Getting a Job in Tech in St Louis in 2024: The Complete Guide

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: August 21st 2024

Skyline of St Louis, Missouri, illustrating the tech job market in 2024.

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In 2024, St. Louis offers a booming tech job market despite a 45% drop in postings last year, with employment up by 2%. Opportunities abound in fintech, cybersecurity, and geospatial intelligence, led by major companies like Boeing and Mastercard. With a supportive community and affordable living, St. Louis is a prime location for aspiring tech professionals to launch careers, leveraging coding bootcamps, networking events, and a thriving startup scene for growth and success.

The tech scene in St. Louis is absolutely popping off in 2024. According to the latest report from TechSTL, tech job postings took a nosedive last year, dropping by a whopping 45%.

But here's the catch – employment in the industry actually ticked up by 2%. Crazy, right? It just goes to show that the St. Louis tech workforce is still thriving, despite the hiring slowdown.

With major players like Boeing and Mastercard leading the charge, you can bet your bottom dollar that opportunities are still brewing in sectors like fintech, cybersecurity, and geospatial intelligence.

And let's not forget about the startup scene – companies like SteadyMD and Bold Xchange are making waves and creating fresh gigs for hungry techies.

If you're looking to level up your skills, don't sleep on mastering in-demand techs like JavaScript through bootcamps like the ones offered by Nucamp.

Table of Contents

  • Why Choose a Career in Tech in St Louis, Missouri
  • How to Get Into Tech in 2024: Steps for Beginners in St Louis
  • Exploring IT Fields in St Louis: Which One Is Right for You in 2024?
  • High-Demand Tech Jobs in St Louis for 2024
  • Educational Pathways into Tech: St Louis Focus for 2024
  • Building a Tech Portfolio for St Louis Employers in 2024
  • Networking in St Louis: Your Key to a Tech Job in 2024
  • Interview Tips for Landing a Tech Job in St Louis in 2024
  • Conclusion: Embarking on Your Tech Career in St Louis in 2024
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

  • Discover affordable coding bootcamps in St Louis with Nucamp.

Why Choose a Career in Tech in St Louis, Missouri


Starting a tech career in St. Louis in 2024 is awesome. This city's tech scene is on fire, and you've got a ton of sweet gigs coming your way. Check it - according to this article, while the number of tech job listings dropped in 2023, the industry is still growing strong with a 2% increase in employment.

That means there's a solid pipeline of opportunities waiting for you.

But it gets better. St. Louis is all about fostering that startup spirit and helping newbies like us get a foothold.

This list of top startups has some serious game-changers in fields like biotech, AI, and fintech.

Companies like SentiAR, Pluton Biosciences, and Hungry Planet are doing innovative work, and they need fresh talent to keep crushing it.

What really sets St.

Louis apart is the community support.

  • Organizations like LaunchCode offer free coding education and job placement assistance.
  • Venture Café connects entrepreneurs for collaboration and growth.
  • Women in Tech STL is empowering women in STEM fields with resources and support.

It's like having a built-in squad to help you level up your skills and network.

And let's not forget the cost of living situation.

As this article mentions, St.

Louis is way more affordable than major tech hubs, so you can focus on your career without worrying about going broke. Plus, the city has a great quality of life with plenty of fun stuff to do.

Bottom line, St.

Louis in 2024 is the place to be if you want to break into tech. With a booming industry, a supportive community, and a chill vibe, you've got everything you need to succeed.

So what are you waiting for? Let's get out there and make it happen!

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How to Get Into Tech in 2024: Steps for Beginners in St Louis


The world of tech in St. Louis is totally buzzing in 2024, and if you're new to the game, there are so many awesome opportunities waiting for you! According to the latest research, the tech job market here is booming, with a projected 8% growth this year alone.

That means a ton of entry-level gigs are up for grabs across various industries.

First up, you've got to equip yourself with the right skills. St. Louis has a sweet range of educational options, like coding bootcamps at Nucamp that'll get you prepped in web dev, data science, and cybersecurity in no time.

Or, you can opt for affordable associate's degrees and certificate programs at community colleges like St. Louis Community College.

Hands-on experience is what really counts in this field.

Participate in hackathons, contribute to open-source projects, or build your own personal projects to showcase your mad skills. Employers here are seriously impressed by practical experience, according to the Missouri Economic Research and Information Center (MERIC).

Speaking of impressing employers, you've got to have a killer online portfolio that highlights your best work.

