What's the Average Salary for a Software Engineer in Orlando?

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 5th 2024

Software engineer analyzing data about Orlando's average salary on digital screen.

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Orlando's software engineer average salary is $124,149/year. 26.8% job growth projected by 2030. Corporate & education strengths drive innovation. Lockheed Martin & UCF are key players. Competitive salaries in Orlando tech market exceed US average. Considerations include specializations for higher pay.

Orlando's becoming the place to be for all you code monkeys out there! It's ranked number 9 in the fastest-growing tech hubs across the nation, with a projected 26.8% job growth in the tech industry by 2030 - that's way higher than the national average.

Big companies like Lockheed Martin and the University of Central Florida are fueling this growth by forming this tight-knit community of innovation and collaboration.

The average software engineer salary in Orlando is a solid $124,149 per year, with even more cash to be made if you specialize in certain areas.

The Orlando Economic Partnership is really pushing the city as a prime spot for tech jobs, thanks to all the talented coders moving in and the variety of opportunities available.

Nucamp's articles on the Orlando tech job market give you the lowdown on what kind of tech roles are in high demand and the skills employers are looking for.

With Orlando's tech scene blowing up, we're gonna break down the nitty-gritty of software engineering salaries, what factors influence the pay, and how you can maximize your earnings in this thriving tech hub.

Table of Contents

  • The National Perspective: Software Engineer Salaries in the US
  • Analyzing the Orlando Market: The Average Salary
  • Factors Influencing Salaries in Orlando
  • Preparing for a Software Engineering Career in Orlando
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

  • Step into the future with insights on emerging tech roles that are shaping Orlando's dynamic job market.

The National Perspective: Software Engineer Salaries in the US


Let's talk about the cash that software engineers are raking in, especially in Orlando, FL. This city is where it's at if you're looking to make some serious dough in the tech world.

According to the stats, the average base salary for a Software Engineer in Orlando is a whopping $108,444, with an extra $8,500 in cash bonuses, bringing the total to a mind-blowing $116,944.

And that's just the average! Some ballers are scoring up to $111,000. If you're lucky enough to land a gig at a big shot company like Disney, you could be looking at a total compensation of $154,000.

Talk about living the dream!

Here's the real deal:

  • The national average salary for software engineers, which is like the benchmark, is $107,000.
  • But in Orlando, the average salary is way higher, sitting at a solid $110,700, proving that this city is a major player in the tech game.

While places like San Francisco and Seattle have been the traditional hotspots for tech jobs, Orlando is quickly catching up.

With a growing pool of tech talent and a lower cost of living, this city is becoming a serious contender. The market is booming with tech-related roles, and Orlando is shaping up to be the next big thing for techies.

So, if you're a software engineer in Orlando, you can enjoy a nice pay check while still having enough cash left over to live it up in the city's thriving tech scene.

When you break it down, Orlando's software engineers are raking in salaries that can compete with the national average, and in many cases, they're even getting more bang for their buck thanks to the lower cost of living.

It's clear that this city is on the rise in the tech world, and if you're a coder looking to make it big, Orlando might just be the place to be.

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Analyzing the Orlando Market: The Average Salary


The software engineering scene in Orlando is popping right now. The average salary for these tech wizards is a solid $108,444, plus an extra $8,500 in cash bonuses.

That's a total of around $116,944 on average, which ain't too shabby! It's a competitive number in Florida and pretty much on par with the national average.

Now, if you're just starting out, you can expect to bring in around $80,000.

But if you've got some serious experience under your belt, or you're a coding ninja with mad skills in JavaScript and Python, you could be raking in over $152,000! Not too shabby, eh?

According to Levels.fyi, the median total compensation for Software Engineers in Orlando is around $110,700.

But these numbers can vary depending on your expertise, the company's rep, and how the market's doing.

Speaking of companies, the big dogs like Disney are the ones shelling out the big bucks, with an average total compensation of $154,000.

Electronic Arts is also pretty generous at $148,000, and Booz Allen Hamilton ain't too shabby either at $111,250. And if you've got some serious experience under your belt, you could be looking at an average salary of $116,400 as a Senior Software Engineer in Orlando.

Not too bad for leveling up your career, right?

But the real kicker - the cost of living in Orlando is way lower than places like San Francisco or New York.

"In comparison to tech-centric cities like San Francisco or New York, the cost of living in Orlando is considerably lower, meaning salaries are stretched further—an important metric for quality of life,"

says Lisa Rodriguez, a senior recruiter from a top tech firm in the area.

So, your paycheck goes a lot further, which is a sweet deal if you ask me.

And if you're looking to level up your coding skills, check out the Nucamp Coding Bootcamp.

It's a solid way to get your hands dirty and become a real coding ninja.

Factors Influencing Salaries in Orlando


Let's talk about that guap you can make as a coder in O-Town! The average Senior Software Engineer is raking in around $116K, which is mad cash. But if you're into that automation stuff with Python, .NET, and Java, you could be looking at an average of $112K. Not too shabby, right?

Now, if you've got that Bachelor's Degree under your belt, you're likely to be making that senior engineer money too.

But if you really want to level up your cash flow, get certified in cloud computing or big data systems. That's where the big bucks are at! And if you're lucky enough to land a gig in Orlando's space industry or at a larger company, you could be rolling in dough with some sweet bonuses or equity on top of your fat paycheck.

The real tea though: you gotta keep learning new skills to stay ahead of the game.

Tech is moving fast, and this Nucamp Coding Bootcamp analysis shows that employers want people who can handle the latest software like bosses.

If you can juggle different technologies and prove your expertise, you'll be swimming in cash in no time. The game is all about showing off your skills, not just putting in the years.

Orlando's tech scene is competitive, so you gotta hustle hard to get that bread!

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Preparing for a Software Engineering Career in Orlando


If you want to get those substantial earnings as a software engineer in the 407, you must be strategic. Earning certifications like Certified ScrumMaster (CSM) or Amazon Web Services (AWS Certified Developer) can significantly increase your paycheck.

But don't neglect improving your skills in coding languages like JavaScript or Python as well.

That will make you a highly sought-after candidate in the job market.

The average software engineer in Orlando is earning $105,000 annually. However, if you are truly exceptional, you could be earning up to $152,000.

The key? Focus on in-demand skills like SQL or .NET, and you'll be among the top earners when it comes to salaries. Staying on top of the hottest tech trends is the way to go.

But it's not just about the skills.

Experience and specific roles matter too. A Senior Software Engineer in Orlando can earn an average of $116,400 annually.

That's the kind of income you want, right? To get there, you need to:

  • Network: Attend tech events like Orlando Tech Meetups and the Annual Orlando Tech Week. Building connections could lead you to an excellent opportunity you never anticipated.
  • Find a Mentor: Connect with mentors at the major tech companies in Orlando. They'll provide insider information on job openings and the latest tech trends, setting you up for those substantial raises.
  • Never Stop Learning: Stay updated on the skills employers want in Orlando's tech scene. Dedicate effort to hot areas like machine learning or cybersecurity - that's where the real money is for experienced developers.

"The more you know and the more people you know, the more you'll get paid," said someone influential in the local tech industry. And that's accurate. Enhance your skills, build your network, and you'll be earning substantial income as a software engineer in Orlando.



Orlando's tech scene is blowing up! With bigwigs like Lockheed Martin hiring fresh grads and the City of Orlando needing digital software engineers, there's job opportunities poppin' off.

This city's turning into a tech hub faster than you can say "code monkey!"

If you wanna level up your paycheck game, keep grinding and upskilling. Check out Nucamp's career tips and consider their cybersecurity or back-end bootcamps to get those hardcore skills on lock.

Don't forget to network your butt off and snag some certs to make your resume pop.

Mentors and internships are the real MVPs, giving you that insider scoop on how the tech world really works.

Just look at Lockheed Martin and the City of Orlando's dope programs for software devs. OG techies like Michael Harris say Orlando's tech community is vibrant scene with room for creativity and career growth.

Bottom line, Orlando's software engineering game is on fire, with stacks of cash and opportunities to level up like crazy.

If you're a coding whiz, get ready to join a community that'll push you to new heights. Jumping into this innovative tech hustle means a future filled with constant growth, networking, and disrupting the game like a boss.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Frequently Asked Questions


What is the average salary for a software engineer in Orlando?

The average salary for a software engineer in Orlando is $124,149 per year.

What is the projected job growth for software engineers in Orlando by 2030?

There is a projected job growth of 26.8% for software engineers in Orlando by 2030.

What factors contribute to the competitive salaries in the Orlando tech market?

Corporate and educational strengths in Orlando drive innovation, leading to competitive salaries in the tech market. Companies like Lockheed Martin and the University of Central Florida play key roles in fostering a dynamic tech ecosystem.

What are some considerations for software engineers in Orlando to increase their earning potential?

Specializing in high-demand areas such as JavaScript and Python, pursuing certifications in cloud computing and big data systems, and continuous skill development can help software engineers in Orlando enhance their earning potential.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible