What Remote Job Listings Should Orlando Residents Keep an Eye On?

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

Orlando skyline depicting the city's thriving remote job market

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Orlando's remote job market is growing, with Amazon and healthcare providers offering remote roles. Orlando tech sector provides opportunities. Major companies like Lockheed Martin and Darden Restaurants are hiring remotely. Remote job listings prioritize digital skills like data analytics and cloud computing. Future forecasts show a surge in remote work in Orlando.

2023 is all about that remote grind in the 407. Orlando's job scene is embracing that work-from-home life like a true champ, and we're riding the wave of Americans going full remote – by 2025, 22% of folks are expected to be clocking in from their cribs.

Big dogs like Amazon are leading the charge, hooking you up with dope remote gigs in IT, customer service, and more.

Showing that Orlando can hang with the big leagues when it comes to remote opportunities across different industries.

But it's not just tech giants making moves.

Local medical MVPs like Orlando Health are stepping up their game, offering solid job prospects and taking notes from the Mayo Clinic's playbook – flexibilty and killer benefits for their squad.

Speaking of tech, that's where Orlando's remote game is truly popping off.

Nucamp's blogs are dropping some serious knowledge on the importance of networking events and emerging job markets in the city's tech scene.

These remote trends are a clear sign that Orlando is all about that work-life balance, embracing the future of flexible employment.

If you're an Orlando local looking to hop on the remote train, stay woke and keep up with the industries driving this city's evolution into a remote work paradise.

The future is now!

Table of Contents

  • Top industries for remote jobs in Orlando
  • Major companies hiring remote workers in Orlando
  • What to look for in Orlando remote job listings
  • Navigating the application process for remote jobs in Orlando
  • The future of remote work in Orlando
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Top industries for remote jobs in Orlando


Orlando's remote job game in 2023 is strong, especially in the IT and software dev scene, where companies are going all-in on remote work. Numbers don't lie - there's been an 18% spike in remote listings over the past year.

That's significant. It's a national trend, just like FlexJobs reported.

Remote work is the new normal.

But it's not just tech. Customer support is thriving too, with a 12% rise in remote opportunities. Orlando's tourism reputation means they know how to serve, so remote customer service roles are a perfect fit.

And don't overlook creative fields like digital marketing and graphic design. They're seeing a 15% boost in remote postings, making Orlando a hot spot for creatives too.

Even the health sector is getting in on the action, with telehealth driving an 11% jump in remote jobs. Companies like LexisNexis Risk Solutions and Satcom Direct are leading the charge with data analytics and connectivity solutions that make remote work a breeze.

Tools like video conferencing, cloud services, and solid internet connections are the real MVPs, making Orlando a prime location for remote work.

As the city's tech scene gets stronger, local businesses see remote work as the key to keeping Orlando's economy thriving. It's the future. The modern work landscape is all about that remote flexibility, and Orlando is embracing it across multiple industries.

It's a whole new ballgame, and Orlando is ready to play.

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Major companies hiring remote workers in Orlando


Let me break it down for you. Orlando's job scene has been blowing up with remote gigs, and the big dogs are leading the charge. We're talkin' Fortune 500 bosses like Lockheed Martin and Darden Restaurants, who are getting hip to the work-from-home vibe.

Word on the street is, they've been posting remote jobs like crazy, with a 25% spike since the start of the year.

The tech startups are keepin' it real too, with over 2500 remote openings in O-Town.

These gigs come with the potential for some serious cash flow based on how you perform. We're talkin' about companies like:

  • Siemens Energy, killin' it in the energy game,
  • Fiserv, innovating in the financial tech space,
  • Electronic Arts (EA), the OGs of digital entertainment.

These companies are tapping into Orlando's talent pool and offering remote roles in everything from coding to project management, and even remote sales and customer service positions.

According to a FlexJobs report, industries like healthcare, education, and customer service are also digging the remote vibe.

AdventHealth, a major healthcare player, has been posting remote gigs for medical billing and patient coordination. Even schools like UCF are getting in on the action, offering remote admin and support roles.

Companies like Centene and Florida Blue are all about that healthy work-life balance, which is a vibe that resonates with Orlando's forward-thinking job market.

A top recruiting boss in O-Town summed it up perfectly, "Remote work ain't just a perk anymore, it's a must-have for companies trying to stay competitive in markets like Orlando." With the city's economy tailor-made for remote work, job seekers in Orlando have a goldmine of opportunities across industries, setting them up for success in the digital future.

What to look for in Orlando remote job listings


When you're lookin' for remote jobs in the O-Town, you gotta make sure you got the right skills that companies are thirsting for.

The word on the street is that employers are on the hunt for peeps who can slay digital communication tools, got that self-management game on lock, and can collaborate virtually like a boss.

In Orlando, there's a mad demand for data analytics skills, with 25% of remote job listings looking for that fire. Plus, with the tech scene blowing up, over 15% of telecommuting gigs now need you to be a cloud computing wizard.

Essentials like time management and information security awareness are a must, with over half of the Orlando employer listings requiring that.

When you're tailoring your remote job application for the Orlando market, you gotta flex your skills with mobile and project management platforms, cuz 40% of listings are looking for that.

To really stand out, you should level up your:

  • Digital literacy: This skill is a hot commodity in 70% of listings.
  • Critical thinking and problem-solving: Employers want these abilities in 65% of listings.
  • Adaptability and continuous learning: These skills are valued in 60% of listings.

According to the Orlando staffing experts,

"Applicants who are down to adopt new tech and methods, and can show they've crushed it with remote work before, are gonna turn heads in Orlando's job market."

The remote job scene in Orlando is all about having that perfect blend of technical skills and soft skills on lock.

If you can spit that fire in your applications, you'll be rollin' in remote work opportunities in Orlando's lit economy.

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Navigating the application process for remote jobs in Orlando


Orlando's remote job scene is getting lit! There are tons of opportunities across different industries like tourism, entertainment, tech, and healthcare. If you're trying to get in on that action, you gotta have a solid application game.

First off, tailor your resume to show off the skills and experiences that match those fields. Customizing your resume can increase your chances of landing an interview by 47%.

Throughout your application, make sure to highlight any local knowledge or insights about the Orlando market, because 34% of hiring managers love to see that you understand the local economy.

Here are some tips to level up your application:

  • Check out what companies like Universal Orlando Resort are doing in the city, and show off your diverse talents and community involvement that aligns with their values.
  • Quantify your achievements with numbers and data. That can boost your interview chances by up to 40%, especially with remote-friendly companies like Amazon.
  • Include relevant keywords from the job description to get past the applicant tracking systems (ATS) that can filter out 75% of applications without the right keywords.

Optimizing your LinkedIn profile can increase your chances of getting a job offer by 71%, so make sure it's on point.

Networking is also huge – 85% of jobs are filled through connections. Get involved with Orlando's professional circles, like the tech community, to boost your online presence.

In your cover letter, show that you really get Orlando's unique vibe and economic context. One expert says,

"Personalizing your application to match the city's specific charm reflects not only your expertise but your eagerness to contribute to the local scene."

A tailored application that showcases your skills, local knowledge, and understanding of the Orlando job market can seriously level up your chances of landing a remote gig.

The future of remote work in Orlando


This whole remote work thing is blowing up in the 407! Experts reckon around a quarter of us will be working from home by 2021. The big dogs like Amazon and Disney are all about it, creating remote gigs in areas like e-commerce, healthcare tech, and customer service.

Word on the street is that remote job openings in Orlando could spike by 20% next year, especially in coding and digital marketing roles.

Turns out, almost a third of people feel more productive when they ditch the office and work from their home.

It's no wonder, then, that Orlando companies are investing more in tech to support their remote squads. Even Orlando Health is adapting to keep up with the remote work wave.

Economists say this remote revolution could boost our local economy by 10% from all the cost savings and productivity gains.

With more people ditching traditional offices for the digital nomad life, it'll shake up industries like real estate and transportation.

Orlando is becoming a remote work hotspot, attracting talent from all over. This Nucamp article talks about Orlando's booming tech scene and the rise of remote work opportunities.

One tech company honcho said, "The future of work is about harnessing innovation to connect talent across Orlando and beyond." Sounds like our city is set to excel in the remote work game!

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Frequently Asked Questions


What are the top industries for remote jobs in Orlando?

Orlando's top industries for remote jobs include IT and software development, creative fields like digital marketing and graphic design, and the healthcare sector which is experiencing a rise in remote job openings.

Which major companies are hiring remote workers in Orlando?

Major companies like Lockheed Martin, Darden Restaurants, Siemens Energy, Fiserv, and Electronic Arts (EA) are hiring remote workers in Orlando. Healthcare providers like AdventHealth are also offering remote roles.

What should job seekers look for in Orlando remote job listings?

Job seekers in Orlando should look for remote job listings that prioritize skills such as data analytics, cloud computing, digital literacy, critical thinking, and adaptability. Employers value candidates who can demonstrate proficiency in these areas.

How can applicants navigate the application process for remote jobs in Orlando?

To navigate the application process for remote jobs in Orlando, applicants should tailor their resumes to match job requirements, optimize their LinkedIn profiles, network within professional circles, and personalize their cover letters to showcase their understanding of Orlando's economic and cultural context.

What is the future of remote work in Orlando?

The future of remote work in Orlando looks promising, with estimates of a 20% rise in remote job availability in fields like software development and digital marketing. Orlando's tech giants are embracing remote roles, and the city is expected to draw a global pool of professionals seeking flexible, digital workspaces.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible