How to Switch from a Non-Tech Background to a Tech Job in Colorado Springs

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: July 10th 2024

Switching from a non-tech background to a tech job in Colorado Springs, Colorado, US.

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Switching to a tech job in Colorado Springs from a non-tech background is achievable due to the city's thriving tech sector. With a growth rate of 20.5% since 2010 and over 16,000 tech jobs, seekers can leverage educational paths like coding bootcamps and networking events. Transferable skills such as problem-solving and communication are valuable, and organizations like Pikes Peak Community College and Colorado Technical University offer relevant degrees. Networking, with 85% of tech pros landing jobs through connections, is crucial for success in this booming industry offering average salaries of $150K.

Switching careers from a non-tech background to the booming tech world can seem like a huge mountain to climb, but Colorado Springs is the perfect place to make that transition into an emerging tech hub.

With major companies setting up shop here and the city's tech industry growing at a crazy 20.5% rate since 2010, there are over 16,000 tech jobs waiting to be filled.

This blog is all about guiding locals like you into tapping into Colorado Springs' thriving tech scene by breaking down:

  • The hottest tech roles and skills companies are hunting for
  • Educational paths to level up your skills, like coding bootcamps and online courses
  • Leverage your existing skills from non-tech backgrounds
  • Local networking events to connect with industry pros

Living in Colorado Springs gives you a golden opportunity to reinvent your career in this rapidly growing sector.

John Williams, a local who made the leap from retail to software engineering thanks to Nucamp's coding bootcamp, shares, "Making the switch seemed impossible until I discovered their program.

Within months, I had the skills companies were looking for, and with Denver's booming tech scene, I found my dream job." So start mapping out your transition today! Non-techies are in high demand too.

Table of Contents

  • Evaluating Your Current Skills and Interests
  • Researching Tech Roles and Requirements in Colorado Springs
  • Acquiring the Necessary Education and Training
  • Building a Professional Network in the Colorado Springs Tech Community
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Evaluating Your Current Skills and Interests


Before you make the switch to a tech career, you gotta do some real soul-searching. Take a good hard look at the skills you've already got and the stuff that gets you fired up.

According to CompTIA, nearly 9 out of 10 tech pros say non-technical skills like problem-solving and communication are essential in the tech world.

So don't sell yourself short!

Start by listing out all the tasks and responsibilities you've handled in your previous gigs. Identify the soft skills you've developed, like problem-solving (you know, analyzing issues and coming up with creative solutions), collaboration (working well with teams and communicating across departments), and project management (organizing tasks, setting priorities, and meeting deadlines).

These transferable skills are super valuable in the tech industry, and they'll give you a serious edge when you're applying for jobs in Colorado Springs.

Then, take a moment to think about what genuinely excites you.

Assessing your interests is key to finding a role that you'll enjoy and stick with.

Ask yourself: What parts of technology get you pumped? Do you love solving puzzles and thinking analytically? Are you passionate about staying up-to-date with the latest trends? Once you know what drives you, you can narrow down the tech roles that align with your strengths and aspirations, setting yourself up for a fulfilling career in Colorado Springs' thriving tech scene.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Researching Tech Roles and Requirements in Colorado Springs


Colorado Springs is straight-up on fire with tech opportunities! Goodwill's IT training is hooking people up with free certs like A+, Network+, and Security+ to prep for entry-level gigs like Helpdesk Support and PC Technicians.

But that's just the start. ZipRecruiter shows the Springs is hiring like crazy for positions like Systems Administrators, Software Testers, and even UI/UX Developers for the Space Systems Command.

Omni Federal is expanding hard, adding over 500 high-paying roles for ground station engineers, data scientists, and security analysts in fields like DevSecOps and cloud tech.

With an average annual salary of $150K, that's some serious cash! Whether you're a code ninja, cyber warrior, or data wizard, this city's tech scene is absolutely poppin' right now.

Acquiring the Necessary Education and Training


Alright, so you're looking to switch careers and get into tech in Colorado Springs? The first step is getting the right education and training.

This city has tons of options to help you level up your skills. You could go for intensive coding bootcamps like Nucamp or Turing School of Software & Design.

These programs are designed to get you job-ready quickly, teaching you the hottest technologies that companies are looking for. According to Course Report, coding bootcamps in Colorado have an average job placement rate of 84.2% within 180 days of graduation, so they're definitely a solid choice for a career switch.

If you prefer a more traditional route, check out Pikes Peak Community College or Colorado Technical University.

They offer associate's and bachelor's degrees in computer science, cybersecurity, and other tech fields. You'll get a well-rounded education, combining theory with hands-on projects.

Or, if you want something more flexible, online platforms like Coursera, edX, and Udacity have tons of self-paced courses and specializations in various tech domains.

Perfect for those with busy schedules.

The tech world is constantly evolving, so continuous learning is key.

By 2025, the World Economic Forum says the skills required for most jobs will have shifted significantly. To stay ahead of the game, you'll need to embrace a growth mindset and keep updating your skills.

Luckily, Colorado Springs has organizations like Code for Colorado Springs and Colorado Springs Tech Meetup where you can network, share knowledge, and stay up-to-date with the latest trends.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Building a Professional Network in the Colorado Springs Tech Community


Switching to a tech job from a non-tech background ain't easy, but building a solid network can be your game-changer. Check this out, a study by CompTIA found that a whopping 85% of tech pros landed their current gigs through connections.

That's huge! Colorado Springs is a total hotspot for networking in the tech world.

With startups and big-name companies scattered around the city, there's no shortage of meetups and events to attend.

Groups like the Colorado Springs Developers Network, Tech Friends Colorado Springs, and the Colorado Springs Tech Incubator are always hosting workshops, mixers, and hackathons.

It's the perfect chance to connect with industry vets and newbies alike, stay on top of the latest trends, and showcase your skills.

Online platforms are a total goldmine for networking too.

LinkedIn is a must – optimize your profile, engage in local tech groups, and let those connections roll in.

You can also check out sites like Meetup to find events in the area, or join online communities like Colorado Code Hub and Colorado Springs Tech on Slack.

Leveraging LinkedIn for job hunting is a game-changer for making connections and landing interviews.

Remember, your network is your net worth in this game.

So get out there, connect with people, and watch those doors start opening in the Colorado Springs tech scene. It's time to level up your career!

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the top tech roles and skills in demand in Colorado Springs?

In Colorado Springs, the tech industry is booming with a 20.5% growth rate since 2010. Top in-demand roles include Systems Administrators, Software Testers, UI/UX Developers, Helpdesk Support, PC Technicians, ground station engineers, data scientists, and security analysts. Essential skills for these roles include problem-solving, collaboration, communication, project management, and specialized technical skills like DevSecOps and cloud technology.

What educational paths are available for switching to a tech career in Colorado Springs?

There are numerous educational paths to transition into a tech career in Colorado Springs. Coding bootcamps like Nucamp and Turing School of Software & Design provide intensive, job-ready training. Traditional routes include Pikes Peak Community College and Colorado Technical University, which offer associate's and bachelor's degrees in computer science and cybersecurity. Online platforms like Coursera, edX, and Udacity offer flexible, self-paced courses in various tech domains.

How can I leverage my existing non-tech skills for a tech career?

Existing non-tech skills such as problem-solving, communication, collaboration, and project management are highly valuable in the tech industry. These transferable skills give you a competitive edge when applying for tech jobs. Identifying your interests and strengths can also help you find a tech role that aligns with your passions, making the transition smoother and more fulfilling.

What is the importance of networking in switching to a tech career?

Networking is crucial for transitioning to a tech career, as 85% of tech professionals land jobs through connections. Colorado Springs offers numerous networking opportunities through groups like the Colorado Springs Developers Network, Tech Friends Colorado Springs, and Colorado Springs Tech Incubator. Online platforms like LinkedIn and local tech community forums on Slack also provide valuable networking avenues.

What local resources can I use to stay updated in the Colorado Springs tech industry?

To stay current in the fast-evolving tech industry, you can engage with local organizations like Code for Colorado Springs and Colorado Springs Tech Meetup. These groups offer networking, workshops, and events to help you stay updated with the latest trends. Additionally, attending local meetups and hackathons can provide insights and connections beneficial for your tech career.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.