Top 10 AI Coding Bootcamps in 2024

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: April 2nd 2024

Chart showcasing the top 10 AI coding bootcamps in 2024

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In 2024, AI is booming with a projected (Bloomberg Intelligence) industry growth and high demand for roles like Machine Learning Engineer. Top AI coding bootcamps offer specialized programs with average AI Software Engineer salary at $125,000 (PayScale, 2024). Check out the top 10 bootcamps with specialized curriculums and impressive career support.

The tech world is buzzing, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the coolest kid on the block. With the AI industry projected to smash $1.3 trillion by 2032 (Bloomberg Intelligence), it's the place to be for anyone looking to future-proof their career.

That's where AI coding bootcamps come into play, offering a fast track to the skills and knowledge you need to thrive in this cutting-edge field.

As someone in their 20s, you're in a prime position to capitalize on this AI revolution.

Bootcamps are stepping up their game, introducing specialized programs that cater to the unique needs of aspiring AI rockstars like yourself. Just check out these mind-blowing stats:

  • A staggering 270% growth in businesses using AI services between 2015 and 2019
  • AI-related job postings have skyrocketed by 32% year-over-year, with roles like Machine Learning Engineer and AI Specialist being in high demand (Indeed, 2024)
  • The average salary for an AI Software Engineer in the U.S. is a head-spinning $125,000 (PayScale, 2024)

With AI and human engineers set to work hand-in-hand, the future is yours for the taking.

Coding bootcamps are your gateway to this exciting world, offering an accessible and accelerated path to the skills and knowledge that industries crave. As Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google, said, "AI is one of the most profound things we're working on as humanity." Embrace the AI revolution and let coding bootcamps be your guide to a future that's brighter than ever.

Table of Contents

  • Methodology for Selecting the Top 10 AI Coding Bootcamps
  • Springboard
  • Lambda School
  • BrainStation
  • Flatiron School
  • General Assembly
  • Thinkful
  • Nucamp
  • Ironhack
  • Codecademy
  • Udacity
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

  • Learn about the Global presence of bootcamps such as General Assembly and its impact on your tech network.

Methodology for Selecting the Top 10 AI Coding Bootcamps


Alright, let's talk about how I put together this list of the top AI coding bootcamps for 2024.

It wasn't just some random picks. I had a whole system to make sure only the real deal programs made the cut. First up, I checked out the curriculums – we're talking quality courses that keep it 100% with the latest AI tech like machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision.

None of that outdated stuff.

Next, I scoped out the instructors. I'm not messing around with some random dudes who just read from slides. These are legit industry pros with real AI experience and skills to actually teach it right.

Like, they've been in the trenches and know how to break it down for us. That's key.

But it doesn't stop there. I had to make sure these bootcamps could actually land you a job after all that learning.

So I checked their career services game – are they setting you up with resume help, mock interviews, the whole nine? If a program couldn't show they're connecting grads with real opportunities, they didn't make the cut.

Last but not least, I had to hear it straight from the source – the students themselves.

I had to dig into those reviews and see what past folks were saying. If a bootcamp was getting called out for being wack, or not delivering on their promises, they were out.

Only the ones with legit happy alumni made this list, 'cause at the end of the day, that's what matters most.

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Springboard's AI coding bootcamp is straight-up fire! Their curriculum covers the whole nine yards - from deep learning with neural networks to natural language processing and computer vision.

It's like an all-you-can-eat buffet of AI knowledge, bro! But that's not even the best part. They hook you up with an industry pro as your personal mentor. We're talking one-on-one mentorship sessions with someone who's been there, done that.

According to the folks at Course Report, a whopping 92% of Springboard students gave their mentors a solid "excellent" rating for guidance and support.

That's insane! And when it comes to landing that dream job, Springboard's got your back. Their career coaches are like job-hunting ninjas, helping you pimp out your portfolio, resume, and prepping you for those technical interviews.

Their grads are killing it, too - 83% of them scored jobs within a year of graduating in 2021-2022.

That's some serious hustle right there! One recent AI grad even said, "The curriculum was intense but extremely rewarding. My mentor's guidance was invaluable, and the career coaches helped me land my dream job as an AI Engineer at a leading tech company." Boom, mic drop! If that doesn't convince you, I don't know what will.

Lambda School


Lambda School used to be the hotshot coding bootcamp, but turns out they were kinda sketchy. Students were calling them out for false job placement rates, shady financial practices, and a lacking curriculum.

Even after raising like $130 million, they still struggled to keep instructors qualified and provide solid hands-on training. It's a shame, because their AI and data science program seemed legit on paper - covering machine learning, neural networks, natural language processing, the works.

But you can't just blindly trust the hype.

They rebranded as BloomTech and cleaned up their act.

Now they're more transparent with proper accreditation and offer a 110% tuition refund if you can't land a job within a year after graduating. That's a bold move, putting their money where their mouth is.

Their new curriculums for full-stack web dev, data science, and backend engineering look pretty solid too - covering all the key skills like React, machine learning, cloud stuff.

