Learn to Code in St Louis: Beginner's Guide to Programming Languages

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: August 21st 2024

St Louis, Missouri skyline with coding symbols representing learning programming languages.

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St. Louis' tech scene is booming, making it a prime location for aspiring coders. Top programming languages in demand for 2024 include Python, JavaScript, and Java. Coding bootcamps in St. Louis offer hands-on training, with over 60% of graduates landing tech jobs within six months. Opportunities abound in full-stack development, data science, and cybersecurity. Leverage local resources like LaunchCode, community meetups, and hackathons to enhance your skills and kickstart a programming career in this vibrant city.

If you're like me, a 20-something in St. Louis tryna break into the tech scene, you gotta get those coding skills on lock! This city is popping off with tech opportunities, and the top languages employers are hunting for in 2024 are Python, JavaScript, Java, C#, and C++.

Locals are lucky to have solid options for leveling up, like legit bootcamps that'll have you job-ready in no time.

I got friends who crushed it at Nucamp, learning the hottest skills for what employers want - full-stack dev, cybersecurity, you name it.

My friend Richard Thomas landed a sick gig at a major corp after completing their program. If you're serious about breaking into STL's booming tech world, invest in yourself and get that coding education locked down.

The future is yours for the taking!

Table of Contents

  • Top Programming Languages to Learn in St Louis
  • Coding Bootcamps and Schools in St Louis
  • Career Opportunities for Programmers in St Louis
  • Resources for Beginner Coders in St Louis, Missouri
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Top Programming Languages to Learn in St Louis


The tech scene in St. Louis is on fire these days, and if you want to get in on the action, you gotta level up your coding skills. According to the Missouri Business Alert, the top programming languages that companies in the Lou are looking for right now are Python, JavaScript, and Java.

Python is like the Swiss Army knife of coding languages.

It's versatile AF and super easy to pick up. Companies in St. Louis are using it for everything from web dev and data analysis to machine learning and automation.

A data scientist in the city said,

"Python's libraries are stacked, and the syntax is clean, which makes working with massive datasets a breeze, allowing us to make data-driven decisions on the fly."

But if you're more into building dope websites and apps, then JavaScript is where it's at.

This language is the king of interactive and dynamic web experiences. With St. Louis' startup scene popping off and the world going digital, JavaScript devs are in high demand.

A local web dev firm told us,

"JavaScript's flexibility and cross-platform compatibility make it a must-have for building responsive and engaging user interfaces that keep users hooked."

And let's not forget about the OG, Java.

This language is still a powerhouse in St. Louis, especially when it comes to enterprise-level applications. Big-name companies in Missouri rely on Java for its robust and secure framework, making it essential for building mission-critical apps.

A senior software engineer at a major St. Louis firm, Lisa Davis, said,

"Java's object-oriented nature and vast ecosystem of libraries and tools make it perfect for building scalable and maintainable enterprise solutions."

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And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Coding Bootcamps and Schools in St Louis


You know how St. Louis has been really stepping up its tech game lately? Well, turns out there are a ton of coding bootcamps here that can help you get skilled up and land a sweet job.

According to this article I read, over 60% of coding bootcamp grads in STL got hired in tech roles within just 6 months after finishing their programs last year.

Not too shabby, right?

One of the standouts seems to be Claim Academy. These guys offer intense bootcamps in coding, cybersecurity, and more.

They've got a solid lineup of full-time and part-time courses covering in-demand skills like Java, C#, JavaScript - you name it. Best part? Their career support game is on point, with mock interviews, resume help, and access to their huge network of hiring partners like IBM, Boeing, and MasterCard.

Then you've got LaunchCode's Immersive CodeCamp, which is a free 17-week full-time program that dives deep into coding fundamentals.

It's run through St. Louis Community College, and the small class sizes mean you get personalized mentorship from instructors. Plus, graduates are eligible for LaunchCode's awesome apprenticeship program to help land that first tech gig.

Of course, there's also the classic university route with places like Washington University in St.

Louis, which has some killer computer science programs. But if you're looking for a more accelerated path to a coding career, bootcamps like Claim Academy and LaunchCode's CodeCamp are definitely worth checking out.

The tech scene in St. Louis is booming, so now's the perfect time to skill up and get in on the action!

Career Opportunities for Programmers in St Louis


St. Louis is totally killing it when it comes to tech jobs, making it an awesome place to start a career in programming.

The city's tech scene is booming, with a bunch of companies on the hunt for coders. According to recent reports, tech job postings in the area dropped by a whopping 45% last year, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.

It just means employers are being pickier, so you gotta bring your A-game.

If you're looking to dive into the world of coding, here are some of the hottest programming gigs in St.

Louis right now:

  • Full-Stack Developers: Companies can't get enough of these versatile unicorns who can handle both front-end and back-end development. Master languages like JavaScript, Python, and Ruby on Rails, and you're on the right track.
  • Data Scientists/Analysts: With everyone obsessing over Big Data, data wizards who can work their magic with Python, R, and machine learning algorithms are in high demand.
  • Cybersecurity Specialists: As cyber threats get more sophisticated, companies are scrambling to find programmers who can keep their systems secure. Expertise in Java, C++, and network security makes you a hot commodity.

The best part? St.

Louis has a ton of resources to help you break into the tech scene. Big players like Mastercard and Boeing offer sweet internship programs, and local organizations like the St.

Louis Tech Workforce Coalition host meetups and hackathons to help you network. With the city's tech industry continuing to grow, now's the perfect time to dive in and start coding!

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Resources for Beginner Coders in St Louis, Missouri


Look, coding is the move if you wanna get that bread in St. Louis. Real talk, the city's got some sick resources for newbies tryna level up their skills. First up, LaunchCode hooks it up with free courses, workshops, and stuff to get you coding like a pro.

Their flagship bootcamp is an intensive 14-week deal that'll have you job-ready in no time.

But if you need that flexible grind, online platforms like CodeAcademy, Coursera, and Udemy got your back with self-paced tutorials and challenges.

Don't sleep on local meetups either - the St. Louis Code and Coffee crew hosts regular sessions where you can link up with experienced coders and like-minded peeps.

Some events coming up in 2024 include the St. Louis Code Camp in June, monthly Coder Dojo sessions for the youngins, and bi-monthly Women Who Code meetups.

For that hands-on experience, hit up hackathons like GlobalHack or the St.

Louis Blockchain Hackathon. You'll get to collab with other devs on real projects and see what it's really like. Here are some pro tips to get your coding journey poppin' in St.


  1. Know your goals: Decide if you wanna specialize in web dev, data science, cybersecurity, or whatever gets you hyped.
  2. Join online communities: Follow local coding groups on socials and forums like Stack Overflow and Reddit's /r/learnprogramming.
  3. Attend local meetups: Get involved with the tech scene by hitting up events hosted by Techartista, LaunchCode, and Venture Cafe.
  4. Build a portfolio: Document your progress by creating a GitHub account and sharing your projects with potential employers.

Stay dedicated and tap into these resources, and you'll be coding like a beast in no time.

Missouri's tech industry is lit, and employers are always on the hunt for skilled devs.

The best way to learn to code is to actually code, so get to it!

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the top programming languages to learn in St. Louis?

In St. Louis, the top programming languages that companies are looking for include Python, JavaScript, and Java. Python is praised for its versatility and ease of use across various applications like web development and data analysis. JavaScript is essential for building interactive web experiences, and Java is widely used for enterprise-level applications.

What coding bootcamps and schools are available in St. Louis?

St. Louis has several coding bootcamps and educational institutions, including Nucamp, Claim Academy, and LaunchCode's CodeCamp. These institutions offer courses in full-stack development, cybersecurity, and other tech skills, along with career support to help graduates find jobs.

What career opportunities are available for programmers in St. Louis?

St. Louis offers a variety of tech job opportunities. The most in-demand positions include Full-Stack Developers, Data Scientists/Analysts, and Cybersecurity Specialists. While tech job postings have decreased, employers are looking for more qualified candidates to fill these roles.

What resources are available for beginner coders in St. Louis?

Beginner coders in St. Louis can take advantage of resources such as free courses and workshops from local organizations, online platforms with self-paced tutorials, and tech meetups and hackathons like the St. Louis Code Camp and GlobalHack. These resources can help beginners build skills and network with others in the tech community.

Why is now a good time to learn coding in St. Louis?

The tech scene in St. Louis is booming, with numerous opportunities for coders in various fields. The city's supportive ecosystem, including educational programs, meetups, and a growing demand for tech skills, makes it an ideal time to start learning coding and pursue a tech career.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.