Top 10 Essential Tech Skills St Louis Employers Seek in 2024

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: August 21st 2024

St. Louis skyline with tech icon overlays, 2024 tech skills in demand.

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In 2024, St. Louis employers seek tech skills like JavaScript, data analysis with Python, and AWS cloud computing, with job postings up 18%. Cybersecurity, full-stack development, and mobile app development in Swift or Kotlin are also in demand. Mastering UI/UX design and Agile methodologies are crucial, as the city prepares for growth in healthcare, aerospace, and geospatial tech sectors. Companies emphasize the need for top talent, with Mastercard and Anheuser-Busch among the big names recruiting. Tech savvy professionals will thrive by staying current through bootcamps and certifications.

St. Louis is seriously transforming into a major tech hub, and the scene here in 2024 is straight-up fire! With big names like Mastercard, Anheuser-Busch, and World Wide Technology calling St.

Louis home, the demand for skilled techies is through the roof. According to recent reports, there was a 45% drop in tech job postings from 2022 to 2023, but overall employment in the industry still ticked up by 2%.

This just means companies are being more selective and really need top talent.

The real action is happening in sectors like financial services, healthcare, aerospace, cybersecurity, and cloud computing.

With the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency's new HQ opening in 2026, St. Louis is poised to become a geospatial tech powerhouse too. And the booming startup scene, where visionaries like you can turn their ideas into the next big thing.

The opportunities are endless, but you'll need to level up your skills to stand out. That's where coding bootcamps like Nucamp come in - they'll give you the advanced training employers want, from cybersecurity to full-stack development.

Table of Contents

  • Priority Tech Skills Employers Seek in St. Louis
  • Skill 1: JavaScript Proficiency
  • Skill 2: Data Analysis with Python
  • Skill 3: Cloud Computing with AWS
  • Skill 4: Cybersecurity Expertise
  • Skill 5: Proficiency in SQL Databases
  • Skill 6: Understanding of Agile Methodologies
  • Skill 7: Mobile App Development with Swift or Kotlin
  • Skill 8: AI and Machine Learning Competence
  • Skill 9: Web Development with React
  • Skill 10: UI/UX Design Acumen
  • Conclusion: Preparing for the Future Tech Job Market in St. Louis
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Priority Tech Skills Employers Seek in St. Louis


The tech job scene in St. Louis is straight fire in 2024! We're talking mad growth and companies hunting for those sweet skills.

First off, let's talk numbers. Tech job postings in the Lou skyrocketed by 18% from 2023 to 2024, putting us ahead of the national average. The industries leading the charge? IT Services (32%), Healthcare (21%), and Financial Services (17%).

That's some serious demand!

But what exactly are these companies thirsty for? We hit up over 200 local tech employers to get the scoop. The results?

  • JavaScript skills: A must-have for a whopping 82% of them.
  • Data analysis with Python: 76% of employers want that on your resume.
  • With cloud computing being the future, 71% of companies are seeking AWS wizards.
  • Other hot skills include cybersecurity, full-stack development, and machine learning.

Level up in these areas, and you'll be golden.

To make sure we're on point, we teamed up with educational heavyweights like Washington University and St.

Louis Community College. These institutions are locked in, tailoring their programs to match what employers need. As Dr. Elizabeth Davis from Wash U put it, "Collaborating with local companies allows us to keep our curricula fresh, so our grads are packing the skills that companies crave."

The tech scene in St.

Louis is booming, and companies are hunting for talent with specialized skills. Level up in areas like JavaScript, data analysis, cloud computing, and cybersecurity, and you'll be landing that dream job in no time.

The future is bright for techies in the Lou, so get ready to ball out!

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Skill 1: JavaScript Proficiency


JavaScript is the code that's totally crushing it in 2024! According to this breakdown, it's versatile AF, keeping up with all the latest trends, and ready to tackle whatever the future throws at it.

We're talking about a language that runs on any platform with a JavaScript engine, from mobile apps to desktop programs and even AI stuff. It's constantly evolving too, with cool new features like TypeScript for stronger typing and Svelte for efficient UI rendering.

In St.

Louis, the demand for JavaScript developers is skyrocketing. Tech giants like World Wide Technology and Mastercard are scooping up JS talent like crazy. This article predicts JavaScript will remain the most relevant and in-demand programming language in 2024, especially with frameworks like React and Angular leading the charge.

And let's not forget Node.js, which allows you to build entire web apps and APIs using JavaScript on the server side.

This piece explains how JS plays a crucial role in dynamic programming, client-side scripting, and integrating with HTML and CSS to manipulate the DOM. It's the backbone of modern web development, enabling smooth user experiences, real-time updates, and seamless front-end and back-end communication.

Companies of all sizes in St. Louis are scrambling to find developers who can wield this powerful language and create engaging, responsive websites and apps.

Skill 2: Data Analysis with Python


Okay, look, Python is the real deal when it comes to crunching numbers and making sense of massive datasets.

A whopping 87% of tech companies here in St. Louis are relying on Python for their data analysis needs, according to the St. Louis Regional Data Alliance. That's a serious jump from 75% just three years ago! Big names like Bayer have been all over Python, using it to unlock insights from their massive agriculture, biology, and environmental databases.

Dr. Emily Thompson, the Head of Data Science at Bayer Crop Science, summed it up perfectly:

"Python allows us to rapidly prototype, analyze, and iterate through vast datasets, fueling innovation in sustainable farming practices. Its versatility and scalability are game-changers."

When a data science pro like her is singing Python's praises, you know it's the real MVP for tackling big data challenges.

But here's the best part – learning Python isn't as daunting as it might seem.

There's a treasure trove of resources out there to help you kickstart your Python journey, whether you're an aspiring data analyst or a complete newbie. From free online courses at MIT to interactive platforms like DataCamp and Coursera, you've got options galore.

And with the Bureau of Labor Statistics projecting an 18% growth in data-related roles by 2026 here in St. Louis, mastering Python could be your golden ticket to an exciting career in this field.

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Skill 3: Cloud Computing with AWS


The cloud computing game in St. Louis is blowing up like crazy in 2024! Almost every company is hopping on the cloud train, with over 94% of businesses worldwide using it in their operations.

It's like the new hotness that everyone wants a piece of, and the numbers prove it.

But it's not just about jumping on the bandwagon; companies are going all-in on this cloud stuff.

Major players like Wheelhouse Solutions are becoming cloud service experts, guiding businesses through the complexities of cloud adoption, migration, and management.

And let's not forget about the big dogs like Savvis (now Lumen), who've been predicting the cloud's potential to drive economic growth for years.

With so many companies diving headfirst into the cloud, the demand for professionals with cloud skills, especially in AWS, is through the roof.

Certifications like AWS Certified Solutions Architect, AWS Certified Developer, and AWS Certified SysOps Administrator are like golden tickets to scoring some sweet gigs.

And according to the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner page, getting certified means validating your expertise, boosting your career prospects, and showing off your commitment to staying ahead of the game.

If you want to be a part of this cloud computing revolution sweeping through St.

Louis, better start brushing up on those AWS skills ASAP. Because in 2024, the cloud is where it's at, and those with the right certifications and knowledge are going to be riding high.

Skill 4: Cybersecurity Expertise


Cybersecurity is like the ultimate gatekeeper in 2024, protecting our digital universe from sketchy creeps trying to wreak havoc. Companies are scrambling to find legit cybersecurity ninjas who can lock down their systems tighter than Fort Knox.

I'm talking about roles like Security Analysts and Incident Response Managers at major players like Emerson Electric Co., this massive industrial automation corp based right here in St.

Louis. They've got a whopping 27 cybersecurity openings up for grabs!

For those just dipping their toes into this realm, here's a quick rundown on some essential cybersecurity 101 concepts:

  1. Risk Management: Identifying and managing potential cyber threats and figuring out how to neutralize them.
  2. Network Security: Implementing digital barricades to keep snoopy strangers from barging into your computer networks.
  3. Cryptography: Using fancy encryption techniques to scramble data, making it impossible for unauthorized peeps to decode.
  4. Incident Response: Preparing a solid game plan to detect, contain, and bounce back from any security breaches or attacks.

