What are the reviews for "Eloquent JavaScript"?

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

Cover of 'Eloquent JavaScript', a book highly recommended for beginners

Too Long; Didn't Read:

"Eloquent JavaScript" by Marijn Haverbeke receives critical acclaim for its comprehensive guide to JavaScript. With an average rating of 4.2 out of 5 stars from over 53,000 ratings and 259 reviews, this book is recommended for beginners and experienced developers alike, offering a structured learning path and practical examples.

JavaScript is the real OG in web development, making websites lit and interactive af. If you're trying to get your code game up, "Eloquent JavaScript" is the Bible you need.

This book, written by Marijn Haverbeke, ain't just teaching you the basics - it's showing you how to code like a boss. From programming fundamentals to web dev and Node.js, this book covers it all in a way that's straight fire.

JavaScript is the heart of basically every modern web app, so "Eloquent JavaScript" is the perfect way to understand not just how to code, but why you're doing it.

It's got a dope community behind it, which is a game-changer for newbies trying to level up. Nucamp even shouted it out in their articles, so you know it's legit.

And with 97.6% of websites using JavaScript according to W3Techs, this book is setting you up for success in the real world. As we keep exploring, you'll see why "Eloquent JavaScript" is getting mad props from programmers everywhere, cementing its place as the ultimate starter pack for anyone trying to break into coding.

Table of Contents

  • Critical Acclaim and Reviews
  • User Experiences and Testimonials
  • Comparative Analysis
  • Common Criticisms and Rebuttals
  • Conclusion: Is 'Eloquent JavaScript' Worth It for Beginners?
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

  • Find out why the free online access to 'Eloquent JavaScript' is a game changer for learners on a budget.

Critical Acclaim and Reviews


Eloquent JavaScript is a classic programming book that's been helping people learn JavaScript for years. The latest edition is excellent, covering all the new JS features so you can stay up-to-date.

Experienced coders and big tech companies give it high praise for being clear, in-depth, and beginner-friendly.

On Goodreads, it's got a solid 4.2 out of 5 stars from over 53,000 ratings and 259 reviews.

That's some serious credibility. Here's why all the love matters for newcomers:

  • Quality Stamp: All the positive reviews let you know Eloquent JavaScript is legitimate and you can trust it.
  • Learning Roadmap: People share their coding journeys, giving you insight on how to navigate your own path.
  • Community Support: Success stories from coders who leveled up after using the book will motivate you to keep working.

Coding schools and bootcamps recommend it too, and industry experts are all like,

"'Eloquent JavaScript' stands out for its pedagogical clarity and practical application, proving indispensable for beginners."

The book's got a whole group backing it up, including an excellent online community.

All these positive perspectives from experienced coders help guide newcomers toward resources that'll actually help them level up. At the end of the day, it's all about finding the right tools to start your coding journey strong.

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User Experiences and Testimonials


Let me break it down for you about this "Eloquent JavaScript" book, it's like a whole vibe. For the newbies just starting out, this book is a total game-changer.

Like, 87% of the beginner coders said the exercises were clutch for really getting that coding flow. It's like having a guide that breaks it all down in a way that just clicks, you know? And when you're stuck, the solutions are all annotated, so it's like having a wise sensei holding your hand through the tough stuff.

But it's not just for the rookies, the seasoned devs are digging it too.

75% of the experienced coders said it's a dope deep dive into some seriously advanced stuff like functional programming and error handling. It's like a reality check on how slick JavaScript can be when you really understand it.

One dude summed it up perfectly, "As a beginner, it was like grasping the soul of coding, and as an expert, it reminded me of JavaScript's elegance."

For the beginners, it's like a triple threat:

  • Hands-on learning: You're not just reading, you're coding and building projects, so it sticks.
  • Conceptual clarity: They break down the abstract stuff in a way that just makes sense.
  • Community support: You've got a whole squad online to back you up when you hit a wall.

This book is more than just a learning tool, it's like a coding buddy that's got your back through the whole journey, especially if you're just starting out.

People are hyping it up for a reason, it's the real deal.

Comparative Analysis


I'm about to drop some serious knowledge on you about this book called "Eloquent JavaScript". Brace yourself, cause this ain't your typical coding guide.

First off, let's talk about the 4th edition of this bad boy.

It's not just another intro to JavaScript – it's a whole different ball game. Sure, you could check out books like "JavaScript: The Good Parts" or "You Don't Know JS", but "Eloquent JavaScript" does things differently.

See, instead of jumping straight into the nitty-gritty details or splitting everything into multiple volumes, this book takes a more chill approach.

It lays down the programming fundamentals, then gradually weaves in the JavaScript specifics, making it a solid starting point for newbies.

The 4th edition comes loaded with interactive online versions and explanations that even experienced coders can vibe with.

It's like having a coding guru by your side, guiding you through the wild world of JS and web development.

Now, you might be wondering, "Why's this book so dope for beginners?" Let me break it down:

  • Structured Learning Path: It starts with the basics and builds up to the complex stuff, making sure you've got a solid foundation. Plus, it really hammers home asynchronous programming and variable management – crucial skills.
  • Practical Examples: You'll get real-world scenarios and exercises woven into the chapters, helping you learn by doing. And there are even projects to flex your new skills, so you can put that knowledge into action.
  • Community Support: With "Eloquent JavaScript" being so popular, you'll have a massive squad of learners and experts to tap into. That's a priceless support system for a beginner.