A well-curated portfolio can be a total game-changer for landing that first tech job, as Daniel Smith from the St. Louis Workforce Development Board says.

It's your chance to flaunt your coding prowess, problem-solving abilities, and technical communication skills.

Don't forget to network and seek out mentorship opportunities too! Attend local tech meetups and events to connect with industry pros, and consider joining organizations like the St.

Louis Tech Talent Network for mentorship programs and networking events tailored for newcomers like you. Keep an eye out for entry-level roles like junior web developers, IT support specialists, data entry clerks, computer user support specialists, and junior software engineers – MERIC reports these gigs will be in high demand this year.

With continuous learning, persistence, and by following these steps, you'll be well on your way to securing an exciting tech career in St.

Louis in 2024 and beyond. The future is yours for the taking!

Exploring IT Fields in St Louis: Which One Is Right for You in 2024?


Let's talk about snagging a tech job in St. Louis this year. The city is booming with opportunities across various IT fields. From major players like Mastercard and Boeing to promising startups, there's something for everyone.

But how do you choose the right path?

Cybersecurity is a total rock star field right now. With data breaches and hacking threats on the rise, companies can't get enough experts to secure their systems.

If you're into ethical hacking and protecting networks, this could be your jam. Bootcamps like Per Scholas offer free cybersecurity training to get you certified and ready to slay.

Cloud computing is another area that's absolutely killing it.

As businesses shift to the cloud, they need pros to manage those complex environments. The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis is even hiring cloud engineers, so you know it's a big deal.

Data science and analytics are also super hot fields.

Companies are drowning in data, and they desperately need number-crunchers who can transform that data into valuable insights. If you're a math whiz with a knack for pattern recognition, this could be your calling.

And let's not forget software development.

From sleek mobile apps to robust enterprise systems, developers are always in high demand. With the rise of new technologies like AI and the metaverse, this field is poised for even more growth.

Job Role Average Salary Company
Cybersecurity Analyst $92,500 Cameron Partners
Cloud Architect $128,700 Cameron Partners

But at the end of the day, you've got to choose a path that aligns with your interests and strengths.

As William Hernandez from NuCamp advises:

"Consider factors like growth potential, income levels, and work-life balance for long-term satisfaction."

With St.

Louis' mix of big corporations and cool startups, you've got plenty of options to explore. Start prepping for your dream tech job today!

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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High-Demand Tech Jobs in St Louis for 2024


The tech scene in St. Louis is really poppin' off right now. If you're looking to get into it, 2024 is your year! Check this out - according to a report by TechSTL, the number of job postings for tech roles dropped by a whopping 45% from 2022 to 2023.

But don't let that number scare you, it's all part of the game.

TechSTL's Executive Director, Patricia Martin, says the drop in postings was expected after the pandemic hiring frenzy and the rise of AI. But she's optimistic about the future, especially for startups and entrepreneurs.

The region needs to focus on growing these local businesses, according to STL Works.

Let's talk about the hottest tech jobs in St.

Louis for 2024. Goodwin Recruiting has the scoop. Data scientists and analysts, cybersecurity pros, and software developers are expected to be in high demand.

And don't sleep on those cloud computing and web development roles either!

The key is staying ahead of the curve and constantly leveling up your skills.

Employers want candidates who are passionate about learning and adapting to the ever-changing tech landscape. So, whether it's through coding bootcamps, online courses, or personal projects, make sure you're always improving your game.

Educational Pathways into Tech: St Louis Focus for 2024


If you wanna break into the tech scene in St. Louis by 2024, you got mad options to level up your skills. Whether you're all about that university grind or trying to fast-track it with a coding bootcamp, this city's got you covered.

I'm talking places like Washington University and University of Missouri-St. Louis for those traditional four-year degrees in computer science and the like.

But if you're looking to switch gears and get coding ASAP, these bootcamps are where it's at.

Course Report says the top dogs for 2024 are Claim Academy for full-stack web dev and data science, Savvy Coders killing it with JavaScript and .NET/C#, and Code Platoon hooking up the military with some seriously sweet coding skills.

Now, if you're more of a self-study kind of person, no worries! Platforms like Coursera, edX, and Udemy have got your back with online courses from big-name schools.

One that's gonna be fire for St. Louisians in 2024 is the "Introduction to Programming and Data Science" joint from Washington University on edX.

But here's the real kicker - St.

Louis has this insane tech community that'll help you network and get connected like nobody's business. We're talking meetup groups, hackathons, mentorship programs - the whole nine yards.

As the St. Louis Business Journal put it,

"The city's tech scene is booming, with a strong support network for newcomers."

So, not only will you level up your skills, but you'll also make connections that could lead to internships, mentors, and maybe even that dream job you've been chasing.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Building a Tech Portfolio for St Louis Employers in 2024


If you're trying to score a sick tech job in St. Louis in 2024, you've gotta have a fire portfolio to flex on potential employers.

These days, companies are all about seeing what you can actually do, not just hearing you talk a big game. According to the squad at TalentBridge, a professional portfolio is the key to proving your skills and standing out from the competition.

Let's start with the basics.

Your portfolio should showcase your best work, like coding projects, design mockups, or any other dope stuff you've created. Don't just throw everything in there, though – EPAM recommends carefully curating 3-5 projects that really show off your skills and align with the jobs you're applying for.

And make sure to include details about the tech you used, the challenges you faced, and how you solved them. Visuals like screen recordings or demo videos are a must, too – employers want to see your work in action.

Your portfolio is a chance to flex your personal brand and let your personality shine through.

According to the experts at Ironhack, you should have an "About Me" section that tells your story and explains why you're the perfect fit for the role.

Don't forget to include a professional headshot, links to your online profiles (like GitHub and LinkedIn), and maybe even some testimonials from instructors or mentors who can vouch for your skills.

Updating your portfolio with your latest projects and skills is crucial for showing employers that you're always learning and growing.

According to Codecademy's expert advice, updating your portfolio with your latest projects and skills is crucial for showing employers that you're always learning and growing.

So, keep grinding, keep creating, and keep that portfolio looking fly – it could be your ticket to landing your dream tech job in the Lou.

Networking in St Louis: Your Key to a Tech Job in 2024


If you're looking to land that dream job in the St. Louis tech scene in 2024, networking is the move. By getting out there and mingling with like-minded individuals, you'll gain invaluable insights, make connections that could change the game, and maybe even stumble upon opportunities that aren't advertised everywhere.

According to a survey by TechConnectSTL, a whopping 87% of tech pros in St. Louis say networking played a crucial role in their career growth.

One of the best ways to immerse yourself in the local tech community is by hitting up some sick events. Here are a few you definitely won't want to miss in 2024:

  • STL Tech Mixer (Quarterly) - This long-running event brings together tech enthusiasts from all walks of life, providing a chill environment for casual networking and knowledge sharing.
  • Launch Code Meetup (Monthly) - Hosted by the legendary coding bootcamp, these meetups offer the inside scoop on the latest programming trends and a chance to connect with fellow code geeks.
  • Women in Tech STL (Bi-monthly) - Empowering women in the tech field, this event fosters a supportive community and provides mentorship opportunities to help you level up.

But don't just stop at attending events.

Getting active on platforms like LinkedIn can open doors to valuable career advice, insider job postings, and potential referrals that could put you ahead of the game.

As local tech recruiter Elizabeth Williams puts it,

"Building a solid network is like having a personal career support system – it can make all the difference in landing that dream job."

To maximize your networking game, keep these tips in mind:

  1. Craft an elevator pitch that showcases your skills, experiences, and career goals in a concise and compelling way. Highlight your skills to stand out.
  2. Stock up on business cards with your contact info, online portfolio links, and personal branding to leave a lasting impression. Make an impression with your brand.
  3. Engage in active listening during conversations, ask thoughtful questions, and offer valuable insights to establish yourself as a knowledgeable pro. Be a knowledgeable participant.
  4. Follow up promptly with new connections, express your interest in staying in touch, and explore potential collaborations or mentorship opportunities. Stay connected for future opportunities.

By embracing the power of networking in St.

Louis, you'll unlock a world of opportunities, forge lasting relationships, and accelerate your journey towards a fulfilling career in the tech industry.

Interview Tips for Landing a Tech Job in St Louis in 2024


Landing that dream tech gig in St. Louis in 2024 ain't no joke. You gotta come correct with your A-game during those interviews. But don't sweat it, I got your back with the inside scoop straight from the tech hotshots and career pros in the Lou.

First off, prepare to tackle some real brain-busters like describing a gnarly problem you solved and how you went about it.

They wanna see if you can think on your feet and flex those problem-solving muscles. Another biggie is how you stay up to speed with all the latest tech trends and advancements.

Show 'em you're a lifelong learner who's always hungry for knowledge, whether it's through online courses, industry blogs, or local workshops like those offered by Nucamp Coding Bootcamp.

But it ain't just about the technical know-how.

Employers want team players too, so be ready to dish out examples of how you've crushed it in collaborative projects.

Teamwork makes the dream work, ya dig?

Now, let's talk strategy. Do your homework and get the 411 on the company's deets – their products, values, and what makes 'em tick.

Christopher Taylor from TechPath STL says tying your skills and experience to their needs is key. And don't sleep on those behavioral questions either. Master the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to show off your problem-solving prowess like a boss.

But here's the real game-changer: passion, baby! Companies are thirsty for tech enthusiasts who live and breathe this stuff.

Flex those personal projects or coding side hustles that show you're more than just a walking resumé. Get pumped and let that enthusiasm shine through!

Oh, and don't forget to prep for those technical assessments, whether it's coding challenges, whiteboard problems, or quizzes.

Mastering in-demand skills like JavaScript can give you a serious edge over the competition.

At the end of the day, it's all about striking that perfect balance between technical chops and soft skills, as John Lee from DataTech Solutions puts it.

Show 'em you're not just a code monkey, but a well-rounded problem solver with mad communication game and a hunger to keep growing. Nail that combo, and you'll be landing that dream tech job in St.

Louis faster than you can say "Hello, World!"

Conclusion: Embarking on Your Tech Career in St Louis in 2024


As we step into the tech scene in St. Louis in 2024, it's gonna be one wild ride. But don't sweat it, 'cause with the right attitude and some serious hustle, you'll be crushing it in no time.

According to a recent report, the tech industry here is expected to blow up by 12% by the end of 2024, creating over 5,000 new job opportunities.

That's insane!

The city's startup scene is on fire, and there are diverse industries ready to welcome fresh talent like you. But here's the real deal – success isn't gonna fall into your lap.

You gotta keep learning, building your skills, and putting yourself out there. Thankfully, St. Louis has got your back with coding bootcamps, workshops, and online courses galore.

Check out the top tech skills that employers are after, and make sure you're staying ahead of the curve.

  • Building a killer portfolio: Showcase your mad coding skills and problem-solving abilities with projects that'll make recruiters drool.
  • Networking power: Attend local tech events, meetups, and hackathons to connect with the pros and maybe even land your dream gig.

Nancy Rodriguez, a recent coding bootcamp grad who scored a sweet software engineer role, says,

"The journey won't be easy, but every obstacle you overcome will make you stronger and better prepared for the tech world."


Louis has got your back with organizations like LaunchCode and TechArtista offering mentorship programs, career guidance, and job placement assistance. David Hernandez, CEO of CyberTech Solutions, puts it perfectly:

"St. Louis is a hidden gem for tech professionals, offering a diverse range of opportunities and a supportive community that nurtures growth."

So, embrace the challenges, stay resilient, and seize every opportunity this thriving tech scene has to offer in 2024.

With hard work and dedication, you'll be crushing it like a pro in no time!

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the current job market like for tech professionals in St. Louis in 2024?

Despite a 45% drop in tech job postings last year, employment in the tech industry in St. Louis actually increased by 2%. Opportunities are still strong, particularly in sectors like fintech, cybersecurity, and geospatial intelligence.

Why should I consider starting a tech career in St. Louis?

St. Louis offers a robust tech scene with a growing industry and a 2% increase in employment. The city's startup culture, supportive community, affordability, and quality of life make it an attractive place for aspiring tech professionals.

What are the key steps for beginners to enter the tech industry in St. Louis?

Beginners should focus on gaining the right skills through coding bootcamps or community colleges, gain hands-on experience through personal projects and hackathons, and create an impressive online portfolio. Additionally, networking and seeking mentorship are crucial steps.

What tech fields are in high demand in St. Louis for 2024?

High-demand tech fields in 2024 include cybersecurity, cloud computing, data science, and software development. These areas offer strong growth potential and are key to meeting the needs of businesses transitioning to more tech-driven operations.

How can networking help with landing a tech job in St. Louis?

Networking in St. Louis can provide valuable insights, industry connections, and access to unadvertised job opportunities. Engaging in local tech events, meetups, and online platforms like LinkedIn can significantly enhance your career prospects.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.