How to Learn Tech Skills on a Budget in Johannesburg, South Africa

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 6th 2024

Person studying on laptop with Johannesburg skyline in the background

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Johannesburg is a thriving tech hub in South Africa, with a projected GDP growth. Mastering tech skills is essential due to a high demand from local startups and companies. Affordable online resources, workshops, and community events offer opportunities for skill development and networking in Johannesburg's tech ecosystem.

Jozi's the place to be if you're all about that tech hustle! This city is going off with how hard it's embracing the digital wave. By 2024, the tech sector could be adding a massive R175 billion to South Africa's GDP, that's some serious cash flow! And with Google setting up their new cloud region right here in Jozi, it's clear this city's about to be a major player in Africa's tech game.

If you're tryna get your foot in the door and snag one of those sweet tech gigs, you gotta level up your skills. Jozi's a startup and tech company hotspot, which means they're always on the lookout for folks who can sling code, lock down cybersecurity, or slay at data analytics.

But don't stress if you're a total newbie, the city's got your back with all kinds of coding bootcamps and workshops to help you get that tech know-how on lock.

This blog's gonna be your guide to learning those tech skills without breaking the bank right here in Jozi, so you can level up your career game and cash in on this digital revolution!

Table of Contents

  • Online Resources and Courses
  • Local Workshops and Events
  • Libraries and Community Centers
  • Tech Meetups and Networking in Johannesburg
  • Utilizing Social Media and Forums
  • Grants and Scholarships
  • Conclusion: Embracing Affordable Tech Education
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

  • Exploring the rise of tech hubs in Johannesburg reveals the city's potential as a major player in the global technology scene.

Online Resources and Courses


In this digital age, getting tech skills is a total must, and Johannesburg isn't an exception. With the tech scene blowing up in the city, the demand for skilled people is through the roof.

But don't worry, there are tons of online resources and platforms offering free and low-cost courses for those who want to dive into the tech world without breaking the bank.

Free online courses in South Africa got your back with a wide range of options, from basic programming to advanced data science, through platforms like Coursera, edX, and FutureLearn.

These partner up with top universities and companies, so you know you're getting some high-quality education for the low, low price of free.

Additionally, Udemy is the spot for practical, skill-oriented courses, often with some discounts, making it a popular choice among Johannesburg's tech enthusiasts.

And let's not forget Google's free IT courses, which are like the cherry on top of this tech-skill sundae.

The University of Johannesburg has stepped up their game by introducing free online MOOCs to the public, including courses on 'Artificial Intelligence in the 4IR' and 'African Insights.' This move shows that Johannesburg is serious about upskilling its people in relevant and future-facing tech.

"Embracing online education isn't just about saving cash; it's about accessibility, flexibility, and the chance to constantly update your skills in a market that's always evolving," said a local tech industry veteran.

This quote sums it up perfectly – free and low-cost online courses are crucial for developing tech skills in Johannesburg, serving as a beacon for aspiring tech pros in the region.

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Local Workshops and Events


Johannesburg is the place to be for all you tech geeks! This city is a total tech hub and is hosting a ton of dope workshops and events in 2024 to level up your skills, whether you're a newbie or a pro.

From coding basics to hardcore data science and IT & Technology Events, and even big events like the Africa Payments & RegTech Forum 2024, there's something for everyone.

Finding these events is a breeze – just hit up sites like Meetup, Eventbrite, and TECHSPO Johannesburg 2024.

They'll hook you up with the deets on what's happening and how to sign up.

Here are a few must-attend events for 2024:

  • CodeJohannesburg: A beginner-friendly coding workshop where you'll learn the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • DataSciCon: An advanced conference for data science nerds, with talks on machine learning and AI.
  • TECHSPO Johannesburg: A two-day tech expo where developers, brands, marketers, and tech gurus come together to showcase the latest and greatest in tech.

To stay on top of all the action, here's what you need to do:

  1. Keep an eye on those event platforms for updates on new tech events.
  2. Sign up for newsletters from local tech hubs and libraries – they often host free or cheap workshops.
  3. Network with other tech peeps at meetups to get the inside scoop on upcoming workshops.

As Nancy Thompson puts it, "The key to ruling Johannesburg's tech scene is constant learning and networking.

Workshops and tech events are the way to go, so make them a priority." With all the info at your fingertips and Johannesburg's booming tech industry, this city is the place to be if you want to take your tech career to the next level.

Whether you're looking to boost your skills or build your network, the tech events of 2024 are your ticket to success in the digital world.

Libraries and Community Centers


Here's the text with the specified informal expressions removed:

Here's the lowdown on where you can score some free tech learning resources in the city of Johannesburg.

These spots are a goldmine for anyone looking to level up their tech skills.

First up, we've got the local libraries, like the Johannesburg City Library, which have fully embraced the digital era.

They've got tons of books, e-books, and online courses covering everything from basic coding to advanced data analytics. It's like a buffet for tech geeks!

These libraries also have rad e-learning centers that'll keep you engaged with features like internet access, e-books, training sessions, and printing facilities, according to a recent study in Library Hi Tech News.

And if you're more of a hands-on learner, the community centers in Johannesburg have got your back.

They host free tech workshops led by experienced pros, covering everything from web development and coding to cybersecurity, AI, and machine learning. It's like having a personal tutor, but without the hefty price tag! The University of Johannesburg Library is among those offering a diverse range of tech programs, making it accessible for peeps of all ages and backgrounds.

The public library system in Johannesburg has over 5,000 digital and print tech-related materials available across 12 libraries.

They also host more than 20 tech workshops every month at community centers citywide. And the best part? Library membership has seen a 30% spike in the last year, mainly because of these expanded tech resources!

So, whether you're a total newbie or a seasoned techie, Johannesburg has got your back with a treasure trove of free tech learning opportunities.

As one local tech educator puts it, "In Johannesburg, the future of tech education is free and accessible to all, driven by a collective dedication to the transformative potential of technology." It's like having a golden ticket to the world of tech, without having to break the bank!

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Tech Meetups and Networking in Johannesburg


In the heart of Joburg, there's a whole world of tech meetups that can take your game to the next level. These events are the perfect place to connect with other tech peeps, learn about the latest trends, and maybe even land a sick job opportunity.

Johannesburg is a hub for all things tech, and these meetups cover everything from coding and UI/UX design to AI and blockchain.

Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, these events have something for everyone. And the best part? They're not just a snooze-fest of lectures – you'll get hands-on experience with workshops, hackathons, and more.

Networking is key.

Rubbing shoulders with industry experts and potential mentors can open doors you never even knew existed. Plus, who knows? That random conversation at the snack table might just lead to your dream job.

Trust me, the connections you make at these events are invaluable.

So, how do you get in on the action? Sites like Meetup, Eventyco, and Eventbrite are your best friends.

They've got the rundown on all the hottest tech meetups happening in Joburg. And if you're looking for something more specialized, keep an eye out for conferences like the Africa Payments & RegTech Forum.

Bottom line? If you're serious about making moves in the tech world, getting involved in Johannesburg's meetup scene is a no-brainer.

Utilizing Social Media and Forums


In the fast-paced city of Joburg, using social media and tech forums has become the low-cost move for leveling up your tech skills.

With the digital world changing faster than you can say "byte," the tech-savvy homies in Jozi are turning to social media not just for the gram but for real education.

Platforms like LinkedIn Learning, with their huge selection of tech courses, have become a must-have. Plus, Twitter is the spot for staying up-to-date on the latest tech news, where you can follow industry bosses and hashtags like #TechJHB to stay in the loop.

And let's not forget YouTube – those tech tutorial channels are the real MVP for learning coding, web dev, and more, all from the comfort of your crib.

And that's not all.

The Joburg crew is active in all sorts of tech forums and online communities, which are like goldmines of knowledge and networking opportunities. Some dope ones to check out are:

  • ZATech on Slack, where the conversations are lit, covering everything from software dev to digital marketing.
  •, the spot for South African devs to get insights, job listings, and collab opportunities.

By using these forums properly, the Joburg tech fam is out here asking questions, sharing knowledge, and building a dope learning community.

And let's not forget Facebook groups like "TechStart Johannesburg," where you can get peer support and even find a mentor to guide you through the tech game.

As one of the homies said, "In the tech world, learning is a team sport, not a solo mission." This focus on learning together not only speeds up your skill-building but also helps you build a solid network, which is key in the tech industry.

And if you're looking for a more structured approach, consider joining a coding bootcamp that can take you from newbie to job-ready in no time.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Grants and Scholarships


Let me break it down for you about getting that cash flow for tech education in Jozi. At first, it might seem like a mission, but there's a ton of grants and scholarships specifically for aspiring techies in the area.

If you wanna dive into tech without drowning in tuition fees, you gotta know what's out there for financial aid. Aside from the support from the Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) that covers everything from short courses to full degrees, there are private companies and international grants in the mix too.

Check out the University of Johannesburg website, they list a bunch of scholarship opportunities for students, including the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Annual Scholarships.

They've also received a fat stack of cash from the European Union to boost digital education, so the ecosystem for funding tech education is lit.

The CapaCiTi Tech Career Accelerator is also hooking peeps up with scholarships to tackle the skills shortage in the tech industry, complementing the government and international aid efforts.

To navigate the application process, here are three key steps:

  1. Research Available Opportunities: Do a thorough search on institutions' websites and platforms like Technology Innovation Agency to uncover a range of scholarships and grants tailored for Jozi residents.
  2. Prepare Your Application: Get all your docs ready ahead of time, like your ID, proof of residence, academic records, and a motivational letter, to make the application process smooth sailing.
  3. Apply Early: Many funding opportunities have strict deadlines. Applying early shows you're keen and increases your chances of scoring that cash.

Check out this motivational quote from a CapaCiTi scholarship recipient:

I applied for the CapaCiTi program thinking it was a long shot, and now, here I am, fully sponsored and embarking on a career in tech I never thought possible.

This proves how these financial aids can change lives.

With some diligent research and timely applications, grants and scholarships in Jozi offer a solid path to acquiring tech skills without breaking the bank.

Conclusion: Embracing Affordable Tech Education


Johannesburg is the place to be if you're trying to get your tech game on! This city is becoming a major tech hub in Africa, and getting those skills is a must if you wanna stay ahead of the game.

The best part? There are mad affordable options to learn coding, data science, and all that good stuff, no matter how much cash you've got stashed.

Check it out - you've got FreeCodeCamp and coding bootcamps that'll teach you web dev, data science, and more, all tailored to what employers in Jozi are looking for.

And don't sleep on places like Umuzi Academy, where they've got comprehensive programs on coding, data, and design - it's lit!

But it doesn't stop there.

Even your local libraries and community centers are getting in on the action, offering free learning materials and hosting tech workshops. Just ask Sarah Johnson, who went from working retail to becoming a web dev by hustling with self-study and hitting up those local coding meetups.

Sarah says, "The key to unlocking my tech career was leveraging the wealth of free resources available in Johannesburg, from online courses to community workshops." That's real talk!

If you wanna start learning tech skills in Jozi on a budget, here's what you gotta do:

  1. Check out free online courses on platforms like Coursera and edX.
  2. Hit up workshops and events at local tech hubs like JoziHub and community centers.
  3. Network and learn from the pros at tech meetups.
  4. Stay up-to-date on tech trends and opportunities by using social media and forums.
Embracing affordable tech education in Johannesburg isn't just about getting resources - it's about building a career that's future-proof in this ever-changing tech world.

Start your journey today and join the squad of tech enthusiasts shaping Africa's digital future!

Frequently Asked Questions


What online resources and courses are available for learning tech skills in Johannesburg on a budget?

Platforms like Coursera, edX, and FutureLearn offer free and low-cost courses ranging from basic programming to advanced data science. Udemy also provides practical, skill-oriented courses at discounted prices.

How can one stay updated on local tech workshops and events in Johannesburg?

Platforms like Meetup, Eventbrite, and technology-specific websites list upcoming tech events in Johannesburg. Regularly checking these platforms, signing up for newsletters from tech community centers, and networking with peers can help stay informed about workshops.

What tech learning resources are available at libraries and community centers in Johannesburg?

Johannesburg's libraries offer free tech learning materials, e-learning centers, and host tech workshops. Community centers also provide hands-on tech learning experiences, covering topics from web development to cybersecurity and machine learning.

How can one leverage tech meetups and networking in Johannesburg for career advancement?

Attending tech meetups in Johannesburg provides access to industry insights, skill sharing, collaboration opportunities, mentorship, and potential job leads. Platforms like Meetup and Eventbrite can help find and connect with tech networking events in the city.

What grants and scholarships are available for aspiring tech professionals in Johannesburg?

Financial aid options such as scholarships from institutions like the University of Johannesburg, grants from the Department of Science and Innovation, and programs like CapaCiTi Tech Career Accelerator support tech education in Johannesburg. Researching available opportunities, preparing applications, and applying early are key steps in securing financial aid.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible