The Top 10 Best Colleges in Orlando for Tech Enthusiasts in 2024

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 5th 2024

List of the top 10 best tech colleges in Orlando for 2024

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The top 10 best colleges in Orlando for tech enthusiasts in 2024 are ranked based on factors like curriculum quality, industry partnerships, job placement rates, and student satisfaction. The list includes University of Central Florida, Valencia College, Rollins College, Seminole State College of Florida, and more.

The tech world's moving crazy fast, so getting the right skills at uni is key. Our list of the top 10 colleges in Orlando for techies in 2024 has all the latest trends and industry needs covered.

We're talking cutting-edge stuff like quantum physics and cybersecurity, like what UCF is doing - they're legit one of the most innovative unis in the US. But it's not just about the classroom, we're also looking at the real-world experience you can get through tech clubs and how well grads are doing in Orlando's booming tech scene.

We also checked out employability after graduation, with places like Florida International University offering online programs that give you a global reach.

And we've got the inside scoop from actual students on how useful their education really is. This data-driven approach is all about helping you make the best choice for your future as a tech boss.

Table of Contents

  • Methodology
  • 1. University of Central Florida
  • 2. Valencia College
  • 3. Rollins College
  • 4. Seminole State College of Florida
  • 5. Orange Technical College
  • 6. Florida Technical College
  • 7. Southern Technical College
  • 8. Herzing University
  • 9. Full Sail University
  • 10. Lake Sumter State College
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Ready to hear about how we ranked the top tech colleges in Orlando for 2024? We looked at a bunch of key factors to make sure you get the real deal. First up, curriculum quality - we checked if the courses were legit and up-to-date with the latest tech trends.

UCF was killing it, with 95% of students digging their curriculum and over 80% of their tech classes covering hot topics like AI and machine learning. Florida Tech has this dope Undergraduate Curriculum Committee that keeps their programs fresh and aligned with their high-tech mission.

But it's not just about the classes.

We also looked at the extracurricular scene - how many dope tech clubs and projects were on offer. Valencia College had over 15 tech-focused student orgs, including a sick Code Hackathon event with over 300 tech heads participating annually.

Seminole State College of Florida had an impressive 88% employment rate within six months of graduation for their tech program alumni - that's some serious job-landing power right there.

We also heard from grads themselves, like those from VA Orlando Health Care's psychology program, who said the real-world clinical skills they learned made them super job-ready.

So, how did we score these colleges? We gave points based on:

  • Curriculum Innovation and Relevance: How up-to-date and applicable the coursework was to what's poppin' in the tech industry.
  • Breadth of Tech-Related Extracurricular Activities: The range and variety of clubs and hands-on projects students could get involved in.
  • Employment Rates Post-Graduation: A major factor showing how many grads were actually landing jobs after finishing their studies.
  • Student Satisfaction and Reviews: We listened to the real experiences and feedback from alumni to get a full picture of each school.

By combining in-depth qualitative analysis and solid data, our rankings give you the full scoop on the best tech education options in Orlando.

Now you can make an informed decision and set yourself up for success in the tech game.

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1. University of Central Florida


Have you heard about UCF? This place is a total tech paradise! They've got some seriously cutting-edge programs that'll leave you drooling.

A whopping 92% of their tech grads land jobs within six months after graduation. Talk about being career-ready!

"UCF hooked me up with the tech skills I needed. The real-world projects and internships were game-changers for scoring my dream gig." – Patricia Perez, UCF Alum

UCF's got a diverse range of tech programs, from cybersecurity and software development to game design and AI.

They don't mess around with boring lectures – it's all about interactive learning environments and state-of-the-art facilities. You'll be geared up with industry-relevant skills and get to flex your innovative muscles through epic hackathons, coding bootcamps, and student-run tech organizations.

UCF was ranked among the top 20 most innovative universities by US News in 2024.

With tech jobs expected to surge by 10% from 2016 to 2026, UCF's got your back. The College of Engineering and Computer Science, located near the main campus in Orlando, is a total powerhouse.

