelines by like 30% with its straightforward syntax and solid docs. And Angular's data binding game is on point, making sure your app's model and view are always in sync.

But it's not just about dev speed – the right framework can make your app fly.

React is a beast for handling dynamic content, so interactive web apps are its jam. Vue is a speed demon with lightning-fast startup times and memory efficiency.

And Angular's change detection methods keep performance consistent, no matter how big your app gets.

At the end of the day, picking the right framework is key.

It's all about finding the one that fits your project's needs like a glove. With the crazy amount of options in 2023, developers have a stacked toolbox for building web apps that are efficient, performant, and built to last.

JavaScript is still the king!

Real-World Applications of JavaScript


JavaScript is like the rockstar of the digital world, ruling over websites and mobile apps alike. This language isn't just for making cool effects on webpages; it's a total game-changer that powers some of the biggest names out there.

Netflix, Facebook, and LinkedIn - these titans of the internet rely heavily on JavaScript to bring their platforms to life.

Netflix uses it to load your favorite shows lightning-fast, making binge-watching sessions smoother than ever. Facebook, on the other hand, leverages React.js to create insanely interactive and engaging features that keep you scrolling for hours.

  • Netflix: Loads your shows at warp speed with JavaScript.
  • Facebook: Hooks you with addictive interactions thanks to React.js.
  • LinkedIn: Flexes JavaScript's versatility across web and mobile apps.

JavaScript is also a major player in the mobile app game.

Apps like Instagram and Uber rely on this language to handle massive amounts of real-time data, ensuring your feeds and rides are always up-to-date and responsive.

Instagram's slick visuals and seamless scrolling? JavaScript, baby!

Even tech giants like PayPal and eBay have jumped on the JavaScript bandwagon, using it for backend development with Node.js.

Talk about versatility!

"JavaScript is the MVP of coding, making apps and websites come alive with mind-blowing interactions and buttery smooth experiences."

Bottom line, JavaScript is the language that keeps the digital world spinning.

From social media to mobile apps, it's the driving force behind the coolest, most innovative tech out there. Whether you're a coding whiz or just a casual user, you can't deny the impact of JavaScript on the way we experience the internet and our devices.

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Learning JavaScript in 2023


In 2023, getting your hands dirty with JavaScript has become an absolute breeze. Thanks to a ton of resources out there, even newbies can easily hop on the coding train.

With JavaScript being the king of web development, a bunch of educational platforms and communities have popped up to guide you through the learning process.

Platforms like FreeCodeCamp, Codecademy, and Udemy are absolute game-changers for beginners.

They offer a sweet blend of theory and practical exercises, allowing you to grasp the basics while putting your skills to the test in real-life scenarios. FreeCodeCamp's JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures certification program, in particular, has been getting mad props for its depth and practicality.

But it's not just about the resources.

The JavaScript community is where the real magic happens. Online forums and social media groups are a goldmine for newbies seeking advice, sharing resources, and connecting with fellow coders and mentors.

Platforms like Stack Overflow, GitHub, and Reddit have thriving JavaScript communities where you can ask questions, contribute to projects, and stay up-to-date with the latest trends.

Plus, annual surveys from sites like Stack Overflow consistently rank JavaScript as one of the most popular and beloved programming languages among developers, showcasing the supportive ecosystem surrounding it.

If you're just starting your JavaScript journey in 2023, the world is your oyster.

The key to success lies in tapping into the wealth of online resources and leveraging the collective knowledge of the JavaScript community. By engaging with these platforms and networks, you can seriously level up your learning curve and set yourself up for a killer career in web development.

Remember, as Edsger Dijkstra said, "Learning to code is learning to create and innovate," so buckle up and get ready to unlock a world of possibilities in the digital age!

The Future of JavaScript


Let me break it down for you about the future of JavaScript. It's looking pretty great.

According to the experts, JavaScript is going to be the MVP in web development for the next year and beyond.

They're predicting a huge demand for JavaScript devs in 2024. Makes sense, right? JavaScript has been the backbone of modern web development, giving us those slick and interactive web experiences we all love.

But it's not just about the web anymore. JavaScript is leveling up with trends like Serverless Architectures and Progressive Web Apps (PWAs).

These new waves are showing how JavaScript is adapting to the changing digital landscape. A report by JetBrains says that 65% of devs are already building PWAs with JavaScript, and that number is only going to rise as businesses want to give us that smooth online experience.

JavaScript is also crushing it in the mobile app game. With frameworks like React Native, developers can now use JavaScript to build killer mobile apps, not just websites.

A recent survey found that over 50% of mobile devs prefer using JavaScript frameworks for their projects. Companies like Ace Infoway and LambdaTest are backing up the idea that JavaScript and mobile app development are a power couple, creating a versatile space where devs can build cross-platform apps for all kinds of users.

To sum it up, JavaScript's future is looking brighter than ever. With cutting-edge frameworks and its flexibility, JavaScript is becoming a must-have for web and app development.

As we approach 2024 and beyond, embracing these trends and harnessing the power of JavaScript will be key for devs who want to build innovative and user-friendly digital products.

And let's not forget about TypeScript, as mentioned in a Toptal article, which is improving code quality and efficiency, making JavaScript even more versatile and ready to tackle the demands of modern web and app development.

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Frequently Asked Questions


Is JavaScript still relevant in 2023?

Yes, JavaScript remains highly relevant in 2023 as it continues to be an essential tool for web and mobile application development. Its versatility, widespread adoption, and continuous evolution reinforce its importance in creating dynamic user experiences.

What is the demand for JavaScript developers in 2023?

The demand for JavaScript developers has substantially increased in 2023, with projections indicating a 13% growth in employment for web developers and digital designers from 2020 to 2030. JavaScript's adaptation to modern development needs and its versatility make it a sought-after skill in the tech industry.

Which JavaScript frameworks and libraries are popular in 2023?

In 2023, popular JavaScript frameworks and libraries include React, Vue.js, Angular, Svelte, and Next.js. Each framework offers unique advantages, such as efficient virtual DOM (React), adaptability (Vue.js), and runtime efficiency (Svelte). Developers can choose frameworks based on project requirements to enhance development speed and application performance.

What are some real-world applications of JavaScript in 2023?

JavaScript is widely used in real-world applications such as Netflix, Facebook, Instagram, and Uber for building interactive and dynamic user experiences. From fast content loading to real-time data handling, JavaScript plays a crucial role in enhancing user interfaces and functionality across various platforms.

How can one learn JavaScript effectively in 2023?

In 2023, aspiring JavaScript developers can leverage platforms like FreeCodeCamp, Udemy, and Coursera for comprehensive courses. Engaging with online communities on platforms like Stack Overflow and GitHub can provide valuable support and networking opportunities. By combining theoretical knowledge with practical exercises, learners can master JavaScript for successful web development careers.

You may be interested in the following topics as well:

  • Discover what the learning curve really looks like for beginners in JavaScript.

  • Understanding the core concepts in 'Eloquent JavaScript' can dramatically improve your coding skills.

  • Explore the world of JavaScript frameworks and libraries, such as React, Angular, and Vue that elevate web development.

  • Ponder over the tech industry's future and the place JavaScript will hold in it.

  • Learn about the unique approach that 'Eloquent JavaScript' takes to cover data structures and algorithms, setting it apart from other programming books.

  • For those aspiring to become developers, these final recommendations from 'Eloquent JavaScript' are invaluable.


Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.