Top 5 Most Affordable Coding Bootcamps in Boulder in 2024

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: July 1st 2024

Top 5 most affordable coding bootcamps in Boulder 2024.

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Discover the top 5 most affordable coding bootcamps in Boulder for 2024, covering programs like Nucamp, Boulder Code School, Skill Distillery, Techtonic Academy, and Colorado Free University. These bootcamps offer transparent tuition fees, various financing options, and strong job placement rates, making quality tech education accessible without breaking the bank.

Coding bootcamps are the new wave, offering a fast track to kick off your coding journey in various programming areas. Boulder is excelling with an ecosystem of coding schools for aspiring devs.

But traditional education can be expensive, so finding an affordable option is important. Luckily, Boulder has several high-quality bootcamps that strike that perfect balance between affordability and comprehensive training.

Here's the information on what you'll find in this article:

  • The inside scoop on the top 5 most budget-friendly coding bootcamps in Boulder for 2024
  • The details on each program's curriculum, tuition fees, financing options, and job placement rates
  • Pro tips on choosing the right bootcamp based on your budget, learning goals, and career aspirations

As John Taylor, a recent grad from one of these bootcamps, said,

"Finding an affordable yet legit coding program was a total game-changer. It allowed me to invest in my future without going broke."

And if you're considering Nucamp, check out their scholarships and funding options designed to make their programs even more accessible.

They've got options like the "Women in Tech" scholarship, sponsored by Google Cloud and Women Techmakers, as well as the "Warrior Rising" scholarship for military vets and active duty members.

Table of Contents

  • Methodology for Selecting the Bootcamps
  • Nucamp Coding Bootcamp
  • Boulder Code School
  • Skill Distillery
  • Techtonic Academy
  • Colorado Free University
  • Conclusion and Recommendations
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

Methodology for Selecting the Bootcamps


Let me give you the scoop on how we picked the top affordable coding bootcamps in Boulder for 2024. We kept it real by focusing on what matters most – quality education that won't break the bank.

Our criteria was on point, revolving around tuition fees, program length, curriculum depth, and what students had to say.

First up, we looked at the costs.

Affordability was key, so we scoped out bootcamps with transparent pricing and flexible options like payment plans or scholarships.

Gotta love when they make it easier on the wallet, right?

Next, we checked out how long these programs run. Time is money, and we wanted bootcamps that pack a punch in a reasonable timeframe – ideally around 12 to 24 weeks.

No one wants to be stuck in a never-ending cycle of studying, ya feel me? The top bootcamps strike that balance between depth and efficiency.

And of course, the curriculum had to be on point.

We made sure these bootcamps covered all the essential languages, frameworks, and skills that employers are thirsty for. Hands-on projects and career support were musts, too – gotta prepare you for that job grind.

Reputable bootcamps know the importance of making you job-ready.

Last but not least, we listened to the students.

Their reviews and testimonies gave us the real tea on instructors, learning vibes, and job prospects after graduation. High satisfaction rates and successful alumni networks? That's what we like to see – proof that these bootcamps deliver real value for your hard-earned cash.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Nucamp Coding Bootcamp


Nucamp is the place to be if you're looking to get into coding without breaking the bank. They've got all sorts of part-time bootcamps covering the essentials like Python, front-end web, and mobile development.

The best part? Their full-stack program, which teaches you everything from JavaScript to React and Node.js, costs only $2,604 during the early bird period.

But Nucamp isn't just about the affordable tuition.

They've got a solid curriculum that covers all the bases, from data structures and algorithms to DevOps and cloud computing. And let's not forget the scholarships and financing options they offer, like the Women in Tech scholarship by Google Cloud and the "Nu You" scholarship for those who've been denied student loans.

They've got your back.

What really sets Nucamp apart is their focus on making sure you're job-ready. They've got a dedicated Job Hunting bootcamp that'll prep you for technical interviews, help you build that killer LinkedIn profile, and even give you a chance to practice whiteboarding.

Plus, their career services team will hook you up with coaching and access to a job board tailored specifically for Nucamp grads.

The reviews speak for themselves.

