What tech jobs are the most in demand in Orlando?

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 5th 2024

Orlando cityscape, highlighting the thriving tech industry

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With Orlando's tech industry booming, software engineers are in high demand, commanding an average salary of $124,149, surpassing previous estimates; job postings surged by 15% in 2023. Emerging tech areas like AI and ML offer abundant opportunities for new grads and seasoned professionals.

Check this out! Orlando's tech scene is on fire! It's been ranked as the 9th fastest-growing tech hub in the nation, with a projected job growth of 26.8% by 2030.

That's crazy, right? It's way higher than the national average!

The job opportunities are so diverse, from software engineers to cybersecurity experts.

Universities like UCF are a major player, churning out tons of STEM graduates, which is crucial for industries like simulation and aviation, where Orlando is a global boss.

Digital media is also thriving here, thanks to a solid startup culture and innovative advancements.

The growth is real, with job postings for software developers alone spiking by 15% in the first quarter of 2023. And let's not forget the rise of emerging tech areas like AI and machine learning – these are creating loads of opportunities for fresh grads and seasoned pros alike.

Local events like FABTECH and insights from resources like Orlando Inno are highlighting the fat paychecks tech workers in the area are scoring.

It's wild!

This is just the beginning. We'll be diving deeper into the job prospects, salary standards, and crucial skills shaping Orlando's booming tech industry in future posts.

Stay tuned!

Table of Contents

  • What Opportunities Await Computer Science Graduates in Orlando's Tech Scene?
  • What's the Average Salary for a Software Engineer in Orlando?
  • Where Can You Find High-Paying Tech Jobs in Orlando?
  • Which Programming Languages Are Most In-Demand in Orlando's Job Market?
  • Which Orlando Companies Are Hiring Remote Workers in Tech?
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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What Opportunities Await Computer Science Graduates in Orlando's Tech Scene?


Orlando is really making moves in the tech game, and that's a major W for all you computer science grads trying to land a sick job in cutting-edge tech roles.

The city saw a 14% spike in tech employment over the past year, which just goes to show how Orlando's tech ecosystem is blowing up, thanks to big industry players, dope startups, and some seriously supportive local policies.

Fields like cybersecurity, cloud computing, and big data analytics are where it's at right now.

If you're a fresh computer science grad in Orlando, you're looking at a ton of opportunities.

Just peep the local job boards, and you'll see openings for Junior Software Developers, Data Analysts, and IT Support Specialists.

Software development alone accounts for 32% of tech job postings, with data science and analytics at 20%, and network and information security at 18%. These roles are key to keeping Orlando's tech industry on top, and the pay is no joke – Entry-Level Software Developers in Orlando can expect to rake in an average annual salary of around $62,000.

What's really dope about the Orlando tech scene is that it's got a solid academic backbone with tech incubators and accelerators, like the University of Central Florida's top-notch computer science program.

UCF is all about equipping students with a broad range of computational thinking and programming skills, setting them up for sick opportunities in fields like robotics, digital media, and evolutionary computing.

This tight connection between academia and industry is crucial for the career paths that aspiring tech pros can look forward to in Orlando, which is now recognized as a legit innovation hub.

Industry insiders, like the folks at the Orlando Economic Partnership, are hyping up Orlando's tech job market for new grads, calling the growth in high-tech sectors straight-up unmatched.

Local initiatives like the Orlando Tech Council are also amplifying job prospects for grads by championing tech growth and sustainability.

Building on this momentum, Orlando's link to the space industry and proximity to major players like NASA's Kennedy Space Center and tech enterprises within Central Florida Research Park means even more doors are open for computer science whizzes to join pioneering projects and push the boundaries of technology even further.

All of this just adds to Orlando's appeal for up-and-coming talent looking to score high-paying and impactful tech careers in the Sunshine State.

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What's the Average Salary for a Software Engineer in Orlando?


Orlando's tech scene is blowing up, and software engineers are in crazy demand. The average yearly pay for a software engineer in Orlando is a whopping $124,149 according to recent data.

That's a serious chunk of cash!

For those just starting out, the entry-level salary ain't too shabby either, with PayScale reporting around $82,391 as a starting point.

And as you gain more experience and skills, the sky's the limit. Top earners in the 90th percentile are raking in up to $191,371 annually. Crazy, right? Specializing in hot languages like JavaScript or Python can also give your earning potential a serious boost.

But here's the real kicker – with the lower cost of living in Orlando, those salaries go way further than in places like San Francisco or New York.

A $124,149 salary in Orlando is equivalent to making over $233,000 in the Bay Area. Talk about getting more bang for your buck!

Orlando's got some major players in the game too, like Disney, where software engineers are averaging a total compensation of $154,000.

With numbers like that, Orlando is seriously challenging the bigger tech hubs and attracting talent from all over. And if you're looking to level up your skills, Nucamp Coding Bootcamp offers affordable programs like the Web Development Fundamentals and Full Stack Web + Mobile Development to help you get job-ready.

But it's not just about the money.

Job satisfaction, work-life balance, and opportunities for growth are also major factors. Orlando's tech boom is offering the whole package – solid earnings and a vibrant scene where you can actually enjoy your life outside of work.

It's shaping up to be a prime destination for software engineers looking to have it all.

Where Can You Find High-Paying Tech Jobs in Orlando?


Orlando's tech scene is poppin' right now! If you're lookin' for that fat paycheck in the tech game, you gotta approach it the smart way. Tap into specialized job boards like Built In, where you'll find those high-level tech gigs, many payin' 10-20% more than regular job sites.

That's where the real money's at.

When you're scoutin' for roles at Orlando's top tech companies, cast a wide net. Big dogs like Lockheed Martin are here, but don't sleep on those up-and-coming startups like Knetik and Fattmerchant.

These places are known for payin' top dollar. Even places like Universal Orlando Resort got tech jobs for the more creative types.

According to ZipRecruiter, software engineers in Orlando can expect to pull in around $80K on average.

But if you got a niche skill set, you could be lookin' at six figures. This place is a goldmine for tech careers.

Use all the local resources you can to boost your job hunt game.

Organizations like the Orlando Tech Association host dope events where you can rub shoulders with potential employers. Groups like Orlando Tech and Beer and Central Florida Tech Alliance are where it's at for networkin'.

To really nail your job search strategy in Orlando's booming tech world, here's what you gotta do:

  • Stay on top of job boards and company career sites for fresh listings.
  • Get your face out there at local tech networking events and meetups.
  • Check out Orlando-specific tech salary guides to know what kind of money you should be makin'.
  • Link up with local career advisors who know the tech job landscape like the back of their hand.

Orlando's tech game is on fire, and it ain't just about your skills.

"Your network within the tech community is as critical as your technical prowess. It's not solely about your skill set, it's also about the connections you forge,"

says Robert Williams, a top-notch tech recruiter around these parts.

As the tech industry keeps evolvin', you gotta stay informed and be proactive if you wanna ball out in Orlando's dynamic job market.

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Which Programming Languages Are Most In-Demand in Orlando's Job Market?


Have you been keeping up with the tech scene in O-Town? That's blowing up, and if you wanna snag a sweet gig in that world, you gotta know the right code.

According to the hot list of programming languages to learn in 2023, JavaScript, Python, and Java are the MVPs.

65% of job postings are asking for JavaScript skills, so you know it's crucial for web dev and making apps more interactive. Python's a close second, with 58% of ads wanting that in your arsenal.

It's the go-to for data science, machine learning, and AI gigs. And Java? 46% of listings need that for backend and Android app roles.

But don't sleep on SQL either – 42% of jobs are looking for database management skills.

That aligns with what TripleTen's analysis says about SQL, Python, and AWS being essential for tech employment.

C# is a must-have too, with 39% of ads mentioning it for enterprise and gaming companies. And although PHP and Ruby aren't as high on the list (28% and 21% respectively), they're still relevant for server-side scripting and web dev frameworks like Rails.

These stats aren't just about what to learn, though – they show how Orlando's tech scene is evolving.

One recruiter put it best: "Knowing hot languages like JavaScript and Python isn't just a job ticket; it's the doorway to all kinds of opportunities in one of the Southeast's fastest-growing tech hubs."

And don't forget about frameworks and libraries too – stuff like React (for JavaScript), Django (Python), and Spring (Java) can give you an edge.

Full-stack development skills are becoming more and more important, so being versatile and well-rounded is key in today's job market.

Bottom line: if you wanna score a dope tech job in Orlando and stay ahead of the game, focus on the languages and frameworks that are in high demand according to 2023 data.

JavaScript, Python, Java, SQL, and the associated tools are your best bets. Sure, trends might shift as new technologies emerge, but for now, mastering these will give you a serious advantage in O-Town's competitive tech arena.

Which Orlando Companies Are Hiring Remote Workers in Tech?


Have you heard about the rise of remote work? It's been a game-changer since the pandemic hit. Orlando's tech scene is totally on board with this trend, and there are some major players in the game offering dope remote gigs.

Let me break it down for you.

First up, we've got Lockheed Martin, the aerospace giant. These guys are all about innovation, but they're also killing it with remote roles in cybersecurity and software engineering.

Then there's Electronic Arts (EA), the video game legends. They're always on the hunt for remote talent, especially software devs and game designers who can work their magic from anywhere.

Major companies like Siemens Energy and Fiserv are on the remote hiring spree, offering opportunities in software development, project management, and all things IT. Even the big dogs like Deloitte are getting in on the action, with remote tech consulting roles up for grabs.

And let's not forget Expedia Group, where you can literally work from anywhere while staying connected.

One company that really stands out is Canonical, the masterminds behind Ubuntu.

These guys are all about remote work, and their entire structure is built around that remote-first lifestyle. Across these companies, some of the hottest remote roles include:

  • Full Stack Developer: The coding wizards who can handle both frontend and backend like a boss.
  • Data Analyst: The data gurus who turn numbers into insights that drive businesses.
  • Cloud Solutions Architect: The cloud computing masterminds who design and implement cloud services.
  • User Experience Designer: The creative geniuses who make digital products user-friendly and visually stunning.
  • Information Security Analyst: The cybersecurity heroes who protect networks and systems from digital threats.

According to studies, the programming languages in high demand for these roles are Python, JavaScript, and Java.

So, if you're fluent in those, you're already ahead of the game. Orlando's tech industry is all about embracing remote work in 2023, with a whopping 85% of tech professionals preferring at least some remote work option.

Flexible work policies are a game-changer for companies trying to attract and retain top talent.

In a nutshell, Orlando's remote tech job scene is thriving, offering plenty of opportunities for those who want the freedom to work from anywhere without compromising on their career goals.

With Orlando being a hub of innovation and adapting to the latest trends, it's a sweet spot for anyone looking to ride the wave of the digital economy. And if you need some extra help, resources like Nucamp Coding Bootcamp have got your back with guides on creating a killer tech resume, upskilling in those hot programming languages, and navigating the job market like a pro.

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Frequently Asked Questions


What Opportunities Await Computer Science Graduates in Orlando's Tech Scene?

Orlando is carving out its niche in the tech industry, promising an optimistic future landscape for computer science graduates. Entry-level positions like Junior Software Developers, Data Analysts, and IT Support Specialists are in demand, with software development accounting for 32% of tech job postings.

What's the Average Salary for a Software Engineer in Orlando?

The average salary for a software engineer in Orlando is $124,149, surpassing previous estimates. Starting salaries are around $82,391, with top earners making up to $191,371.

Where Can You Find High-Paying Tech Jobs in Orlando?

Specialized job boards like list high-caliber tech positions offering competitive compensation. Top tech companies in Orlando like Lockheed Martin and Knetik provide lucrative opportunities for technical roles.

Which Programming Languages Are Most In-Demand in Orlando's Job Market?

JavaScript, Python, and Java are the most requested programming languages in Orlando job listings. Skills in SQL, C#, PHP, and Ruby are also valued for various tech roles in the city.

Which Orlando Companies Are Hiring Remote Workers in Tech?

Companies like Lockheed Martin, Electronic Arts, Siemens Energy, and Fiserv in Orlando offer remote work opportunities for tech positions. Canonical, the company behind Ubuntu, is structured on a remote-first basis.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible