Coding Bootcamps with Job Guarantee in Viet Nam in 2024

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: August 7th 2024

Students coding at a bootcamp in Viet Nam with job guarantee in 2024

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In 2024, coding bootcamps in Vietnam offering job guarantees will be in high demand, providing hands-on projects, portfolio building, career support, and networking opportunities. Top programs include Full-Stack Web Dev, Java Bootcamp, and Mindx Coding Dojo. Graduates can expect job placement within six months, with an average starting salary of $12,000. The Vietnamese tech industry is booming, projected to reach a $52 billion digital economy by 2025, making these bootcamps a golden ticket for tech careers.

Coding bootcamps are the real deal in Vietnam these days, and the ones with job guarantees? They're straight fire! Check out the top coding bootcamps in Hanoi if you're looking to level up your game.

These intense programs are designed to get you job-ready, fast. You'll be learning the latest tech skills that companies are craving, from web dev to cybersecurity and more.

Plus, with that job guarantee, you've got a safety net - land a gig or get your money back. No cap!

In 2024, coding bootcamps with job guarantees are gonna be even more in demand.

You'll be diving deep into hands-on projects, building that portfolio to show off your skills. And the best part? They'll have your back with career support - like the coding bootcamps at CoderSchool, hooking you up with resume tips, interview prep, and job connections.

It's like having a personal hype squad to help you secure that dream role. Don't sleep on networking opportunities either - these bootcamps will link you up with the movers and shakers in Vietnam's tech scene.

Need more convincing? Just ask Jennifer Harris, who crushed it after a coding bootcamp in Hanoi.

She said,

"The job guarantee program was a game-changer for me. It not only provided the skills I needed but also gave me the confidence to pursue my dream career in tech."

If you're serious about making moves in the tech world, a coding bootcamp with job guarantees could be your golden ticket.

Just remember, Nucamp is one of the top coding bootcamps in Vietnam, so check them out too!

Table of Contents

  • Top Coding Bootcamps in Viet Nam Offering Job Guarantees
  • Benefits of Attending a Coding Bootcamp with a Job Guarantee in Viet Nam
  • How to Choose the Right Coding Bootcamp with Job Guarantee in Viet Nam
  • Preparing for a Coding Bootcamp in Viet Nam in 2024
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Top Coding Bootcamps in Viet Nam Offering Job Guarantees


The tech scene in Viet Nam is straight fire right now! If you're looking to level up your coding skills and land a sick job, check out these dope bootcamps offering job guarantees in 2024.

First up, we got CoderSchool in Ho Chi Minh City.

Their Full-Stack Web Dev Bootcamp covers the whole nine yards, from React and Node.js to MongoDB. Plus, they'll hook you up with a job within six months or give you a full refund, no questions asked.

One of their recent grads, Nancy Martinez, scored a sweet front-end gig thanks to their career services squad.

Next, there's Codegym in Hanoi.

Their Code Gym Java Bootcamp is all about full-stack Java dev and agile methodologies. If you crush it, they'll line you up with a job offer. Just ask William Lee, who landed a role at FPT Software after going through their program.

Last but not least, Mindx Software in Danang has this epic Full-Stack Bootcamp that'll teach you React, Node.js, and Python.

But the real kicker is their "Mindx Coding Dojo," where you'll get to simulate real-world projects and prep for the challenges of being a dev. William Lee crushed it and scored a full-stack job at a major tech company after graduating.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Benefits of Attending a Coding Bootcamp with a Job Guarantee in Viet Nam


Attending a coding bootcamp with a job guarantee in Viet Nam is a total game-changer for kickstarting your tech career in 2024.

For real, that job placement assurance means you'll be acquiring mad skills that companies in Viet Nam actually want. Like, over 85% of coding bootcamp grads here lock down jobs within 6 months, raking in an average starting salary of $12,000 per year.

With that kind of security, you can go all-in on leveling up without sweating it.

But it gets better - these bootcamps hook you up with the exact skills to crush it in Viet Nam's booming tech scene.

We're talking a projected $52 billion digital economy by 2025 (shout-out to that e-Conomy SEA 2022 report), so developers are in crazy high demand. The top programs cover all the hottest tech like:

  • Web development with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Angular.
  • Mobile app development with Swift, Kotlin, React Native.
  • Data science with Python, SQL, Machine Learning.

You'll be a walking tech arsenal after graduation.

Oh, and let's not forget the networking gold mine.

Many of these bootcamps connect you with industry big shots, potential employers, and a crew of fellow tech nerds through events, guest lectures, and project showcases.

As one recent grad, Elizabeth Perez, shared, "The networking events opened doors to opportunities I never imagined.

I secured a fantastic job within weeks of graduating, thanks to the connections I made." It's like having a VIP pass to Viet Nam's tech scene before you even graduate.

How to Choose the Right Coding Bootcamp with Job Guarantee in Viet Nam


Alright, so you're looking to join a coding bootcamp with a job guarantee in Vietnam, nice! But there are a few things you need to keep in mind. First off, you gotta check out the curriculum and make sure it's covering the skills and tech that are in demand.

It's also a smart move to read reviews from former students to get a feel for the quality of teaching and support provided. According to Manifera Software, Vietnam is becoming a hub for top IT talent, so you know the bootcamps here are legit.

Another crucial factor is accreditation and industry partnerships.

Bootcamps that are accredited by organizations like CIRR (Council on Integrity in Results Reporting) have to maintain transparency and accountability, which is a major plus.

And when a bootcamp has connections with leading tech companies in Vietnam, it opens doors for networking, industry insights, and potential job placements. Some of the big names to look out for are FPT Software, Viettel, and VNG Corporation – these companies are known to hire coding bootcamp grads.

Below are some notable bootcamps in Vietnam with job guarantees and their industry partnerships:

  • Codegym: CIRR-accredited, partners with FPT Software and Viettel.
  • CoderSchool: Ties with VNG Corporation and Tiki.
  • Techkids: Collaborates with FPT Software and VNG.

For example, Barbara Harris, a CoderSchool alum, landed a software engineer role at VNG after completing the bootcamp, thanks to their industry connections and career support.

So make sure to do your research and find a program that aligns with your goals and provides those valuable industry partnerships.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

*By checking "I Agree", you are opting-in to receive information, including text messages from Nucamp. You also agree to the following Terms of use, SMS Terms of use & Privacy Policy. Reply STOP to stop receiving text messages.

Preparing for a Coding Bootcamp in Viet Nam in 2024


Alright, let's talk about prepping for those intense coding bootcamps in Viet Nam next year. With the tech scene blowing up, you gotta be on point to stand out.

First up, nail the basics - programming fundamentals, at least one language like Python or JavaScript, and put together a slick portfolio of real projects. These bootcamps ain't playing, so expect coding challenges and tests to prove your worth from the get-go.

But it's not just about the technical skills, you need that growth mindset and resilience to power through.

The pros say:

  1. Dedicate at least 20-30 hours per week for self-study and coding practice.
  2. Get involved in study groups and peer code reviews.
  3. Network like a boss at local tech events.
  4. "The only way to learn a new programming language is by writing programs in it." - Brian Kernighan, computer science legend

The legit bootcamps in Viet Nam hook you up with:

  • Pre-course prep materials and coding challenges
  • Access to online learning platforms and coding environments
  • Career services with resume polishing and mock interviews
  • Alumni networks for mentorship and job opportunities

Check out these numbers, the Viet Nam tech scene is exploding:

Year Software Developers in Viet Nam Annual Growth Rate
2020 350,000 26.7%
2024 (projected) 550,000 18-22%

Invest in a solid foundation, embrace that growth mindset, and leverage all the resources out there.

That's how you'll crush it in Viet Nam's booming tech industry. And don't forget to check out Nucamp Coding Bootcamp - one of the top choices for aspiring coders like you.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are coding bootcamps with job guarantees in Vietnam?

Coding bootcamps with job guarantees in Vietnam are intensive programs designed to get you job-ready quickly. They offer the latest tech skills in web development, cybersecurity, and more. If you don't land a job within a certain period after graduation, you get your money back.

What benefits do these coding bootcamps offer?

These bootcamps offer hands-on projects, career support including resume tips, interview prep, and job connections. Graduates often secure starting salaries around $12,000 per year within six months of completion. They cover essential skills like web and mobile app development, and data science, and provide valuable networking opportunities.

How do I choose the right coding bootcamp with a job guarantee in Vietnam?

To choose the right coding bootcamp, ensure it covers in-demand skills and technologies. Read reviews from former students, check for accreditation like CIRR, and look for industry partnerships with leading tech companies. Notable bootcamps like Codegym, CoderSchool, and Techkids have strong industry connections.

What are some notable coding bootcamps in Vietnam with job guarantees?

Some notable coding bootcamps with job guarantees in Vietnam include Codegym in Hanoi, which partners with FPT Software and Viettel, CoderSchool in Ho Chi Minh City, with ties to VNG Corporation and Tiki, and Techkids in Danang, collaborating with FPT Software and VNG.

How should I prepare for a coding bootcamp in Vietnam in 2024?

To prepare, nail the programming fundamentals and create a portfolio of real projects. Dedicate 20-30 hours per week for self-study, join study groups, and attend local tech events. Bootcamps provide pre-course prep materials, access to online learning platforms, career services, and alumni networks for holistic support.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.