Top 10 Tips for Building a Stand-Out Tech Portfolio in Colorado Springs

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: December 18th 2023

A diverse group of tech professionals collaborating on a project, with Colorado Springs skyline in the background.

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Build a standout tech portfolio in Colorado Springs by showcasing projects using React, React Native, Python, and cloud services. With major companies and 28,000 new tech jobs by 2024, highlight RESTful APIs, microservices, real-time apps, and open-source contributions. Leverage LinkedIn, Medium, GitHub, and hackathons, and attend top Colorado tech conferences.

Having a sick portfolio is the key to scoring your first gig in this booming scene. Major players like Cherwell Software, Root, and Quantum are setting up shop, and the market's about to explode with over 28,000 new tech jobs by 2024.

To make your mark, your portfolio needs to flex your skills through some serious projects. We're talking mind-blowing web apps built with JavaScript frameworks like React, slick mobile apps for iOS and Android using React Native, data analysis wizardry with Python and SQL, and DevOps scripts that tame the cloud beasts like AWS and GCP. But don't just stop there! Stack up certifications from programs like the ones at UCCS, document your open-source contributions, and craft a personal website that'll make recruiters drool.

As Richard White, CTO of Career Karma, said,

"A great portfolio is like a golden key that unlocks opportunities."

So polish up that portfolio, and you'll be kickstarting your Colorado Springs tech career in no time.

Check out these job hunting tips from Nucamp - they're a game-changer!

Table of Contents

  • Tip 1: Highlighting Your Best Projects at Colorado Coding Meetup
  • Tip 2: Open Source Contributions on GitHub
  • Tip 3: Using LinkedIn for Personal Branding
  • Tip 4: Building a Personal Website on WordPress
  • Tip 5: Showcasing Certifications from the University of Colorado Colorado Springs
  • Tip 6: Writing a Blog on Medium
  • Tip 7: Participating in Hackathons like Colorado Springs Startup Weekend
  • Tip 8: Leveraging Social Media with Twitter
  • Tip 9: Attending Colorado Springs Tech Conferences
  • Tip 10: Crafting a Customized Tech Resume with Career Services at Pikes Peak Community College
  • Conclusion and Next Steps
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Tip 1: Highlighting Your Best Projects at Colorado Coding Meetup


Building a sick tech portfolio is the key to landing that dream job. When it comes to picking projects, you gotta show off those mad skills and problem-solving abilities, and prove you're always hungry to learn more.

Check out these 12 full stack project ideas that employers will be eyeing in 2024:

  • Reward-based crowdfunding platforms to flex your e-commerce game
  • Food delivery apps that keep folks fed and showcase your mobile dev chops
  • Video streaming services for when you want to binge-watch like a boss
  • Messaging apps to stay connected with your squad

But don't just pick any random project.

Go for the ones that align with your career goals and make you stand out from the pack. These top 5 backend projects are sure to impress:

  1. RESTful API development to show you know your data handling game
  2. Microservices architecture implementation, 'cause containerization is where it's at
  3. Real-time applications with websockets and event-driven coding
  4. Cloud-based projects with infrastructure management skills on point
  5. Open-source contributions to prove you're a team player

And don't sleep on the 6 essential portfolio elements that'll make your portfolio pop: high-impact projects, thought leadership content, active public profiles, a solid personal brand, social proof, and clear calls-to-action.

Need some inspo or feedback? Hit up the Colorado Coding Meetup.

It's a dope community where you can connect with other devs, share your work, and get valuable insights from the OGs. Just ask Nancy Anderson, a recent coding bootcamp grad: "Getting feedback from experienced devs at meetups like the Colorado Coding Meetup has been a game-changer for refining my projects and creating a portfolio that truly showcases my skills and passion for software development."

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Tip 2: Open Source Contributions on GitHub


Open source contributions on GitHub are the real deal when it comes to building a killer tech portfolio. According to a recent survey, like 63% of hiring managers totally value that stuff when checking out candidates.

It shows you've got the coding skills, know how to work with others, and are truly passionate about this industry. To make a real impact, start by scoping out popular GitHub repositories that match your vibe and expertise:

  • ReactJS: The React repository has over 195K stars and 40K forks, making it a sweet choice for front-end devs.
  • TensorFlow: With over 168K stars, the TensorFlow repository is a hot spot for machine learning and AI geeks.
  • Vue.js: The Vue.js repository with its 199K+ stars is a great option for front-end devs rocking the Vue.js framework.

To contribute like a pro, follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository to your GitHub account.
  2. Create a new branch and make your desired changes or additions.
  3. Test your code thoroughly and make sure it follows the project's guidelines and coding standards.
  4. Submit a pull request with a clear description of your changes.
  5. Engage with the project maintainers and address any feedback or questions.

As Linus Torvalds, the creator of Linux, once said,

"The beauty of open source is that it's open to contributions from everyone."

By contributing to open source projects on GitHub, you're not only leveling up your technical skills but also showing you can collaborate, communicate effectively, and contribute to the tech community.

Tip 3: Using LinkedIn for Personal Branding


As a tech pro, your LinkedIn is everything for flexing your skills and building that personal brand.

With like 830 million members worldwide, LinkedIn is the spot for networking, especially in the tech world. By using it right, you can show off your projects, achievements, and what makes you stand out to potential employers and other techies.

Optimizing your LinkedIn profile is key to getting that visibility and creating a sick online presence.

Here's what you gotta do:

  • Craft a eye-catching headline: Your headline is one of the first things people see, so make it punchy and relevant to the role or expertise you're going for.
  • Showcase your experience and projects: Highlight your tech skills, accomplishments, and standout projects, using relevant keywords to help people find you.
  • Get recommendations: Endorsements and recommendations from coworkers, clients, or mentors can seriously boost your credibility.
  • Stay active and engage: Share industry insights, comment on posts, and join group discussions to establish yourself as a thought leader and build connections.

Also, joining LinkedIn groups like "Colorado Springs Techies" can open up some major networking opportunities in the local tech scene.

With over 2,300 members, this group is the place for professionals to connect, collaborate, and explore potential career moves in Colorado Springs. Get active, share your knowledge, and attend local events to expand your network and learn from the pros.

According to a survey, 87% of recruiters use LinkedIn to find and vet candidates.

By having a polished and engaging LinkedIn presence, you increase your chances of getting discovered by top employers and staying ahead in the ever-changing tech game.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Tip 4: Building a Personal Website on WordPress


Real talk, having a dope personal website is an absolute must for any tech pro trying to make moves in Colorado Springs.

WordPress is the way to go, with over 43% of websites running on it. It's super easy to set up a slick portfolio site that shows off your skills and projects.

  1. Get yourself some web hosting and snag a cool domain name.
  2. Install WordPress on your hosting account (most hosts make it stupid simple).
  3. Pick a theme that fits your vibe and portfolio needs.
  4. Customize your pages, menus, and all that jazz.
  5. Add plugins to level up your site with dope features like portfolio showcases and contact forms.
  6. Optimize that bad boy for search engines and mobile devices (gotta stay relevant).
  7. Hit publish and promote your fresh website on socials.

One major perk of WordPress is the insane number of themes and plugins out there.

Take the Olio theme, for instance – it's built specifically for creating killer portfolio websites with a nice masonry grid layout to show off your work.

Or check out John Williams' portfolio using the Neve theme. His site is on point, with a dope blog section proving his tech chops.

Bottom line, building a personal WordPress website is the way to go if you want to make a name for yourself in the Colorado Springs tech scene.

Just follow the best practices, and you'll have a pro online presence that makes you stand out from the crowd.

Tip 5: Showcasing Certifications from the University of Colorado Colorado Springs


If you're trying to level up your tech portfolio game, having some legit certs from the University of Colorado Colorado Springs (UCCS) is a major power move.

These certifications are like golden tickets that prove you've got the skills to pay the bills. According to the folks at CompTIA, a whopping 89% of employers see IT certifications as a huge plus when it comes to validating an employee's expertise.

UCCS has got your back with a bunch of industry-recognized certifications that'll make your portfolio shine brighter than a diamond.

We're talking about dope stuff like Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), CompTIA Security+, and even the prestigious Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) for all you cybersecurity buffs out there.

If data science is more your vibe, they've got courses to prep you for certifications like SAS Certified Data Scientist and Microsoft Certified: Azure Data Scientist Associate.

UCCS also offers a solid Project Management certificate program that aligns with the globally recognized Project Management Professional (PMP) certification.

Having that kind of credential on your portfolio is like having a golden ticket to the chocolate factory. As Richard Anderson, the Director of Cybersecurity Programs at UCCS, puts it, "Certifications aren't just about validating your skills, they show that you're dedicated to staying fresh with the latest industry trends and best practices." So, if you want to stand out from the crowd and show potential employers that you're the real deal, including these UCCS certifications in your portfolio is an absolute must.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

*By checking "I Agree", you are opting-in to receive information, including text messages from Nucamp. You also agree to the following Terms of use, SMS Terms of use & Privacy Policy. Reply STOP to stop receiving text messages.

Tip 6: Writing a Blog on Medium


If you're trying to get your tech blog game on point, Medium is where it's at.

Not only will you build your portfolio and deepen your knowledge, but you might even score some passive income along the way.

Talk about a win-win!

Starting out is a breeze – create an account, come up with a catchy name, and let those fingers fly. When choosing topics, keep it real for the newbies by breaking down complex concepts, sharing personal journeys, or reviewing popular tools and libraries.

The tech community on Medium is lit, so join relevant tags to connect with like-minded peeps.

And for all you Colorado Springs folks, groups like Colorado TechHub are perfect for networking and swapping knowledge with other local tech enthusiasts.

Writing is an excellent way to solidify your expertise, showcase your skills to potential employers, and maybe even land your dream job. So what are you waiting for? Start tapping away and watch those opportunities roll in!

Tip 7: Participating in Hackathons like Colorado Springs Startup Weekend


Hackathons are the ultimate coding extravaganzas, where tech wizards unite to unleash their creativity and conquer mind-bending challenges.

These intense collabs are an absolute game-changer for anyone seeking to level up their skills and expand their network in the tech realm.

According to the experts, attending hackathons can straight-up skyrocket your chances of landing your dream job – we're talking a staggering 78% boost in job prospects.

Here's the lowdown on why you should totally dive into the hackathon scene:

  • Real-Deal Experience: Hackathons let you flex your coding muscles on legit, real-world challenges. No more hypotheticals – it's time to build tangible projects that'll impress future employers.
  • Networking Nirvana: Rubbing shoulders with industry pros, potential mentors, and fellow tech enthusiasts? Hackathons are a networking goldmine.
  • Skill Superchargers: From mastering cutting-edge tech to collaborating with diverse teams, hackathons are a crash course in leveling up your coding prowess.
  • Portfolio Powerhouses: Walk away with impressive projects that showcase your problem-solving skills and teamwork abilities, making your portfolio shine brighter than a supernova.

To hack your way to success, keep these tips in mind:

  1. Event Preparation: Study up on the event's theme and rules – knowledge is power.
  2. Team Formation: Assemble a well-rounded squad that complements each other's strengths.
  3. Time Management: Time management is crucial – set realistic goals and stay focused.
  4. Self-Care: Fuel up with snacks and hydrate regularly. Burnout is not an option.
  5. Engagement: Don't be a stranger – engage with mentors, organizers, and fellow teams to maximize your learning potential.

If you're in Colorado Springs, mark your calendar for the Colorado Springs Startup Weekend happening September 13-15, 2024.

This 54-hour coding marathon brings together developers, designers, and entrepreneurs to turn groundbreaking ideas into reality. Your genius concept might just become the next big thing!

Tip 8: Leveraging Social Media with Twitter


In this digital era, social media is basically a must-have for anyone trying to make it big in the tech world. As we inch closer to 2024, platforms like Twitter are going to be even more crucial for building your personal brand and networking with industry folks.

According to a study, nearly half of the social media users reported making purchases influenced by ads on these platforms.

For all you tech enthusiasts in Colorado Springs, Twitter can be a game-changer for showcasing your skills, engaging in discussions, and connecting with like-minded individuals.

Here are some tips to leverage Twitter like a pro:

  • Optimize your profile: Craft a killer bio, use a professional headshot, and sprinkle in relevant keywords to boost visibility.
  • Share valuable content: Post insightful articles, industry news, and your own hot takes on emerging tech trends.
  • Engage with your community: Reply to tweets, join conversations, and participate in relevant hashtags like #CodeCOS and #TechCOS.
  • Network strategically: Follow and interact with influential tech leaders, companies, and organizations right here in Colorado Springs.

Speaking of influential voices, here are some notable tech influencers in Colorado Springs to consider following on Twitter in 2024:

Influencer Twitter Handle Area of Expertise
Emily Griffith @EmGriffithTech Cybersecurity and AI
Jason Miller @MillerTechCOS Cloud Computing and DevOps
Sarah Thompson @SarahCOSInnovator Tech Entrepreneurship

As Alan Patricof, co-founder of Greycroft Partners, said,

"Building a personal brand aids in your professional career and can put you -- an individual -- on the map."

By using Twitter the right way, you tech pros in Colorado Springs can amplify your personal brands, forge valuable connections, and stay ahead in an ever-evolving industry.

Tip 9: Attending Colorado Springs Tech Conferences


Let me tell you about the dope tech conferences going down in Colorado next year. It's gonna be lit! If you're looking to level up your skills and make some connections in the scene, you gotta hit these events.

For starters, there's ÜberConf 2024 in Denver from July 16-19. This massive shindig covers all the latest tech trends and lets you rub elbows with industry pros.

From July 19-24, GUADEC is taking over Denver too. It's like a tech paradise!

Colorado Springs is bringing the heat with its own fire events.

Mark your calendars for DevOpsDays Denver on September 16-17, where you'll learn the hottest DevOps tricks.

And if you're all about that cybersecurity life, you can't miss BSidesDen 2024 on September 6.

It's like a masterclass in keeping your tech secure, taught by the best in the biz.

Trust me, attending these conferences is a game-changer. Not only will you gain mad knowledge and skills, but you'll also get to network with the coolest cats in the industry.

It's how you land that dream gig or score some epic collabs. So, start saving up those coins, update your Tinder profile with your best tech selfies, and get ready to slay the conference scene in 2024!

Tip 10: Crafting a Customized Tech Resume with Career Services at Pikes Peak Community College


A killer resume is the key to unlocking sick tech opportunities. It's the first impression that'll make recruiters go "damn, we gotta scoop this one up!" According to the Total Aviation Staffing crew, a well-crafted resume showcases your professionalism and attention to detail – major brownie points with the hiring squad.

But crafting that perfect resume is an art form, and that's where Student Employment Services at Rogue Community College comes in clutch.

These resume Picassos will hook you up with one-on-one coaching, resume reviews, and all the insider tips to make your tech skills pop off the page.

The key ingredients for a jaw-dropping tech resume? First off, highlight those coding skills like a boss – flaunt your mastery of programming languages, frameworks, and dev tools that align with the gig you're gunning for.

Next, don't just list your responsibilities – quantify your achievements and show the impact you've made, like "Boosted code performance by 25%" or "Slashed server response time by 40%." Impressive projects? Dedicate a section to flex those personal or academic projects you've crushed, detailing your role, tech used, and how you leveled up the game.

And don't sleep on those Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) – many companies use 'em to scan resumes for relevant keywords, so do your research and strategically weave in those buzzwords.

For all the Colorado Springs crew, the Career Services Center at Pikes Peak Community College has your back.

Their career advisors are straight-up resume whisperers, offering one-on-one coaching, resume reviews, and insider knowledge tailored to the tech scene. They'll hook you up with workshops and events focused on resume writing, interview prep, and job search strategies to help you slay the tech job hunt.

As they put it on their website, "Our goal is to empower students and alumni to navigate the job market successfully and achieve their career aspirations." So level up that resume game and let the opportunities roll in!

Conclusion and Next Steps


In this fast-paced world of tech, having a killer portfolio is key to scoring your dream gig. By following the ten tips we covered, you'll be set to craft a portfolio that screams "hire me!" From highlighting your best work to adding a touch of personality, your portfolio will be a true standout.

The thing - building a portfolio is an ongoing journey.

As you level up your skills, make sure to keep it fresh with your latest and greatest achievements.

According to the experts, recruiters love seeing candidates who are always growing and improving.

Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. The tech world is all about taking risks and embracing new challenges.

Check out local events like 1 Million Cups Colorado Springs, contribute to open-source projects, or join online communities.

These experiences will not only level up your skills but also show employers that you're a go-getter who's not afraid to try new things.

Remember, innovation is what separates leaders from followers.

By constantly refining your portfolio and pushing your boundaries, you'll be setting yourself up for an exciting tech career in Colorado Springs. And don't forget to check out Nucamp's resources like Colorado Springs Tech Jobs and Getting a Job in Tech in Colorado Springs in 2024 to stay ahead of the game.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the key elements to include in a tech portfolio for Colorado Springs?

To create a standout tech portfolio in Colorado Springs, highlight projects that showcase your skills with JavaScript frameworks like React, mobile apps using React Native, data analysis with Python and SQL, and cloud management scripts with AWS and GCP. Additionally, include open-source contributions, certifications from programs such as those at UCCS, and a well-crafted personal website.

How important are open-source contributions on GitHub for a tech portfolio?

Open-source contributions on GitHub are highly valued, with 63% of hiring managers considering them important when evaluating candidates. Contributing to popular repositories like ReactJS, TensorFlow, or Vue.js can demonstrate your coding skills, collaboration capabilities, and passion for the industry.

How can LinkedIn be utilized for personal branding in the tech industry?

LinkedIn is critical for building a personal brand in the tech industry. Optimize your profile with an eye-catching headline, showcase your experience and projects with relevant keywords, gather recommendations, and stay active by sharing industry insights and participating in group discussions. Joining local tech groups on LinkedIn can open up networking opportunities.

Why attend tech conferences in Colorado Springs?

Attending tech conferences in Colorado Springs, such as the DevOps TechTalk and Cybersecurity Summit, is beneficial for gaining the latest industry knowledge, networking with professionals, and discovering job opportunities. These events provide insights into emerging trends and allow you to connect with potential mentors and employers.

What are the benefits of having certifications from the University of Colorado Colorado Springs in a tech portfolio?

Certifications from the University of Colorado Colorado Springs can significantly enhance your tech portfolio. Certifications like Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), CompTIA Security+, and Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) validate your skills and show your commitment to staying updated with industry trends. Employers highly regard these credentials.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.