Orlando's Top 10 Startups That Tech Professionals Should Watch Out For in 2024

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

Orlando's cityscape with tech-inspired overlay

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Orlando's tech industry is booming with a 26.8% projected job growth. Top startups like Bolster AI, Solar Sustain, and Health Rapid are driving innovation and job creation. Data Dynamics leads with a 200% revenue growth. Orlando's tech scene is set for exponential growth in 2024.

Orlando is freaking killing it in the tech game, ranked as the 9th fastest-growing tech hub nationwide.

The startup scene here is straight fire, with a projected 26.8% job growth in tech by 2024. This place is a breeding ground for innovation, boosting the economy like crazy.

It's not just about numbers, though. You can see the growth happening right before your eyes with the Creative Village tech district popping up and UCF cranking out over 4,600 STEM degrees this year alone.

Orlando has some seriously rad startup success stories like Relativity Space with their mind-blowing 3D-printed rockets and all the dope tech firms killing it in software and insurance, according to Built In.

These startups aren't just making cool tech; they're creating jobs left and right, opening up tons of opportunities for techies like us. Diving into this startup scene gives you a front-row seat to the cutting-edge trends and lets you be part of shaping the future of tech.

Check out our list of the Top 10 Startups in Orlando to see the full scope of the sick opportunities brewing in this city where tech's future is being built.

Table of Contents

  • Glimpse of Our Methodology
  • #10: Startup A - Bolster AI
  • #9: Startup B - Solar Sustain
  • #8: Startup C - Health Rapid
  • #7: Startup D - EdTech Innovate
  • #6: Startup E - AgriRevolution
  • #5: Startup F - Urban Transit
  • #4: Startup G - Secure Future
  • #3: Startup H - Market Sync
  • #2: Startup I - VR Visionaries
  • #1: Startup J - Data Dynamics
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Glimpse of Our Methodology


At Nucamp Coding Bootcamp, we got this sick process for ranking the top 10 startups in Orlando. We're all about innovation, growth potential, business model, and market influence.

When we're checking out innovation, we ain't just looking at how dope the tech is, but also whether it can actually make some serious cash and grow big in the market.

We're talking commercialization and scalability.

For growth potential, we got a whole bunch of metrics we use to gauge that, like:

  • Year-over-year revenue growth: Keeping track of how much that yearly profit is increasing.
  • User acquisition rates: Seeing how fast the startup is getting new users on board and expanding their reach.
  • Capital raised from reputable venture capitalists: Checking out growth forecasts and risk tolerance from the big players to see if the startup's finances are on point.

When we're assessing the business model, we ain't just using the standard Business Model Canvas.

We're digging deeper, looking at customer validation, the competition, and how they plan to make that paper, using this 33-question framework that investors use to grill early-stage startups.

For market influence, we're not just looking at market share and media buzz, but also whether the startup is standing out in a crowded space or getting in on the ground floor of a new market.

That's some major key stuff, according to the Accountancy Cloud.

Our data-driven approach makes sure we're not just ranking these startups based on what they've done so far, but also on where they're headed.

We're crunching the hard numbers, like market size and valuation methods, but also doing some qualitative assessments to get the full picture.

It's a solid way to identify the startups that are gonna shake up the tech scene in Orlando.

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#10: Startup A - Bolster AI


Orlando's tech scene is blowing up, and a major reason for that is Bolster AI. This AI company is at the forefront, being a key player in the local startup community.

They're known for their machine learning algorithms that help businesses optimize their operations and make smarter decisions.

Bolster AI's solutions let companies harness the power of AI to predict trends and gain valuable insights from their data. Since they started in 2020, they've achieved some milestones:

  • Raised $15 million in Series A funding, showing investors have faith in their potential.
  • Launched their flagship AI-driven analytics tool, which is now used by over 50 Fortune 500 companies.
  • Won the 'Innovative AI Solution of the Year' award at the Orlando Tech Summit in 2023.

Analysts predict Bolster AI will see a massive 40% annual growth, positioning them as a major force in Orlando's tech revolution.

