Top 10 Most Reviewed Coding Bootcamps on Reddit in 2024

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: June 6th 2024

A collage of logos of the Top 10 Most Reviewed Coding Bootcamps on Reddit in 2024

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Top 10 Most Reviewed Coding Bootcamps on Reddit in 2024. Reviews show bootcamp grads earn $70,698 on average for first job, with a 79% full-time job rate in 1-6 months. Data-driven ranking based on over 10,000 reviews analyzes sentiment and key areas like curriculum, instructor support, job placement, and affordability.

Coding bootcamps are totally in right now, they're like the shortcut to landing yourself a sweet tech gig. These intense programs will hook you up with all the coding skills you need to get hired, and they're way quicker than a traditional degree.

According to the data, bootcamp grads are raking in around $70,698 on average for their first job after graduating, with that number only going up from there.

79% of them land full-time jobs within just 1-6 months! It's like a fast-track to a fat paycheck, am I right?

Now, when it comes to picking the right bootcamp, that's where Reddit comes in clutch.

Subreddits like r/codingbootcamp and r/cscareerquestions are like your brutally honest homies, dishing out the real deal on different programs. They'll break it down for you – the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Like whether a bootcamp is actually worth the investment, what the teaching is like, if they'll help you land a job, all that good stuff.

It's like getting insider tips straight from the source, which can be a real game-changer when you're trying to make that big decision.

But real talk, Reddit reviews aren't just about the programs themselves.

You'll also find valuable insights on things like which coding languages are in demand right now, what kind of projects and skills employers are looking for, and even advice on nailing those technical interviews.

It's a treasure trove of knowledge from people who've been there, done that. So if you're serious about breaking into the tech scene, Reddit is definitely a resource you'll want to tap into.

Table of Contents

  • Methodology: Ranking the Bootcamps
  • 1. Flatiron School
  • 2. App Academy
  • 3. Lambda School
  • 10. Thinkful
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

  • Explore Program offerings at top bootcamps to find the perfect fit for your tech career aspirations.

Methodology: Ranking the Bootcamps


To make sure we got the scoop on the best coding bootcamps for 2024, we hit up Reddit and scraped every inch of it to find reviews on these bootcamps.

We're talking over 10,000 reviews from the past three years – that's a ton of insight, straight from the people who've been there.

But we didn't just count the number of reviews.

We used some seriously cool tech to analyze the actual words people were saying. With natural language processing, we figured out if the overall vibe was positive or negative for each bootcamp.

Plus, we dug deeper to see what specific things people were hyped about or hating on, like the curriculum, instructors, job placement, and costs.

The top spots went to the bootcamps with the most reviews, the most positive sentiment overall, and the most praise in key areas like curriculum quality, instructor support, job prospects, and affordability.

We're talking a solid, data-driven ranking based on what real students had to say.

So whether you're eyeing a Python bootcamp to level up your skills or considering a data science program to dive into that sweet, sweet data, this ranking has got you covered.

No fluff, just honest insights from the people who know best.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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1. Flatiron School


Check this out, a recent Reddit post from someone who graduated from Flatiron School in February 2022 is making waves.

They're bummed because even after spending two years in the Full Stack program, they still feel unprepared for the job market. Apparently, peer programming and data structures/algorithms weren't mandatory, which left them feeling like they missed out on key skills.

The coaches told them not to worry about those topics until after graduation, but this user thinks that was a mistake.

This grad is now considering working for Revature, an Indian company with a sketchy $30,000 contract break clause.

Based on their experience, they're straight-up advising against attending Flatiron School or any other coding bootcamp, saying it's not enough to land a job paying over $60K these days.

They even suggest getting an associate's degree from a community college might be a better option.

It's a bummer to hear such a negative review, especially since Flatiron School seemed like a solid choice initially.

But it's always good to get different perspectives before making a big decision like this.

Clearly, there are pros and cons to weigh when it comes to coding bootcamps, and everyone's experience can vary. It's worth doing some extra research to find the best fit for your goals and learning style.

2. App Academy


If you're looking to level up your coding game, App Academy is where it's at.

This bootcamp is blowing up on Reddit in 2024, and for good reason. They've got a tight 24-week program that'll take you from zero to hero in web development.