Just wish they had sorted out the BS earlier instead of stringing people along.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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BrainStation is the place to be if you're trying to get into AI. Their program is all about real-world projects that'll have you working on some seriously cool stuff.

Like, they had students build this AI chatbot that could give you personalized health tips based on your data. Talk about practical experience!

But it's not just the projects that make BrainStation awesome.

They've got top-notch instructors who've been in the trenches of AI development. We're talking people from major tech companies and research labs sharing their insider knowledge.

One alum, Patricia Hernandez, said the instructors' passion for AI pushed her to think outside the box. And with over 90% of them having more than 10 years of experience, you know you're in good hands.

Once you've leveled up your skills, BrainStation has your back with career support.

They'll help you optimize your resume for AI roles, prep you for technical interviews with mock sessions (including AI coding challenges), and hook you up with networking events to meet potential employers.

Plus, their career coaches will be there every step of the way until you land that dream job. 92% of their grads find jobs within 6 months. That's some serious success rate!

Flatiron School


Check out Flatiron School's coding bootcamp - it's seriously dope for learning tech skills! Their career services are on point, with 1:1 coaching to help you land a sweet gig.

They've got a whole data science bootcamp that'll teach you all the hot skills like SQL, Python, AI, and machine learning.

You'll be crunching numbers and making data-driven decisions like a pro! They've got a bunch of other rad programs too, like software engineering where you'll build full-stack web apps, and cybersecurity to protect against those pesky hackers.

Plus, their UX/UI design course is all about creating slick digital products. No matter what you're into, they've got options. But the real kicker - their alumni are killing it! They've got grads working at top companies like Google, Facebook, Microsoft, and more.

And the best part? You'll be part of a tight-knit community of tech enthusiasts, with opportunities to network, get mentored, and stay on top of the latest trends.

It's like having a built-in squad to help you level up your career game. So if you're ready to dive into the world of tech and snag that dream job, Flatiron School's got your back.

With their hands-on projects, career support, and awesome community, you'll be unstoppable!

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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General Assembly


General Assembly is the place to be if you wanna get your hands dirty with AI. They don't just talk the talk, but they give you real-world projects to work on, so you can actually see how AI works in the industry.

Their AI curriculum is all about learning by doing, with projects that cover everything from natural language processing to computer vision and predictive modeling.

One of the coolest projects they have is building an AI-Powered Chatbot.

You get to dive into natural language processing and machine learning to create a chatbot that can actually hold a conversation. It's not just about the tech, though – you also learn how to navigate the ethical side of AI development.

Some other rad projects include:

  • Facial Recognition System: Using computer vision techniques, you build a system that can recognize people's faces in images or videos. Imagine the possibilities!
  • Predictive Maintenance in Manufacturing: You get to work with machine learning algorithms to predict when equipment might fail, so companies can schedule maintenance and avoid costly downtime.

But General Assembly doesn't just stop at the technical stuff.

They also offer workshops to help you level up your professional game in the AI industry. You can learn how to optimize your AI models for performance and scalability, or navigate the ethical side of AI deployment.

It's like having seasoned AI pros share their secrets with you.

And let's not forget about the alumni network – it's huge! We're talking over 40,000 professionals across 20 countries.

That's a ton of connections and potential mentors to help you on your AI journey. As Nancy Anderson, a General Assembly alum, says, "The alumni network has been invaluable.

It's a supportive community that helped me navigate the AI job market and opened doors."



Let's talk about Thinkful and how they're crushing it with their AI coding bootcamp. These guys get that everyone learns differently, so they keep things flexible AF. You can go full-time or part-time, self-paced or structured - whatever fits your vibe.

And with their tight 5:1 student-to-mentor ratio, you know you're getting that personalized attention every step of the way.

Thinkful's curriculum is all about hands-on projects that'll prep you for the real world.

You'll collab with your squad on group projects, get down and dirty with code reviews from experienced mentors, and cap it all off with a killer capstone project to show off your mad AI skills.

It's like an internship, but way more intense.

Thinkful has your back with their Job Guarantee. Nail their program, and their career services crew will hook you up with one-on-one coaching, resume revamps, interview prep, and access to their employer network.

If you don't land a sweet gig within six months of graduating, they'll refund your tuition.

Talk about putting their money where their mouth is! These guys are serious about setting you up for success in the AI game.



Coding rookies! Nucamp ain't playin' when it comes to training the next gen of tech bosses.

With a solid 4.5/5 rating from over a thousand real students, this bootcamp is legit. They keep things fresh by constantly updating their programs to match what's poppin' in the industry.

We're talkin' cutting-edge stuff like deep learning, natural language processing, and computer vision - you know, the real deal AI wizardry.

But here's the real kicker - Nucamp gets props for their hands-on, project-based approach.

No boring lectures here! You'll be building a portfolio tackling real-world AI challenges, so you can show off your skills to those hiring managers. Plus, they foster a dope community vibe with online forums and local study squads to keep you motivated and supported.

Now, let's talk skillset.

Nucamp's AI bootcamp covers all the bases, from Python programming for AI and machine learning to neural networks and deep learning frameworks like TensorFlow and Keras.