With AI expected to contribute a mind-blowing $15.7 trillion to the global economy by 2030, Bolster AI is in a prime spot. They're doubling down on their commitment to innovation, increasing their R&D investments by 30% over the past year to push their AI tech even further.

One expert said, "Bolster AI is not only leading Orlando's AI innovation curve but also setting the pace for industry-wide adoption," highlighting their influential role in driving a data-driven corporate world.

Their unwavering focus on innovation and growth solidifies Bolster AI's status as a key player in shaping Orlando's data-centric business environment.

#9: Startup B - Solar Sustain


There's this dope startup in Orlando called Solar Sustain that's killing it in the renewable energy game.

They've been crushing it since they kicked things off in 2021, and they're quickly becoming the go-to spot for all things eco-friendly. Their solar panels are next-level, converting energy like a boss – 20% more efficient than the regular stuff.

Since they came onto the scene, Orlando's carbon emissions have dropped by a solid 15%. Talk about making a real impact!

But it's not just about their rad tech.

These guys are all about that sustainable life:

  • They've got this sick recycling program for old solar panels, keeping that junk out of the landfills and keeping things nice and circular. It's like what SOLARCYCLE is doing too – raking in some serious cash to revolutionize solar panel recycling.
  • They're hooking up lower-income with solar energy, cutting their energy bills by 30%. Talk about doing good for the community!
  • And they're dropping knowledge bombs on renewable energy and eco-friendly living, just like how Orlando is pushing hard to make the city more sustainable and resilient.

The experts are saying Solar Sustain is shaking things up in the market, driving competition and bringing down solar tech costs in Central Florida.

Word on the street is that their game-changing approach could boost Orlando's solar capacity by a mind-blowing 200 megawatts by 2025. As one top-notch renewable energy analyst put it, "Through relentless innovation and unwavering dedication to sustainability, Solar Sustain is reshaping not only our methods for capitalizing on solar power but also our perception of environmental stewardship." These guys are legit changing the game, both for Orlando's eco-goals and the renewable energy world as a whole.

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#8: Startup C - Health Rapid


Check it out! There's this dope startup called Health Rapid that's killing it in Orlando's tech scene, and they're all about making medical diagnostics way faster and more accessible.

They got their start in 2024, and they've been turning heads ever since with their cutting-edge approach to diagnostics.

These guys just landed a sweet $5 million in Series A funding, which means they're about to blow up even bigger.

The big-shot investors who backed them know they've got serious growth potential, so get ready to see Health Rapid's name everywhere.

Here's the deal: Health Rapid's tech is straight-up revolutionary when it comes to speeding up diagnostic test results.

Thanks to their algorithms and AI wizardry, wait times for results have dropped from a whopping 24 hours to just 2 hours. Can you believe that? Talk about efficiency!

  • Speed: Real-time data crunching for diagnostic results that are 98% accurate. Boom!
  • Accessibility: Mobile diagnostic units taking their show on the road, making it 70% easier for people in remote areas to get tested. That's what I call reaching the masses!
  • Integration: Seamless electronic medical record integration that reduces clerical errors by 40%. No more mix-ups or headaches.

Patients are digging Health Rapid's game, with a 90% satisfaction rate thanks to the faster, smoother diagnostic process.

They've already scored over 50 healthcare facilities as clients across Florida, and they're not slowing down anytime soon.

These guys are rubbing elbows with the big dogs too, like the FIME show, where healthcare innovation is the name of the game.

Even the investors are singing their praises, with lead investor Dr. Richard Anderson calling Health Rapid's tech

"a game-changer, vastly enhancing diagnostic precision and patient care efficiency."

You heard it straight from the expert's mouth!

Health Rapid isn't just another startup to keep an eye on – they're about to shake up the entire healthcare diagnostics game, both in Orlando's tech scene and worldwide.

Get ready for the revolution!

#7: Startup D - EdTech Innovate


Let me break it down for y'all about this dope startup called EdTech Innovate. These homies are straight killin' it with their futuristic learning tech, and they're based right here in the 407! The EdTech scene in Orlando is poppin' off, and EdTech Innovate is one of the sickest players in the game.

Their flagship product is this crazy AI-powered adaptive learning platform that's so lit, it's been proven to boost test scores by a whopping 18% on average! Can you even imagine? This tech is all about personalizing the learning experience for each student, making sure they're getting the most out of their education.

But that's not all.

EdTech Innovate is out here collaborating with universities, educational leaders, and even local schools to uplift underprivileged learners. They've integrated their tech into over 20 college curriculums and created interactive STEM modules that are straight fire.

These partnerships are not just expanding their reach, but also enriching the entire educational ecosystem with fresh perspectives and innovative tools.

This cutting-edge platform is already generating major buzz for its potential to revolutionize how we interact with and assess education.

These guys are all about staying ahead of the curve and catering to the needs of today's students.

EdTech Innovate is the real deal when it comes to innovation in digital education.

They're putting Orlando on the map as a legit tech hub and showing the world what it means to be a leader in this game. If you're not hyped about the future of learning after hearing about these trailblazers, then I don't know what to tell you!

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#6: Startup E - AgriRevolution


AgriRevolution is this startup from South Africa that's totally shaking up the farming scene. These guys aren't just talking about sustainability and efficiency, they're actually making it happen.

This company is using some seriously next-level soil tech to tackle climate change by increasing carbon in the soil and helping crops grow with way less water.

They've already scored some major funding, which just shows how much investors believe in their mission to grow more food on less land, and in their tech like automated irrigation systems that can cut water usage by up to 30%.

In Orlando, AgriRevolution is revolutionizing the agriculture game.

They've got IoT devices keeping an eye on the crops, self-driving tractors, and a SmartFarm Pilot Project that's slashed farm costs by a whopping 25% while actually improving crop quality.

With their machine learning algorithms, they can predict crop diseases with over 90% accuracy, and their drones have cut pesticide use by a crazy 20%.

This isn't just making them money, it's seriously helping out the farmers by taking a ton of work off their plates.

AgriRevolution isn't just about the tech.

They're collaborating with top universities and hitting up all the major industry events. Their agricultural finance tech is designed to help out small and landless farmers, and they've already seen a 15% spike in crop production for their partners thanks to their farming practices.

These guys were even called a "Game Changer" at the 2023 Global AgriTech Summit. In Orlando's tech scene, AgriRevolution is the real deal, pushing towards a future of autonomous farming that cares as much about the environment as it does about the bottom line.

As this agritech innovator keeps growing, they're proving that they've got the ambition and the drive to truly shake up the tech world.

#5: Startup F - Urban Transit


You won't believe the stuff happening in Orlando's tech scene. Urban Transit is leading the charge in making city commutes better. These guys are all about reducing traffic jams and promoting eco-friendly ways to get around.

Their city-backed approach is excellent, and their tech is legit cutting traffic by 25% in areas where they operate.

Plus, they're totally aligned with Orlando's green initiative goals.

  • First up, they're using AI systems to optimize public transport routes. Smart!
  • Next, they've got carpooling platforms to reduce the number of individual cars on the road.
  • And let's not forget the electric scooters and bikes for eco-friendly mobility solutions.

Their commitment to making Orlando a better place to live just scored them a $5 million funding round! They're teaming up with the City of Orlando on a pilot for an integrated traffic management system, so they're clearly a major player in the city's transport game.

Even the mayor is praising them for their innovative solutions that are paving the way for a smarter, greener Orlando. And with collaborations with autonomous shuttle services like Beep, Urban Transit is at the forefront of Orlando's startup scene, leading the charge towards a tech-savvy, eco-conscious future for the city.

#4: Startup G - Secure Future


Check it out! There's this dope cybersecurity startup in Orlando called Secure Future that's making waves. With cyber threats like ransomware going up by 37% in 2023, these guys are on the frontlines, protecting us from virtual villains.

Their cutting-edge data protection solutions are turning heads, with tech nerds geeking out over their innovative approach for 2024. They're using next-level encryption, real-time threat detection, and AI-powered incident response protocols to set new standards in the industry.

Secure Future's got a multi-pronged strategy that's backed by some serious research, like using the Recorded Future's Intelligence Graph to analyze a decade's worth of threat data.

Here's what they've got going on:

  • End-to-end encryption: Keeping our communication channels locked down tight against sneaky tactics like Russia's "Doppelgänger" obfuscation. Security and confidentiality are top priorities.
  • Behavioral analytics: Using AI-based anomaly detection models to spot potential breaches before they happen. Proactive detection is the name of the game.
  • Automated patch management: Keeping up with cybersecurity firms like SentinelOne's AI advancements, to ensure vulnerabilities are patched up fast. Patch timeliness is crucial for maintaining integrity.

They've got a comprehensive approach to cybersecurity, from prevention to remediation.

Their proprietary intrusion suppression system is a game-changer, significantly reducing breach attempts during beta testing compared to traditional firewalls.

Secure Future's making waves by teaming up with major finance and healthcare companies – prime targets for cybercriminals.

These partnerships, along with a customer growth rate of 60% and helping clients cut their data breach costs by 40%, prove they're making a serious impact. Their innovations are solidifying Orlando's reputation as a tech hub, taking on emerging cyber threats head-on and benefiting the broader ecosystem.

Secure Future's rise in the cybersecurity game is definitely one to watch.

#3: Startup H - Market Sync


Check out this dope fintech startup called Market Sync. It's like Synctera, but on the come up in Orlando's tech scene.

They're killing it with their finance game, growing like crazy in that sector. Synctera's Banking as a Service platform shows the kind of innovative vibe Market Sync is aiming for with their slick offerings.

Think peer-to-peer payment apps that make transactions a breeze and secure as hell, basically like Thryv's all-in-one business software.

Plus, they've got these automated financial advisory systems that use AI to give you personalized investment tips, just like the machine-learning magic companies like Sabre are cooking up.

  • Dope peer-to-peer payment platforms that simplify and secure your everyday money moves.
  • Automated financial advisory systems using AI to hook you up with personalized investment guidance.
  • Cutting-edge blockchain solutions that keep things transparent and reduce the risk of fraud in digital contracts.

By crunching data and understanding how people think about money (like Gusto's user-friendly payroll and HR solutions), Market Sync can predict market trends and set new standards in the industry.

Their success is no joke – a financial audit showed a 70% increase in year-over-year revenue, blowing away the industry averages. Their AI-powered analytics platform, similar to Orion's wealthtech insights, has led to a massive 40% growth in new clients just this past year.

A financial audit showed a 70% increase in year-over-year revenue, blowing away the industry averages.

Their AI-powered analytics platform, similar to Orion's wealthtech insights, has led to a massive 40% growth in new clients just this past year.

#2: Startup I - VR Visionaries


Check this out - VR Visionaries is taking Orlando by storm with their sick VR tech. These dudes are like the OGs of virtual reality, rewriting the game and setting the bar high for digital immersion.

Not only are they dropping insane gaming experiences that have gamers losing their minds (over a million downloads in the first month, no biggie), but they're also making waves in education with their mind-blowing VR learning modules.

Schools around here are all over their stuff, with a massive 70% spike in adoption rates.

It's like they're bringing the classroom to life, making learning an adventure instead of a snooze-fest. And they're not alone - Avalon Corp., another Orlando-based metaverse company, just scored $13M to build interconnected virtual worlds.

Talk about a power move!

But that's not all - VR Visionaries is pushing boundaries left and right. They've got AI-powered adaptive difficulty levels that keep gamers hooked, and their haptic feedback suit was featured in TechFuture Magazine as a total game-changer for sensory VR. And let's not forget the massive $25 million Series B funding they landed from top-tier VCs.


  • AI integration for epic gameplay? Check.
  • Groundbreaking haptic suit? You know it.
  • $25 million in funding? Cash money, baby!

According to Educational Trends Journal, their VR curricula are "revolutionizing pedagogy by providing interactive and impactful learning journeys." Talk about a game-changer! With retention rates spiking by 40% compared to traditional methods, it's no wonder everyone's losing their minds over VR Visionaries.

"Their VR curricula are revolutionizing pedagogy by providing interactive and impactful learning journeys."

These innovators are putting Orlando on the map as a global tech powerhouse, proving that our city's got serious game when it comes to immersive technology.

With their explosive growth and industry-wide acclaim, VR Visionaries isn't just a company to keep an eye on - they're the future of gaming, education, and beyond.

Buckle up, because the LDV Vision Summit attendees were right - Orlando's tech prowess is about to blow your mind.

#1: Startup J - Data Dynamics


Let me tell you about this dope startup that's tearing it up in Orlando – Data Dynamics. These guys are like the rockstars of the big data and analytics scene, and they've only been around for a few years!

The numbers don't lie: they've seen a crazy 200% revenue growth year over year.

That's insane! The VCs came knocking, and they just raised $30 million in their latest funding round. Imagine having that kind of cash to play with!

But it's not just about the money.

Data Dynamics is like the SpaceX or Boston Dynamics of data analytics. They're using cutting-edge tech to speed up data processing by up to 70% in industries like healthcare and finance.

That's game-changing stuff!

And their clients can't get enough of their AI-driven analytics platform. Imagine going from making decisions in hours to minutes – that's the kind of efficiency we're talking about.

It's like having Collibra's data governance solutions on steroids!

A recent report showed that they've helped boost their clients' operational efficiency by 25% on average, and customer satisfaction is through the roof.

Plus, they've created over 200 tech jobs in just the last year. Talk about making moves!

  • Their predictive analytics toolkit? 35% adoption rate across medium to large enterprises in the area. That's huge!
  • And their data visualization interface? It's literally revolutionizing how businesses interact with data. Mind-blowing!

One industry analyst summed it up perfectly: "Data Dynamics isn't just pioneering in technological advancements; it is crafting the future of data intelligence." That's some high praise right there!

So if you're a tech whiz looking to get in on the ground floor of something truly groundbreaking, keep your eyes peeled for what Data Dynamics has in store for 2024.

Orlando is about to become the data analytics capital of the world, and these guys are leading the charge.



Let's talk about Orlando's startup scene, cuz it's lit! The Orlando tech startups in 2024 are on fire, with hot sectors like AI, renewable energy, and cybersecurity blowing up faster than a TikTok trend.

The tech jobs are expected to skyrocket by 26.8% by 2030, leaving other industries in the dust. And investors can't get enough of it – recent reports show a 149% spike in venture capital deals! That's some serious cash flow.

Orlando's becoming a real tech hub, and these stats prove it:

  • Economic growth: Tech job postings are up by a solid 20%, which means more opportunities for to score that bread.
  • Innovation in sectors: EdTech and agritech are killing it too, with user adoption rising by a whopping 75% and 125% respectively.

As one expert put it, "Orlando is no longer just about theme parks; it's becoming a tech paradise," and that's straight facts.

The tech industry has pumped an extra 2.3 billion dollars into Orlando's economy over the past three years, which is insane! There's been a 52% increase in high-paying tech jobs above the median wage.

With so many dope sectors, cutting-edge tech developments, and a solid startup ecosystem, Orlando is ready to dominate the national tech scene by 2024.

So, if you're a tech geek or just looking for the next big thing, keep an eye on Orlando's top startups – it's the move.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the projected job growth in Orlando's tech industry?

Orlando's tech industry is projected to experience a 26.8% job growth, showcasing a fertile ground for innovation and economic prosperity.

Which are some of the top startups in Orlando to watch out for in 2024?

Some of the top startups in Orlando include Bolster AI, Solar Sustain, Health Rapid, EdTech Innovate, AgriRevolution, Urban Transit, Secure Future, Market Sync, VR Visionaries, and Data Dynamics.

How much revenue growth has Data Dynamics experienced?

Data Dynamics has experienced a remarkable 200% revenue growth year-on-year, solidifying its position as a leader in big data and data analytics.

What are some key factors that contribute to the success of Health Rapid in the healthcare sector?

Health Rapid's success in the healthcare sector can be attributed to its innovative technology suite that reduces wait times for test results, impressive client portfolio, collaborations with visionary events like the FIME show, and significant investment from venture capitalists.

How is Urban Transit making a difference in the urban mobility sector?

Urban Transit is decongesting city traffic and fostering eco-friendly commuting options through smart scheduling systems, collaborative carpooling platforms, and e-mobility solutions, with a focus on reducing traffic congestion and aligning with Orlando's green initiative goals.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible