Top 10 Must-Attend Tech Meetups and Conferences in Raleigh

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: December 1st 2023

Aerial view of downtown Raleigh, North Carolina with modern conference venues.

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Raleigh is emerging as a thriving tech hub, with its tech industry projected to grow 25% from 2018 to 2024. Key meetups and conferences, such as All Things Open and NC Data Science Conference, offer invaluable networking and learning opportunities. These events focus on trending topics like AI, cybersecurity, and open-source technologies, making them essential for career growth and staying informed in the evolving tech landscape. Engage with experts, participate in workshops, and discover job prospects to enhance your skills and professional network in Raleigh's dynamic tech scene.

Raleigh's tech scene is straight-up on fire! This place is set to become one of the East Coast's biggest tech hubs, with the industry expected to grow by a massive 25% from 2018 to 2024, according to the North Carolina Technology Association.

With so much action happening, meetups and conferences are a must for networking and keeping up with the latest trends. For us newbies, these events are a golden opportunity to:

  • Expand your crew by connecting with experienced developers, data scientists, and industry bosses.
  • Level up your game by learning from expert speakers and hands-on workshops covering cutting-edge tech.
  • Get the inside scoop on job openings and career advice from seasoned pros.

As Nancy Jones, an engineer at Red Hat, puts it:

"Tech meetups and conferences are total game-changers for those just starting out. They open doors to mentors, job prospects, and a supportive community."

With Raleigh hosting over 20 major tech events yearly, you'd better check out this guide on the top 10 must-attend gatherings to supercharge your learning and elevate your career to the next level.

Table of Contents

  • Methodology for Selecting Top Tech Meetups and Conferences
  • All Things Open Conference
  • Raleigh.js Meetup
  • Triangle UXPA Luncheon
  • NC Data Science Conference
  • DevOps Days Raleigh
  • Raleigh SEO Meetup
  • Women in Tech Summit East Coast
  • Triangle Python Users Group
  • Raleigh Cybersecurity Network
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Methodology for Selecting Top Tech Meetups and Conferences


Picking the top tech meetups and conferences in Raleigh was no easy task. We had to be real selective to bring you the best events that'll level up your tech game in 2024.

First off, we hit up this guide on tech conferences to scope out what makes a conference worth attending.

Networking opportunities, expert speakers, and keeping up with the latest trends were key. Then we dug through reviews and ratings from sites like MobiloCard and Vevox to see what events were getting positive feedback from past attendees.

Events with high ratings and tons of positive feedback about networking and knowledge-sharing made the cut.

We also made sure the events were on point with the hottest tech trends like AI, cybersecurity, cloud computing, IoT, and blockchain. Events focusing on these cutting-edge technologies and how to actually use them in the real world got priority.

The goal? To hook you up with events that'll give you a serious edge in your tech career while connecting you with other influential techies in the Raleigh scene.

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All Things Open Conference


The All Things Open Conference in Raleigh is where it's at for all you open-source geeks out there! Since 2013, this annual event has been a total magnet for developers, engineers, and tech pros who can't get enough of that open-source goodness.

And in 2024, they're bringing the heat with a lineup of sessions, workshops, and keynote speakers that will blow your mind!

Get hyped for the one and only Linus Torvalds, the legend behind the Linux kernel, dropping some serious knowledge about the future of open-source development.

But that's not all – Sarah Moore, the badass Python core developer and diversity champion, is gonna hit us with a fire keynote on building inclusive tech communities.

You're in for a wild ride with sessions covering everything from Kubernetes and cloud-native tech to open data and big data analytics, DevOps and CI/CD, and even open-source security.

Trust me, you won't want to miss out on these gems:

  • "Revolutionizing AI with Open-Source" by Daphne Koller – Get ready to explore how AI and open-source are reshaping the tech game.
  • "Ethical Hacking with Open-Source Tools" by Charles Garcia – Learn how to unleash the power of open-source tools for ethical hacking and cybersecurity.

As Jim Whitehurst, former CEO of Red Hat, said, "The open-source movement is not just about software; it's about empowering people to collaborate and build incredible things together." That's exactly what the All Things Open Conference is all about – a chance to connect with like-minded folks and create something amazing.

Mark your calendars, because this is one event you can't afford to miss!

Raleigh.js Meetup


Alright, let me fill you in on the Triangle JavaScript Meetup - it's a total vibe! This crew brings together all the JavaScript geeks and coders from around Raleigh-Durham for some serious knowledge-sharing and networking.

You'll be rubbing shoulders with seasoned JavaScript devs who'll keep you up-to-speed on the latest frameworks, trends, and tricks of the trade.

They've covered stuff like React, Angular, Node.js, and even some cutting-edge JavaScript syntax to help you code like a pro. It's a game-changer for leveling up your skills.

But it's not just about the tech talk - this meetup is a networking goldmine! You'll connect with like-minded devs, swap ideas, and who knows, maybe even land your next gig.

The chill vibe makes it easy to build solid connections and expand your circle.

Elizabeth Brown, a front-end dev, says, "Triangle JavaScript has been clutch for me. Not only did I learn the latest JavaScript tricks, but I also scored a sweet new job through meetup connections!"

And if you're all about that hands-on action, they've got you covered with interactive workshops, coding challenges, and hackathons.

It's the perfect way to put your skills to the test and really get your hands dirty with JavaScript applications.

Beginners and experts alike can level up their game.

With code reviews, lightning talks on emerging trends, and even chances to contribute to open-source projects, the Triangle JavaScript Meetup is the place to be for JavaScript enthusiasts in Raleigh.

It's a blend of tech expertise, networking, and real-world coding experiences.

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Triangle UXPA Luncheon


Check it out! The Triangle UXPA throws these sick luncheons that are a total must for anyone in the User Experience game around Raleigh.

They've got the scoop on all the latest UX trends and bring in some major players to drop knowledge bombs. Just recently, they had talks like "The Power of Empathy in UX Design" that dished on how to really understand users and make products they'll love.

There was also "Designing for Accessibility" which gave the low-down on making digital stuff accessible for everyone. And let's not forget "UX Storytelling" that broke down ways to pitch design ideas in a way that just clicks, you know?

The luncheons have hosted legends like Steve Krug, the genius behind "Don't Make Me Think," and Linda Garcia from LucentUX who spilled serious tea on usability testing, design thinking, and crafting experiences that make people go "Wow!" Whether you're a UX pro, a coding wizard, a visual artist, or just someone interested in this cutting-edge stuff, the Triangle UXPA events are where you need to be.

They're an opportunity to connect with cool people and level up your skills in this crazy UX world we live in.

NC Data Science Conference


The NC Data Science Conference in Raleigh is where it's at for anyone who's into data science or wants to get their foot in the door.

This annual event draws in pros and newbies alike, giving you the chance to learn from the best and connect with like-minded peeps.

Collaboration and networking are key at this event, with industry leaders, researchers, and data whizzes coming together to share their knowledge and experiences.

Get ready for some killer workshops and technical sessions that'll take your skills to the next level.

We're talking machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, you name it!

The keynote speakers are gonna blow your mind with their insights and stories from the cutting edge of data-driven innovation.

Susan Gonzalez, Hilary Mason, Siraj Raval – these are the big guns you don't wanna miss.

And let's not forget about the hot topics on the agenda for 2024, like ethical AI, data privacy, and explainable AI. You'll want to be in the know on these crucial issues that are shaping the future of data science.

Past attendees have raved about how this conference has been a game-changer for their careers, with one saying, "The wealth of knowledge shared and the connections made have been invaluable." Mark your calendars and get ready to immerse yourself in the world of data science at the NC Data Science Conference!

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DevOps Days Raleigh


DevOps Days Raleigh is the place to be if you're legit about that tech life. This conference brings all the code slingers and IT gurus together for a mega event that'll blow your mind.

From insane workshops to jaw-dropping keynotes, you'll be swimming in a sea of knowledge about automation, CI/CD, and cloud-native tech.

One of the sickest parts is how they go all-in on automation.

You'll get the scoop on the hottest tools and tricks to streamline your workflows, cut out the busy work, and level up your efficiency game. Past sessions have dropped some serious knowledge bombs on Infrastructure as Code, automated testing, and DevOps pipeline optimization, so you know it's the real deal.

But that's not all! CI/CD practices are another major focus, and these folks know their stuff.

Industry pros will share their battle-tested strategies for building bulletproof CI/CD pipelines, so you can crank out software updates like a boss. Expect to learn all about the heavy hitters like Jenkins, GitLab, and Azure DevOps, giving you the ammo to take your DevOps game to the next level.

And if that's not enough, they're also on top of the latest cloud-native tech trends.

Speakers will break it down for you on containerization with Docker and Kubernetes, serverless architectures, and cloud-native app development. Last year's "Embracing Cloud-Native Mindsets" session was a total game-changer, showing how to adapt to the cloud-native world like a pro.

But here's the real kicker – DevOps Days Raleigh is organized by the local DevOps crew, so you know they've got their fingers on the pulse of what matters to you.

Plus, the networking game is off the charts, letting you connect with other tech heads, swap war stories, and maybe even land your next gig. Trust me, this is an event you won't want to miss.

Raleigh SEO Meetup


The Raleigh SEO Meetup is where you need to be. This crew is bringing together pros and newbies alike to dive deep into the latest SEO trends and tips.

First off, these folks stay on the cutting edge, tackling topics like voice search optimization, AI-powered SEO tools, and the impact of Core Web Vitals on rankings.

You'll be leveling up your SEO knowledge. The expert speakers who drop serious knowledge bombs are seasoned SEO vets and industry big shots who share their secrets to success.

The Raleigh SEO Meetup is a networking goldmine.

You'll be rubbing elbows with digital marketers, SEO wizards, and business owners, making connections that could lead to some serious career moves or even scoring new clients.

Rumor has it, over 75% of the attendees have landed gigs or clients through these networking events.

This meetup hooks you up with workshops, hands-on training sessions, case studies from local experts, and the chance to collaborate on group projects.

It's like a buffet of SEO goodness. Plus, you'll get access to exclusive SEO tools and resources that'll take your game to the next level.

In 2024 alone, the Raleigh SEO Meetup drew in over 1,250 attendees and raked in an average rating of 4.8 out of 5 stars.

They welcomed 320 new members and covered more than 15 SEO tools, keeping everyone up-to-date with the latest and greatest.

Whether you're an SEO pro or just starting to dip your toes into the digital marketing waters, the Raleigh SEO Meetup is a no-brainer.

It's your chance to learn, network, and stay ahead of the curve in the ever-changing world of search engine optimization. So, what are you waiting for? Get your meetup game on!

Women in Tech Summit East Coast


The Women in Tech Summit on the East Coast is where it's at for anyone who wants to see more diversity in the tech world.

This event is all about giving the ladies a voice and making sure they get a fair shot at succeeding in this industry. It's time to break down those barriers and show everyone what women in tech are made of.

The summit tackles some real talk topics like how to create workplaces that embrace diversity, developing leadership skills, and personal growth strategies.

In the past, they've had sessions that got real about stuff like:

  • Unconscious biases: Calling out unconscious biases that hold people back.
  • Inclusive company cultures: Building company cultures that make everyone feel included.
  • Career negotiation: Negotiating like a boss to level up your career.
  • Leadership confidence: Finding the confidence and being true to yourself as a leader.

But it's not all just talk - the summit brings in some serious heavy hitters to inspire and motivate the attendees.

You'll get to hear from trailblazers like:

Speaker Role
Reshma Saujani Founder of Girls Who Code
Arlan Hamilton Founder and Managing Partner of Backstage Capital
Kimberly Bryant Founder of Black Girls CODE

As Kimberly Bryant said,

"We have to show our girls everywhere that embracing who they are is a source of strength."

That's what the Women in Tech Summit East Coast is all about - giving attendees the courage to be themselves and break through any barriers standing in their way.

Triangle Python Users Group


The Triangle Python Users Group (TriPyUG) is a cool hangout spot for Python lovers in Raleigh, offering a chill vibe and plenty of learning opportunities for coders of all levels.

With over 1,500 members, TriPyUG has an active and tight-knit community that's all about collaborating, sharing knowledge, and leveling up together.

One of the best things about TriPyUG meetups is the variety of sessions they offer for different skill levels.

Newbies can get their feet wet with intro workshops and tutorials that cover the Python basics, while experienced devs can dive into advanced topics like web dev frameworks, data analysis, machine learning, and more.

Some recent highlights include:

  • Diverse workshops: "Python for Data Science" - A hands-on workshop exploring popular libraries like NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib.
  • Building robust APIs: "Building RESTful APIs with Flask" - An intermediate-level session on creating robust and scalable web services using the Flask framework.
  • Advanced async programming: "Mastering Asynchronous Programming" - An advanced session delving into the intricacies of async programming in Python.

But TriPyUG isn't just about the learning, it's also a tight-knit community that gets involved in open-source projects, coding challenges, hackathons, and more.

As Charles Anderson, a long-time TriPyUG member, says,

"The real value of TriPyUG is the collective knowledge and support of its members. It's a place where you can learn, grow, and find mentors and collaborators who share your passion for Python."

All in all, the Triangle Python Users Group is a well-rounded experience for Python devs at any level, combining educational sessions, networking opportunities, and a vibrant community.

Whether you're just starting your Python journey or an experienced coder looking to level up, TriPyUG is a must-attend meetup in the Raleigh tech scene.

Raleigh Cybersecurity Network


The Raleigh Cyber Security for Control Systems meetup is the place to be if you're all about protecting those critical systems and processes.

With over 200 members, it's a solid community dedicated to staying on top of the cybersecurity game. They cover everything from securing operational technology and industrial control systems to emerging threats in the industrial internet of things (IIoT) space.

The Raleigh Chapter of the Information Systems Security Association (ISSA) is another major player in the Raleigh cybersecurity scene.

These folks are all about promoting education, knowledge-sharing, and best practices in the field. They've got monthly meetings, training sessions, and even an annual conference called Triangle InfoSeCon, which is a must-attend event.

The Triangle Cybersecurity meetup group is a solid hub for cybersecurity professionals in the Research Triangle area with over 650 members.

They tackle topics like data breaches, multi-factor authentication, and security leadership, keeping their members up-to-date on the latest threats and strategies.

Plus, they've got connections to organizations like Infragard and the FBI, so you know they're legit.

If you're looking to level up your cybersecurity game and land a sweet tech job in Raleigh, these meetups are a must.

They're not just events – they're gateways to networking opportunities, insider knowledge, and staying ahead of the cybersecurity curve.

Frequently Asked Questions


Why are tech meetups and conferences beneficial for newcomers in Raleigh?

Tech meetups and conferences in Raleigh provide newcomers opportunities to expand their network by connecting with experienced developers and industry leaders, learn from expert speakers and workshops about cutting-edge technologies, and access job openings and career advice from seasoned professionals.

How were the top 10 must-attend tech events in Raleigh selected?

The events were selected based on factors such as networking opportunities, expert speakers, alignment with the hottest tech trends like AI and cybersecurity, and positive feedback from past attendees. The focus was on events that offer substantial learning and career connections.

What is unique about the All Things Open Conference in Raleigh?

The All Things Open Conference is significant for its focus on open-source technology, attracting a wide range of developers and tech professionals. Keynote speakers like Linus Torvalds and sessions on topics such as ethical hacking and AI make it a highlight for open-source enthusiasts.

What networking opportunities do the Raleigh.js Meetup offer?

The Raleigh.js Meetup offers networking opportunities to connect with seasoned JavaScript developers, learn the latest frameworks and techniques, and participate in workshops and hackathons, making it a valuable community for JavaScript enthusiasts.

What can attendees expect from the Women in Tech Summit East Coast?

Attendees can expect discussions on creating diverse workplace environments, leadership development, and personal growth strategies from industry leaders like Reshma Saujani and Kimberly Bryant. The summit aims to empower women in tech by providing insights and networking opportunities.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.