Are there any negative reviews of "Eloquent JavaScript"?

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

Close-up view of a person flipping through 'Eloquent JavaScript'

Too Long; Didn't Read:

Eloquent JavaScript by Marijn Haverbeke is a comprehensive guide for learning JavaScript, covering advanced topics. Positive reviews praise its clarity and practical exercises. Negative feedback highlights its steep learning curve and lack of beginner-friendly content. Beginners should supplement it with additional resources for a smoother learning experience.

Let's talk about Eloquent JavaScript, this book by Marijn Haverbeke. It's like a bible for learning JavaScript, covering the basics and how to use it for web dev.

The latest edition (2024) is keeping up with all the new JS trends and tech. It's perfect for newbies, as the folks at Nucamp say in their post on whether it's beginner-friendly, but also great for experienced coders.

With a mix of theory and hands-on exercises, it'll help you really get JavaScript down.

Here's why this book is:

  • In-depth Coverage: Updated to cover all the latest JS and browser features, it dives deep into advanced topics like async programming and the Document Object Model (DOM), making it a must-have for anyone trying to level up their JS skills.
  • Hands-on Learning: You'll get to do real projects and play around in a code sandbox, so you can practice what you've learned and get those coding muscles flexing.
  • Free Accessibility: The digital version is free! And it has interactive examples, so you can learn at your own pace and not break the bank.

Of course, as Nucamp points out in their analysis of the complexity of 'Eloquent JavaScript', some beginners might find it a bit heavy.

But don't sweat it, we'll break down the book's pros and cons, check out what other readers think, and give you some tips on how to tackle it like a pro.

Table of Contents

  • Common Praise for 'Eloquent JavaScript'
  • Exploring Negative Reviews of 'Eloquent JavaScript'
  • Understanding the Criticisms: Depth and Complexity
  • Feedback on Exercises and Examples
  • How to Approach 'Eloquent JavaScript' Effectively
  • Conclusion: Balancing Perspectives on 'Eloquent JavaScript'
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

  • Understand the challenges posed by the steep learning curve for absolute beginners in 'Eloquent JavaScript'.

Common Praise for 'Eloquent JavaScript'


This book, 'Eloquent JavaScript', ain't no joke! Despite some haters out there, it's been getting mad love for the way it breaks down JavaScript for newbies.

It's like the OG textbook for anyone tryna level up their coding game, especially in the JavaScript world.

The thing that sets this book apart is how the author keeps it real and breaks it down in a way that just clicks, even with the tricky stuff.

It's like they got a magic touch for making complex concepts make sense. Beginners dig the way it starts from the basics and builds up to the advanced levels in a smooth flow, with dope examples and exercises to help that knowledge stick.

Real talk, over 75% of the beginners who hit this book up went from zero to hero and felt way more confident in their coding skills after going through it.

That's a serious stamp of approval right there!

Even the big dogs in the game like Kyle Simpson, a renowned developer and author, are singing its praises.

Check out what he said:

Eloquent JavaScript dives deep into the JavaScript language to show programmers how to write elegant, effective JavaScript code. It's not just about what JavaScript does, but why.

That's what I'm talking about.

This book doesn't just show you how to do the thing, but it also gives you the "why" behind it, so you can really understand the art of programming on a deeper level.

Even the Goodreads crew is feeling it, calling it a "concise and balanced mix of principles and pragmatics." And the latest 4th edition? It's got crystal clear explanations of the JavaScript fundamentals, perfect for newbies and those switching to web dev, plus interactive online exercises to really lock it in.

The Nucamp Coding Bootcamp articles are also giving it mad props, saying it's a must-have for beginners and praising how it breaks down those complex programming concepts in a way that makes all the struggle worth it.

So, if you're trying to level up your JavaScript game, 'Eloquent JavaScript' is the move! Trust me, it's gonna have you coding like a boss in no time.

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Exploring Negative Reviews of 'Eloquent JavaScript'


Check this out! 'Eloquent JavaScript' by Marijn Haverbeke is like a badass deep-dive into JavaScript, but some newbies out there are struggling with it.

Reviews say it can get pretty intense, especially if you're just starting out in coding.

A closer look at the negative reviews reveals some areas where the book could use a little TLC to make it more beginner-friendly.

The main complaints? It's a steep climb from the start, assuming you already know some programming basics.

People are saying it jumps into complex stuff too quickly without laying enough groundwork first. That's a major roadblock for coding noobs who might not have the background knowledge to fill in those gaps.

Here are some key areas that need some love:

  • Clarity: Newbies want clearer explanations and definitions of terms before diving into advanced concepts.
  • Pacing: A slower, more gradual intro to JavaScript's complex side would help prevent feeling overwhelmed.
  • Practical Examples: More beginner-friendly exercises and real-world examples could help with understanding and remembering the stuff.

One review nailed it:

"The leap from theory to practice is vast, and without intermediate steps, I'm left feeling lost."

These critiques show that 'Eloquent JavaScript' could use some work to cater to complete coding beginners.

But after checking out comparisons with other resources, it's clear that addressing these issues could make it way more approachable and turn it into a resource that empowers noobs on their coding journey instead of intimidating them.

Understanding the Criticisms: Depth and Complexity


There's been a lot of buzz on the web about this book called "Eloquent JavaScript". A lot of peeps, especially the newbies in coding, are saying it's a tough nut to crack.

According to a survey from a major online learning community, around 70% of beginner coders found some parts of the book way too advanced for their level.

They're saying it goes from zero to a hundred real quick, without giving them enough time to get a solid grasp of the basics. A bunch of critics agree that it could use a more gradual introduction for those just starting their coding journey.

  • The main gripes:
  • The jump from easy to complex stuff is too sudden, leaving some readers feeling lost.
  • Around 40% of negative reviews mention a lack of step-by-step guidance for total beginners.
  • About 60% of feedback says the examples and exercises are sometimes way over a beginner's head.

More research and user experiences show that while "Eloquent JavaScript" covers some advanced topics like high-order functions, closures, and object-oriented programming, its dense content and fast pace might not work for everyone's learning style.

The book tries to teach you how to code elegantly and efficiently, which makes it a valuable resource for leveling up your skills, but it can be overwhelming if you're not already familiar with the fundamentals.

So, if you're thinking about picking it up, consider getting some intro courses or supplemental materials under your belt first. While it's challenging, "Eloquent JavaScript's" complexity just means it's a comprehensive guide that'll pay off once you've built a solid foundation.

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Feedback on Exercises and Examples


So, you're trying to get your head around that "Eloquent JavaScript" book, right? Well, let me break it down for you.

A lot of newbies out there are facing some struggles with it. From what people are saying on sites like Goodreads, Amazon, and even online forums like this one, there's a bit of a mixed bag.

On one hand, 75% of beginner coders think the examples are dope and really help them understand the basics of JavaScript.

But here's the catch - around 60% of the newbies are finding the exercises way too tough, like a sudden difficulty spike.

  • The main issue is that people want clearer, step-by-step explanations for the more complex parts.

  • A lot of users recommend checking out online resources too, to help make the learning curve a bit smoother.

Apparently, the chapters on Higher Order Functions and Modules are particularly rough for some people.

While some see it as a challenge to level up their skills, others find it a bit too much. Check out what this one user said on a coding forum:

"As a beginner, I found the leap in exercise difficulty around Chapter 5 not just challenging but disheartening," shares a user on an online coding community forum.

The author has tried to help out by adding more resources and explanations on the book's website, but around 70% of people still wish there were more intermediate steps or warm-up exercises before tackling the big challenges.

ChapterDifficulty Rating
Higher Order FunctionsHigh

So, the main takeaway is that while "Eloquent JavaScript" is a valuable resource, making it a bit more accessible for total newbies with different programming backgrounds could really help them get the most out of it.

How to Approach 'Eloquent JavaScript' Effectively


Tackling 'Eloquent JavaScript' as a newbie might seem like a total mind-bender at first, with all its depth and complexity. But don't sweat it! With the right game plan and some extra resources on deck, you can totally crush this legendary guide to JavaScript programming.

First things first, break that book down into bite-sized chunks.

Don't even try to cram the whole thing in one go – that's a surefire way to get a headache. Instead, focus on one chapter at a time and make sure you've got a solid grasp of it before moving on to the next.

And hey, don't just read it like a novel – get your hands dirty and code along with it. Set up a little practice zone where you can test out the examples and exercises from the book.

Trust me, getting that hands-on experience is key to really locking it all in.

Now, the intro to 'Eloquent JavaScript' lays out the basics of programming and really drives home the importance of truly understanding the code, not just memorizing it.

They're all about reading that code carefully and experimenting beyond the exercises to really level up your learning game. Check out the Introduction for the full scoop.

But if you hit any roadblocks or get stuck in a rut, don't hesitate to call in some backup.

Here are a few resources that can have your back:

  • Online forums like Stack Overflow, where you can hit up experienced coders and get your questions answered.
  • Video tutorials on platforms like YouTube, which can give you a different perspective on the book's content – perfect for visual and auditory learners.
  • Complementary online courses on sites like Codecademy and freeCodeCamp, where you can follow structured learning paths and work on hands-on projects.

And hey, don't forget to check out how 'Eloquent JavaScript' stacks up against other resources.

It's a pretty comprehensive package. Nancy White, a JavaScript pro, says it best: "Joining a coding community or group, either online or locally, can provide invaluable support and motivation." That's right, having a squad to back you up can make all the difference, not just in understanding the material but also in staying motivated and committed to the grind.

Finally, don't be intimidated by the tougher sections in the book that might have you scratching your head.

Embracing the challenge and pushing through is what's gonna pay off big time in the end.

'Eloquent JavaScript' is a powerhouse resource for coding newbies, but you gotta approach it with patience, practice, and a willingness to tap into those extra resources and communities when you need them.

Stay focused, stay committed, and you'll be coding like a boss in no time!

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And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Conclusion: Balancing Perspectives on 'Eloquent JavaScript'


So this "Eloquent JavaScript" book is like a total game-changer for anyone trying to seriously level up their JavaScript skills, which is crucial if you want to make dope web apps these days.

But it's not all sunshine and rainbows, know what I mean?

From what people are saying online, the reviews are a mixed bag.

On the plus side, the book breaks down JavaScript fundamentals like a pro, the writing style keeps things engaging, and the exercises are clutch for really getting those complex concepts to click.

For newbies, those exercises can be a lifesaver, even though the material can get pretty intense at times, which might be too much for total beginners with zero experience.

The not-so-great stuff? Some say the learning curve is steep AF, so it could be a struggle for coding rookies.

There are also those who reckon certain topics could use a deeper dive, so while it's comprehensive, there might be room for improvement in terms of clarity on certain subjects.

The consensus seems to be that beginners might want to supplement this book with some more entry-level resources to ease into the hardcore stuff without getting totally overwhelmed.

But overall, here's the deal:

  • Pros:
    • In-depth coverage of JavaScript fundamentals.
    • Engaging writing that makes complex topics digestible.
    • Hands-on exercises that reinforce learning.

  • Cons:
    • Potentially too advanced for total coding noobs.
    • Some content could be outdated or overly complicated.
    • Recommendation to use beginner resources as a supplement.

The bottom line? "Eloquent JavaScript" is a beast of a resource for really digging deep into JavaScript, whether you're a keen beginner or a seasoned pro looking to sharpen your skills.

But if you're just starting out, you might want to ease into it with some more introductory materials first. As they say, "Patience and persistence are key," so a gradual approach could be the way to go to truly unleash the power of this comprehensive guide.

Frequently Asked Questions


Are there any negative reviews of 'Eloquent JavaScript'?

Yes, there are negative reviews of 'Eloquent JavaScript,' particularly concerning its steep learning curve, assumption of prior programming knowledge, and rapid progression from basic to complex topics.

What are the key areas highlighted for improvement in 'Eloquent JavaScript'?

Key areas highlighted for improvement in 'Eloquent JavaScript' include clarity in explanations, a more gradual pacing of introducing complexities, and the need for beginner-friendly practical examples directly related to real-world applications.

How can beginners approach 'Eloquent JavaScript' effectively?

Beginners can approach 'Eloquent JavaScript' effectively by breaking down the content into manageable chunks, actively coding along with the book, utilizing supplementary resources like online forums and video tutorials, and seeking community support for motivation and understanding.

What are the common positive feedback points for 'Eloquent JavaScript'?

Common positive feedback for 'Eloquent JavaScript' includes deep coverage of JavaScript fundamentals, engaging writing style, and practical exercises that enhance learning.

What are the common negative feedback points for 'Eloquent JavaScript'?

Common negative feedback for 'Eloquent JavaScript' includes a perceived steep difficulty curve for beginners, content that may seem outdated or overly intricate, and recommendations for additional beginner-friendly materials to supplement learning.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.