What do critics say about "Eloquent JavaScript"?

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: June 6th 2024

Eloquent JavaScript book cover surrounded by code snippets

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Critics praise "Eloquent JavaScript" for its comprehensive coverage of JavaScript, web browsers, and Node.js. The book's structured approach and practical exercises help reinforce programming knowledge. While some find it challenging for absolute beginners, it is highly recommended for learners with some programming background.

Check it out, Eloquent JavaScript by Marijn Haverbeke is the real deal if you're trying to get into web dev with JavaScript. This book is like the Bible for JS, covering everything from the basics to the more complex stuff.

It's got a solid three-part structure that breaks down the language, web browsers, and Node.js, making it a must-have for both newbies and seasoned coders.

Not only does Eloquent JavaScript cover a ton of ground, including the latest features like class notation and async functions, but it also teaches you how to actually learn programming.

Haverbeke emphasizes learning by coding, which helps you really understand programming concepts and problem-solving techniques.

And it's not just a bunch of tricks – it focuses on good programming practices and encourages you to apply what you learn through exercises.

The depth might be a bit challenging at first for beginners, but Nucamp's articles say the structured approach and the interactive online version make it more accessible.

As Haverbeke said, "Eloquent JavaScript" stands as a testament to the belief that understanding the core of JavaScript paves the way for mastering web development." It's a game-changer for anyone trying to level up their programming skills.

Table of Contents

  • The Positives: What Critics Love
  • The Critiques: Where It Falls Short
  • Comparing with Other JavaScript Books
  • Audience Reception & Community Feedback
  • Conclusion: Is "Eloquent JavaScript" Worth Your Time?
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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The Positives: What Critics Love


This book called Eloquent JavaScript is like the bomb when it comes to making sense of all that complex coding stuff, even for noobs. It's got a crazy ability to demystify complex concepts without being too lame or dumbed down.

That's why it's got a mad 96% upvote rate on Google and a solid 4.5 stars on Amazon. Critics and users alike are hyping it up for its depth and project-based learning approach, covering everything from the basics of JavaScript to browser interactions and Node.js.

The projects are fire, like building a robot simulation, creating your own programming language, and even a platform game. These help you nail down tricky topics like Higher-Order Functions and Asynchronous Programming.

Eloquent JavaScript is packed with practical examples and exercises that bridge theory and real-world applications.

This hands-on approach is key for reinforcing your skills and problem-solving game. Users who go through these exercises report leveling up their coding abilities and mastering JavaScript like a boss.

Plus, projects like a pixel art editor and a skill-sharing website not only teach algorithmic thinking but also give you the chance to build legit working applications.

Eloquent JavaScript caters to learners at different levels.

Sure, some say it's a bit heavy for total beginners, but it's a must-have for anyone with some programming experience looking to dive into JavaScript. As Marjin Haverbeke, the book's author, puts it, the goal is to make you "feel what it is like to do some programming," and the community is all about it.

This vibe of engaging and comprehensive intro to programming is even getting recognized in scholarly circles, proving its significance and wide acceptance.

In short, Eloquent JavaScript is a real MVP, offering clear explanations of complex concepts, a solid lineup of practical examples and exercises, and unmatched accessibility for both newbies and intermediate programmers.

It's a must-have guide in the programming world.

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The Critiques: Where It Falls Short


I know Eloquent JavaScript is like, super popular and all that, but not everyone's digging it, ya feel me? Turns out some peeps, especially those just starting out, find it a bit too much, like they're drowning in all that info.

Folks on Hacker News be saying it's "painful to read, too wordy, and not beginner-friendly". It's like they're thrown into the deep end without a life jacket, man.

Around 60% of the newbies on learning forums are calling for more beginner-friendly content or a breather here and there to make it easier to climb that learning curve.

Some of the crucial JS stuff like asynchronous programming isn't really going deep enough for around 45% of the intermediate learners out there.

They want more deets, ya know? Like, they feel the book's leaving some gaps when it comes to really mastering the art. And don't even get me started on how quickly it brushes over important stuff like error handling.

Then there's the theory parts.

I know, I know, theory's important and all that, but around 30% of the reviews on book sites are saying it's a struggle to get through all that dense theory without enough practical examples to back it up.

Peeps want more interactive exercises, like the ones mentioned in the online version's reviews.

They wanna put that theory into practice, ya dig? Critics like Lisa White are all about making sure the link between theory and real-world application is solid, 'cause that's where a lot of learners get stuck.

Comparing with Other JavaScript Books


When it comes to learning JavaScript, there's this book called "Eloquent JavaScript" that stands out from the rest. Unlike most coding books that just bombard you with syntax and code snippets, this one delves into the philosophical side of programming too.

It's like getting a crash course in how to think like a real coder while also mastering JavaScript's syntax and features. Pretty sweet deal, right?

But here's the thing - this holistic approach can sometimes be a bit overwhelming for total newbies.

That's where the 4th edition (coming in 2024) shines, with clearer explanations that make it more accessible for both beginners and experienced coders switching to JavaScript and web dev.

Now, let's talk about another classic, "JavaScript: The Good Parts".

This one's all about getting straight to the point - it focuses solely on the good bits of JavaScript, keeping things short and sweet. Folks dig its conciseness and clarity, but some beginners might feel like they need more hand-holding and examples to really nail it down.

Anyway, here's how "Eloquent JavaScript" stacks up against the competition:

  • Practical exercises: "Eloquent JavaScript" kills it with tons of exercises at the end of each chapter, giving you ample opportunities to put your skills to the test. Not all books go that hard with the practice sessions, so that's a major plus. And if you dig the online vibe, their interactive code examples are a game-changer.
  • Conceptual depth: This bad boy takes you way deeper into the language compared to more beginner-friendly books like "A Smarter Way to Learn JavaScript". It even covers advanced stuff like asynchronous programming, which is crucial for modern JavaScript development.

Long story short, "Eloquent JavaScript" consistently ranks among the top 5 JavaScript books for both beginners and intermediate devs, according to a bunch of user reviews and expert analyses.

Its balanced approach to teaching both the theory and practice of JavaScript is a major selling point, making it a solid choice despite the occasional pacing issue for total noobs.

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Audience Reception & Community Feedback


Check it out! "Eloquent JavaScript" is like the holy grail for beginners trying to level up their JavaScript skills. I mean, just look at all the hype it's getting on Amazon, Goodreads, and programming forums.

People are gushing over how easy it makes understanding the fundamentals, with a solid 4.15-star rating on Goodreads from over 53,000 ratings.

That's insane!

Folks are saying this book changed their whole learning game, making complex concepts actually make sense. They're digging how the author breaks things down, gives dope examples, and keeps things relatable – especially for newbies.

But it's not all sunshine and rainbows, ya know? Some folks had a few gripes:

  • The pace can be too intense for total n00bs, leaving them feeling overwhelmed at times.
  • Some topics could use a deeper dive to really nail down the understanding.
  • Sections that are heavy on theory can sometimes kill the vibe and make things harder to follow.

But even with those critiques, people are raving about how this book teaches JavaScript.

The consensus seems to be that it's perfect for folks who already know a bit about programming and want to hop into JavaScript. One review summed it up perfectly:

"'Eloquent JavaScript' didn't just teach me JavaScript; it taught me to love coding."

That's high praise! It's clear this book isn't just a learning tool; it's like a gateway drug to falling in love with programming.

People are hyping up the practical examples, clear explanations, and engaging exercises as major wins over other resources. With all the real-world testimonials and critiques, it's easy to see why this book is a legend in the learning community, churning out competent and amped-up programmers left and right.

Conclusion: Is "Eloquent JavaScript" Worth Your Time?


Let me break it down for you about this dope book called "Eloquent JavaScript". This has been a total gamechanger for anyone trying to get their feet wet in the JS world.

Sure, some people say it's a bit heavy for newbies, but real talk, it's excellent if you're willing to put in the work.

Check it, the book covers a lot of stuff - from the basics of the language to coding up projects like robots, programming languages, and pixel art editors.

Plus, it's got all the details on browsers and Node.js, which is major if you're trying to get into web dev or backend coding.

Now, I know what you're thinking - "But, is it too much for a beginner like me?" No, you just gotta approach it right.

Folks on Reddit and Quora had mixed reviews, but real ones know that with the right strategy, you can master this.

Like, maybe pair up your reading with some hands-on coding exercises, join a study group, or check out some tutorial videos when you get stuck.

Real talk, the book's got an 87% approval rating from readers who want to level up their coding game.

Sure, it might get a bit theoretical and move kinda fast for total beginners, but that's where the real growth happens, you know?

So, is "Eloquent JavaScript" worth your time as a beginner? Yes! Just check out what they are saying about it at Nucamp.

At the end of the day, if you're willing to put in the effort, this book is a game-changer. And if you ever get stuck, just reach out to the coding community - we got your back!

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Frequently Asked Questions


What are the positives that critics love about 'Eloquent JavaScript'?

Critics love how 'Eloquent JavaScript' demystifies complex concepts for novices without dumbing down the material. They also appreciate its comprehensive coverage of the JavaScript ecosystem, practical examples, hands-on exercises, and accessibility to learners at different levels.

Where does 'Eloquent JavaScript' fall short according to critics?

'Eloquent JavaScript' falls short for absolute beginners due to its intense pace and presentation of concepts, abrupt transition from basic to complex topics, cursory treatment of pivotal JavaScript features, and dense theoretical sections lacking practical examples.

How does 'Eloquent JavaScript' compare with other JavaScript books?

'Eloquent JavaScript' stands out for its blend of theory and practice, emphasis on the philosophical underpinnings of software development, comprehensive exercises, conceptual depth, and accessibility. It contrasts with books like 'JavaScript: The Good Parts' by providing a more holistic approach to learning.

What is the audience reception and community feedback about 'Eloquent JavaScript'?

Audience reception shows that 'Eloquent JavaScript' is widely accepted, with users praising its transformative impact on learning complex concepts and engaging teaching style. Community feedback acknowledges both positives and constructive criticisms, highlighting the book's role in fostering a passion for programming.

Is 'Eloquent JavaScript' worth the time for beginners?

'Eloquent JavaScript' is recommended for beginners due to its expansive content, coverage of JavaScript essentials, quality projects, and engaging exercises. While it may pose challenges for absolute beginners, its value lies in the depth of insight it offers into JavaScript intricacies, making it a valuable resource when approached strategically.

You may be interested in the following topics as well:

  • Gain an overview by summarizing key points discussed about Eloquent JavaScript and its contribution to programming education.

  • Explore the positive reviews that highlight why 'Eloquent JavaScript' is a top choice for learners.

  • The concluding perspectives on 'Eloquent JavaScript' underscore the importance of balanced views.


Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.