How to Stay Updated in the Fast-Changing Tech Field in Johannesburg, South Africa

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 5th 2024

Innovative skyline of Johannesburg highlighting the city's tech advancement

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In Johannesburg's tech scene, stay updated with tech news sites like TechCentral and ITWeb. Join tech meetups and follow local influencers like Grant Hinds on social media. Leverage resources from universities and tech incubators, and adapt to global tech trends for success in this dynamic ecosystem.

Johannesburg, South Africa, is a hotbed of innovation and growth, with advancements in fintech, e-commerce, and digital health.

In 2024, startups and big investments have been poppin' off, making Jozi a major player in smart city tech and cybersecurity solutions. The 2024 South Africa Report highlights how AI and cloud computing are shaking things up, and Johannesburg is leading the charge.

Keeping tabs on the tech scene here is crucial, 'cause it impacts markets worldwide. For techies and enthusiasts in Jozi, staying on top of the latest trends isn't just dope – it's a must! Tech moves mad fast, with new tools, platforms, and methods droppin' all the time.

By embracing global trends, Johannesburg isn't just upping its game – it's opening doors for networking, learning, and career growth. Stay informed with reliable local resources, connect with the community, and check out Nucamp's dope articles on leveraging personal projects and the rise of AI.

This blog post will break it down for you, so you can stay agile in Jozi's ever-evolving tech ecosystem.

Table of Contents

  • Key Resources for Tech News in Johannesburg
  • Networking in Johannesburg's Tech Community
  • Leveraging Local Universities and Tech Incubators
  • The Role of Libraries and Bookstores in Johannesburg
  • Utilizing Social Media and Apps
  • Keeping Up with Global Trends
  • Conclusion: Staying Agile in Johannesburg's Tech Ecosystem
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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  • Discover how the criteria for selection can help identify the best coding bootcamps, focusing on curriculum and post-graduation employment rates.

Key Resources for Tech News in Johannesburg


If you're a tech geek living in Jozi, you gotta stay on top of the game, right? This city is buzzing with dope local tech blogs and newspapers that'll keep you updated on all the latest tech scoops, breakthroughs, and trends.

Check out TechCentral, South Africa's top business tech news website, for some serious coverage. Or hit up ITWeb Johannesburg, which has been dishing out sick ICT news since 1996.

And if you wanna go beyond the local scene, peep Mob76 Outlook for a rundown of the hottest African tech blogs, including ones from Jozi.

It's no wonder Podcasts and newsletters are where it's at for those on-the-go moments or when you need some curated fire.

Check out The ZA Tech Show, where tech experts from around the city gather to talk about the latest tech buzz, locally and globally. And for a monthly dose of the biggest tech happenings, from startup launches to major investments, subscribe to Disrupt Africa's Johannesburg Digest.

Don't sleep on platforms like African Tech Round-Up either, they got the scoop on African tech innovations, including what's poppin' in Jozi.

To stay locked in, consider subscribing to these:

  • TechCentral Newsletter: Weekly roundup of top tech stories.
  • ITWeb's Daily News: Get your daily fix of IT and telecom news.
  • Memeburn's Newsletter: Regular updates on digital trends and fresh tech innovations.

As tech journalist Sarah Martinez says, "In the dynamic tech landscape of Johannesburg, knowledge is power." By tapping into these Johannesburg-specific tech blogs, podcasts, and newsletters, you'll not only stay in the know but also gain a serious edge in understanding and adapting to the rapid changes shaping the tech scene.

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Networking in Johannesburg's Tech Community


Jo'burg's tech scene is lit AF, and there are mad opportunities for networking and leveling up your game, especially if you're trying to stay on top of the latest trends in this fast-paced industry.

In 2024, the city's gonna be poppin' off with a bunch of tech meetups and conferences that are a must-attend for any tech-head tryna make their mark.

Some dope events you can't miss are the TECHSPO Johannesburg 2024, a tech expo at the Hilton Sandton Hotel showcasing all the fresh innovations in internet, AdTech, MarTech, and SaaS, and the Africa Payments & RegTech Forum 2024, where you can network, learn, and collab with some of the biggest brains in tech.

The rise of online platforms has made it easier than ever to connect with Jo'burg's tech fam, with sites like and Eventbrite hooking you up with all the vital deets on these dope events.

Not to mention, online forums and social media groups have become the spot for discussions, advice, and job opps. Check out the Johannesburg Tech Connect on LinkedIn and the SA Tech Innovators group on Facebook, both with thousands of active members.

Getting involved in these events and platforms is the way to go if you wanna stay on top of the latest tech trends and opportunities in Jo'burg.

Peeps who attend these tech meetups often say the connections they make are invaluable for their career growth, so networking in person and online is a game-changer for success in tech.

Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, diving into Jo'burg's tech community can open up a world of possibilities.

Leveraging Local Universities and Tech Incubators


Johannesburg is where it's at for South Africa's tech game! The city is buzzing with universities and incubators teaming up to shape the future of tech. Universities like UJ and Wits are offering tech courses and workshops to get you ready for the industry.

They've got collaborations with local incubators and accelerators like Tshimologong and JCSE, giving you hands-on experience to complement your academic studies.

Check out these key collaborations:

  • UJ's link up with Resolution Circle for workshops on IoT, Blockchain, and AI.
  • Wits University's partnership with Tshimologong, launching digital tech bootcamps.

Finding tech workshops at these universities is as easy as visiting their websites or social media pages.

But the real magic happens when they team up with tech incubators. Big names like Founders Factory Africa and Seed Engine are running programs that fast-track startups with funding, mentorship, and industry connections.

A Wits University representative said, "Our partnership with local tech incubators bridges the gap between theory and real-world application, ensuring our graduates are not just job-ready, but industry-leading."

Beyond the universities, Johannesburg's tech scene is active with accelerators like Founders Factory Africa and Seed Engine, supporting up-and-coming tech entrepreneurs with programs offering funding, mentorship, and networking opportunities.

This collaborative vibe not only fuels innovation but also gives students and entrepreneurs a real-world platform to test, refine, and launch their tech solutions in Johannesburg's dynamic and competitive landscape.

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The Role of Libraries and Bookstores in Johannesburg


Check this out! J-Town, the heart of Africa's money game, has been seeing a crazy rise in the tech scene. We're talkin' next-level stuff here, and it's all about getting that knowledge out there.

Libraries and bookstores across the city are stepping up their game, hooking us up with sick tech sections for the OGs and the newbies alike.

The Johannesburg City Library is leading the charge with its dope tech section, giving us access to the latest in computer science, coding, and digital transformation books.

We're talking over 5,000 tech titles, from beginner guides to hardcore programming manuals. And let's not forget the University of Johannesburg's library, which is hooking us up with online databases and e-books, so we can keep learning and growing, no matter where we are.

But if you're feeling old-school, local bookstores like Love Books and Bridge Books got you covered.

Love Books in Melville is serving up the hottest tech books for developers and tech geeks, with titles on the latest software trends and coding languages. Bridge Books downtown is where it's at if you want new releases, rare finds, and second-hand tech books, making tech accessible to everyone.

The owner's always dropping that quote, "The future is here in Johannesburg, and it's digitized," and they ain't lying!

J-Town's libraries and bookstores are making sure we stay connected to the tech game, keeping us informed and up-to-date with the ever-changing landscape.

By tapping into these resources, we can stay ahead of the curve and be a part of the city's thriving tech community.

Utilizing Social Media and Apps


In the lit tech scene of Jozi, staying plugged in through socials and dope apps is a must-have. The digital game is shining bright with influencers like Grant Hinds, who's rocking 16K followers on the 'Gram, dropping sick gaming and tech gems.

And there's more fire coming from folks like Joe Kazadi and Keorapetse Mokgatle, who are straight-up bosses in the Jozi tech scene.

They're keeping it real with their unique takes on tech, digital media, and innovation. Follow 'em to stay hyped and in the know.

The scene's boosted by platforms and apps made for tech heads.

Sites like TechCentral and ITWeb Africa are spilling the tea on the latest tech trends, locally and globally.

And don't sleep on the community vibes at spots like Silicon Cape and StartupGrind Johannesburg. They're hooking you up with the connections and knowledge to level up in the tech game.

Bottom line, navigating the fast-paced tech world calls for a solid grip on socials and tech-focused platforms.

These influencers and resources are serving up a dope blend of inspiration, knowledge, and community. Stay locked in to stay ahead in Jozi's fire tech landscape.

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Keeping Up with Global Trends


Johannesburg ain't just another African city. It's a straight-up tech hub that's keeping up with the global game. This place has been crushing it when it comes to fintech, with digital payments going through the roof during the pandemic.

We're talking a 40% surge in digital transactions from 2019 to 2020, which shows how quickly Jo'burg adapted to the fintech wave.

But that's not all. With remote work and the digital nomad lifestyle booming, local tech companies have been gobbling up cloud computing and cybersecurity solutions like there's no tomorrow.

One Joburg-based IT firm reported a 30% increase in cloud services adoption just in the first half of 2021. Mind. Blown.

Jo'burg is also a major player in Africa's digital economy, flexing its muscles in smart city tech, e-commerce, and cloud-based systems.

Plus, there's this grassroots AI movement happening, which is leveling up the city's AI skills and putting it on the map globally. They're even dabbling in controversial AI surveillance tech, which is pretty wild.

But how does Johannesburg stay fresh with these global trends? It's a three-pronged attack:

  • Collaborating with international tech giants: Partnerships allow for knowledge sharing and bringing the latest tech to the local market.
  • Investing in tech education and skills: Joburg's schools and coding bootcamps like Nucamp keep their curricula updated to match what the global tech industry needs.
  • Supporting an innovative ecosystem: Tech incubators and accelerators in the city provide the infrastructure and support for startups to experiment and adopt new tech.

With this approach, Johannesburg stays competitive on the global tech stage, proving that innovation can come from anywhere, as Elon Musk once said: "Innovation from any part of the world can influence global technology."

Conclusion: Staying Agile in Johannesburg's Tech Ecosystem


Let me break it down for you in a way that's easy to understand. If you wanna stay on top of the tech game in Jozi, you gotta be proactive and keep learning every day.

Here are some tips that can help you out:

First up, check out local tech blogs like TechInJoburg and listen to Joburg tech podcasts.

They'll keep you updated on the latest trends and buzz in the scene. Next, make sure to hit up tech meetups and conferences like TECHSPO Johannesburg.

These are great places to network with other techies and see what's new and cutting-edge.

Don't sleep on the educational opportunities either. Universities and tech incubators offer courses and workshops that'll teach you the skills you need to stay relevant.

And don't forget about good old books – check out the tech sections at local libraries and bookstores for some solid reading material.

Social media and apps are your friends too.

Follow Jozi's top tech influencers and join the apps that the local tech community is using. It's a daily dose of updates and industry insights. And don't just focus on the local scene – keep an eye on global tech trends too.

Follow big tech news websites and attend major events when you can, like Nisha Thakur talks about on LinkedIn.

Adapting these global trends to fit the Jozi context is key.

At the end of the day, the name of the game is continuous learning and staying agile. As one expert puts it, "The ability to learn and adapt in the tech field is not just a skill; it's a necessity for staying relevant and competitive in Johannesburg's tech scene." So keep hustling, keep learning, and you'll be a tech boss in no time.

Frequently Asked Questions


How can professionals and enthusiasts stay updated with the latest tech trends in Johannesburg?

Professionals and enthusiasts in Johannesburg can stay updated with the latest tech trends by engaging with community networks, leveraging educational opportunities from sources like Nucamp, and actively following local tech blogs, podcasts, and newsletters.

What are some key resources for finding tech news in Johannesburg?

Key resources for finding tech news in Johannesburg include local tech blogs and newspapers like TechCentral, ITWeb, and a guide to African tech blogs. Podcasts like The ZA Tech Show and newsletters such as Disrupt Africa's Johannesburg Digest are also valuable sources of information.

How can individuals network within Johannesburg's tech community?

Individuals can network within Johannesburg's tech community by participating in tech events, joining online platforms like and LinkedIn groups, and attending tech meetups and conferences. These opportunities provide valuable connections and insights into the local tech scene.

How can individuals leverage local universities and tech incubators in Johannesburg?

Individuals can leverage local universities like the University of Johannesburg and the University of the Witwatersrand, as well as tech incubators like Tshimologong Digital Innovation Precinct, for educational programs and practical experiences in technology. These collaborations offer hands-on learning and industry connections.

What role do libraries and bookstores play in staying updated with tech in Johannesburg?

Libraries like the Johannesburg City Library and bookstores like Love Books and Bridge Books offer a wealth of tech-related resources, including books, e-books, and online databases. These institutions promote continuous learning and provide access to a diverse range of tech literature for the local tech community.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible