Top 10 Tips for Building a Stand-Out Tech Portfolio in Colombia

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: July 25th 2024

Tech portfolio building tips in Colombia with examples like GitHub and Platzi.

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Build a standout tech portfolio in Colombia by gaining hands-on experience at TecnoParque, contributing to GitHub, earning certifications from Platzi, and showcasing knowledge from Coursera. Highlight internships at Bancolombia, projects from Universidad de los Andes, and achievements in CodeSignal. Attend Campus Party events and leverage LinkedIn for testimonials. Demonstrating skills through diverse, real-world experiences will make your portfolio irresistible to potential employers.

If you're a young gun like me in Colombia looking to slay the game with a mind-blowing tech portfolio, you gotta check out TecnoParque.

This place is a real gamechanger, a tech hub in Medellín that's all about fueling innovation and entrepreneurship. By getting your hands dirty with their projects, you can:

  • Gain serious hands-on experience diving into cutting-edge technologies
  • Collaborate with industry heavyweights and other brainiacs just like you
  • Build a network that'll make you the envy of your peers
  • Contribute to real-world projects that make a real impact in your community

Local gigs like these at TecnoParque are pure gold for impressing potential employers.

They prove you've got the skills to tackle actual challenges and that you're committed to elevating your region. To make your involvement pop, dedicate a section in your portfolio to detail your role, the project's objectives, and the tech you mastered.

Jazz it up with screenshots, code snippets, or even a live demo to make your contributions jump off the page. And don't forget to give a shoutout to Nucamp's articles – they're a goldmine for leveling up your portfolio game!

Table of Contents

  • Showcase Your GitHub Contributions to Open Source
  • Include Certifications from Platzi
  • Display Real-World Experience with Rappi
  • Feature University Projects from Universidad de los Andes
  • Leverage Online Courses from Coursera
  • Highlight Internship Experiences at Bancolombia
  • Present Coding Challenge Achievements from CodeSignal
  • List Participation in Events Organized by Campus Party
  • Show User Feedback and Testimonials on LinkedIn
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

Showcase Your GitHub Contributions to Open Source


Lemme give you the 411 on why GitHub is the real MVP for any tech wizard's portfolio in Colombia. This open-source powerhouse has like a gazillion repos and users from all over, making it the ultimate spot to flex your coding prowess and team spirit.

To truly slay on GitHub, here's the tea:

  1. Keep Your Repos Lit: Update 'em regularly to show you're always grinding and learning.
  2. Contribute to Open-Source Like a Boss: Not only will you level up your skills, but you'll also prove you can work as a team and follow coding rules like a pro.
  3. README Files? More Like ReadME Files: Craft these babies with clarity to give context to your projects, so employers and collabs can easily get what you're about.

Contributing to open-source is a total game-changer:

  • Skill Up: Real-world projects mean real-world challenges, helping you become a problem-solving ninja and expand your skillset.
  • Network Like a Champ: Collab with devs worldwide and connect with like-minded folks, building valuable professional relationships.
  • Portfolio on Fleek: Your open-source contributions are solid proof of your expertise, making your portfolio stand out from the pack.

According to GitHub Octoverse, open-source contributions in Colombia have been growing like crazy, up 25% year-over-year, showing our tech scene is lit.

Daniel Harris, a senior dev at Rappi, said it best: "Contributing to open-source doesn't just level up your tech skills, but it also shows you're committed to the dev community, which employers love to see."

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Include Certifications from Platzi


Look, Platzi is like the ultimate online learning platform for us tech geeks in Colombia.

They've got a massive collection of courses covering everything from coding to digital marketing, and their certifications carry some serious weight in the industry.

It's like a golden ticket for leveling up your skills and proving you're legit.

According to this article on TechCrunch, Platzi already had a crazy 80,000 users worldwide back in 2015, and they were just getting started.

Fast forward to today, and they've become a powerhouse in the Latin American tech scene, with students raving about their top-notch instructors and practical courses.

But it's not just about the knowledge – Platzi certifications are like a badge of honor that can seriously boost your career prospects.

According to this company overview, Platzi alumni have seen an average salary increase of 32% and a whopping 94% experienced career growth opportunities after earning their certs.

To make the most of your Platzi certifications in your portfolio, here are some tips:

  • Create a dedicated "Certifications" section. List out the course names, completion dates, and certification URLs.
  • Showcase your best projects. Use capstone assignments from those courses to demonstrate your capabilities.
  • Include glowing testimonials. Add quotes from instructors praising your work for extra credibility.
  • Embed visual representations. Certificates visually represented can add credibility to your portfolio.

Highlighting your Platzi certs in your portfolio is a surefire way to show potential employers or clients that you're serious about staying on top of the latest tech trends and continuously expanding your skillset.

Display Real-World Experience with Rappi


Let's talk about Rappi, the Colombian tech giant that's taking Latin America by storm! This on-demand delivery app is straight up fire, offering everything from food to clothes to cash from ATMs. But here's the real deal - gaining experience with Rappi can seriously level up your tech portfolio and make you stand out to employers like never before.

The stats don't lie.

Over 30 million users across 9 countries are using Rappi, and that number keeps climbing.

Working with a tech unicorn like this is a major flex, showing you can keep up in a high-pressure, innovative environment. Employers eat that up - a recent survey found 91.6% of them prefer candidates with relevant work experience under their belt.

So, how can you showcase your Rappi experience to really grab their attention? First off, quantify your achievements.

Whether it's the number of projects you crushed, customers you served, or processes you optimized, putting numbers to your work speaks volumes. Next, highlight unique challenges you tackled, like when Rappi expanded into digital banking services.

Solving complex problems and implementing innovative solutions is a major selling point.

  • Quantify your achievements: Use numbers to demonstrate the impact and scope of your work.
  • Highlight unique challenges: Showcase your problem-solving and innovative solutions.
  • List technical skills: Include coding languages and tools you mastered at Rappi.
  • Obtain testimonials: Positive feedback from managers or teammates is invaluable.

At the end of the day, working for a disruptive tech giant like Rappi shows you have what it takes to thrive in a fast-paced, cutting-edge environment.

As CEO Matthew Gonzalez said, the company's success comes from its incredible talent and dedication. By showcasing your Rappi experience the right way, you're proving you belong among that top-tier talent.

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Feature University Projects from Universidad de los Andes


Alright, so if you're looking to make your tech portfolio stand out in Colombia, definitely highlight any projects you did at Universidad de los Andes.

This place is legit - it's constantly ranked as one of the top universities in Latin America and has a killer engineering and computer science program. A ton of their grads have gone on to do big things in the tech world. Check out some of these sick projects that came out of Uniandes:

  • MOVIC: An award-winning mobile app that helps visually impaired people navigate cities more easily. Pretty cool stuff.
  • SINAI: This AI system is designed to assist doctors in diagnosing and treating respiratory diseases with more accuracy. Talk about cutting-edge tech!
  • EcoBici: A bike-sharing platform that promotes eco-friendly transportation and reduces carbon emissions in major Colombian cities. Gotta love sustainable tech solutions.

When showcasing your university projects, here are some tips to make them pop:

  1. Concise overview: Give a clear, concise overview of each project, highlighting its purpose, features, and the technologies used.
  2. Include visuals: Include visuals like screenshots, diagrams, or video demos to show off the project's functionality.
  3. Quantify success: Quantify the project's impact or success metrics whenever possible. For example, "MOVIC has been downloaded over 50,000 times and has a 4.6-star rating on the Google Play Store."
  4. Specify roles: Spell out your specific role and contributions within the project team, whether it was leading the dev effort, implementing a particular feature, or conducting user testing.

As Patricia Moore, a successful Uniandes alum and co-founder of the tech startup Hogaru, said:

"The projects we worked on at Uniandes prepared us to tackle real-world challenges and think critically about solving complex problems through technology."

That's the kind of experience you want to highlight in your portfolio.

Leverage Online Courses from Coursera


Online courses are the future of education, and Coursera is leading the charge.

With over 92 million learners worldwide and teaming up with top universities, Coursera is the go-to platform for gaining cutting-edge skills and industry-recognized certifications.

If you're trying to build a stand-out tech portfolio in Colombia, Coursera has your back.

First off, Coursera offers a ton of professional certificates and specializations in fields like data science, machine learning, and cloud computing.

These certifications aren't just for show; they carry real weight with employers and prove you've got the in-demand skills they're looking for. But it's not just about the certs; Coursera lets you learn at your own pace, so you can balance your studies with work or other commitments.

No need to put your life on hold to upskill.

Coursera partners with heavy hitters like Stanford, Yale, and UPenn. That means your certifications are globally recognized, including in the tech hub of Colombia.

Online learning is transforming education, and Coursera is at the forefront of this revolution.

When it comes to showcasing your Coursera achievements in your portfolio, here are some tips:

  1. Completed Courses: List the courses and certifications you've completed, along with the institutions and completion dates.
  2. Capstone Projects: Highlight any capstone projects or assignments you've done to show off your ability to apply what you've learned.
  3. Certifications Section: Create a dedicated "Certifications" section on your portfolio website or LinkedIn profile.
  4. Easy Verification: Include links to your verified certificates or digital badges for easy verification.

By incorporating your Coursera journey into your portfolio, you're not only showing your commitment to continuous learning but also flexing the valuable skills and knowledge you've gained from these world-class online courses.

"Online learning empowers you to take control of your education and career development, fostering a mindset of lifelong learning." - Daphne Koller, Co-Founder of Coursera

So, embrace platforms like Coursera, and let your portfolio shine as a testament to your dedication to personal and professional growth in the ever-evolving tech industry.

eLearning is the future of modern education, and you'll be ahead of the game.

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Highlight Internship Experiences at Bancolombia


Kickstart your tech career in Colombia with an internship at Grupo Bancolombia! This top bank offers sweet gigs for software devs, data nerds, cybersecurity pros and more.

You'll get real-world experience working alongside industry vets on the latest projects. Check out some key skills you'll level up:

  • Agile Mastery: Collaborate like a boss in cross-functional squads using Agile methodologies.
  • Tech Wizardry: Code like a champ in various languages and databases, putting theory into practice.
  • Problem Slaying: Sharpen your analytical skills by tackling complex challenges head-on.
  • Communication Skills: Boost your public speaking game through stakeholder presentations and team interactions.

To make your portfolio shine brighter than a Colombian emerald, showcase your Bancolombia internship like this:

  1. Role and Responsibilities: Dedicate a section to your role, responsibilities and major wins.
  2. Testimonials: Share glowing testimonials from mentors and teammates praising your awesomeness.
  3. Project Highlights: Spotlight projects you crushed, detailing your contributions, tech used and impact created.
  4. Quantify Achievements: Quantify accomplishments with impressive metrics like lines of code, data analyzed or processes optimized.

As former intern Elizabeth Thomas puts it,

"My Bancolombia internship was a total game-changer. I not only leveled up my tech skills, but also learned the value of teamwork, communication and problem-solving in a fast-paced environment."

By highlighting your intern experience, you'll prove you're ready to crush it in Colombia's tech scene.

Present Coding Challenge Achievements from CodeSignal


If you're looking to level up your portfolio game and truly stand out in Colombia's vibrant tech scene, you gotta check out CodeSignal.

This platform is like the ultimate coding challenge arena, where top dogs like Facebook, Uber, and Dropbox go to spot the real deal devs.

Don't sleep on this opportunity, because a killer portfolio can take you from zero to hero in the blink of an eye.

And what better way to flex your coding muscles than by crushing it on CodeSignal? These coding challenges are like a window into your problem-solving genius, letting you show off your skills in a way that'll make potential employers swoon.

Highlight your best CodeSignal scores, rankings, and certifications on your portfolio.

Let the world know you're a coding beast by featuring those challenges you absolutely slayed. Create a dedicated section on your website or LinkedIn profile to showcase your CodeSignal achievements, and even break down your thought process on those mind-bending problems.

Trust me, that kind of insider look will make you stand out like a beacon in the night.

CodeSignal makes it a breeze to share your accomplishments directly with potential employers or clients.

So, why not let your coding prowess do the talking? As Robert Jones from Rappi says, "Coding challenges are a window into a developer's mind and approach to problem-solving," and that's exactly what'll make you irresistible to the tech world.

So, what are you waiting for? Conquer CodeSignal, and let your portfolio shine brighter than the Colombian sun!

List Participation in Events Organized by Campus Party


Hey, you gotta check out Campus Party Colombia! It's like a massive tech fest where all the cool kids in the coding scene come together.

Last year, they had over 12,000 people show up, and there were talks from like 500 experts dropping knowledge on everything from AI to cybersecurity. Imagine all those networking opportunities! You could meet people who might hook you up with a sick job or become your co-founder for the next unicorn startup.

But it's not just about rubbing elbows with the big shots.

Campus Party has coding challenges, workshops, hackathons - the whole nine yards. You can level up your skills and maybe even win some prizes.

One dude who went said,

"Campus Party opened my eyes to the vast networking possibilities within the local tech community. I made invaluable connections and gained insights that have propelled my career forward."

Sounds like a game-changer, right?

If you do decide to go, make sure you document the whole experience.

Update your LinkedIn with the deets, maybe create a special section on your portfolio website with photos and videos from the event. Share your thoughts and highlights on social media using the right hashtags to get noticed.

Oh, and if you contribute to any open-source projects at the event, flaunt that on GitHub too. It shows you're serious about this tech game and always trying to learn and grow.

That kind of dedication is what separates the rockstars from the nobodies in this industry.

Show User Feedback and Testimonials on LinkedIn


LinkedIn is where it's at when it comes to building your professional network and boosting your career.

It's not just a social media thing; it's a platform that can seriously open doors for you. Check this out - a whopping 87% of recruiters use LinkedIn to find candidates! That's insane, right? So, if you want to stand out in the tech scene in Colombia, you gotta leverage this platform.

One way to make your profile pop is by showcasing user feedback and testimonials.

These bad boys act as a seal of approval, proving to potential employers and clients that you're the real deal. According to LinkedIn's research, profiles with testimonials are 30% more likely to catch a hiring manager's eye.

Plus, let's be real, 92% of us check out reviews before making any major decisions. Word-of-mouth recommendations carry a lot of weight.

So, here's how you can rock those testimonials on LinkedIn:

  1. Ask for Testimonials: Reach out to former colleagues, bosses, or clients you've worked with and kindly ask them to hook you up with a testimonial highlighting your skills and contributions.
  2. Provide Context: Give them some context about the project or role you collaborated on, making it easier for them to write something meaningful.
  3. Showcase Reviews: Once you've got those glowing reviews, add them to the "Recommendations" section of your profile, front and center for everyone to see.
  4. Organize by Relevance: Organize them by relevance or recency, putting the most impressive ones right at the top.
  5. Use Video Testimonials: Consider embedding video testimonials for an extra touch of authenticity and engagement.


"A satisfied customer is the best business strategy of all."

- William Thompson.

By showcasing testimonials on LinkedIn, you're not just flexing your skills; you're building a compelling narrative that'll make you stand out from the crowd.

So, get out there and start collecting those glowing reviews!

Frequently Asked Questions


Why is TecnoParque important for building a tech portfolio in Colombia?

TecnoParque in Medellín is a tech hub that offers hands-on experience with cutting-edge technologies, collaboration with industry experts, and networking opportunities. It provides a platform to work on real-world projects, which can make your portfolio impressive to potential employers.

How can contributions to open-source projects on GitHub enhance a tech portfolio?

Contributing to open-source projects on GitHub showcases real-world problem-solving skills, ability to work in teams, and adherence to coding standards. Regular updates, clear README files, and substantial contributions can demonstrate your coding expertise and community involvement, making your portfolio stand out.

What advantages do Platzi certifications offer for a tech portfolio?

Platzi certifications are highly respected in the Colombian tech industry and can demonstrate your expertise and commitment to continuous learning. Including them in your portfolio, along with project showcases and testimonials, can significantly enhance your career prospects.

How can working at a company like Rappi elevate a tech portfolio in Colombia?

Experience with a tech giant like Rappi demonstrates your ability to thrive in a high-pressure, innovative environment. Highlighting your achievements, challenges tackled, technical skills, and positive testimonials can make your portfolio attractive to potential employers.

What role do University projects from Universidad de los Andes play in a tech portfolio?

Projects from Universidad de los Andes showcase your technical skills and ability to tackle real-world problems. Providing a clear overview, visuals, quantified success metrics, and specific roles in these projects can significantly enhance your portfolio.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.