Complete Guide to Getting a Cybersecurity Job in Orlando

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 5th 2024

Orlando skyline hinting at the city's growing cybersecurity job market

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Orlando’s booming cybersecurity job market offers entry-level positions with an average salary of $130,157. Key tips include attending training events, acquiring certifications, and networking. The Orlando cybersecurity job landscape is competitive, with a projected tech job growth of 26.8% by 2030, doubling the national average.

The cybersecurity job market in Orlando is poppin' right now! With big sectors like defense, tourism, and healthcare needing cyber experts, there's a serious talent gap.

An Orlando Economic Partnership report highlighted this shortage, and remote work plus online transactions are making the demand even crazier.

Entry-level cyber jobs in Orlando pay an average of $130,157, beating out many other cities (ZipRecruiter).

To stay ahead of the game:

  • Training Events: Check out hands-on training events like SANS 2024 to level up your practical skills and meet industry pros.
  • Certifications: Get certified! Karen Lopez University and UCF offer programs that match what employers want.
  • Networking: Connect with local networks, attend events, and stay on top of new cyber threats.

The median cybersecurity salary in Orlando is super competitive too.

UCF predicts a 26.8% growth in tech jobs by 2030, double the national average for IT roles. We'll dive deeper into the essential skills and certifications, profile top employers, and give you strategies to break into Orlando's cybersecurity scene.

Table of Contents

  • Breaking Into Cybersecurity: Essential Skills and Certifications in Orlando
  • Orlando Cybersecurity Job Market: Trends and Growth Areas for 2024
  • Top Cybersecurity Employers in Orlando: Who's Hiring and What They Look For
  • Leveraging Orlando Networking Events for Cybersecurity Career Growth
  • Orlando Cybersecurity Salaries: What Can You Expect to Earn?
  • Cybersecurity Bootcamps vs. Traditional Education in Orlando: What's Best for Your Career?
  • From Classroom to Boardroom: Transitioning to a Cybersecurity Career in Orlando
  • Remote Cybersecurity Opportunities in Orlando: Navigating the Virtual Job Market
  • Cybersecurity Internships in Orlando: Your Gateway to a Full-Time Role
  • The Future of Cybersecurity in Orlando: Emerging Technologies and Job Prospects
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Breaking Into Cybersecurity: Essential Skills and Certifications in Orlando


If you're trying to break into the cybersecurity scene in Orlando, you gotta have some serious skills and certs. It's a competitive market. Based on what employers are looking for this year, you need to be solid in data security, network defense, and incident response.

But it's not just about the technical stuff. You also gotta have some serious critical thinking and problem-solving skills, and know your way around compliance regulations.

To really stand out, there are some certs you should aim for.

If you're going for the big boss roles, the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) and Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) are the ones to get.

But if you're just starting out, the CompTIA Security+ and Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) certs are pretty much a must-have, according to industry reports.

Orlando's got your back when it comes to leveling up your cybersecurity skills, too.

There are programs like the Orlando Cybersecurity Bootcamp, UCF's Cyber Defense Professional Certificate, and Valencia College's A.S. in Network Engineering Technology.

These guys keep their courses fresh and up-to-date with the latest threats and defenses. And with the Biden-Harris administration pushing for more cybersecurity apprenticeships (34% growth), there are more ways to get your foot in the door.

Once you're in, you could be looking at gigs like Security Analyst, Network Architect, or Security Manager.

The pay ain't too shabby either, especially if you invest in those skills and certs. And big dogs like Lockheed Martin are always on the hunt for cybersecurity talent in Orlando.

They'll even help pay for your certs, so that's a sweet deal.

Bottom line, with cyber threats on the rise, Orlando is gonna need plenty of skilled cybersecurity pros.

So, get those certs lined up, and you'll be golden in this booming market. Just remember, staying ahead of the game is key, so keep those skills sharp!

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Orlando Cybersecurity Job Market: Trends and Growth Areas for 2024


Orlando's cybersecurity job market is about to blow up in 2024. This city is becoming a major tech hub, and the demand for cyber experts is skyrocketing. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, jobs for information security analysts are expected to grow by a whopping 32% between 2022 and 2032 – way higher than the national average for other occupations.

Orlando is definitely at the forefront of cybersecurity innovation and readiness.

With all kinds of companies setting up shop here, from tech giants to defense contractors, the job opportunities are endless.

The healthcare industry needs more data protection for electronic health records, while entertainment and tourism companies are stepping up their digital game.

Not to mention, aerospace and defense giants like Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman are ramping up their cybersecurity efforts. Cloud security and AI/machine learning skills are going to be hot commodities in 2024.

Companies are ditching traditional security methods and embracing cutting-edge tech to stay ahead of cyber threats.

As one industry insider put it,

"As cybersecurity threats evolve, so does the necessity for advanced protection strategies, especially in a digitally progressive city like Orlando."

You'll need to be versatile and skilled in everything from traditional security measures to defending against AI-powered cyberattacks.

Orlando is tackling the national talent shortage by offering opportunities in emerging fields like cyber-physical system security and cloud cybersecurity. It's all about diversifying your skills to stay competitive.

Bottom line? The 2024 Orlando cybersecurity job market is where it's at.

With opportunities across various sectors and a major focus on next-gen technologies, this city is redefining the cybersecurity employment game. Get ready to ride the wave and land a job in this cutting-edge field!

Top Cybersecurity Employers in Orlando: Who's Hiring and What They Look For


The cybersecurity job market in Orlando is competitive. You got big players like Accenture and Lockheed Martin setting the bar high.

These companies are all about clearances and advanced certs like CISSP or CISM. They want to see that you can walk the walk, not just talk the talk, so expect live coding tests or case studies during the hiring process.

But it's not just about the technical skills.

Employers in Orlando are also looking for those essential soft skills:

  • Certifications: Gotta have those relevant cybersecurity certs (e.g., CompTIA Security+, CEH)
  • Frameworks: Experience with the big cybersecurity frameworks (ISO 27001, NIST)
  • Tools & Languages: Solid skills with specific cybersecurity tools and programming languages
  • Problem-Solving: Show 'em you can think outside the box and solve problems
  • Communication: Gotta be able to communicate effectively with different teams

With all the cyber threats out there, places like UCF's aerospace and defense programs are churning out talent ready to take on the challenge.

The hiring process is usually a multi-stage thing, starting with HR screening, then technical evaluations, and finally, the big boss interview. Companies like Deloitte are all about finding the right fit, both technically and culturally, so they can adapt to the ever-changing cyber landscape.

If you're trying to land a cybersecurity gig in Orlando, you gotta level up your technical skills and network.

Go to industry events and meetups, that's where companies like AdventHealth Information Technology and Electronic Arts (EA) are scouting for fresh talent with innovative ideas.

It's not just about having a project portfolio, you need real-world experience from internships or personal projects to show these tech giants you're ready to roll.

That hands-on experience is what separates the successful candidates from the rest.

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Leveraging Orlando Networking Events for Cybersecurity Career Growth


Orlando is where it's at for cybersecurity peeps who wanna level up their careers and expand their network. In 2024, we've got some sick events lined up, from the massive Cybersecurity Conferences in Florida, including major ones in Miami, Jacksonville, and our very own Orlando, to niche gatherings like the KB4-CON, which brings together KnowBe4 customers, partners, and security enthusiasts.

These events are the place to be for workshops, seminars, and discussions led by the big shots in the industry.

If you're serious about making the most of these opportunities, you gotta get involved with networking groups like the Central Florida ISACA Chapter and the Orlando ISSA Chapter.

They cater to everyone from newbies to the executive squad, creating a dynamic environment perfect for career growth and knowledge expansion. Attending events like the Florida Cyber Security Road Show and the monthly FLTA Cyber Security calls can be a game-changer for those looking to climb the cybersecurity ladder.

Networking is all about strategy and active participation.

Having a clear goal in mind, like attending the Orlando Cybersecurity Conference with specific objectives, can make your interactions way more meaningful. Step up your game by volunteering, contributing to discussions or panels to get recognized, and remember, maintaining connections after the event is key.

Nurturing your network can open doors you never knew existed. As one Orlando cybersecurity pro puts it:

"It's not just who you meet, but how you engage with them that really expands your professional circle."

Check out this guide for making the most of Orlando's IT and cybersecurity events:

  • Set a goal—Figure out the main theme or idea, and come up with a concise sentence to sum it up.
  • Get involved—Visibility through participation in discussions can lead to more connections.
  • Volunteer your time—Helping out can help you form deeper relationships.
  • Follow up consistently—Keep the conversation going with new contacts after the event to maintain those connections.

Real-life success stories prove the power of networking in Orlando's cybersecurity scene.

A cybersecurity analyst at a major local firm credits her active networking at events like the IT Nation Secure conference for her rapid career growth, leading to a coveted collaboration opportunity.

Orlando's networking-friendly environment can be a game-changer for your career in the fast-paced world of cybersecurity, highlighting just how much personal connections can impact your professional success.

Orlando Cybersecurity Salaries: What Can You Expect to Earn?


Orlando's cybersecurity scene is on fire! It's not just booming, but it's crushing it when it comes to creating dope, high-paying job opportunities. Check this out – according to the latest stats, the average annual salary for a Cyber Security Analyst in Orlando is a solid $90,899.

For the real ballers in the industry, that figure can skyrocket to a whopping $128,358. Talk about a sweet gig for all you ambitious go-getters out there. Even if you're just starting out, entry-level positions typically start at a respectable $88,325, so you can still expect to get paid.

But it's not just about the Benjamins.

Key employers in Orlando are hooking their cybersecurity crew up with a comprehensive benefits package that'll make you drool. We're talking health, dental, and vision insurance, retirement plans with company-matched contributions (cha-ching!), performance bonuses (because who doesn't love some extra cash?), generous vacation time (hello, beach days!), and serious provisions for professional development (gotta stay on top of your game, amirite?).

This sweet benefits landscape ain't just about the money – it's about investing in your long-term career growth and living that good life.

A report from CyberSeek shows that salaries for cybersecurity roles have been on the rise, outpacing a lot of other industries.

That's especially dope for entry-level roles, which now start at a higher level, proving that Orlando is serious about building up its cybersecurity talent pool.

We're talking about a wide range of roles and salaries here. Cybersecurity Managers can rake in anywhere from $105,000 to $145,000, while the big bosses, the CISOs, can command $150,000 and up.

This evolving pay structure ain't just about your skills – it's about recognizing innovation and a willingness to keep learning.

Orlando is quickly becoming a hot spot for cyber defense, and it's establishing itself as the place to be for anyone looking to make it big or level up in the cybersecurity game.

It's not just about the dope career opportunities, but also about the sweet fiscal benefits and diverse compensation framework. Word on the street is that perks like profit-sharing options and continuous learning allowances are becoming more common, making Orlando even more attractive for cybersecurity pros.

According to an industry expert, the dynamic compensation structure in Orlando's cybersecurity sector is proof that the city recognizes and rewards performance and professional development.

This approach not only attracts top talent but also fosters innovation and ongoing education, solidifying Orlando's claim as an emerging cybersecurity hub.

So, whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, Orlando is calling your name.

With ample opportunities to stack that paper and level up your career, the city's booming tech sector is offering up rich rewards and a comprehensive compensation framework that'll make you go "damn!" It's time to get in on the action and join the cybersecurity squad in Orlando.

Trust me, you won't regret it.

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Cybersecurity Bootcamps vs. Traditional Education in Orlando: What's Best for Your Career?


Check it out! In the digital game of Orlando, deciding on the right path for a cybersecurity career is a major move. Recent comparisons between cybersecurity bootcamps and computer science degrees show that bootcamps get you straight into the practical skills and real-world applications, landing you a job within six months a solid 89% of the time.

These bootcamps often come with valuable industry certifications that employers are crushing on. On the flip side, traditional university programs give you a deep dive into computing fields like artificial intelligence, scoring you a tech job within a year about 85% of the time.

But let's talk money.

Bootcamps are usually way more affordable, costing anywhere from $5,000 to $20,000, while a four-year degree can set you back a whopping $40,000 to $160,000, depending on the school.

However, a degree might get you a higher starting salary. But don't sleep on bootcamps – their hands-on, project-based approach is what the industry wants, with 72% of Orlando bootcamp grads feeling ready for a cybersecurity career, compared to 60% of degree holders.

Here's a quick breakdown:

  • For Bootcamps: Direct prep for industry certs, practical skills, affordable tuition, and high job placement rates make it perfect for those switching careers.
  • For Traditional Education: Broad knowledge base, theoretical and research opportunities, and potentially higher lifetime earnings are the perks, appealing to those planning a long-term cybersecurity journey.

As cybersecurity expert Susan Taylor says, some might prefer the immediacy and relevance of bootcamps, while others might vibe more with the long-term benefits of a traditional degree.

In the ever-changing cybersecurity game, continuous learning is a must, especially in Orlando's tech hub.

For degree holders looking to level up, cybersecurity bootcamps offer additional hands-on experience and skill refinement.

When choosing your path, consider your career goals, the Orlando job market, and the educational method that'll unlock your full potential. It's not just about starting a career but staying ahead in an industry that's constantly evolving and offering new opportunities.

From Classroom to Boardroom: Transitioning to a Cybersecurity Career in Orlando


Transitioning from learning about cybersecurity in school to actually getting a job in Orlando's tech scene can be a bit tricky, but don't worry, I got you covered.

First things first, Orlando is like a playground for cybersecurity enthusiasts.

According to, there's a huge demand for cybersecurity jobs and training programs that can help you get hands-on experience while you learn.

Plus, UCF offers a legit Cyber Defense Professional Certificate that can boost your chances of landing a sweet gig.

Now, here's the real deal - Orlando has over 3,500 open cybersecurity jobs, according to CyberSeek.

That's a lot of opportunities! But to stand out, you gotta network like a boss. Attend events like the Orlando Cyber Security Conference and connect with industry leaders.

Over 60% of tech job openings in the area come from networking, so it's a game-changer.

If you're a veteran, you can check out CISA's cybersecurity training for transitioning military personnel.

There are also apprenticeship programs offered by the Central Florida Tech Alliance that can help you land a job after completion (75% of participants score gigs!).

Don't forget to pimp out your resume and cover letter with any real-world experience or dope projects you've worked on.

Recruiters in Orlando love that hands-on stuff, especially since entry-level cybersecurity roles often require a couple of years of experience (crazy, right?).

To sum it up, here's what you need to do:

  • Network like a boss at events and conferences to unlock those opportunities.
  • Engage in apprenticeships and mentorship programs to gain that precious experience and make connections.
  • Highlight your skills and projects on your resume to show Orlando employers you're the real deal.

Orlando employers don't just care about your technical skills, though.

They want people who can break down complex cybersecurity jargon into language that everyone can understand. As Michael Johnson, an IT hiring manager, said, those who can simplify cybersecurity stuff into actionable insights are super in-demand.

So, if you can blend all these tips together, you'll be ready to crush it in Orlando's cybersecurity scene!

Remote Cybersecurity Opportunities in Orlando: Navigating the Virtual Job Market


Let me break it down for you about the dope remote cybersecurity gigs that are popping up in the Orlando area. As the job market keeps evolving, Orlando has become a hot spot for tech talent looking for remote cybersecurity roles.

The demand for these remote positions has skyrocketed, and it's a trend that's reshaping how we work.

To snag one of these sweet remote gigs, you gotta be strategic.

Start by checking out virtual career events, which are all the rage these days. They'll connect you directly with the big players in the industry.

Also, keep an eye on specialized online job boards that showcase the latest remote opportunities in Orlando's booming tech scene.

  • Level up: Invest in yourself by taking advantage of learning platforms and earning certifications, like those from CompTIA, which are highly valued by Orlando employers.
  • Network, network, network: Get involved in Orlando's digital communities to meet people, make connections, and stay up-to-date on the latest remote roles.

The real deal – remote cybersecurity roles in Orlando often pay around 5% more than on-site positions.

Not too shabby, right? But it's not just about the money. Developing your skills and earning certifications will give you a serious edge in the remote job market.

Check out resources like Orlando's Cybrary and LinkedIn Learning to keep leveling up.

Orlando companies value more than just technical know-how.

They also want employees with solid communication skills and the ability to adapt to remote work environments. As we head into 2024, the virtual job market for cybersecurity in Orlando is a goldmine for those with the right skills and the savvy to navigate these digital frontiers.

If you've got what it takes, you could be living the dream – working in a global workplace while chilling in your local community.

Cybersecurity Internships in Orlando: Your Gateway to a Full-Time Role


Securing a cybersecurity internship in Orlando isn't just about getting some experience, it's a legitimate move towards a career that's not only fulfilling but also super in-demand in our digital world.

The path from intern to pro can be a straight shot if you play your cards right and stay focused. Orlando's got plenty of opportunities, with around 7,429 cybersecurity job openings within a 15-mile radius.

Big players like Lockheed Martin offer roles like Software/Cyber Engineer Intern, where you can get your hands dirty with their cutting-edge 21CS domain program.

Excelling as an intern can even lead to scoring a full-time gig with salaries ranging from $53K to $135K per year, which is a significant amount for someone fresh out of an internship.

If you're aiming for a cybersecurity internship, make sure your applications are on point and tailored to the job descriptions, which you can find on sites like ZipRecruiter and company websites.

Building your network is crucial, too, so use platforms like LinkedIn and resources from Nucamp Coding Bootcamp to make connections. Attending local events and meetups, like those mentioned in "Breaking Into Cybersecurity: Essential Skills and Certifications in Orlando," can help you stay up-to-date with industry trends and meet professionals in the field.

Don't forget to craft a killer resume that showcases your relevant skills and experience, and don't be afraid to reach out to companies directly about openings.

Once you land that internship, it's time to put your skills to the test in real-world scenarios.

Dive headfirst into your assignments, ask for feedback, and take every opportunity to level up your expertise. According to CISA, cybersecurity interns don't just sit behind a desk; they get to work on mission-critical projects that can seriously boost their career prospects.

Interns who successfully transition to full-time roles are typically the ones who take initiative, actively seek feedback, and show a genuine eagerness to contribute to the company.

To keep your cybersecurity dreams alive, check out the guidance Nucamp offers on remote tech careers and insights into Orlando's tech job market.

Documenting your achievements, expressing your long-term commitment to the company, and expanding your network within the organization can be game-changers when it comes to scoring a permanent position.

As cybersecurity consultant Patricia Johnson says, strategically applying your skills and building professional relationships can lay the foundation for a rewarding career in cybersecurity, especially in a tech hub like Orlando.

The Future of Cybersecurity in Orlando: Emerging Technologies and Job Prospects


The cybersecurity scene in Orlando is about to blow up. With all these new tech advancements and job openings popping up left and right, it's a whole vibe.

By 2024, they're predicting a 20% increase in cybersecurity gigs in O-Town, which is lit af considering the national average is around 31%.

Major cybersecurity conferences like IT Nation Secure and Global Security Exchange (GSX) are gonna be held right here, solidifying Orlando as a legit cybersecurity hub.

We're talking cutting-edge AI threat detection and cloud security integration – the future is now.

Orlando's tech game is strong too, with initiatives like the Orlando Cybersecurity Centre and events like the HIMSS Global Health Conference, showing how committed the city is to healthcare cybersecurity.

When you Google "cybersecurity job outlook Orlando 2024" and "future cybersecurity industry trends Orlando," the results are straight fire – cloud security, incident response, and compliance knowledge are where it's at.

And let's not forget about coding bootcamps like Nucamp, hooking you up with the skills to slay in the Orlando job market.

Whether you're a seasoned pro or a fresh face, Orlando's cybersecurity job scene is blowing up.

With the city's tech ecosystem fostering new startups and SMEs focusing on security innovations, job diversity and specialization are on the menu. The Govtech Events crew is hyped about the employment trajectory here, and new cybersecurity initiatives are only going to fuel the fire.

Bottom line, if you're trying to make moves in the cybersecurity game, Orlando is where it's at.

With Nucamp's Cybersecurity Fundamentals Bootcamp prepping you for the grind, and major events like FETC and ASIS International's GSX going down, this city is cementing its status as a cybersecurity talent magnet.

So, get ready to shape the future of digital defense in this dynamic, opportunity-packed environment.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the average salary for entry-level cybersecurity positions in Orlando?

Entry-level cybersecurity positions in Orlando have an impressive average salary of $130,157.

What are some key tips for navigating the competitive cybersecurity job market in Orlando?

Key tips include attending training events, acquiring certifications, and networking to hone practical skills, align with employer needs, and stay ahead of evolving cyber threats.

What are some essential skills and certifications sought after by cybersecurity employers in Orlando?

Employers in Orlando seek skills such as data security, network defense, incident response, critical thinking, problem-solving, and understanding of compliance regulations. Certifications like CISSP, CISM, CompTIA Security+, and Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) are frequently desired.

What can cybersecurity professionals expect in terms of salaries and benefits in Orlando?

Cybersecurity professionals in Orlando can expect competitive salaries ranging from an average of $90,899 to over $128,358 for top performers. Benefits often include health, dental, and vision insurance, retirement plans, performance bonuses, generous vacation time, and provisions for professional development.

What are the differences between cybersecurity bootcamps and traditional education in Orlando?

Cybersecurity bootcamps provide direct preparation for industry certifications, practical skills, cost-effective tuition, and high job placement rates. Traditional education offers a broad knowledge base, theoretical opportunities, and potentially higher initial salaries. The choice depends on career goals and the educational method that maximizes potential.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible