Coding Bootcamps vs. Self-Study in Denver: Pros and Cons

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: July 14th 2024

Coding bootcamps vs. self-study in Denver, Colorado - a comparison for aspiring coders.

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Choosing between a coding bootcamp or self-study in Denver depends on your goals and learning style. Bootcamps offer structured learning, networking, and career support but cost $12K-$15K. Self-study is flexible and low-cost but requires high discipline and can be isolating. Denver's tech scene is growing, with a projected 20.8% increase in software development jobs by 2030.

Denver is on fire when it comes to coding education options! If you're trying to snag a dope tech job in 2024, you got two main paths: enroll in a coding bootcamp or go the self-study route.

Both have their perks, but it boils down to how you learn best and what your goals are. Denver's tech scene is blowing up, with the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicting a 20.8% spike in software dev jobs by 2030 - that's serious opportunity knocking! Bootcamps like Turing School and Galvanize offer structured curriculums, hands-on projects, and career support, but they'll cost ya (think $12K - $15K for full-time programs).

Free resources like freeCodeCamp and Codecademy, or using the public library, are cheaper but require mad discipline. No need to stress about breaking the bank though - Nucamp's affordable coding education has your back.

Table of Contents

  • Pros of Attending a Coding Bootcamp in Denver
  • Cons of Attending a Coding Bootcamp in Denver
  • Pros of Self-Study in Denver for Coding
  • Cons of Self-Study in Denver for Coding
  • Making the Right Choice: Bootcamp vs. Self-Study in Denver
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Pros of Attending a Coding Bootcamp in Denver


Let me tell you about the coding bootcamp scene in Denver - it's lit! Attending one of these programs is a total game-changer for anyone looking to level up their coding skills and get a job in tech in Denver in 2024.

These bootcamps are like a crash course in coding, immersing you in a structured learning environment where you can grind and soak up all the knowledge you need to become a coding pro.

But it's not just about the skills.

Coding bootcamps with job guarantees in Denver also hook you up with valuable networking opportunities.

You'll get to connect with industry experts, mentors, and other aspiring coders, building a solid network that could lead to internships, job referrals, or even future collaborations.

And the best part? Many of these bootcamps offer killer career services to help you navigate the job market.

We're talking affordable coding education like at Nucamp, where they'll help you craft a badass resume and portfolio, prep you for interviews, and even connect you with local companies looking to hire fresh talent.

It's like having a personal career coach in your corner, guiding you through the whole job-hunting process.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Cons of Attending a Coding Bootcamp in Denver


While coding bootcamps in Denver can be a sweet deal for kickstarting your tech career, there are some downsides you gotta keep in mind. First off, these intensive programs don't come cheap.

According to Course Report, the average tuition for a full-time bootcamp in Denver is around $13,000, and some can even go over $20,000.

That's a serious chunk of change, especially if you're already dealing with other financial responsibilities.

That's not all – these bootcamps are like a full-time job on steroids.

We're talking 60-80 hours per week or more of classes and assignments. Balancing that with work, family, or any other commitments is a real grind. According to the University of Denver, over 65% of bootcamp students in the area reported high levels of stress due to the intense workload and tight deadlines.

Speaking of stress, a survey by a local coding school, Nucamp, found that:

  • Pace of the program: 48% of students felt swamped by the pace of the program
  • Burnout: 27% experienced burnout during their studies
  • High stress levels: 19% considered dropping out due to high stress levels

While some bootcamps offer mental health resources to help you cope, you should really think about whether you can handle the intense workload and pressure before signing up.

It's a serious commitment, and you need to be ready for it.

Pros of Self-Study in Denver for Coding


If you're looking to level up your skills without breaking the bank, self-study could be the way to go. Not only does it let you learn at your own pace, but it's also way more affordable than those pricey bootcamps.

We're talking about resources like freeCodeCamp, Codecademy, and The Odin Project – all offering top-notch coding lessons and projects for free or a fraction of the cost of a traditional bootcamp.

Self-study lets you customize your learning experience to fit your goals and interests.

Whether you're aiming to become a front-end wizard, a data science mastermind, or a cybersecurity ninja, you can tailor your curriculum to focus on the skills that matter most to you.

And let's be real, who doesn't love having that kind of flexibility and control over their education?

  • Serious discipline and self-motivation are required to stay on track without the structure of a formal program.
  • Savings and flexibility: For those willing to put in the work, the rewards can be massive. You'll not only save a ton of cash but also gain the invaluable ability to keep learning and adapting to new technologies long after your self-study journey is over.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Cons of Self-Study in Denver for Coding


A whopping 69% of developers are totally or partially self-taught, according to a survey by Stack Overflow.

While being a self-taught coder in Denver gives sweet flexibility and saves cash, there are some major downsides you gotta watch out for. One biggie is the lack of structure and guidance - without a set curriculum or mentors, it's easy to get sidetracked, skip crucial concepts, or pick up bad habits that are tough to break later.

Flying solo on the self-study grind can also be crazy isolating.

You're basically spending countless hours alone, banging your head against coding problems with no one to turn to for help or feedback. This isolation often leads to decreased motivation, lack of accountability, and limited opportunities to correct misunderstandings.

One Colorado developer wishes someone had told them early on that "the learning never ends" and you can't realistically master everything in coding.

Staying pumped and motivated is key for self-taught success, but it's one of the biggest hurdles.

Without a supportive community or structured environment, it's tempting to get distracted, procrastinate, or just burn out entirely. Motivation is the key to success when learning to code.

While self-study grants flexibility, the pitfalls of isolation, lack of guidance, and waning motivation can severely undermine your learning journey in Denver.

While self-study grants flexibility, the pitfalls of isolation, lack of guidance, and waning motivation can severely undermine your learning journey in Denver.

Making the Right Choice: Bootcamp vs. Self-Study in Denver


Choosing between a coding bootcamp and self-study in Denver is a real decision. Gotta think about how you learn best and what coding boot camps can offer.

If you're the kind of person who thrives with a structured program, regular feedback, and face-to-face guidance, a bootcamp in Denver might be your jam. Like, 93% of bootcamp grads in Denver landed jobs within 6 months of finishing, according to a Course Report survey.

That's pretty dope.

But self-study has its perks too – more flexibility to learn at your own pace, which could be clutch if you've got a hectic schedule or tight budget.

However, the lack of structure can make it tough to stay motivated and push through obstacles. As William Jackson, a software engineer who completed a Denver bootcamp, said,

"The immersive experience and peer support were key to keeping me focused and accountable."

To get the best of both worlds, why not combine the two?

  • Build a solid foundation by starting with a bootcamp to get hands-on training.
  • Then supplement with self-study resources like online tutorials, practice exercises, and personal projects.
  • Stay connected to the Denver coding community through meetups, hackathons, or online forums to keep learning and growing.

With a hybrid approach, you'll have the structured guidance from a bootcamp while developing the self-discipline and lifelong learning mindset needed to crush it in the tech world.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Frequently Asked Questions


What are the advantages of attending a coding bootcamp in Denver?

Attending a coding bootcamp in Denver offers several advantages such as a structured curriculum, hands-on projects, and career support. Bootcamps also provide valuable networking opportunities and career services to help you secure a job in the tech industry.

What are the downsides of attending a coding bootcamp in Denver?

The main downsides of attending a coding bootcamp in Denver include the high cost (around $13,000 on average), the intensive workload (60-80 hours per week), and the potential for high stress and burnout.

What are the benefits of self-study for coding in Denver?

Self-study for coding in Denver offers affordability and flexibility, allowing you to learn at your own pace. It enables you to customize your curriculum based on your goals and interests, making it a suitable option for those who are self-motivated and disciplined.

What challenges come with self-studying coding in Denver?

Challenges of self-studying coding in Denver include the lack of structure and guidance, potential isolation, and the difficulty in staying motivated. It's easy to get sidetracked or pick up bad habits without proper direction and feedback.

How can I choose between a coding bootcamp and self-study in Denver?

Choosing between a coding bootcamp and self-study depends on your learning style and goals. If you thrive in a structured environment with regular feedback and face-to-face guidance, a bootcamp might be better. Self-study offers flexibility and affordability but requires strong self-discipline. A hybrid approach can also be effective, combining the structured training of a bootcamp with the flexibility of self-study.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.