Nucamp alums rave about the knowledgeable instructors, supportive community, and the hands-on projects that let you build a solid portfolio. And let's not forget the flexibility – you can choose between part-time or self-paced options, and even join weekly workshops to get that real-time interaction.

It's like having your cake and eating it too.

Boulder Code School


You know what's the coolest thing about Boulder Code Academy? They've got this sick 16-week full-stack web dev program that'll teach you everything from HTML and CSS to JavaScript, React.js, Node.js, and more.

But the real kicker - their fellowship program is straight-up fire! With that, you can get a free education and a paid one-year apprenticeship after graduating.

Can you believe it? No tuition fees, and you're making money right out the gate!

For those who can't commit to the fellowship, don't sweat it. Boulder Code Academy has your back with financing options like monthly payment plans and loan partnerships.

Plus, they even offer scholarships for those who qualify.

It's like they're doing everything they can to make this coding journey accessible to everyone. Joseph Smith, a recent grad, said it perfectly: "Boulder Code Academy's fellowship program changed the game for me.

I got top-notch training and a paid apprenticeship that helped me transition smoothly into a rewarding tech career without any student debt weighing me down." That's what I call a win-win situation!

And let's not forget that Boulder Code Academy has an impressive 95% job placement rate for their grads.

They've got connections with all the right companies, and their career services team is on point. So, if you're looking to land a sweet tech job in Boulder, this place is definitely worth checking out.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

*By checking "I Agree", you are opting-in to receive information, including text messages from Nucamp. You also agree to the following Terms of use, SMS Terms of use & Privacy Policy. Reply STOP to stop receiving text messages.

Skill Distillery


Let me tell you about this coding bootcamp called Skill Distillery. It's like the coolest place to level up your Java skills in Boulder.

Their 16-week Java Software Development Bootcamp is – they'll teach you how to build enterprise-level apps using Java, SQL, and all the latest tech.

A whopping 92% of their grads land a job within 180 days after finishing the program! Talk about a solid return on your investment.

But here's the real kicker – Skill Distillery gets that money can be tight, so they keep things affordable.

Their Java bootcamp costs $19,950, which is a steal compared to some other places. And they've got your back with financing options galore, like Income Share Agreements where you don't pay a dime until you're employed and earning.

There are also sweet scholarships up for grabs, like the Women in Tech Scholarship that knocks $3,000 off your tuition.

One recent grad summed it up perfectly:

"The instructors and staff at Skill Distillery went above and beyond to ensure I had the resources and support needed to succeed, both during the program and in my job search. The affordable tuition and financing options made it possible for me to pursue a rewarding career in tech."

See? These guys have your back, and they won't break the bank while setting you up for a killer career in coding.

Techtonic Academy


Check it out - Techtonica is doing things differently when it comes to coding bootcamps. They've got this cool apprenticeship thing going on where you basically get thrown into the real world from day one.

Their full-stack program covers all the good stuff like JavaScript, React, Node.js, Python, and SQL. The average tuition is around $20,000, which isn't too shabby for a ticket to a dope tech career.

But here's the real kicker - you don't have to pay a single penny upfront! Nada, zilch! You only start paying them back once you land a sweet gig making over $42,000 a year.

Talk about a deal, right? And it's not just talk either, they've got partnerships with over 100 companies across different industries.

That's some serious networking potential!

85% of their grads score jobs within 120 days of finishing the program. We're talking roles at major players like Lockheed Martin, Google, and Amazon.

Pretty sick, huh? But it's not just about the coding skills. Techtonica hooks you up with career support, resume building, interview prep, personalized coaching, job placement team, and even networking events with industry pros.

One grad, Jennifer Moore, said the apprenticeship model made transitioning to a full-time role a breeze, and the career support was clutch in landing her dream job.

Sounds like a solid deal to me!

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

*By checking "I Agree", you are opting-in to receive information, including text messages from Nucamp. You also agree to the following Terms of use, SMS Terms of use & Privacy Policy. Reply STOP to stop receiving text messages.

Colorado Free University


If you're looking to level up your coding game in Boulder without breaking the bank, check out Colorado Free University. This place is all about making coding education accessible to everyone, no matter your background or cash flow situation.

In 2024, they're packing a punch with a ton of coding courses and workshops across all kinds of programming languages and tech stacks, perfect for noobs or seasoned code warriors.

But here's the real kicker - their program fees are insanely low, like way cheaper than those fancy bootcamps.

From free intro workshops to full-on full-stack development courses, you won't have to sell a kidney to afford it. They're serious about giving everyone a fair shot at coding mastery, regardless of your financial situation.

Colorado Free University is building a legit coding community, where you can link up with other learners, network, collaborate, and learn from each other.

They host coding meetups, hackathons, project showcases, and even have mentorship programs with industry pros to guide you.

These guys understand that coding is just the first step.

They've got your back with resources for professional development, like career counseling, job search assistance, portfolio building workshops, and guest speaker sessions with industry experts.

You'll be prepped to slay those tech job interviews and land that dream gig.

With a growing network of alumni already making moves in the tech world after completing their programs, Colorado Free University is proving that affordable coding education can lead to real-world success.

If you're ready to level up your coding skills without going broke, this is the spot.

Conclusion and Recommendations


In conclusion, Boulder is straight-up stacked with coding bootcamps that offer quality education without breaking the bank. Whether you're looking to go all-in with a full-time intensive program or keep it chill with part-time classes, there's an option that fits your goals and budget.

Nucamp, Boulder Code Academy, Skill Distillery, Techtonic Academy, and University of Colorado Digital Skills stand out as top choices for their commitment to accessibility and value.

When making your decision, consider factors like the curriculum, program length, financing options, and job placement rates.

Recent reviews show that Nucamp's web and mobile development programs are consistently praised for their affordability, with tuition ranging from $349 to $1,848, and flexible payment plans.

Boulder Code Academy's fellowships and scholarships make their full-stack program a solid option for those on a tight budget.

Skill Distillery's focus on Java programming and impressive 92% job placement rate within 180 days make it a compelling choice for aspiring developers.

Techtonic Academy's unique apprenticeship model, with zero upfront tuition, has received positive reviews from students. The University of Colorado Digital Skills offers low-cost coding workshops and professional development opportunities for those seeking a more flexible learning experience.

As you embark on your coding journey, remember to thoroughly research and compare bootcamps based on your specific goals, learning style, and financial situation.

Here are some key steps to guide you:

  1. Connect with current students or alumni to get the inside scoop by attending virtual info sessions.
  2. Evaluate the curriculum and ensure it aligns with your desired career path.
  3. Explore financing options, including need-based scholarships, income share agreements, and employer sponsorships.
  4. Consider the bootcamp's career support services, such as resume building, interview prep, and job placement assistance.

By taking the time to make an informed decision, you'll be well on your way to a rewarding career in the ever-growing tech industry.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the top 5 most affordable coding bootcamps in Boulder for 2024?

The top 5 most affordable coding bootcamps in Boulder for 2024 are Nucamp Coding Bootcamp, Boulder Code School, Skill Distillery, Techtonic Academy, and Colorado Free University.

What is the range of tuition fees for affordable coding bootcamps in Boulder?

Tuition fees for affordable coding bootcamps in Boulder range from $349 to $20,000, with various financing options like payment plans, income share agreements, and scholarships to help manage costs.

What financing options are available for these affordable coding bootcamps?

Financing options available include monthly payment plans, Income Share Agreements (ISAs), scholarships such as the 'Women in Tech' scholarship by Google Cloud and Warrior Rising scholarship, and employer sponsorships.

What are some key benefits of enrolling in Nucamp Coding Bootcamp?

Benefits of enrolling in Nucamp Coding Bootcamp include affordable tuition starting at $2,604, a comprehensive curriculum covering essential programming languages and cloud computing, job prep services like technical interview training and career coaching, and options for part-time or self-paced learning.

What criteria were used to select the top affordable coding bootcamps in Boulder?

The criteria for selecting the top affordable coding bootcamps included tuition fees, program length, curriculum depth, and student reviews. Emphasis was placed on transparent pricing, effective short-term programs, thorough curricula covering in-demand skills, and high student satisfaction and job placement rates.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.