Coding Languages to Learn for the Johannesburg, South Africa Market

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

Coding languages chart for Johannesburg, South Africa market

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In Johannesburg, coding skills are in high demand with Java, Python, C#, and JavaScript being the top languages sought by employers. Python is particularly lucrative, offering high salaries and versatile applications, making it a must-learn language for a successful tech career in the city. JavaScript also plays a crucial role in web development, offering abundant job opportunities. Learning these languages opens doors to a thriving tech industry in Johannesburg.

The coding scene in Jozi is blowing up! It's like a mirror to what's happening globally, with Johannesburg becoming a major tech hub in South Africa. As of 2024, the demand for coders and software devs has skyrocketed, thanks to the city's thriving startup culture, traditional businesses going digital, and global tech giants setting up shop here.

a quarter of coders are self-taught, which just shows how accessible this field is.

Plus, a report on developer careers in South Africa highlights the importance of AI and secure coding practices, so cybersecurity skills are a must-have.

Learning to code in Jozi is more than just a job.

It's a gateway to a seriously lucrative career where software devs earn way above the national average. And the best part? Coding skills open up opportunities for remote work, so you can collaborate with international teams and projects.

But it's not just about the individual gain; by learning coding, you're contributing to South Africa's development by addressing the critical tech skills shortage and making the country more competitive in the global digital economy.

If you're a beginner looking to break into the tech field, it's essential to understand the coding landscape in Johannesburg and why coding is such a lucrative career.

We'll dive deeper into the top coding languages for the Jozi job market, the importance of Python and JavaScript, emerging coding languages worth learning, and local resources and communities for coding newbies.

Table of Contents

  • Top Coding Languages for Job Market in Johannesburg
  • Python: A Must-Learn Language in Johannesburg
  • JavaScript and Its Importance in Johannesburg's Tech Scene
  • Emerging Coding Languages in Johannesburg
  • Resources and Communities for Coding Beginners in Johannesburg
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Top Coding Languages for Job Market in Johannesburg


If you're tryna get a dope coding job in Jozi, you gotta know the lingo. Check it - the big dogs like OfferZen just dropped a sick report saying Java, Python, C#, and JavaScript are the hottest languages in town.

Devs proficient in these ain't just trendy, they're legit shaping the future of tech in SA's economic capital.

Sites like The Next Web and Digitalogy are hyping up JavaScript and Python too, saying they're mad versatile and used across all kinds of tech domains.

  • Java: This bad boy is a boss at building enterprise-level apps and hella efficient. Johannesburg is thirsty for Java developers, so mastering this could score you a sick gig.
  • Python: Simple and easy to read, Python is a fave for both noobs and OGs. It's huge in machine learning, data analysis, and web dev, making it a must-have skill for Jozi's tech scene.
  • C#: This one's on the rise, especially for back-end development. Johannesburg's tech crowd is digging C#, so it's worth checking out.
  • JavaScript: Web dev ain't complete without this OG. With the demand for dope websites skyrocketing, JavaScript skills are a hot commodity in Jozi's digital economy.

But it ain't just about the code.

Employers want problem-solvers who can think outside the box and adapt to new challenges. According to OfferZen, "In an ever-evolving tech landscape, staying ahead isn't just about mastering the languages but also understanding their practical application in addressing real-world challenges." So if you wanna make it big in Jozi's software dev scene, keep learning and stay hungry for that next level.

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Python: A Must-Learn Language in Johannesburg


If you're in the Jo'burg tech scene, you gotta know about Python. This language is fire, not just globally, but it's hella hot in the local job market too. Just check out - Python-related job listings are skyrocketing.

And according to OfferZen, the salaries are straight-up dope. Like, after just two years of experience, you could see your pay jump up to 49.3%! And senior devs are raking in an average of R68,995 per month.

Crazy, right?

Python is the real MVP, driving innovation across all kinds of tech domains - web dev, data analysis, artificial intelligence, you name it.

And for you newbies just starting out in the coding world, Python is the golden ticket for a few solid reasons:

  • Easy to Learn: Python's syntax is so simple, it's like reading a book. Perfect for coding noobs.
  • Wide Applications: You can use it to build apps, analyze data, automate tasks, and create sick algorithms. Opportunities galore.
  • Strong Community Support: Jo'burg's Python community is lit, offering tons of learning resources and networking opportunities.

The National Software Development Association even says Python is the most recommended language for beginners in South Africa because it's so readable and straightforward.

Industries in Jo'burg are snapping up Python devs for web dev, big data, and AI projects like hotcakes, so the career prospects are on point. One career consultant said, "Knowing Python not only boosts your employability in Jo'burg's tech market but also gives you skills that are versatile across multiple tech niches." ERI says Python developers in Jo'burg can expect salaries ranging from ZAR 847,172 to ZAR 1,505,672, depending on experience.

Learning Python isn't just about coding. It's about mastering a tool that bridges the gap between diverse coding applications and real-world tech solutions, making it a must-learn language for anyone trying to make it big in Jo'burg's dynamic coding landscape.

JavaScript and Its Importance in Johannesburg's Tech Scene


If you're tryna' get your foot in the tech door in Jozi, you gotta know the deal with the job market. JS (that's JavaScript for the uninitiated) is where it's at.