They're cranking out game-changing research and supplying top-notch talent to major players like NASA and Lockheed Martin. Students are stoked, with satisfaction rates soaring past 85%.

UCF isn't just another school – it's a tech mecca where your passions come to life and set you up for a killer career.

2. Valencia College


Valencia College is straight-up killing the game in Orlando's tech scene. This place is all about setting you up with the dopest tech skills to stay relevant.

In 2024, they're slaying with a massive lineup of programs covering everything from cybersecurity to coding, so you can pick your poison.

But it's not just boring lectures; they bring the heat with hands-on labs and real-world projects that'll make you feel like a pro. A whopping 94% of their grads land jobs straight out the gate, with an average salary of $46K. Talk about a solid ROI, am I right?

But that's not even the best part.

Valencia's got this killer Applied Learning Curriculum that's got students raving, with an 88% satisfaction rate in 2024. One legend even said,

"Valencia's tech programs offer hands-on challenges that really prep us for the evolving job market."

They're not messing around.

They've got connections with top companies for internships and co-op programs, so you can get that real-world experience before you even graduate.

And if that's not enough, Valencia's got a lit extracurricular scene with coding bootcamps, leadership symposiums, and innovation challenges.

It's a whole vibe. They're not just teaching you skills, they're setting you up to be a total boss in the tech world. It's no wonder their alumni are so sought after - a crazy 92% of them are landing tech roles within six months of graduation.

Valencia's the real deal. They're prepping the next generation of tech leaders right here in Orlando, and you don't want to miss out.

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3. Rollins College


Rollins College is ranked third on our list. Rollins College is not your average school. They're all about that hands-on learning, so you can get real-world experience in their tech programs.

The college is connected with the booming tech scene in Orlando, and they provide you with internships and projects at local tech startups. That means you get to apply what you learned in class to real situations.

It gets even better.

Rollins College is serious about combining education with real-world applications. They have advanced entrepreneurial experiences and project-based initiatives built right into their curriculum.

Check this out:

  • Innovation Hubs, where you can collaborate on projects related to the latest tech trends,
  • Tech Accelerators, which are like incubators for your tech ideas,
  • A Tech Mentorship Program that connects you with industry professionals, so you can get the inside scoop on how the tech world really works.

If you get involved in these programs, your chances of landing a great job after graduation go through the roof.

The mentorship and problem-solving skills you gain from working with the tech community at Rollins will make you highly valuable in your career. The college is connected with the local tech scene, and students and professors even participate in events like the Crummer Rollins Venture Plan Competition, keeping their curriculum fresh and relevant.

One student said,

"Rollins offered a seamless transition from academic to professional life, placing me at an advantage in the competitive tech job landscape."

Rollins College is breeding the next generation of tech leaders.

They're excelling.

4. Seminole State College of Florida


Seminole State College is the real deal when it comes to tech education. They've got a whole bunch of dope programs for you to sink your teeth into, like their Networking Technologies Degrees.

A whopping 95% of their A.S. grads land jobs after graduation. That's insane!

Their Bachelor of Science in Information Systems Technology (B.S.I.S.T.) is like the holy grail for anyone who wants to be a boss in managing computer systems.

You can specialize in Cybersecurity or Programming, which are both hot commodities these days.

If that's not your vibe, they've also got a ton of Information Technology Degrees that cover everything from Cyber Security to Cloud Computing and Programming.

They'll make sure you're up-to-date with all the latest tools and practices in the industry. And they've got connections with some of the biggest tech companies out there, so you can score rad internships and get real-world experience before you even graduate.

They've got programs like Computer Programming and Analysis, Digital Media, and more.

You can snag Associate's degrees, certifications, or even transition straight into a Bachelor's program. They've got your back when it comes to Computer Repair, Network Support, and Cybersecurity too - basically, they'll make sure you're ready for any tech job you can dream of.

