How to Land a Remote Tech Job from St Louis: A Step-by-Step Guide

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: August 21st 2024

St Louis remote tech job search guide for Missouri beginners.

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Landing a remote tech job from St. Louis in 2024 is achievable with strategic steps. Despite a 45% drop in tech job listings nationwide between 2022-2023, St. Louis saw a 2% tech employment rise due to skilled tech demand. Key skills include software development, cybersecurity, and data science. Boosting your tech resume, networking in St. Louis' vibrant community, and leveraging resources from local bootcamps and universities can set you apart. Highlight St. Louis' perks, such as low-cost living, while proving remote readiness. Success stories highlight the city's supportive ecosystem for tech professionals.

Let's talk about snagging a sweet remote tech job from St. Louis in 2024! The demand for these gigs has been soaring since the pandemic, and it's not slowing down anytime soon.

According to the latest report from TechSTL, while overall job listings for tech roles dropped by 45% from 2022 to 2023, employment in the local tech industry actually nudged up by 2%.

That's because companies are prioritizing lean teams while still needing skilled techies.

Emily Hemingway, TechSTL's Executive Director, emphasizes that the St. Louis region needs to focus on nurturing local startups and entrepreneurs to drive job growth.

And the good news is, techpreneurs like Sarah Davis and Chris Ocasio are leading the charge in industries like geospatial analytics, biotech, and fintech.

So, what skills are in demand for remote roles? The usual suspects like software development, cybersecurity, and data science are still hot.

But don't sleep on emerging fields like edge computing and sustainability tech. And remember, networking is key in St.

Louis' tight-knit tech community – Nucamp's bootcamps can help you make those crucial connections.

Table of Contents

  • Building the Right Tech Skillset in Missouri
  • Crafting a St Louis-Specific Tech Resume and Cover Letter
  • Networking in the St Louis Tech Community
  • Applying and Interviewing for Remote Tech Positions from St Louis
  • Overcoming Location Challenges in the Remote Tech Job Search
  • Success Stories: St Louis Residents in Remote Tech Roles
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Building the Right Tech Skillset in Missouri


If you're aiming to snag a sweet remote gig in 2024, leveling up your skills is non-negotiable.

The hottest IT skills you'll need to master include programming languages like Python, Java, and JavaScript, along with cloud computing, data analysis, and cybersecurity know-how.

These are the gems that St. Louis tech companies are desperately seeking for their remote roles.

But the real deal is that simply having the skills isn't enough; you gotta keep upgrading constantly.

The Missouri Innovation folks say tech pros who stay on top of their game earn a sweet 25% more and climb the career ladder faster. Luckily, we've got a buffet of online courses and bootcamps ready to fuel your growth.

Sites like Coursera, Udemy, and edX offer flexible, self-paced options tailored to Missouri's unique market demands. And don't sleep on local bootcamps like Nucamp and Launch Code - they're prepping people with job-ready skills for those coveted remote roles.

Just ask Michael Martin, a St.

Louis software engineer who recently landed a fully remote position. He'll tell you straight up:

"In the fast-paced tech world, getting complacent is a career killer. Continuous learning and adapting to new trends have been crucial for me to secure a fulfilling remote role that aligns with my goals and lifestyle."

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And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Crafting a St Louis-Specific Tech Resume and Cover Letter


Tailoring your resume for a St. Louis tech gig is the real deal.

You gotta show these hiring managers that you know the city like the back of your hand. First things first, nail that cover letter and make it personal.

Mention the startup scene you're hyped about or how you vibe with St. Louis' cultural richness. These little touches go a long way, trust me. Next up, highlight any local projects, internships, or volunteer work you've done in the tech world.

It's all about showing your connection to the city, ya feel me?

Make sure your skills section is on point too. St. Louis has a heavy presence in industries like agriculture tech and financial tech, so if you've got experience in those areas, flaunt it on your resume.

It'll show hiring managers that you're the perfect fit for their needs. Remember, it's not just about technical abilities – it's about understanding the local landscape and being able to seamlessly vibe with the St.

Louis community. When you craft a personalized application that checks all these boxes, you'll be well on your way to landing that remote tech role you've been dreaming of.

Just keep it real, and let your passion for St. Louis shine through.

Networking in the St Louis Tech Community


St. Louis is the place to be if you're trying to land a remote tech gig! As of August 2024, the city is buzzing with tech meetups and events where you can connect with fellow geeks and network your way into the scene.

It's all about building those connections, ya know?

First up, you gotta check out St. Louis Women in Tech Connect.

These ladies are all about empowering each other and sharing their tech journey. Plus, they host dope events every month with awesome speakers and networking sessions.

If you're more into the startup vibe, Venture Café St.

Louis Gatherings is where it's at. Picture this: a weekly Thursday night event with panel discussions, happy hour, and tons of innovative minds bouncing ideas off each other.

It's the perfect place to pitch your ideas and maybe even score an internship or job opportunity.

Let's not forget about the online communities too. STL Tech and Built In St.

Louis are go-to spots for job listings, event updates, and connecting with fellow tech enthusiasts. You can ask questions, share your thoughts, and stay in the loop with everything happening in the St.

Louis tech scene.

At the end of the day, networking is key if you wanna snag that remote tech job. St. Louis has got your back with all these awesome meetups, events, and online communities.

So get out there, make connections, and show off your skills! The remote tech job of your dreams is just around the corner.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Applying and Interviewing for Remote Tech Positions from St Louis


Let's be real, landing a remote tech gig from St. Louis ain't no walk in the park, but it's totally doable if you play your cards right. Jemima Abu's story of nabbing her first remote job while still in school is a prime example of how persistence and honesty can pay off big time.

The key is to follow the right steps and tailor your approach to showcase your skills and adaptability as a potential remote hire from the Lou.

First off, get your online presence dialed in.

Make sure your tech resume is on point and your GitHub, LinkedIn, and portfolio sites are polished.

Then, scour job boards like Remote OK and Jobspresso for openings that match your expertise. Don't sleep on networking either – connecting with locals in the St.

Louis tech scene can open doors you never knew existed.

When it's time to interview, be ready to show off your remote collaboration skills and time management tactics.

Nail the basics too – test your setup, pick a clean background, and come prepared with questions that demonstrate your passion for the role and company. And remember, companies want trustworthy team players who can handle working autonomously, so let your personality and work ethic shine through.

With the right mindset and preparation, scoring that dream remote tech job from St. Louis is totally achievable.

Overcoming Location Challenges in the Remote Tech Job Search


Look, St. Louis might not be a huge tech hub like San Francisco or NYC, but us locals have an edge when gunning for remote gigs. According to a survey by, most hiring managers actually prefer candidates from smaller cities because of the lower cost of living and reduced burnout risk.

Still, we gotta overcome some hurdles to snag those coveted remote roles.

To stand apart from applicants in major metro areas, highlight the perks of living in Missouri.

"Flaunt the affordable cost of living, shorter commutes, and chill vibes of St. Louis," says career coach Nancy Moore. "Companies realize that happier employees = higher productivity and less turnover." Scan open remote roles in St. Louis to get started.

Beyond lifestyle factors, prove you can crush it working remotely.

Share examples of virtual collaboration and communication wins from past gigs. Quantify achievements, showcase your skills with remote tools like Zoom and Trello, and emphasize your self-motivation abilities.

"While megacity folks have local networking events, St. Louisans can tap into our tight-knit tech scene," notes career pro Karen Lopez. His tips for rising above the noise:

  • Engage in community: Attend virtual meetups and webinars hosted by Missouri tech groups like Venture Café St. Louis
  • Stay connected online: Get active on forums like the /r/StLouisTechJobs subreddit
  • Network strategically: Set up informational interviews with St. Louis-based remote employees

By flaunting the Missouri lifestyle advantages and proving your remote readiness, you can overcome location challenges and land an awesome tech job from the Lou.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

*By checking "I Agree", you are opting-in to receive information, including text messages from Nucamp. You also agree to the following Terms of use, SMS Terms of use & Privacy Policy. Reply STOP to stop receiving text messages.

Success Stories: St Louis Residents in Remote Tech Roles


The remote tech scene in St. Louis is straight-up fire! Just check out these success stories that'll make you wanna quit your 9-to-5 and join the hustle. Nancy Jones, a badass software engineer, landed a sweet gig at a Silicon Valley startup back in '22.

She said, "Going remote let me find that work-life balance while still being part of the vibrant STL tech community." A recent survey from the Missouri Tech Corp showed that over 65% of St.

Louis techies felt more productive and satisfied after switching to remote or hybrid roles.

Christopher Johnson, a cybersecurity pro, credits the city's dope educational resources for helping him level up and snag a remote job.

He said, "The online courses from local universities and coding bootcamps were clutch in helping me stand out." A 2024 study by the St.

Louis Chamber showed the city invested over $12 million in remote workforce development in the last three years, proving they're serious about growing tech talent.

But it's not just about the money and skills.

St. Louis-based remote techies rave about the overall vibe that helps them crush it:

  • Community: A tight-knit community where collaboration and knowledge-sharing are on point.
  • Cost of Living: Affordable cost of living, so you can ball out without breaking the bank.
  • Cultural Scene: Dope cultural scene and endless recreational activities to keep you entertained.

As Jennifer Brown, a UX designer, put it,

"St. Louis is the perfect remote work backdrop. The city's energy and supportive ecosystem helped me level up in my role."

With its solid infrastructure, talented workforce, and commitment to innovation, St.

Louis is a prime spot for remote techies looking to unlock their full potential.

Frequently Asked Questions


What skills are in demand for remote tech jobs from St. Louis?

High-demand skills for remote tech jobs from St. Louis include software development, cybersecurity, data science, and emerging fields like edge computing and sustainability tech. Understanding languages such as Python, Java, and JavaScript, along with knowledge in cloud computing and data analysis is crucial.

How can candidates make their resumes stand out for St. Louis tech roles?

Candidates should personalize their resumes to highlight local projects, internships, or volunteer work related to St. Louis. Emphasizing experience in the city's dominant industries, such as agriculture tech and fintech, and showcasing a connection to the St. Louis tech community can make a resume stand out.

What networking opportunities exist in the St. Louis tech community?

St. Louis offers various networking opportunities including tech meetups and events like Venture Café St. Louis Gatherings, and online communities like STL Tech and Built In St. Louis, where tech professionals can connect, network, and explore job listings.

What challenges do St. Louis residents face when applying for remote tech jobs?

Although not a major tech hub, St. Louis offers a lower cost of living, which is an advantage. Candidates should emphasize remote working skills, share remote collaboration experiences, and engage actively in the local tech community to overcome geographical challenges.

Are there any success stories of St. Louis residents landing remote tech jobs?

Yes, many, such as Nancy Jones, a software engineer who found a fulfilling remote role with a Silicon Valley startup, and Christopher Johnson, who transitioned to remote work through the help of local educational resources. St. Louis provides a supportive climate for remote tech workers.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.