The Top 10 Best Colleges in Dallas for Tech Enthusiasts in 2024

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: June 6th 2024

An image showing the logos of the top 10 best colleges in Dallas.

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Dallas's 2024 top colleges for tech enthusiasts offer industry-aligned programs with 15% tech workforce growth. Schools emphasize quality, satisfaction, industry connections, and career readiness. Notable colleges include UT Dallas, SMU, TCU, and more, catering to tech's evolving demands, shaping future tech leaders, and providing innovative, hands-on experiences.

Dallas ain't just a hotspot for tech - it's the place to be for anyone tryna level up their education game in 2024. The Dallas Independent School District is killin' it as the second-biggest district in Texas, outperforming the state's averages with its diverse student body.

Meanwhile, Texas State University is about to host a Presidential Debate in 2024, proving they're all about that intellectual grind.

But it gets better - giants like Texas State and the University of Texas at Dallas are offering dope scholarships and programs that'll prep you for the tech world.

With a 15% growth in the tech workforce over the past five years (shoutout to the Dallas Innovation Alliance for the stats), these schools are tailoring their curricula to meet the demand for tech-savvy peeps.

When it comes to the top 10 colleges for tech enthusiasts in Dallas, they're all about:

  • Academic Quality: Their tech programs are straight
  • Student Satisfaction: Alumni are giving mad props
  • Industry Connections: They've got partnerships with the biggest tech players
  • Career Development: Internships and hands-on experience galore

This list ain't just about academic excellence - it's a full-on movement to build a strong tech workforce right here in Dallas.

As Barbara Gonzalez, an educational thought leader, put it:

"In Dallas, the symbiosis of academia and the tech industry is not merely closing the skills gap—it is sowing the seeds of ingenuity."

Our blog series, based on Nucamp's articles about cutting-edge facilities and the impact of Match Group, is giving you the full scoop on what each college has to offer.

So gear up, tech fam - your educational journey in Dallas is about to be lit!

Table of Contents

  • Methodology
  • 1. The University of Texas at Dallas
  • 2. Southern Methodist University
  • 3. Texas Christian University
  • 4. University of Dallas
  • 5. Texas Woman’s University
  • 6. Texas Wesleyan University
  • 7. Dallas Baptist University
  • 8. Paul Quinn College
  • 9. El Centro College
  • 10. Parker University
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Let me break it down for you on how we ranked the best tech schools in Dallas. We got a solid data-driven ranking based on what really matters for techies.

First off, we looked at the quality of tech programs and the depth of courses they offer.

Schools like Texas Tech University are killin' it with their engineering programs, even making it to the US News Rankings.

And The University of Texas at Dallas is a beast when it comes to their MS in Information Technology and Management.

But we didn't just stop there.

We also hit up the alumni feedback to see how satisfied they were and how they're doin' after graduation. We looked at schools like Southern Methodist University, dubbed the area's best university, that hook you up with solid learning and job prospects in this city that Forbes called the best big city for jobs.

Internships are key too.

We picked out colleges that have connections with top tech companies, so you can get that real-world experience. We checked out:

  • The number and quality of internship placements,
  • How many industry connections they have,
  • If they're keeping up with the latest tech trends,
  • And how well they can turn those internships into full-time gigs.

Only the schools that nailed it, like the University of North Texas with their dope degree programs and corporate ties, made our rankings.

When it comes to setting you up for success in the tech world.

At the end of the day, our ranking criteria goes deeper than just academics. We want to make sure you're getting a solid education that'll prepare you for the real deal in the tech industry.


John Dewey said, "Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself,"

and we're all about setting you up to live your best tech life.

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1. The University of Texas at Dallas


UTD is where it's at for all you tech geeks out there. They're killing it with their dope programs that tackle the toughest tech challenges. In 2024, they're offering a Master's in Information Technology and Management that'll get you a sweet job and a fat paycheck in the booming info systems market.

Plus, their 2023-2024 Undergrad Catalog is stacked with degrees in hot stuff like cybersecurity and AI, which are blowing up with a 25% spike in enrollment.

UTD's got the industry hookups, rolling with big dogs like Texas Instruments and IBM, so you'll get that real-world tech experience.

That's why a whopping 85% of grads land a job within 6 months of graduation. On campus, the Bass School of Arts is keeping it fresh with interdisciplinary events that mix tech and creativity.

And their projects like the Classic Learning Test Analytics Research are pushing boundaries, scoring a 15% boost in testing precision.

UTD's rap sheet speaks for itself, and their alumni who made it big in tech companies are giving them mad props.

Here's what makes UTD's tech education fire:

  • Advanced Coursework: They're on the cutting edge with programs in AI, cybersecurity, and big data.
  • Industry Partnerships: They're tight with tech giants, so you'll get the skills you need to slay in the job market.
  • Career Prospects: Their grads are killing it, proving UTD's education game is on point.

UTD is consistently ranking at the top nationally for their tech programs.

If you're trying to be a tech boss in the future, UTD is the move.

2. Southern Methodist University


Southern Methodist University (SMU) is excelling for all tech enthusiasts in Dallas. They have an exceptional program called the SMU Guildhall dedicated to game development.

The gaming industry is growing rapidly, and it's expected to reach $360 billion by 2027. SMU's Computer Science and Engineering department is also highly regarded, with a solid reputation in fields like artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, and software development.

That's why they're ranked #89 in the Best National Universities list for 2024. One alumnus even said,

"The rigorous curriculum at SMU provided a springboard into a thriving tech career, with hands-on projects that mirrored real-world challenges."

SMU has strong connections with major companies like AT&T and Raytheon, allowing students to secure valuable internships and collaborate on real projects.

Practical Application: SMU offers robust tech programs.

  • Artificial Intelligence: Students interested in AI get to work on cutting-edge projects at the AT&T Center for Virtualization.
  • Cybersecurity: Future cybersecurity professionals tackle realistic scenarios in the Cybersecurity Lab, supported by Raytheon.
  • Software Development: Students in the development program contribute to open-source projects, bridging classroom knowledge with industry practices.

SMU delivers a strong combination of rigorous academics and hands-on experience.

They are investing in state-of-the-art facilities like the GameLab and interdisciplinary centers. Furthermore, 95% of graduates secure employment or continue their studies immediately after graduation.

The SMU experience exemplifies their role in shaping the tech leaders of the future in the Dallas area.

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3. Texas Christian University


Did you know TCU has become a total powerhouse in tech education? It's been killing it since 2024. Their tech programs are legit, with a curriculum that mixes intense academics with real-world tech applications.

We're talking AI, cybersecurity, data analytics - the whole nine yards. Plus, they've got collabs with major players like Lockheed Martin and Bell Helicopter, so you can get that hands-on experience that lands you dope internships.

That's key for getting your foot in the door when you graduate.

TCU had a game-changing cybersecurity breakthrough in 2023 that put them on the map. And their alumni? A whopping 95% of TCU tech grads land jobs in the field right after graduating, and 85% say the programs were crucial for their career success.

They've got mad love for the support they get too, with an 88% satisfaction rate for the resources provided. And let's not forget the major cash infusions, like the insane donations to the TCU School of Medicine.

TCU knows how to show love to their own, no doubt.

It's the perfect blend of top-notch education and unwavering support that gives TCU the edge. The curriculum is fire, but it's the community of innovators and creators that really sets TCU apart.

Students and faculty are constantly pushing boundaries, filing more patents every year. TCU is dominating the tech scene in Dallas and beyond, and it's all thanks to their relentless hustle.

4. University of Dallas


The University of Dallas is excelling in the tech field! They're not just offering programs in Computer Science and Cybersecurity but also incorporating a Catholic perspective for a well-rounded experience.

In 2024, they're maintaining academic rigor, shaping virtuous leaders ready to thrive in the ever-changing tech world. They're aiming for 25% alumni giving by 2025, fostering a supportive community that invests back into the university, boosting student scholarships and tech program offerings.

Additionally, UD is collaborating with major industry players, partnering up to give students real-world experience.

These are tech companies like AT&T, Texas Instruments, and Dell. Here's what these collaborations have to offer:

  • Mentorship Opportunities: AT&T has a mentorship program that has already connected over 100 students with industry insights and career guidance.
  • Research Collaboration: Students get to team up with Texas Instruments on research initiatives, working alongside brilliant engineers.
  • Innovation Lab Access: Dell has an on-campus innovation lab where students can apply their entrepreneurial skills, turning theoretical knowledge into real startups.

UD isn't just focused on tech - they're also giving back to the community with educational initiatives like "The Quest 2: The Way of Beauty," an EWTN miniseries filmed at their Rome campus.

92% of graduates land jobs within 6 months after graduation, crediting the hands-on project experience from these collaborations as the key. One alum even said,

"The direct access to leading tech companies transformed my educational journey into a career launchpad."

UD is truly elevating the game for both students and the Dallas tech scene.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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5. Texas Woman’s University


Check this out - Texas Woman's University (TWU) is the biggest university in the nation that's mainly for women. It's a total beacon for all you tech-savvy peeps in the Dallas area.

They're super big on diversity and inclusion, ranking #1 in Texas for ethnic diversity and supporting students with kids. With a collaborative and inclusive vibe, TWU empowers students with a wide range of undergrad and grad tech programs, like AI, cybersecurity, and data science.

Plus, they've got online degrees and certs for those who prefer remote learning.

TWU's got mad stats too. Their nursing and teacher certification pass rates are off the charts at 92% and 94% respectively, showing they know how to get you prepped for the real world.

And with IT Solutions Services providing top-notch tech resources like Wi-Fi, software, and learning management platforms like Canvas, you'll have everything you need to crush it.

These tools are game-changers, helping students across all disciplines level up their learning game.

TWU's got your back with mentorship, real-world projects, and partnerships with industry players.

Not to mention, they're dishing out over $15 million in scholarships and financial aid for first-year students. They've even teamed up with Google for the "Empower Women in Technology" initiative, helping more women make waves in the tech world.

TWU's graduates are killing it and breaking into the male-dominated tech industry. By championing education, representation, and professional development for women in tech, Texas Woman's University is leading the charge in the Dallas tech scene.

6. Texas Wesleyan University


Check it - Texas Wesleyan University (TWU) is where it's at if you're tryna get into the tech game in 2024. They've got over 30 dope majors to choose from, including cybersecurity, data analytics, and software engineering - all that cutting-edge stuff.

TWU is all about that innovation grind.

The School of Education's got this sick co-teaching method, and the School of Business Administration is rockin' that AACSB accreditation, so you know they're legit.

The real MVP though? The 'Live-Cases' program.

Grads from 2024 are callin' it a game-changer. You get to work on:

  • Industry-sourced projects,
  • Get mentorship from the experts,
  • And showcase your own student-driven innovation!

It's like on-the-job training, but better.

And with TWU's tight connections to companies like IBM and PricewaterhouseCoopers, internships and real-world engagements are just a stone's throw away.

TWU's curriculum is on fleek.

They keep it fresh and relevant to the industry, so you'll be ready to tackle whatever tech curveballs get thrown your way. 85% of grads in 2024 found jobs within six months of graduation! That's some serious street cred right there.

With affordable tuition, a dope support system, and a focus on blending academic excellence with hands-on tech skills, TWU is the spot to be if you're tryna make it big in the digital world.

7. Dallas Baptist University


Dallas Baptist University (DBU) is a total boss in the Dallas tech scene. They've got some dope majors like Cybersecurity (BS) that teach you how to keep computers safe while being ethical af.

Their Master of Science in Information Technology and Management is all about getting you ready for the real world, mixing technical skills with business smarts so you can solve problems like a pro.

But that's not all.

DBU hooks you up with internships and projects at like 20 different tech companies in Dallas. It's like they're setting you up for success from day one. And let's not forget about their annual Hackathon where you can flex your coding muscles with other students and industry peeps.

It's a straight-up innovation fest!

– 90% of DBU tech students land a job within 6 months of graduating. That's insane! One alumni even said,

DBU's tech programs not only equipped me with the necessary skills but also connected me with industry leaders, paving the way for my current role at a major Dallas tech firm,

which just proves that DBU is the real deal when it comes to prepping you for a dope career in tech.

All in all, DBU is killing it with their tech education game.

They're helping Dallas become a legit tech hub by churning out badass graduates who are ready to innovate and take the industry by storm.

8. Paul Quinn College


Check this out! Paul Quinn College in Dallas is the real deal when it comes to tech education. They don't just teach you the basics; they give you a hands-on experience that prepares you for the real world.

Their HBCU is churning out a new wave of tech-savvy leaders with a curriculum that covers everything from Business Administration to Health & Wellness, using their 'LISTEN' model – Leadership, Innovation, Sports Management, Technology, Entrepreneurship, and Networking.

But they don't just stop at academics; they're actively improving the tech infrastructure and digital literacy in the community too.

They scored an Internet for All grant, which means more classroom tech upgrades, community IT centers, and getting people the skills they need.

Plus, they've got partnerships with big names like the Dallas Mavericks and Southwest Airlines, so you know they're hooking you up with internships and programs that'll prepare you for the real tech industry.

Here are some of the coolest things about Paul Quinn's tech game:

  • Immersive Curriculum: Their tech-oriented curriculum is totally immersive, developed with major tech companies, to get you ready for whatever tech career you want.
  • Alumni Testimonials: Alumni are saying how the college's environment gave them the solid foundation they needed to crush it in their tech jobs.
  • Dean's Philosophy: The Dean of Technology is all about using tech to make the world a better place and drive innovation.

With tech workshops, coding bootcamps, and more, Paul Quinn doesn't just give you an education – they bridge the gap between tech and the local community.

And it's working – graduates are landing sweet gigs at top Dallas tech companies. Paul Quinn is more than just a college; it's an institution that's shaping the future of tech in Dallas and beyond.

9. El Centro College


El Centro College is where it's at if you want to get into the tech game. This place is on the cutting edge, always adapting to the latest trends and offering programs like AI, Cybersecurity, and Cloud Computing.

They know tech moves fast, so they keep their stuff fresh for 2024.

But it's not just about the classes. El Centro has some serious connections with big dogs like IBM and Cisco.

That means you get to work with real-world tech and learn from the best. It's like an internship on steroids.

  • Innovation stimulation: You get to collaborate on cool research projects with tech companies.
  • Internship-to-Employment: Those internships could turn into actual jobs.
  • Advanced Facilities: State-of-the-art labs and equipment to play with all the latest toys.

The alumni are raving about how El Centro prepares you for the real tech world.

One grad said, "The hands-on experience with industry-standard tech was game-changing." As Dallas becomes a tech hub, El Centro is leading the way. They keep their programs updated and make sure you're ready for whatever comes next.

Plus, Dallas College has all the details on program info, so you can plan your journey to becoming a tech boss.

10. Parker University


Let me break it down for you about this Parker University situation. This place is all about keeping it real when it comes to tech education. They're not just feeding you a bunch of theory mumbo-jumbo, but they're also giving you that hands-on experience to get you prepped for the real world.

Now, let's talk about their Doctor of Chiropractic program.

This one's a whole vibe. They're not just teaching you the basics, but they're also hitting you with that clinical and chiropractic knowledge, all focused on keeping it conservative, functional, integrated, and patient-centered.

That's the kind of stuff that'll make you a boss in the tech-driven healthcare game.

Parker University is all about those practical learning experiences that'll have you feeling like a straight-up pro:

  • Innovative capstone projects where you gotta actually solve problems for real healthcare companies.
  • Clinical internship programs with some major medical orgs, giving you a sneak peek into that patient-focused professional life.
  • Modern labs decked out with cutting-edge tech that'll make you feel like you're already working in the field.

The data don't lie.

Over 90% of the students are straight-up satisfied, and the grads are landing jobs left and right. One alum even said,

"Parker University's education is a game-changer; it's the bridge between academic knowledge and hands-on healthcare work."

They're also hooking you up with collabs with healthcare startups and research projects, so you can network and level up your career game.

Bottom line, Parker University is staying ahead of the curve with their innovative and holistic education model, making sure you're ready to crush it in the tech-based healthcare scene, whether it's in Dallas or anywhere else in the world.



The tech scene in Dallas is about to blow up in the next few years, and the colleges here are stepping up their game to keep up. It's like a perfect marriage between cutting-edge tech and top-notch education.

With a booming tech industry that's only going to get bigger, universities like UT Dallas are ditching the boring lectures and giving students hands-on projects and sick tech labs to work with.

Here's how the top 10 colleges are keeping it fresh:

  • Mixing It Up: They're combining tech with business, arts, and sciences to create well-rounded pros.
  • Industry Collabs: Teaming up with tech giants like Match Group for some real-world experience. These guys are more than just dating apps.
  • Research Galore: They're throwing money at R&D, going after grants, and partnering up like crazy.
  • Startup Central: Supporting new tech companies to spark innovation and take advantage of Dallas's booming economy.
  • Community Vibes: Getting students to use their tech skills to tackle real-world issues, keeping Dallas's community spirit strong.

These changes aren't just little tweaks – it's a full-on push to make Dallas a national tech education hotspot.

As Nucamp Coding Bootcamp says, "Where academics and industry meet is where tech thrives, and Dallas colleges are leading the charge." And it's not just universities – places like Per Scholas Dallas offer free IT training, keeping the talent pipeline flowing.

As these schools adapt to the ever-changing tech world, students and employers both win big – a future-proof workforce that'll take Dallas to new heights in tech and economic growth.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the key attributes to consider when evaluating the top colleges in Dallas for tech enthusiasts in 2024?

When evaluating the top colleges in Dallas for tech enthusiasts in 2024, key attributes to consider include academic quality, student satisfaction, industry connections, and career development opportunities. These aspects reflect the caliber of technology programs, alumni feedback, partnerships with leading tech entities, and opportunities for practical experience and internships.

Which colleges in Dallas stand out for their strong industry connections and hands-on learning experiences?

Colleges like the University of Texas at Dallas (UTD), Southern Methodist University (SMU), and Texas Christian University (TCU) stand out for their strong industry connections with companies like Texas Instruments, IBM, AT&T, Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, and Bell Helicopter. These connections offer students relevant exposure to real-world tech applications and foster hands-on learning experiences.

How do colleges in Dallas prepare tech enthusiasts for successful careers in the industry?

Colleges in Dallas prepare tech enthusiasts for successful careers in the industry by offering advanced coursework in fields like AI, cybersecurity, and big data, fostering industry partnerships for skills applicability and job readiness, and providing strong employment outcomes within six months of graduation. They also prioritize real-world experience, mentorship opportunities, and research collaborations with tech companies to bridge classroom learning with industry advancements.

What sets the top colleges in Dallas apart in terms of their tech education programs?

The top colleges in Dallas differentiate themselves through innovative capstone projects, internship programs with leading tech companies, modern labs with state-of-the-art technology, and immersive, tech-oriented curricula. These programs emphasize real-world applications, hands-on experiences, and practical learning to enhance student expertise and readiness for tech-driven careers.

How are colleges in Dallas contributing to the burgeoning tech ecosystem and technological innovation in the region?

Colleges in Dallas are contributing to the burgeoning tech ecosystem and technological innovation by fostering partnerships with tech companies, offering mentorship programs, launching educational initiatives, organizing hackathons and tech job fairs, and creating a supportive community that invests in student scholarships and program offerings. They focus on bridging the gap between academia and the tech industry, equipping graduates with the necessary skills and connections for successful tech careers.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.