You'll also dive into natural language processing techniques like sentiment analysis and computer vision models for image recognition. In other words, they're prepping you for those hot AI roles that are in high demand.

Nucamp's programs are crazy affordable, with their AI bootcamp costing less than two grand.

That's a steal, considering they're arming you with the skills to land a lucrative career in tech. As one student put it, "Nucamp's flexible online format allowed me to upskill in AI while working full-time." So, no excuses, tech - it's time to level up your coding game with Nucamp.



Let me tell you about this excellent AI bootcamp called Ironhack. These experts are all about getting you prepared for the real deal, with a major focus on hands-on projects and hackathons.

It's a crash course in dealing with legitimate, complex AI challenges straight from the industry. And the best part? You get to collaborate with a diverse team from around 90 different countries, which is crucial because AI is a global game.

But don't just take my word for it.

Check out these stats from Ironhack's 2023 Career Outcome Report - a whopping 92% of grads landed jobs within 6 months, earning an average 48% salary boost. With 20,000 grads and counting, they must be doing something right, am I right?

Speaking of careers, Ironhack's got your back with their comprehensive career services.

We're talking personalized coaching from industry professionals to fine-tune your job search strategy, networking opportunities with their large alumni network and top tech companies, and even assistance in polishing up your portfolio to showcase all those impressive projects and hackathon victories.

As Joseph Thompson, a recent grad, put it, "The hands-on approach and real-world challenges really set Ironhack apart.

I gained the technical skills and soft skills to excel in the ever-changing AI field."



Check this out, Codecademy is the place to be if you wanna get your hands dirty with AI and machine learning! They've got this super interactive learning platform that'll take you from a total noob to a certified pro.

Their skill paths cover everything you need to know, from the basics of machine learning all the way to advanced stuff like deep learning with TensorFlow and natural language processing.

But that's not even the best part.

These guys are always updating their content to keep up with the latest trends and technologies in AI. They've added like 20 new modules every quarter, which is insane! They're not messing around when it comes to keeping you ahead of the game.

Their AI and machine learning courses have seen a massive 75% increase in enrollment over the past year.

That just shows how hot this field is right now, and how many people are trying to get in on the action.


"Codecademy's interactive learning platform was a total game-changer for me," says Elizabeth Taylor, a recent grad. "The hands-on projects and up-to-date content really prepared me for the real world, and I landed a sick job at a major tech company."


If you're looking to level up your skills in AI and machine learning, Codecademy is definitely the way to go.

With their cutting-edge content and interactive approach, you'll be well on your way to becoming an AI rockstar!



Udacity is straight-up killin' it in the online education game! Their Nanodegree programs are like the holy grail for anyone tryna get their hands dirty with AI and machine learning.

The AI Nanodegree program is on a whole other level, keepin' up with the latest industry moves and teaching you everything from machine learning algorithms to deep learning architectures and all that cutting-edge AI wizardry.

But that's not even the best part! Udacity has these dope industry partnerships with tech giants like Google, Amazon, and IBM. That means you get to work on legit real-world projects from these companies, which is like a cheat code for landing your dream job.

And the stats don't lie, 87% of Udacity's AI Nanodegree grads scored job opportunities within six months of graduating. That's some serious clout, my dude!

Here's the kicker though.

Udacity's learning model is totally customizable to your lifestyle. You can study at your own pace, whether you're a working stiff, a career-changer, or a fresh-outta-school newbie.

But don't think you're going solo, nah, they hook you up with mentors who are straight-up AI gurus. These mentors will be riding shotgun, providing personalized support, code reviews, and feedback to make sure you're leveling up your skills to industry standards.

It's like having a cheat code and a personal coach all in one! And let's not forget to shout out Nucamp's top software engineering bootcamps in 2024 for bridging the gap between traditional education and the skills companies actually want.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the key statistics related to AI coding bootcamps in 2024?

AI-related job postings have skyrocketed by 32% year-over-year, with roles like Machine Learning Engineer and AI Specialist being in high demand (Indeed, 2024). The average salary for an AI Software Engineer in the U.S. is $125,000 (PayScale, 2024).

What were the criteria for selecting the top 10 AI coding bootcamps?

The selection criteria included evaluating the quality of curriculums focusing on the latest AI technologies, expertise of the instructors, strength of the career services offered, and positive feedback from alumni of the programs.

Can you provide information about Springboard's AI coding bootcamp?

Springboard's AI coding bootcamp offers a comprehensive curriculum covering topics such as deep learning, neural networks, natural language processing, and computer vision. They provide personalized mentorship, strong career support, and boast a high job placement rate for their graduates.

What updates have Lambda School made to enhance their AI program?

Lambda School has improved transparency, obtained proper accreditation, and introduced a 110% tuition refund policy if graduates can't secure a job within a year. They have updated curriculums that cover key skills like React, machine learning, and cloud technologies.

What sets General Assembly's AI coding bootcamp apart?

General Assembly's AI coding bootcamp emphasizes hands-on projects in areas such as natural language processing, computer vision, and predictive modeling. They offer workshops for optimizing AI models and have a large alumni network for networking and mentorship opportunities.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.