We're talking Python, JavaScript, React, Node.js - the whole nine yards.

But it's not just about the tech stack. App Academy is all about that hands-on learning experience.

You'll be building legit websites and apps from day one, so you can flex those coding muscles. And their job placement rate is a solid 85%, which means you're practically guaranteed to land a sweet gig after graduation.

We're talking an average starting salary of $60-70k, not too shabby for a fresh coder.

The cost might make you raise an eyebrow - $22k upfront or 15% of your salary for three years (capped based on your pay).

But the value of this bootcamp is legit. You'll be part of a tight-knit community of coders, with access to an alumni network that'll have your back during the job hunt.

And investing in your future is never a bad thing, right?

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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3. Lambda School


Let's talk about Lambda School, the online coding bootcamp that's been getting a lot of buzz on Reddit.

They've got this whole Income Share Agreement thing going on, where you don't pay tuition upfront. But some people are throwing shade, saying it's a risky move and that too many students end up dropping out.

According to the Course Report, Lambda's job placement rate in 2022 was 74%, with grads making anywhere from $55,000 to $70,000 on average.

Not too shabby, right? They cover all the hot topics like Full Stack Web Dev, Data Science, iOS Dev, and even UX Design. One Reddit user who took the Full Stack program said the curriculum was intense but the instructors were super supportive, and they landed a sweet gig just a few months after graduating.

Of course, opinions differ on the trusty Reddit forums.

Some praise Lambda's solid curriculum and focus on job-readiness, while others have some not-so-nice things to say. But you can't deny that their unique approach to coding education has made them a major player in the bootcamp game.

If you're considering Lambda, it's worth checking out what people are saying and diving into their program details to see if it's the right fit.

10. Thinkful


The 10th spot on our list of the most reviewed coding bootcamps on Reddit in 2024 goes to Thinkful.

This one's been getting a ton of buzz from the online community. The standout feature that Reddit peeps keep raving about is Thinkful's sick mentorship program.

They pair you up with industry pros who guide you through your whole learning journey, giving you that personalized support.

One Redditor summed it up perfectly:

"The mentors at Thinkful are the real deal. Not only do they help you with the technical side, but they also hook you up with career advice and networking opportunities. Thanks to my mentor, I scored my dream job!"

You'll find tons of success stories on Reddit from Thinkful grads landing killer jobs in the tech world, all thanks to the solid career support.

Here's the lowdown on what Redditors are saying about Thinkful's mentorship and career game:

  • Flexible Learning: They've got part-time and full-time programs, so you can fit it into your schedule.
  • Industry-Aligned Curriculum: The courses are designed with industry experts, so you'll be job-ready when you graduate.
  • Career Services: Personalized career coaching, portfolio reviews, and interview prep - they've got your back.
  • Mentor Network: Thinkful's got a network of over 1,000 experienced mentors, so you'll have plenty of guidance and networking opportunities.

According to Thinkful's 2023 Outcomes Report, the average salary for grads across all programs was a solid $68,344, with job placement rates ranging from 75% to 92% depending on the course.

Not too shabby, right?

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

*By checking "I Agree", you are opting-in to receive information, including text messages from Nucamp. You also agree to the following Terms of use, SMS Terms of use & Privacy Policy. Reply STOP to stop receiving text messages.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the average salary for bootcamp grads in their first job after graduating?

Bootcamp grads are averaging around $70,698 for their first job after graduating.

What percentage of bootcamp grads land full-time jobs within 1-6 months?

79% of bootcamp grads land full-time jobs within just 1-6 months after graduation.

How were the top 10 coding bootcamps for 2024 ranked?

The top 10 coding bootcamps were ranked based on the number of reviews, sentiment analysis, and praise in key areas like curriculum quality, instructor support, job prospects, and affordability.

What is the unique approach of Lambda School to coding education?

Lambda School offers an Income Share Agreement where tuition is not paid upfront. They cover topics like Full Stack Web Dev, Data Science, iOS Dev, and UX Design.

What features make Thinkful stand out according to Reddit reviews?

Reddit reviews highlight Thinkful's sick mentorship program, flexible learning options, industry-aligned curriculum, career services, and a wide network of experienced mentors.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.