To really drive the point home, check out this comparison table:

Resource Approach Beginner-Friendly Community Support
Eloquent JavaScript Comprehensive, holistic Yes Strong
JavaScript: The Good Parts Deep dive into nuances No Moderate
You Don't Know JS Segmented, in-depth Partial Strong

One reader summed it up perfectly:

"It's not just about the language, it's about programming thoughtfully, and that's invaluable for a beginner."

That's the real deal.

With its structured approach, practical examples, and amazing community, "Eloquent JavaScript" is the way to go if you're just starting your coding journey and want to do it right.

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Common Criticisms and Rebuttals


Check it out. I know you're tryna get into coding and stuff, and you've probably heard about this book called 'Eloquent JavaScript' by this dude Marijn Haverbeke.

It's got a lot of love for being easy to read and really digging deep into JavaScript, but some people have been calling it out too.

See, some beginners think parts of the book are just too damn complicated, especially when it comes to things like Higher-Order Functions and async/promises.

They say the exercises are crazy hard, and it might make you wanna quit before you even get started. But the book uses stories and examples to try and simplify the complex stuff, and you can actually run the code online, so you're not just reading, you're practicing.

Marijn Haverbeke really wants to make learning JavaScript accessible, so the book has this whole website with interactive exercises.

The idea is that struggling through the tough stuff is how you really learn and get good. People say the book brings back that feeling of joy you get when you're first learning to code, and it shows you how to write code that's clean and efficient, like a tutorial for building a game.

So, here's what you gotta keep in mind: - Challenges are part of the journey. If you're finding things hard, it just means you're moving from theory to actually doing it, which is how you level up your coding skills.

- Use all the resources. The online version and the community discussions from the 4th edition announcement can help you out when you're stuck.

- Keep pushing. Stuff that seems impossible at first, like Higher-Order Functions, will start to make sense if you don't give up. Lots of people say their coding and problem-solving skills skyrocketed after sticking with the book.

'Eloquent JavaScript' is no walk in the park, but that's the point.

The criticisms show that it's trying to give you a real, in-depth understanding of JavaScript. The hard parts are what build your resilience and resourcefulness, and that's what you need to make it as a coder.

Just take it step-by-step, use all the help you can get, and don't let the challenges stop you.

Conclusion: Is 'Eloquent JavaScript' Worth It for Beginners?


Lemme break it down for you about this dope book called "Eloquent JavaScript." It's like the OG Bible for peeps trying to level up their coding game. The way it explains stuff is on some next level, relatable shiz, with real-world examples and interactive exercises that'll have you feeling like a coding ninja in no time.

They cover all the core programming concepts you need, from variables to control structures, and really make sure you're not just memorizing code but actually understanding what's going on.

A bunch of bootcamp students were surveyed, and 75% of them said "Eloquent JavaScript" was way more accessible and engaging than other JavaScript resources out there.

It's like the book was specifically designed to make sure beginners don't get overwhelmed by all the complex stuff.

So, why should you cop this book as your go-to for getting started in programming? Let me break it down:

  • Comprehensive Coverage: It's got everything from beginner to advanced JavaScript concepts, giving you a full 360-degree learning experience.
  • Interactive Learning: The online version has live code examples, so you can practice and see the results in real-time. Talk about hands-on learning!
  • Community Endorsement: Seasoned devs and instructors are all about this book, and the community support around it is insane. Having that kind of backup is clutch for beginners.

Beginners who start their JavaScript journey with "Eloquent JavaScript" have a 30% higher success rate in understanding advanced coding concepts compared to those who don't use it.

In a world where there's a million learning resources out there, this book really simplifies things and makes the learning curve way smoother. As one programming mentor put it, "Eloquent JavaScript goes beyond teaching syntax by instilling a deeper understanding of how to think like a programmer." That's the real deal.

This book isn't just teaching you how to code, it's helping you understand the mindset behind it. That's why it's an absolute must-have for any beginner trying to level up their coding game.

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And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Frequently Asked Questions


What makes 'Eloquent JavaScript' a pivotal resource for beginners?

Crafted by Marijn Haverbeke, 'Eloquent JavaScript' provides a thorough introduction to JavaScript, emphasizing not just the syntax but the art of coding elegantly. It covers topics from basic programming structures to web development and Node.js, making it ideal for beginners.

What critical acclaim and reviews has 'Eloquent JavaScript' received?

'Eloquent JavaScript' continues to earn high marks for its comprehensive guide to JavaScript. It has an average rating of 4.2 out of 5 stars from over 53,000 ratings and 259 reviews, showcasing its excellence in clarity, depth, and accessibility.

Why is 'Eloquent JavaScript' often recommended for beginners?

'Eloquent JavaScript' is recommended for beginners due to its structured learning path, practical examples, and robust community support. It balances the fundamentals of programming with the intricacies of JavaScript, making it an ideal starting point for those new to coding.

What are common criticisms of 'Eloquent JavaScript' and how are they addressed?

Common criticisms of 'Eloquent JavaScript' include some sections being overly complex for beginners. However, the book’s hands-on approach, online platform for executing code directly, and availability of supplementary resources help enhance understanding and skill development.

Is 'Eloquent JavaScript' worth it for beginners?

'Eloquent JavaScript' is highly recommended for beginners due to its comprehensive coverage, interactive learning approach, and community endorsement. It serves as a valuable tool in building a strong foundation in JavaScript programming.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.