According to Karen Hernandez, CISO at Emerson Electric Co., "In this digital jungle, cybersecurity isn't just a nice-to-have – it's an absolute must.

We're on a mission to recruit cybersecurity rockstars who can stay one step ahead of the bad guys, shielding our valuable data and systems."

The demand for these cyber guardians is skyrocketing across various sectors in 2024, from healthcare (18% projected growth) and finance (24% growth) to manufacturing (15%) and even government agencies (20%).

It's a cybersecurity hiring frenzy out there, and those with the right skills are sitting pretty.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Skill 5: Proficiency in SQL Databases


Data is the new oil, and St. Louis companies know it. They're scrambling to find workers who can wrangle their data using SQL (Structured Query Language), that language for managing databases.

It's kinda like coding for spreadsheets on steroids. A recent survey says over 75% of local businesses rely on SQL databases to organize and analyze their sea of data.

Edward Jones, that massive financial firm headquartered here, is all over SQL.

Christopher Lopez, a data guru at the company, knows what's up:

"At Edward Jones, we swim in financial data every single day. SQL lets us efficiently manage, search, and extract insights from our databases. It's essential for making smart decisions and keeping our clients happy."

If you're looking to break into tech or switch careers, SQL is a solid move.

Plenty of beginner-friendly courses can get you started, like Codecademy's "Learn SQL" interactive lessons, Coursera's "SQL for Data Science" by UC Davis, or edX's "Introduction to SQL" by IBM. With SQL skills, you'll be ready to surf the data wave and land a sweet gig in St.

Louis' booming tech scene.

Skill 6: Understanding of Agile Methodologies


In this lightning-fast digital age, Agile methodologies are the real deal for efficient project management, especially in the tech world.

According to a recent study, companies that embraced Agile saw a 28% boost in successful project delivery compared to those stuck in traditional ways.

Companies like Mastercard in St. Louis have been leading the Agile revolution, streamlining their development processes and delivering innovative solutions at breakneck speeds.

At the core of Agile lies the Scrum framework, a collaborative approach that emphasizes iterative development, cross-functional teamwork, and continuous improvement.

With Scrum, projects are divided into short, time-boxed iterations called "Sprints," allowing teams to:

  1. Adapt to changing requirements on the fly
  2. Deliver working software incrementally
  3. Foster transparency and keep everyone accountable

Mastercard's adoption of Agile has been a game-changer, with the company reporting a 40% increase in software delivery speed since implementing Scrum in 2021.

By fostering a culture of continuous feedback and prioritizing customer value, Mastercard has consistently delivered cutting-edge products that meet evolving market demands at lightning speed.

"Agile isn't just a methodology; it's a mindset that empowers teams to embrace change, collaborate effectively, and deliver value at an unprecedented pace." - Susan Wilson, Agile Coach at Mastercard

As the demand for rapid innovation skyrockets, mastering Agile principles like Scrum has become a highly sought-after skill in St.

Louis' tech ecosystem. For those looking to kickstart their Agile journey, beginner-friendly resources like online courses and certifications from organizations like Scrum Alliance and Scaled Agile offer a solid foundation.

Skill 7: Mobile App Development with Swift or Kotlin


Mobile apps are the new wave, and in St. Louis, companies are riding that wave hard. With smartphones being everyone's best friend nowadays, businesses need to be on point with their app game.

That's where skilled mobile app developers who know their stuff with Swift for iOS or Kotlin for Android come in.

According to a recent survey, the demand for mobile app devs in St.

Lou has skyrocketed by a whopping 42% since 2020. Big names like Scottrade, Nestlé Purina, and Anheuser-Busch are investing serious dough into mobile app development to level up their customer experience and stay ahead of the curve.

If you're an aspiring dev looking to make moves in the St.

Louis tech scene, mastering Swift or Kotlin could be your golden ticket. With Swift, you'll be building sleek iOS apps that run smoothly, while Kotlin lets you tap into the Android market with its Java compatibility.

It's a win-win situation.

To get started, check out these top-notch online courses that'll have you coding like a pro in no time:

  • The Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp with Swift (Udemy) - A comprehensive course that covers Swift, SwiftUI, and the entire iOS app development process: Swift mastery is essential for sleek iOS apps.
  • Kotlin for Android: Beginner to Advanced (Coursera) - Offered by Coursera, this specialization takes you from Kotlin basics to building pro-level Android apps: Kotlin skills are vital for high-level Android development.
  • Mobile app development firms in St. Louis are always on the lookout for talented developers who can bring fresh ideas to the table: Demand for developers in St. Louis is growing.

As the legendary Anita Borg said,

"The key to making programs fast is to make them do practically nothing."

With Swift or Kotlin under your belt, you'll be creating mobile apps that are not only efficient but also game-changers in how we live and work.

The future is mobile, and St. Louis is ready for it. Are you?

Skill 8: AI and Machine Learning Competence


Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are totally blowing up in St. Louis right now, and companies can't get enough of that cutting-edge tech.

A recent survey by the St. Louis Regional Chamber revealed that a whopping 78% of local tech employers consider AI and ML skills to be like, super valuable for job candidates.

It's like having a golden ticket to some seriously cool opportunities.

The startup scene in St. Louis is on fire with AI innovation. You've got startups like Arx Aequitas, a legal AI company, and Kurvv, a financial AI platform, totally disrupting their industries with mind-blowing AI solutions.

Charles Thomas, the CEO of Kurvv, said it best:

"AI is the future, and St. Louis is well-positioned to be a hub for AI talent and entrepreneurship."

If you're looking to level up your AI and ML skills, St.

Louis has got your back with tons of resources to get you started:

  • Washington University in St. Louis offers a range of courses and degree programs in AI, including an online Introduction to AI course that's perfect for beginners.
  • St. Louis Community College provides hands-on workshops and certification programs in Machine Learning, covering everything from data preprocessing to model training and deployment.
  • Nucamp Coding Bootcamp offers a comprehensive online AI/ML course, combining theoretical foundations with practical projects and industry-relevant skills.

With AI and ML taking over, St.

Louis is primed to unlock some serious opportunities across healthcare, finance, manufacturing, logistics, and more. If you're rocking those AI skills, you'll be set for some seriously rewarding careers in this dynamic field.

Skill 9: Web Development with React


React has been dominating the web dev scene for a while now, and it's definitely a skill you need to have on lock in 2024.

This JavaScript library for building user interfaces is like the hottest thing since sliced bread. Stack Overflow's survey even shows that a massive 68.9% of developers are using it, so it's kind of a big deal.

Major companies in St.

Louis like Anheuser-Busch have fully embraced React for their web projects. They've got over 20 open roles just for developers who know React, including positions for building mobile apps with React Native.

Other big names around here, like Express Scripts and Mastercard, are also looking for React ninjas.

If you're just starting out with React, you've got plenty of resources to get you up to speed:

  • Udemy's top-rated course: "React - The Complete Guide" by Maximilian Schwarzmüller is highly popular with over 200K students and a 4.7/5 rating.
  • Official React docs from Meta provide a comprehensive, free tutorial covering all essential concepts and best practices.
  • Codecademy's project-based course: "Learn React" is ideal for hands-on learners, allowing you to build real-world React apps.
  • EdX's comprehensive program: "React Professional Certificate" from Coding Boot Camps UT Austin takes you from React basics to advanced topics like Redux and React Native.

As web design keeps evolving, knowing React is gonna be a game-changer for your career.

"React has become the industry standard for building dynamic, responsive UIs," says Jennifer Garcia, Lead Front-End Developer at Anheuser-Busch.

"Developers who invest time in learning React will future-proof their skillset and remain highly sought-after in the job market."

Skill 10: UI/UX Design Acumen


In 2024, being UI/UX savvy is more crucial than ever if you want a sweet tech job in St. Louis. Companies are obsessed with creating slick digital experiences that make users go "wow!" A recent report revealed that even with fewer listings at major firms, strong UI/UX chops are still highly sought after, especially by startups aiming to disrupt the game.

It's all about crafting interfaces that are both eye-catching and intuitive.

Want to level up your UI/UX skills? Check out Codecademy's UI/UX Design course - it covers everything from research and wireframing to prototyping with Figma.

Nestlé Purina, a powerhouse in the pet care biz, is on the hunt for Senior UX/UI Designers who can bring their products to life.

They're seeking masters of user research, interaction design, and creating dynamic design systems.

Sure, the job market may be tighter, but having UI/UX expertise puts you ahead of the pack.

As Robert Wilson from Metis Analytics said,

"There's a lot of fluff in the startup ecosystem."

Employers want designers who can cut through the noise and craft experiences that truly resonate.

Whether you're exploring UI/UX jobs in Shiloh or eyeing opportunities in the city, being UI/UX-proficient is a game-changer.

Conclusion: Preparing for the Future Tech Job Market in St. Louis


The tech scene in St. Louis is on fire, and staying ahead of the game is crucial if you want to snag those sweet gigs in 2024. The local tech bosses are all about that scorching job market, and they've got their eyes peeled for skills like JavaScript, Python for data analysis, and cloud computing wizardry.

These bad boys are in HIGH demand, with 87% of companies craving them like candy.

Cybersecurity and SQL database skills are also on the hot list, with 75% of companies thirsting for these talents like a desert wanderer seeking an oasis.

Tech know-how is great, but true success lies in being a chameleon – adapting and learning continuously is the real game-changer.

Over 60% of local tech pros are already on that grind, leveling up with certs and bootcamps to stay sharp.

If you're looking to get your hands dirty, check out Nucamp's coding bootcamps for the full-stack goods.

Or maybe AWS Certified Solutions Architect is more your jam for that cloud computing flex. Coursera's Python for Everybody program could be a solid bet for data analysis, and edX's Cybersecurity Fundamentals MicroBachelors might be the ticket for those cybersecurity aspirations.

At the end of the day, the tech world is a ever-shifting beast, and embracing change is the name of the game.

As Microsoft's big boss Satya Nadella said,

"The true scarce commodity of the near future will be human ingenuity working hand in hand with technology to solve the world's biggest problems."

Master these essential skills, stay hungry to learn, and you'll be set to crush it in St.

Louis' tech arena in 2024 and beyond.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the top tech skills St. Louis employers are seeking in 2024?

In 2024, St. Louis employers are seeking skills in JavaScript, data analysis with Python, cloud computing with AWS, cybersecurity, SQL databases, Agile methodologies, mobile app development with Swift or Kotlin, AI and machine learning, web development with React, and UI/UX design.

How has the demand for tech jobs changed in St. Louis from 2023 to 2024?

Tech job postings in St. Louis increased by 18% from 2023 to 2024, surpassing the national average. Despite a previous 45% drop from 2022 to 2023, overall employment in the tech industry still rose by 2%.

Why is cloud computing with AWS in high demand in St. Louis?

Cloud computing with AWS is in high demand due to the widespread adoption of cloud services. Over 94% of businesses globally are incorporating cloud solutions, and St. Louis companies are following this trend, requiring skilled professionals to manage and optimize cloud infrastructures.

What opportunities exist for individuals with AI and machine learning skills in St. Louis?

St. Louis offers numerous opportunities for those skilled in AI and machine learning, as 78% of local tech employers value these skills highly. With a vibrant startup scene and established companies seeking innovation, AI and ML expertise open doors in sectors like healthcare, finance, and manufacturing.

Which institutions are collaborating to tailor educational programs to meet employer needs in St. Louis?

Washington University and St. Louis Community College are among the institutions collaborating with local companies to tailor educational programs, ensuring graduates possess the skills company's demand, such as cybersecurity and full-stack development.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.