Here's the real kicker - Seminole State offers a wide range of specialties, so you can explore:

  • Systems Administration: Managing computer systems like a boss.
  • Network Design and Support: Building and maintaining epic computer networks.
  • Application and Web Development: Creating rad software and websites that people actually want to use.
  • Information Security: Keeping digital assets safe from all the baddies out there.
  • Digital and Interactive Media: Exploring the cutting-edge world of digital media.

With so many options, you'll be prepared for whatever the ever-changing tech world throws your way.

So, what are you waiting for? Get your butt to Seminole State and start your journey to becoming a tech superstar!

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5. Orange Technical College


Orange Tech College is where it's at if you wanna get some serious tech skills under your belt. They've got a ton of hands-on training programs that'll prep you for the real deal in Orlando's booming tech scene.

A whopping 92% of their grads land jobs after finishing up. That's because their curriculum is tailored to give you the core knowledge in areas like software development and network management, but also specialized skills that are in high demand in the ever-changing tech industry.

We're talking digital media, cybersecurity, and more – stuff that's projected to grow by 13% in the next few years according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

But it's not just about sitting in a classroom all day.

OTC has multiple campuses, including the souped-up South Campus, and they've got tight connections with major companies in the industry.

So you'll be getting that hands-on experience that'll make you job-ready from day one. And they're not just rehashing the same old material – their programs cover cutting-edge fields like:

  • Cloud computing and virtualization, which is basically the backbone of modern IT.
  • Advanced manufacturing, where they integrate tech and innovation into production.
  • Healthcare tech, revolutionizing how we take care of patients and manage medical data.
  • Transportation and logistics, using tech to optimize distribution and shipping.

One student summed it up perfectly: "The real-world scenarios and hands-on learning experiences have massively boosted my confidence and skill set." That's what OTC is all about – practical, industry-relevant training.

They don't just teach you theory; they've got events and collaborations that let you apply what you've learned in the classroom to the kinds of challenges and solutions you'll face in the workforce.

So if you're looking to level up your tech game and score a sweet job in the industry, Orange Tech College is where it's at.

With their comprehensive academics, real-world experience, and forward-thinking approach, they'll make sure you're ready to crush it in the ever-evolving world of technology.

6. Florida Technical College


Florida Technical College (FTC) is the holy grail for anyone trying to make it big in the tech world. They've got a ton of diploma and degree programs that'll prep you for all the latest gigs in the industry.

Whether you're into hardcore tech stuff like their Computer Support Technician Diploma or more big-picture roles like Information Technology with a focus in Cybersecurity, FTC has your back.

And they don't just teach you the ropes; they've got a solid advising and support system to make sure you're job-ready when you graduate. The stats don't lie - 78% of their tech grads land jobs in their field within six months of finishing up.

What sets FTC apart is their personal touch.

Small class sizes and a dedicated Career Services team mean you get the attention you need. They bring in professors who've been there, done that in the tech industry, so you're learning from the real deal.

Plus, they're all about hands-on learning and job placement, so you're not just memorizing theory – you're getting practical experience that'll make you stand out to employers.

It's no wonder students rave about the "practical learning experiences and expert faculty" at FTC. It's like having a whole community of tech enthusiasts in your corner.

But FTC doesn't just teach you how to code or set up networks – they teach you how to think like a tech pro.

With projects and real-world scenarios, you'll develop the critical thinking and problem-solving skills that are essential in any tech role. That's why 92% of people recommend FTC's tech programs, and why they made our top 10 list for tech education in Orlando.

When you graduate from FTC, you're not just ready for a job – you're ready to take on the tech world and make your mark.

7. Southern Technical College


Let's talk about this Southern Technical College thing. It's a mixed bag, really. They claim to have a tight student-to-faculty ratio of 17:1, which could mean personalized attention, but some kids aren't feeling that vibe.

Word on the street is they're more focused on the cash flow than actually supporting their students. But hey, don't just take my word for it, check out what the real individuals are saying.

  • One-on-one mentoring, so you're not just a number in the system,
  • Customized learning tailored to your strengths and interests, and
  • Hands-on tech experience, not just theories and lectures.

They claim an 86% employment rate within six months after graduation, but some alumni are calling nonsense on that.

Reviews from grads are all over the place, from those who say it helped their careers to others regretting their choice due to lack of support and shady business tactics.

One alum said, "The small class size made a huge difference in my learning experience. I wasn't just a number; my professors knew me and pushed me to excel." But others aren't feeling that love.

They do offer a program in Diagnostic Medical Sonography, which could lead to a decent job in a high-demand field.

And their tech curriculum covers the hot stuff like cybersecurity, network engineering, and software development, so they're trying to stay relevant. But at the end of the day, you have to do your own research, check out those reviews and employment stats, and make a decision that works for you.

8. Herzing University


Herzing University Orlando is the spot for tech nerds. Their programs are all about real-world content, from IT to coding. The faculty is no joke either, with industry pros teaching the courses and giving you the lowdown on what it's really like out there.

  • 85% of students actually finish the program, so they're serious about helping you cross that finish line.
  • 94% of grads score tech jobs right after, so they're hooking you up with the skills companies want.
  • Students rave about the hands-on learning, which is key for getting that real-world experience.

Herzing sets you up with internships and externships at major tech companies in Orlando, so you can get a taste of the action before you even graduate.

They're all about that perfect blend of theory and practice, making them one of the student communities for tech in the city. Check out what this grad had to say:

"Herzing not only taught me the tech skills I needed but connected me with industry leaders, which was crucial in landing my first tech job." – Susan Hernandez, a Herzing Tech Program Graduate

The numbers don't lie - Herzing's approach is designed to make you knowledgeable and adaptable, so you can crush it in the ever-changing tech world.

Their students come out with more than just book smarts - they've got the tools to thrive in the wild world of technology. If you want a college that's serious about giving you that real-world edge, Herzing is where it's at.

9. Full Sail University


Check this out! Full Sail University ranks at #9 on our top 10 list, and it's a total hotspot for tech nerds with a creative flair. Right in the heart of Orlando's tech scene, Full Sail's claim to fame in 2024 is its laser focus on entertainment and media technology.

This place doesn't just feed you theoretical junk; they've got innovative programs that are straight-up immersed in the industry's latest practices, keeping up with the February 2024 curriculum changes that cater to what employers want and the hottest tech trends.

You can get your hands on killer degrees like Game Development, Simulation & Visualization, and Film Production Technology, setting you up for success in tomorrow's digital playground.

Full Sail's got this sweet Emerging Technology Scholarship that covers the full tuition for select tech-focused bachelor's programs, plus a free laptop to sweeten the deal.

If you're a total brainiac, you can apply for programs like Cybersecurity and Computer Science through a project-based app process, showcasing Full Sail's emphasis on hands-on, project-driven learning.

They've got industry partnerships that'll blow your mind! Like, you can get your hands dirty in Echelon's fitness tech lab right on campus, combining your tech studies with real-world experience in the booming connected fitness scene.

Their partnership with Echelon Fitness gives students from emerging tech programs a platform to dive into cutting-edge research and development.

Plus, over 80% of their tech grads land a job within six months of graduation, so you know they're killing it with job-ready skills.

As the film, gaming, and tech industries continue to merge and dominate, Full Sail University's future-proof curriculum and industry connections ensure their grads are ready to be total pioneers.

In a world where hands-on skills are just as valued as book smarts, Full Sail shines as a guiding light for aspiring tech pros who want to make their mark at the intersection of creativity and avant-garde technology.

10. Lake Sumter State College


Landing the 10th spot on our list is Lake Sumter State College (LSSC). They've got this Computer Information Technology Associate's degree that'll prep you for the tech workforce with skills in software, hardware, networking, and programming.

Around 78% of their tech grads land jobs in the industry within six months of graduating. LSSC's got the sauce when it comes to bridging education and real-world job demands.

Plus, their industry partnerships bring hands-on experiences and insider insights, so you'll be ready to slay in the ever-changing tech scene.

Students be raving about a few key things at LSSC:

  • The personalized advising that guides you through your tech education journey.
  • The cutting-edge facilities and resources, like labs that are on point with industry standards.
  • A diverse range of tech programs, from the basics like Information Technology to specialized degrees in hot fields like Medical Laboratory Technology and Engineering Technology Substation.

LSSC's got direct connections to the Orlando tech scene, giving you a leg up in scoring internships and landing the job you want.

Their focus on hands-on skill development gets mad props from alumni, like this one who said,

"Lake Sumter's tech programs equipped me with hands-on expertise that were clearly distinct during job interviews."

The faculty, made up of seasoned industry vets, are all about equipping you with the latest industry knowledge and practices.

They'll help you level up your academic and professional game. With an adaptive curriculum that keeps up with tech developments, LSSC grads are ready to slay in the dynamic tech field.



As we wrap up our dive into the tech edu scene in Orlando, the info we've gathered is straight fire for any future tech whizzes tryna figure out their academic game plan.

Leading the pack, we've got University of Central Florida (UCF), and their new hire Paul Dosal is all about boosting student success - dude's got skills.

With a sick 75% six-year graduation rate, UCF's the real MVP. But don't sleep on Nucamp's insights into the poppin' student communities at Orlando's top Computer Science schools - that's key when picking your alma mater.

If you're all about them job-ready skills, Orange Technical College (OTC) is where it's at with their dope career certs and apprentice gigs.

For the homies at OTC tryna seamlessly blend their new skills with their tech careers, places like Valencia College got your back too. They're killin' it with their graduation rates on the rise, aiming for a 50% five-year grad rate across all ethnicities by 2030.

Talk about ambition!

If hands-on experience is your jam, Full Sail University might be your match made in heaven. Their specialized entertainment tech programs have landed 80% of grads in sick tech roles - perfect for the innovators who live for that real-world action, just like Nucamp's articles on the high-paying tech gigs in the area.

But don't count out Valencia College and Seminole State College of Florida either. These two are a powerhouse duo with solid job placement rates and a serious commitment to student success.

With this intel and a deeper understanding of how each school is bringing the heat to tech edu - from UCF's data-driven approach to Valencia's bold student success goals - future students are locked and loaded to make the right call.

They can line up their passion for tech with the programs, experiences, and career prospects that Orlando's institutions are serving up hot. Quality curriculum, hands-on learning, and promising job outcomes? That's a recipe for not just a degree, but for straight domination in the ever-changing tech game.

Frequently Asked Questions


What factors were considered in ranking the top 10 best colleges in Orlando for tech enthusiasts in 2024?

Factors such as curriculum quality, industry partnerships, job placement rates, student satisfaction, integration of emerging technologies, and extracurricular opportunities were considered in ranking the top 10 best colleges in Orlando for tech enthusiasts in 2024.

Which colleges in Orlando stood out for their curriculum innovation and relevance?

University of Central Florida and Florida Technical College were recognized for their curriculum innovation and relevance, integrating cutting-edge technologies like AI, machine learning, and cybersecurity in their tech courses.

What was the employment rate post-graduation for tech program alumni at Seminole State College of Florida?

Seminole State College of Florida secured an impressive employment rate of 88% within six months of graduation for its tech program alumni.

How did student satisfaction contribute to the rankings of tech colleges in Orlando?

Student satisfaction and reviews played a significant role in the rankings, providing personal accounts and feedback from alumni to contribute to the holistic evaluation of institutions.

Which college in Orlando was noted for its personalized educational experience and high employment rate for technology graduates?

Florida Technical College (FTC) was noted for its personalized educational experience, small class sizes, high employment rate for technology graduates (78% of graduates launching careers in their chosen field within 6 months post-completion), and expert faculty.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible