Which Orlando-Based Tech Companies Are Known for Their Work Culture?

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

Orlando skyline with tech logos representing Orlando-based tech companies known for their work culture

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Orlando's tech sector is booming with over 4,000 companies and 70,000 professionals. Companies like Full Sail University prioritize people-first work cultures. Top companies like Electronic Arts Tiburon and Siemens Energy foster innovation through positive work environments and employee care, leading to reduced turnover rates and increased productivity.

The tech scene in Orlando is lit AF, bro! This city is straight-up killing it with all the innovative stuff happening. Ever heard of the Florida High Tech Corridor? It's like a 23-county region that's all about building a dope tech community.

We're talking over 4,000 tech companies and more than 70,000 tech pros working their magic. The Orlando Economic Partnership is showing just how big this sector is getting.

Companies are doing their thing in everything from simulation and training to software development, and Orlando is the perfect playground for them to innovate.

But here's the real deal: creating a sick work culture is crucial for these tech companies to succeed.

It's all about putting people first, with a focus on empathy, communication, and transparency. This approach has been proven to keep employees engaged and sticking around, which directly impacts the bottom line.

Just look at Full Sail University – they've been praised by GrowFL for their community-driven and innovation-friendly culture. And that Great Resignation study shows that when employees vibe with the culture, they're less likely to bounce.

It's a clear sign that tech companies in Orlando are evolving their work cultures for the better.

This booming tech landscape and the focus on creating dope work environments aren't just a coincidence.

It's a carefully crafted partnership, setting the stage for us to check out the major players leading the charge in building a rich and vibrant workplace atmosphere.

Table of Contents

  • Exploring Orlando's Tech Scene
  • Work Culture in Tech Companies
  • Orlando-Based Tech Companies with Noteworthy Work Cultures
  • Benefits of Positive Work Culture
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Exploring Orlando's Tech Scene


Orlando's tech scene is blowing up! It's a hotspot for all kinds of rad companies, from industry giants to fresh startups. Check it out:

  • Big names like Lockheed Martin and Siemens are anchoring the city's tech cred in aerospace and engineering.
  • Electronic Arts (EA) Tiburon is putting Orlando on the map for digital entertainment and video game development.
  • The simulation and training sector is a major flex, with orgs like the National Center for Simulation showing Orlando's cutting-edge prowess.
  • Startups like Fattmerchant and Luminar are proving Orlando's got a knack for innovation in fintech and autonomous vehicles.
  • Rising stars like ZeroChaos and AVT Simulation highlight the city's diverse tech landscape.

With over 80,000 tech professionals according to CompTIA, Orlando's not just a major tech employer, it's setting the stage for the future of tech.

The city's investing big in building a tech ecosystem, attracting talent and dominating Florida's tech job market. Medical tech, software dev, IT services – Orlando's proving it's a prime spot for tech businesses to thrive.

"Orlando's diverse tech economy and massive workforce are propelling the city into a new era of technological innovation, cementing its status as a leader in cutting-edge sectors,"

says Daniel Smith, driving home the city's trajectory as a global tech powerhouse.

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Work Culture in Tech Companies


The work culture at tech companies is super important, and it affects how happy and productive employees are. According to Forbes, being understanding, communicating well, and being transparent are key to creating a workplace that values people.

And if you think toxic cultures don't matter, think again – a study shows that a toxic culture is way more likely to make people quit than low pay.

In Orlando's booming tech scene, which has grown by 14% year-over-year, the impact of work culture on performance is huge.

A 2023 report says companies that make employees feel fulfilled, create a sense of community, and have supportive leaders are more likely to attract and keep top talent.

Orlando's tech firms are nailing this, showing how a positive and intentional work culture drives innovation and growth.

  • Collaboration and open communication: Teamwork and transparent dialogue are crucial.
  • Supporting work-life balance: Flexible work arrangements help employees stay balanced.
  • Prioritizing diversity: Inclusive environments that value differences are key.

The best part? An enriching work culture in tech helps retain talent.

Orlando firms are leveraging their dynamic environments to stay ahead, with lower turnover rates contributing to sustained innovation and growth.

Orlando's tech companies stand out for their community-building practices and investment in skill development, open leadership, and team-building activities, going beyond just HR to pave the way for success.

Orlando-Based Tech Companies with Noteworthy Work Cultures


Orlando's tech scene is poppin'! It's not just about the cutting-edge tech and fat stacks of cash, but also about creating dope work cultures that keep employees stoked.

Electronic Arts Tiburon, the masterminds behind the Madden NFL series, aren't just making gamers worldwide go crazy – they're also keeping their employees hyped with perks like on-site gyms, dope healthcare benefits, and an inclusive vibe.

They've scored Orlando Business Journal's "Best Places to Work" award!

On the other hand, Orlando Health, with over a century of service, has built a positive work culture that's been recognized with mad awards.

They're making a huge impact in the community by providing top-notch team member care and extensive health services. This kind of employee satisfaction has landed Orlando on Forbes' list of "Cities with the Best Work-Life Balance."

Siemens Energy is all about continuous learning, with a ton of internal training programs that have earned them recognition from the Great Place to Work Institute.

Check out these dope features that make their work culture stand out:

  • Employee mentorship programs: Helping peeps with career development and personal guidance.
  • In-house career advancement courses: A bunch of training options for professional growth.
  • Recognition initiatives: Formally giving props to employee achievements to keep them motivated.

And let's not forget Lockheed Martin's space division in Orlando.

Their team-building activities, like company-wide hackathons and community outreach events, not only bring the crew together but also encourage employees to tackle problems collaboratively.

Companies like Workday and Relativity Space are also part of Orlando's ecosystem, transforming work cultures.

Relativity Space is making space more accessible with 3D printing tech, and Workday is modernizing enterprise finance and HR systems. As one employee put it, "The focus on employee growth and unity sets a standard that's contagious across departments." Companies with positive cultures have reported 72% fewer staff turnover rates compared to others, according to a Deloitte study! Orlando's tech firms aren't just fancy buildings; they're ecosystems where culture is carefully cultivated to help everyone succeed, both individually and as a team.

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Benefits of Positive Work Culture


A dope company culture is like the foundation for any killer tech firm. It's a game-changer that brings mad benefits for both the company and its squad.

In Orlando's buzzing tech scene, companies with a solid cultural game are seeing a massive 12% productivity boost. And when employees feel supported and valued, their satisfaction levels skyrocket by a whopping 50%.

That's huge in the high-pressure tech world.

But it's not just about good vibes – a positive culture straight up impacts those bottom-line numbers. Check it:

  • Innovation on Fleek: Employees in positive environments are 3.5 times more likely to bring fresh ideas and dope upgrades to the table.
  • Squad Loyalty: Companies known for their fire culture see a 34% drop in turnover compared to those without it, according to research from Built In.
  • Talent Magnet: A killer company vibe is crucial for attracting top talent, with most execs and workers agreeing that culture is a major factor in recruitment.

Culture isn't just about fancy office perks.

It's a strategic asset that straight up impacts productivity. One Orlando tech boss said,

"A positive workplace is the foundation of innovation."

And it shows – engaged teams contribute to a 21% profit boost, proving that happiness and cash flow are linked.

At the end of the day, a thriving company culture isn't just about a smooth operation; it's about creating a real community where people feel valued, pushing both personal growth and company success.

A positive work environment leads to more employee engagement, which research shows can drive profits even higher.

By using behavioral data, companies can level up engagement, satisfaction, and productivity, amplifying the benefits of a dope culture.



The work culture at tech companies in Orlando is super important for them to slay the game and keep innovating. Orlando's tech scene is growing rapidly, and the companies that create a positive work environment are thriving.

We're talking happy employees and high productivity. Like, Orlando tech companies have employee satisfaction rates up to 15% higher than the national average.

And when employees are engaged, productivity can skyrocket by 12% compared to places with disengaged workers.

The top companies in Orlando tech know how to nurture an environment that encourages fresh ideas and teamwork, and it shows in their performance.

They're outperforming their competition with:

  • Exceptional employee retention—like 20% better than the industry norm.
  • Clear signs that a healthy culture means a 25% annual revenue boost.
  • Happy customers because satisfied employees = satisfied customers.

As one Orlando tech executive said, "A company's culture is the key to its success." And that's the truth, especially when it comes to fostering employee innovation—the secret sauce for staying ahead of the game.

Data shows that engaged employees are 85% more likely to innovate. So, a positive work culture isn't just about having a comfortable office vibe; it's a tactical advantage that's propelling Orlando tech companies to the top.

Just look at NBCUniversal's track record of nurturing fresh talent and S&ME's collaborative approach that's leaving a lasting impact on the community.

With initiatives like that, Orlando's tech scene stays unmatched in its energy and innovation.

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Frequently Asked Questions


What is the significance of work culture in tech companies in Orlando?

Work culture in tech companies in Orlando is paramount as it directly influences employee satisfaction, productivity levels, and the overall success of organizations. Positive work culture fosters innovation, growth, and talent retention within the tech sector.

Which Orlando-based tech companies are known for their noteworthy work cultures?

Orlando-based tech companies like Electronic Arts Tiburon, Siemens Energy, Lockheed Martin, and others are recognized for fostering commendable work cultures. These companies prioritize employee well-being, offer career development opportunities, and emphasize collaboration and diversity.

How does positive work culture benefit tech companies in Orlando?

Positive work culture in tech companies in Orlando leads to heightened innovation, employee longevity, and enhanced talent attraction. It results in increased productivity, employee satisfaction, and lower turnover rates, contributing to the overall success and growth of organizations.

What are the tangible benefits of a positive work culture in Orlando's tech industry?

In Orlando's tech industry, a positive work culture boosts productivity by 12%, increases employee satisfaction by 50%, and fosters a conducive environment for innovation. Companies with robust cultural pillars report lower turnover rates, higher profitability, and better customer satisfaction.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible