Coding Bootcamps with Job Guarantee in New Zealand in 2024

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: August 2nd 2024

New Zealand Coding Bootcamps with Job Guarantee in 2024

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In 2024, New Zealand's booming tech scene offers coding bootcamps with job guarantees, ensuring graduates secure roles within 6 months. Notable bootcamps like Dev Academy provide full-stack training, job placement support, and curriculum-aligned industry needs. Graduates see an average starting salary of NZ$60,000, with a job placement rate of 78% within three months.

The tech scene in New Zealand is totally on fire right now, and coding bootcamps with job guarantees are the hottest way for newbies to break into the industry.

In 2024, these intensive programs are going to be the key to unlocking those sweet tech gigs and filling the skills gap. With a job guarantee, you know you'll score an awesome role once you've grinded through the bootcamp.

It's like having a safety net while you level up your coding skills to pro status.

According to this review of Le Wagon, a legit coding bootcamp in the UK, their job placement assistance includes career coaching and networking events to help grads land their first job.

Some bootcamps even offer a full refund if you don't snag a job within a set timeframe after graduating, usually around 6 months.

That's a solid deal if you ask me.

There are conditions to meet, like nailing all the graduation requirements and not turning down any job offers. But overall, job guarantees give you the confidence to invest in a bootcamp and take that first step towards a rewarding career in tech.

Check out Nucamp's roundup of the top coding bootcamps in New Zealand for 2024.

With the right program and that job guarantee safety net, you'll be coding like a pro in no time!

Table of Contents

  • Top Coding Bootcamps in New Zealand Offering Job Guarantees in 2024
  • Benefits of Attending a Coding Bootcamp in New Zealand with Job Guarantee
  • How to Choose the Best Coding Bootcamp with Job Guarantee in New Zealand
  • Success Stories: Graduates from Coding Bootcamps with Job Guarantees in New Zealand
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Top Coding Bootcamps in New Zealand Offering Job Guarantees in 2024


If you're looking to score a sweet job in tech down in New Zealand, you gotta check out these coding bootcamps that are totally killin' it with their job guarantees in 2024.

Dev Academy is where it's at - they've got an 18-week program that'll make you a full-stack wizard, and if you don't land a gig within 180 days, your money's coming right back to you.

But they're not the only players in town. Gradspace is a solid option too, with their personalized 1-on-1 training and a focus on getting you that real-world experience.

And for my budget-conscious these affordable bootcamps won't break the bank while still hooking you up with the skills to pay the bills.

The job guarantee game is strong in NZ right now because tech companies are hungry for talent.

These bootcamps have their finger on the pulse, crafting curriculums that'll make you irresistible to employers. From polishing your resume to nailing those interviews, they've got your back every step of the way.

And the proof is in the pudding - loads of their grads are crushing it at places like Xero, Vodafone, and Spark. If you're ready to level up your career, hop on the bootcamp train and let them be your ticket to a life of coding bliss (and a fat paycheck).

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Benefits of Attending a Coding Bootcamp in New Zealand with Job Guarantee


If you're lookin' to level up your career and snag a sick job in tech, coding bootcamps with job guarantees in New Zealand are where it's at in 2024.

The tech scene here is booming, and companies can't get enough skilled devs and data wizards. We're talking 8.2% annual growth, so the job prospects are straight-up fire.

But it's not just about the skills, my dude.

These bootcamps hook you up with a solid network in the local tech community. You'll be rubbing elbows with potential employers and getting the inside scoop. 78% of grads from these bootcamps land jobs within three months, mostly thanks to the connections they make.

Now, I know you're thinking, "But what about the dough?" Fair point.

These programs can run you anywhere from NZ$10,000 to NZ$20,000, depending on if you're going part-time (6-9 months) or full-time (3-4 months).

But the average starting salary for a junior dev is around NZ$60,000. That's a solid return on your investment, am I right?

And these bootcamps don't just teach you code - they set you up for success.

We're talking resume and portfolio help, interview prep, job boards, networking events, and even one-on-one coaching. As one recent grad said,

"They not only gave me the tech skills but also connected me with people in the industry, which led to my dream job."

If you're serious about breaking into tech, check out the scholarship and funding options too.

They can make these bootcamps way more accessible, so you can focus on leveling up your skills and landing that dream gig.

How to Choose the Best Coding Bootcamp with Job Guarantee in New Zealand


When you're hunting for the best coding bootcamp with a job guarantee in New Zealand for 2024, you gotta keep your eye on the ball. First things first, check if the bootcamp's legit and has a solid reputation.

Top-notch players like Dev Academy, Enspiral Dev Academy, and Catalyst Cloud School are killing it with their top-notch curricula and industry-aligned training.

They've got a track record of churning out grads who nail those tech jobs. But don't just take their word for it, do your homework.

Here's what you should be looking at:

  • Curriculum and Course Structure: Make sure the curriculum is packed with the skills you need to crush it in the job market you're eyeing. It's gotta be on point.
  • Instructors and Mentors: You want instructors who've been there, done that. Look for industry pros who can share the real deal insights and guide you through the trenches.
  • Job Placement Support: Don't just settle for a bootcamp that teaches you the ropes. You need one that's got your back with resume reviews, interview prep, and connections to potential employers.
  • Alumni Network: A solid alumni network can be your golden ticket. You'll get the inside scoop and make connections that could lead to your next gig.

And don't just take their word for it.

Check out the success stories from past grads. For instance, Dev Academy's student stories are a testament to their job guarantee program's effectiveness.

You'll see grads landing sweet gigs at companies like Xero and Spark or even starting their own businesses.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

*By checking "I Agree", you are opting-in to receive information, including text messages from Nucamp. You also agree to the following Terms of use, SMS Terms of use & Privacy Policy. Reply STOP to stop receiving text messages.

Success Stories: Graduates from Coding Bootcamps with Job Guarantees in New Zealand


You know what's really cool? These coding bootcamps that are popping up all over New Zealand.

Like, they're a total game-changer for anyone looking to break into the tech game. Just check out these stories of real people who went from zero to hero with these bootcamps that offer job guarantees.

First up, there's Michael Johnson, who used to be a sales engineer but then switched gears and joined a data analytics bootcamp.

Dude went from struggling with Python to landing a legit data engineering role at Koverse, all thanks to the bootcamp. And then there's Jennifer Harris, who went from managing a Walgreens store to becoming a full-stack web dev badass.

She now kills it as a software engineering manager at CodeMettle, and it's all because she took a chance on a bootcamp from the University of Central Florida.

New Zealand is seeing a surge in coding bootcamps, and it's no surprise why.

The tech industry here is set to skyrocket by 8.5% every year, creating tens of thousands of new jobs by 2024. Cities like Auckland, Wellington, and Christchurch are gonna be hotbeds for tech openings, with places like Dev Academy and Industry Connect churning out job-ready grads left and right.

But don't just take my word for it.

These bootcamps offer affordable pricing, scholarships, and even guides for landing a tech job in New Zealand.

And if you're worried about the cost, there are resources for funding and scholarships too.

Just check out the options from places like Nucamp – they've got bootcamps in everything from cybersecurity to full-stack development, with flexible payment plans and even veteran sponsorships.

It's an amazing opportunity to level up your skills and score a sweet tech gig without drowning in debt.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the job guarantee offered by coding bootcamps in New Zealand in 2024?

Coding bootcamps in New Zealand in 2024 offer a job guarantee which means that graduates are assured of finding a job within a set timeframe after graduation, usually around 6 months, or they get a full refund. These programs provide career coaching, networking events, and placement assistance to ensure students land their first job.

Which are the top coding bootcamps in New Zealand offering job guarantees in 2024?

Top coding bootcamps in New Zealand offering job guarantees in 2024 include Dev Academy, which features an 18-week program with a money-back guarantee if you don't find a job within 180 days, and other notable programs that provide personalized 1-on-1 training and real-world experience.

What are the benefits of attending a coding bootcamp with a job guarantee in New Zealand?

Attending a coding bootcamp with a job guarantee in New Zealand offers benefits such as high job prospects due to the booming tech scene, a solid network within the tech community, comprehensive career support, and a high return on investment with average starting salaries for junior developers around NZ$60,000.

How do I choose the best coding bootcamp with a job guarantee in New Zealand?

To choose the best coding bootcamp with a job guarantee in New Zealand, consider factors such as the curriculum and course structure, the experience and background of instructors, job placement support, and the strength of the alumni network. It's important to do thorough research on these aspects to ensure you're selecting a reputable program.

Can you share some success stories of graduates from coding bootcamps with job guarantees in New Zealand?

Success stories include graduates like Michael Johnson, who transitioned from a sales engineer to a data engineering role at Koverse, and Jennifer Harris, who moved from managing a Walgreens store to becoming a software engineering manager at CodeMettle. These bootcamps have enabled numerous individuals to break into the tech industry and secure rewarding positions.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.