How to Land a Remote Tech Job from Colorado Springs: A Step-by-Step Guide

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: July 10th 2024

A person working remotely from a tech setup in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

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Landing a remote tech job from Colorado Springs is golden due to its booming tech industry, affordable living (8% below the national average), and 300+ sunny days per year. Focus on essential soft skills like communication and time management. Build a portfolio highlighting your unique strengths and leverage local tech events for networking. Optimize your interview setup with a stable internet connection and professional background. Colorado Springs' tech ecosystem offers the perfect blend of career growth and quality of life.

Colorado Springs is seriously the place to be for landing a remote tech job.

The city's tech game is on fire right now, with big dogs like Lockheed Martin, Cherwell Software, and Root9B setting up camp. According to the stats from the Colorado Springs Chamber & EDC, the tech industry employs over 16,000 people and rakes in a whopping $3.9 billion in yearly revenue.

But the real kicker - Colorado Springs is ranking among the top cities for remote workers thanks to its:

  • Affordable cost of living (8% below the national average)
  • Insane outdoor activities for those adventure junkies
  • Chill climate with over 300 sunny days per year

As Daniel Hernandez, Director of the Colorado Springs Chamber's Cyber Security & IT Cluster says, "Colorado Springs offers an unreal quality of life for tech pros who want to work remotely while being surrounded by natural beauty and a lively community." With its rapidly growing tech ecosystem and influx of high-paying remote jobs, Colorado Springs is definitely the sweet spot to score your dream remote gig.

Plus, don't forget to check out Nucamp's guide for acing those tech interviews and landing that remote role you've been eyeing.

Table of Contents

  • Essential Skills for Securing a Remote Tech Job
  • Building a Tech Portfolio from Colorado Springs
  • Finding Remote Tech Job Opportunities in Colorado Springs
  • Nailing the Remote Tech Job Interview from Colorado Springs
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Essential Skills for Securing a Remote Tech Job


Look, landing that sweet remote tech gig ain't all about having sick coding skills. Sure, you gotta be a pro at stuff like Python, Java, and JavaScript, but that's just part of the deal.

What really sets you apart is mastering those crucial soft skills that make remote work a breeze. We're talking slick communication, self-motivation on point, and time management skills that would make a drill sergeant jealous.

That's the real key to crushing it in the virtual workspace.

Here's the thing, Colorado Springs is like a bootcamp for leveling up those soft skills. With all the rad tech meetups and startup events going down, you'll be honing your collaboration game and problem-solving prowess like a boss.

And let's not forget about the flexibility and work-life balance that remote work offers. When you're not slaying code, you can hit up those epic hiking trails or chill at one of the chill breweries without blowing your paycheck on a sky-high cost of living.

It's a total win-win situation.

Just ask the seasoned remote devs already living that Colorado Springs dream. They'll tell you straight up – this city is where it's at for building those essential virtual communication and project management skills while still having a sick quality of life.

So, if you're ready to level up and land that dream remote tech job, Colorado Springs is the place to be.

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Building a Tech Portfolio from Colorado Springs


Building a killer remote job portfolio is the key to landing those sweet remote gigs.

It's like your own personal highlight reel, showcasing your mad skills and proving you're the real deal when it comes to virtual work. And hey, being in Colorado Springs gives you a serious advantage in this game.

First things first, you gotta know your strengths and what makes you stand out from the crowd.

Are you a coding ninja with JavaScript or React under your belt? Or maybe you're a data wizard who can make sense of those complex datasets? Whatever your superpower is, make sure your portfolio projects reflect it.

Quality over quantity, folks!

Now, let's talk about presentation. Your portfolio should be a visual masterpiece, showcasing your best work with eye-catching thumbnails and killer descriptions that highlight your problem-solving skills and the impact you made.

And don't be shy, throw in a few pics of yourself to show off that friendly face and credibility. Employers dig that personal touch.

Colorado Springs has a thriving tech community that can help you level up your portfolio game.

Check out local events like Colorado Springs Tech Meetups or participate in hands-on workshops at spots like Colorado Springs Startup Weekend.

These are prime opportunities to network, get feedback, and stay on top of the latest trends and technologies.

Finding Remote Tech Job Opportunities in Colorado Springs


Finding that sweet remote tech gig in the Colorado Springs area ain't no joke, but I got you covered with the inside scoop. First things first, you gotta tap into those job boards that are all about the remote life, like Jobspresso, Working Nomads, and Built In.

These bad boys are loaded with legit remote tech roles that'll let you ditch that daily commute grind.

But don't sleep on the power of networking either! Get your social butterfly on and hit up those local tech meetups and conferences like the ones listed on Eventbrite.

Not only will you connect with fellow techies, but you might just stumble upon some inside info on dope remote gigs that aren't even posted yet.

And let's not forget about those online communities.

Join up with groups like the Colorado Springs AIGA for designers or the Colorado Springs Google Developers if you're a coder.

These crews are the real deal when it comes to staying in the loop and making valuable connections that could lead to your next remote tech job.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Nailing the Remote Tech Job Interview from Colorado Springs


Nailing that remote tech job interview from Colorado Springs ain't no joke. You gotta do your homework and come correct. First things first, research the company - their vibe, what they're all about, and what they've been cooking up lately.

Put together a cheat sheet with the key deets about the company, the role, and how your skills and accomplishments make you the perfect fit.

Be ready for them to hit you with questions like:

  • How do you stay on top of things when you're working remotely? Flex your time management skills, show 'em how you set goals, and spill the beans on your strategies for keepin' that work-life balance on point.
  • What tools you got in your arsenal for remote collabs? Don't hold back on your experience with video conferencing platforms, project management software, and all those communication tools that keep the team tight.
  • How you deal with roadblocks when you're workin' solo? Lay out your problem-solving approach, your research game, and how you ain't too proud to ask for help when you need it.

Now, to really seal the deal during those virtual interviews from Colorado Springs, you gotta set the stage right.

Lock in that stable internet connection, get the lighting on point, and keep that background clean as a whistle. Dress like a pro, sit up straight, and bring that confident body language.

As the Nucamp experts put it, "Your virtual setup can make or break that first impression, so take the time to get it right."

Frequently Asked Questions


How can I land a remote tech job from Colorado Springs?

To land a remote tech job from Colorado Springs, leverage the city's tech ecosystem, focus on enhancing both your technical and soft skills, build a standout tech portfolio, explore remote job boards, and actively network at local tech events and online communities.

What makes Colorado Springs a great place for remote tech jobs?

Colorado Springs offers an excellent quality of life with a low cost of living, great outdoor activities, and a warm climate with over 300 sunny days per year, making it an ideal location for remote tech professionals.

What essential skills are needed to secure a remote tech job?

In addition to strong technical skills, mastering soft skills such as communication, self-motivation, and time management is crucial for success in a remote tech job.

How do I build a tech portfolio from Colorado Springs?

To build a strong tech portfolio, focus on showcasing your best work, highlight your problem-solving skills and impact, and participate in local tech events and workshops to gain feedback and stay updated on industry trends.

How can I nail a remote tech job interview from Colorado Springs?

Prepare thoroughly by researching the company, practicing common interview questions, and ensuring your virtual interview setup is professional with a stable internet connection, good lighting, and a clean background.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.