Like, over 60% of tech companies here want that JS sauce! It's a must-have skill for web dev roles, and for a good reason - JS is the OG when it comes to building dope websites that are hella interactive and dynamic.

Check it out: building interactive and dynamic websites. Even entry-level JS dev gigs pay pretty dece compared to other tech roles.

Salary trends don't lie!

Here's why JS is the real MVP for web dev in Jozi:

  • Universal Compatibility: JS makes sure your website runs smooth on any browser, giving users the best experience.
  • Front and Back-end Development: With frameworks like Node.js, devs can use JS to handle server-side stuff too, making it a one-stop solution.
  • Rich Ecosystem: The vast library of plugins and frameworks means devs can implement complex features lightning-fast, saving hella time.

From e-commerce platforms to interactive educational sites, JS has been the backbone of some dope web projects in Jozi, showing its versatility and efficiency.

The job market is poppin' with opportunities for skilled JS devs, from big tech firms to up-and-coming startups. Just peep's listings.

One sick project is the award-winning online marketplace, ShopZa, known for its user-friendly interface and real-time customer interaction, all powered by JS.

Bottom line, JS is the real deal in Jozi's tech scene.

Its ability to create dope web experiences is what the market wants - innovative and interactive digital solutions. If you're a budding dev in Jozi, mastering JS is the key that'll open hella doors in this ever-evolving tech landscape.

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And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Emerging Coding Languages in Johannesburg


Check it out! The coding scene in Jo'burg is poppin' with some fresh languages that are making waves. If you're new to the game and looking to level up, these are the ones to keep an eye on.

According to the 2024 South Africa Report: State of the Software Developer, languages like Kotlin, Rust, and Swift are straight fire among the tech crowd in Jo'burg.

Kotlin, backed by Google, has been on a steady rise for Android dev, while Rust, known for its safety features, is blowing up at startups. And let's not forget the new kids on the block, Carbon and Vale, which are all about efficiency and security in coding.

So, why should you, as a newbie to Jo'burg's coding scene, give these languages a shot? Well, they could be your ticket to scoring some sick opportunities in this competitive job market.

  • Kotlin is the go-to language for Android dev, and with Jo'burg's growing demand for mobile development skills, it's a no-brainer.
  • Rust is all about safety and speed, making it perfect for systems programming and fintech apps – sectors that are blowing up in Jo'burg.
  • Swift, with its slick performance for iOS app dev, is still a major player in the region's tech scene.

Learning these languages isn't just about keeping up; it's about staying ahead of the game.

As one industry expert puts it, "In a fast-paced tech environment, learning languages like Kotlin, Rust, and Swift is not just about keeping up; it's about staying ahead." By diversifying your coding skills with these emerging languages, you'll be solidifying your employability in Jo'burg's dynamic tech ecosystem.

So, whether you're new to coding or looking to switch careers, embracing these languages is a crucial move to thrive in Jo'burg's ever-expanding tech landscape.

Resources and Communities for Coding Beginners in Johannesburg


Wanna join the coding craze in Jozi? It's like a whole new world opening up for you! You've got these rad bootcamps like HyperionDev and School of IT to get your skills on point.

Plus, there are hella cool online communities to hang with other code geeks. Nucamp Coding Bootcamp is where it's at if you wanna get job-ready and learn the hottest coding skills.

They've got courses covering everything from website building to fancy frameworks - basically, whatever Jozi's tech scene needs.

If you're more into specialized stuff, check out Umuzi Academy and WeThinkCode_ - they're offering free tracks in web dev and data science to help locals get ahead.

And when it comes to meetups and workshops, Jozi's on fire! Peeps like Tech Talks, Code & Coffee sessions, GirlCode, and DeveloperUG are throwing epic events where you can network, learn, and even find mentors.

It's like a constant coding party!

Even online, you've got the Johannesburg Developers Group on LinkedIn and Facebook where coders share job opps, coding challenges, and all sorts of dope advice.

And if you need extra help, Code Labs Academy has got your back with their online courses. Jozi's coding scene is lit! Whether it's physical bootcamps, online forums, or crazy meetups, you'll find everything you need to level up your coding skills and connect with the coolest techies in town.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Frequently Asked Questions


What are the top coding languages for the job market in Johannesburg?

The top coding languages for the job market in Johannesburg include Java, Python, C#, and JavaScript as the most sought-after languages by employers, reflecting the city's tech industry's demand.

Why is Python a must-learn language in Johannesburg?

Python is a must-learn language in Johannesburg due to its high demand in the local job market, its simplicity, readability, and broad utility in various tech domains like machine learning, data analysis, and web development.

What is the importance of JavaScript in Johannesburg's tech scene?

JavaScript is crucial in Johannesburg's tech scene for web development due to its versatility, compatibility across platforms, and its role in creating engaging web experiences, offering numerous opportunities for developers in the city.

Which are the emerging coding languages in Johannesburg?

Emerging coding languages in Johannesburg include Kotlin, Rust, and Swift, known for their modern syntax, efficiency, and applicability in software development, presenting new opportunities for beginners in the competitive job market.

What resources and communities are available for coding beginners in Johannesburg?

Johannesburg offers various resources and communities for coding beginners, including coding bootcamps like Nucamp Coding Bootcamp, specialized programs in web development and data science, local meetups, workshops, and online platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook dev groups for learning, networking, mentorship, and career development.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible