Is JavaScript still relevant in 2024?

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: June 6th 2024

A vivid depiction illustrating JavaScript's relevance in the tech world of 2024

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JavaScript remains vital in 2024 for web development. 97.8% of websites use it, with modern features like dynamic import() and BigInt. It embraces SPAs, PWAs, IoT, AI, and serverless. JavaScript devs are high in demand, earning $74,040-$188,650 on average. Continuous learning with frameworks like React is key.

In 2024, JavaScript is still the boss when it comes to building web apps. This coding language is behind all those animations and interactive stuff you see online.

Like, 97.8% of websites use it to make their pages pop! JavaScript isn't just for basic web dev though; it's also used for server-side coding with Node.js, building mobile apps with frameworks like React Native, and even in cutting-edge tech like the Internet of Things (IoT).

Developers are obsessed with JavaScript, and it's the most in-demand programming language in the tech world. That's how you know it's still a big deal!

Choosing JavaScript in 2024 makes sense because it works seamlessly with all web browsers, has a massive community backing it up, and offers a ton of libraries and frameworks that make complex tasks a breeze.

JavaScript has been getting major updates too, like ECMAScript 2020, which added features like dynamic import() and BigInt, making it even more capable of handling modern web dev challenges.

And the future looks bright, with upcoming features like Top-Level Await and Private Fields promising to make JavaScript even more powerful and versatile.

Looking ahead, JavaScript is gearing up for some serious improvements in performance, security, and development efficiency.

The V8 engine keeps getting optimized, ensuring JavaScript stays lightning-fast and efficient, keeping it at the cutting edge of web tech. Plus, with all these frameworks and libraries emerging, and major tech giants throwing their support behind JavaScript, it's clear that this language is going to keep pushing the boundaries of user interaction and web dev experiences.

As we dive deeper into why JavaScript is chosen and how it keeps evolving, you'll see why this coding language is built to adapt and thrive in our rapidly changing digital world.

Table of Contents

  • The State of Web Development in 2024
  • Comparing JavaScript with Other Languages in 2024
  • JavaScript in the Job Market in 2024
  • Future Prospects of JavaScript
  • Learning JavaScript in 2024
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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The State of Web Development in 2024


The web dev game in '24 is lit, and JavaScript is killin' it! Single Page Apps (SPAs) are blowin' up, with a 30% spike in usage, thanks to JS's mad skills in loading dynamic content.

These bad boys deliver smooth AF user experiences.

Over 60% of IoT devs are usin' JS to craft dope UIs for all sorts of devices. With new styling solutions like Shadcn UI and Ark UI droppin' alongside JS, creating sick interfaces has never been easier.

Plus, the battle between Next.js and Astro for SSR/SSG supremacy is keepin' JS on its toes, drivin' innovation in content delivery.

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are the next big thing, offerin' that native app vibe in web apps.

Over half of PWAs are built with React, Angular, and Vue.js, puttin' JS at the center of this mobile web revolution. And with serverless architectures and containerization changin' the game, JS and Node.js are leadin' the charge.

AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants are also gettin' cozy with JS, bringin' personalized interactions to web platforms.

As the '24 Web Development Trends Report says,

"JavaScript's versatility and its ecosystem's rapid evolution keep it at the core of web development, adapting to new trends like serverless computing and blockchain technology."

JS ain't goin' nowhere! It's stayin' on top, shapin' the future of web dev like a boss.

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Comparing JavaScript with Other Languages in 2024


Let me break it down for you. JavaScript is still dominating in the web dev game, even with all the other languages trying to take it down. One of its biggest perks is that it's basically everywhere on the web, making websites and apps all interactive and dynamic.

Like, around 95% of websites use it to make the user experience way better. Pretty crazy, right?

JavaScript's non-blocking I/O thing makes it super efficient for real-time stuff like chat apps and live updates on social media feeds.

It's like a beast when it comes to handling all that data instantly.

I gotta be real with you. JavaScript ain't perfect. Its loosely typed nature can be a pain, causing bugs and making it harder to maintain big projects.

Languages like TypeScript and Java with their strict type checking do a better job at preventing those runtime errors.

Even with those cons, JavaScript still dominates in some niche areas that other languages can't touch.

Take mobile app development with frameworks like React Native. Over half of mobile devs prefer using JavaScript-based frameworks because they can build apps for different platforms with a single codebase.

It's like a one-size-fits-all deal.

According to a 2024 dev trends analysis, "JavaScript's versatility in both front-end and back-end development through Node.js uniquely positions it in the ecosystem, enabling full-stack development with a single language." That's what makes it a hot commodity for startups and tech giants alike, keeping it relevant in this ever-changing digital world.

And let's not forget about TypeScript.

It's like JavaScript's cool older sibling, adding static typing and better tools for those massive projects, addressing some of JavaScript's cons. It's like a win-win situation.

The debate between JavaScript vs. Python sheds light on when each language is the best fit.

While Python is gaining popularity in data science, JavaScript still reigns supreme in the web realm. It's all about finding the right tool for the job, ya feel me?

JavaScript in the Job Market in 2024


The tech world in 2024 is lit AF, and JavaScript developers are freakin' rockstars! With websites getting more complex by the minute, everyone's thirsty for coders who can make web apps look fly and run smooth as butter.

JavaScript is still the top dog for building interactive sites, with over 65% of developers using it in their projects. And the money? Oh, boy! Junior roles can rake in around $74K, while the big dogs at the senior level can score a whopping $188K! Plus, the job market for JavaScript skills is booming, with a 22% growth rate that's way higher than other tech gigs.

But employers aren't just looking for basic JavaScript skills.

They want you to be a coding Swiss Army knife. According to the experts, you need to have your game on point with:

  • Advanced knowledge of front-end frameworks like React, Vue.js, and Angular.
  • Proficiency in server-side JavaScript with Node.js.
  • Experience with state management libraries and modern CSS.
  • Ability to work with RESTful services and APIs.
  • Understanding of version control systems, preferably Git.

If you wanna stand out in 2024, keep leveling up and specializing! Dive deep into niches like Progressive Web Apps (PWAs), serverless architectures, or blockchain tech to separate yourself from the pack.

As Susan Rodriguez, the tech industry's queen, says, "The key to success is to stay adaptable and keep upgrading your skills." Also, get involved with open-source projects and contribute to the JavaScript community.

It'll make you look like a total boss to potential employers.

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Future Prospects of JavaScript


Check it out! JavaScript is leveling up like crazy in 2024. They're dropping some sick new features that'll make coding a breeze. We're talking Object.groupBy(), the Regular Expression v flag, and Promise.withResolvers(), not to mention dope new array methods like toReversed() and toSorted().

It's all about making devs' lives easier, you feel me?

The optional chaining operator and top-level await are going to save you from those pesky errors that used to drive us nuts.

And let's not forget the Temporal API, which is going to revolutionize how we deal with dates and times. It's like JavaScript is reading our minds and giving us what we need!

Speaking of dope new features, Six Novel Features in JavaScript for 2024 like properly formatted Unicode strings and the pipeline operator are keeping things fresh.

JavaScript is stepping up its game, branching out into serverless architectures, Progressive Web Apps (PWAs), and even Web3 and Blockchain. It's like the language is diversifying its portfolio, you dig?

The 2024 JavaScript Ecosystem Survey is hyping up these new advancements, and it's clear that JavaScript skills are going to be in high demand.

They said,

"JavaScript's evolution continues to propel the tech industry forward, making it an indispensable tool for modern web development."

Straight facts!

Analysts are predicting that JavaScript is going to keep on growing and thriving, thanks to its massive ecosystem, community-driven upgrades, and ability to adapt.

This language isn't playing around; it's here to stay and shape the future of tech. So buckle up, because JavaScript in 2024 and beyond is going to be one wild ride!

Learning JavaScript in 2024


In this day and age, knowing JavaScript is like having a superpower in the tech world. Whether you're building websites, mobile apps, or even games, this coding language is the real MVP.

A whopping 75% of aspiring devs these days are kickstarting their journeys online.

It's like a digital revolution, and you don't wanna miss out!

Now, let's talk about the top resources to level up your JavaScript game:

  • Interactive Coding Platforms like Codecademy and freeCodeCamp are the real deal. You get to write and test your code hands-on, giving you that valuable practical experience you need to slay.
  • Video Tutorials on YouTube and Udemy are a game-changer. Just check out the "JavaScript Basics for Beginners 2024" series - it racked up over 2 million views! Visual content is where it's at, especially when you've got industry pros guiding you through it all. Talk about learning on fleek!
  • Technical Blogs and Websites like MDN Web Docs and are your go-to spots for in-depth guides and documentation. These bad boys are crucial resources for nailing those foundational concepts and leveling up to advanced topics.

Starting out with JavaScript might seem like a daunting task, but "Start small, practice consistently, and don't sweat the mistakes." Tackle coding challenges on platforms like HackerRank and LeetCode, and get involved with coding communities.

This combo of resources and regular practice will have you navigating through JavaScript like a boss in no time.

If you're eyeing a career switch or just want to up your web dev game, Nucamp's Front End Web + Mobile Development bootcamp is the move.

They'll hook you up with JavaScript and other essential frameworks, giving you a solid path to mastering web and mobile app development. The JavaScript learning scene in 2024 is lit – there are resources and opportunities galore for beginners and seasoned devs alike to thrive.

So, what are you waiting for? Let's get coding!

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And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Frequently Asked Questions


Why is JavaScript still relevant in 2024?

JavaScript continues to be relevant in 2024 as it plays a pivotal role in web development, enabling the creation of dynamic and responsive web applications. It powers interactive user interfaces on 97.8% of websites and extends to server-side development, mobile app development, and emerging technologies like IoT.

What are the advantages of choosing JavaScript in 2024?

Choosing JavaScript in 2024 offers advantages such as universal compatibility with web browsers, extensive community support, a rich ecosystem of libraries and frameworks, and significant updates like ECMAScript 2020 introducing features to handle modern web development challenges.

What are the key trends in JavaScript development in 2024?

Key trends in JavaScript development in 2024 include the increasing adoption of SPAs, integration with IoT and AI technologies, the growth of PWAs, serverless architectures, and the usage of JavaScript frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js to enhance mobile web capabilities.

How is JavaScript faring compared to other languages in 2024?

In 2024, JavaScript remains a pivotal tool in web development despite facing competition from other programming languages. Its universality, presence in front-end and back-end development, and applications in building cross-platform mobile apps distinguish it. Advancements like TypeScript address challenges, but JavaScript continues to excel in various development scenarios.

What are the job market prospects for JavaScript developers in 2024?

In 2024, JavaScript developers are in high demand with lucrative average salaries ranging from $74,040 for junior roles to $188,650 for senior positions. Skills like proficiency in front-end frameworks, server-side development with Node.js, experience with RESTful services, and Git are sought after. Continuous learning and specialization in niche areas like PWAs and serverless architectures are key to standing out in the job market.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.