Scholarships and Funding for Coding Bootcamps in Viet Nam

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: August 7th 2024

Scholarships and funding for coding bootcamps in Viet Nam, VN

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Scholarships and funding options for coding bootcamps in Viet Nam can significantly reduce the typical $2,000 to $3,000 cost, making tech education accessible. Key opportunities include government-backed programs like the National Technology Talent Development Fund, private scholarships from organizations like CodeGym Vietnam, and corporate sponsorships from major companies. These financial aids not only ease the financial burden but also promote diversity and innovation within Vietnam’s booming tech sector.

The tech scene in Vietnam is thriving in 2024! The country's IT workforce is thriving, thanks to solid education and a vibrant startup culture.

But here's the deal - coding bootcamps ain't cheap, costing anywhere from $2,000 to $3,000, which is a serious investment for most Vietnamese. That's why scholarships and funding options are clutch for opening doors to the coding world.

Check it out, Code Labs Academy is one of the most affordable coding bootcamps in Vietnam, offering a range of financing solutions.

From Income Share Agreements with Quotanda and Stepex to monthly payment plans and discounts, they've got options to fit your situation. And they even provide personalized advice to help you navigate the funding maze.

But it's not just about the money.

Coding bootcamps like MindX Technology School are leveling up the game with hands-on learning approaches that bridge the gap between theory and practice.

And let's not forget about the job prospects - some bootcamps even offer job guarantees, setting you up for success in Vietnam's booming tech industry.

Bottom line, scoring financial aid or scholarships can be a game-changer for aspiring coders in Vietnam.

It's not just about reducing the financial burden, but also about promoting diversity, fostering innovation, and contributing to the country's economic growth.

So, if you're dreaming of a career in tech, don't let the costs hold you back - explore the funding options and let your coding skills shine bright!

Table of Contents

  • Government-Backed Funding Options in Viet Nam
  • Private Scholarships for Coding Bootcamps in Viet Nam
  • Corporate Sponsorships and Partnerships in Viet Nam
  • Tips for Applying to Scholarships and Funding in Viet Nam
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

Government-Backed Funding Options in Viet Nam


The Vietnamese government knows that coding skills are a hot commodity these days. That's why they're stepping up with some sweet deals to make coding education more accessible and affordable for us young folks.

Check out these scholarship programs - they're like a golden ticket for financing your coding bootcamp dreams without breaking the bank.

One of the coolest opportunities is the National Technology Talent Development Fund.

If you're a Vietnamese citizen aged 18-30, have killer grades or some relevant experience under your belt, and are down to work in Vietnam for at least 3 years after graduating, you could score a full scholarship to coding bootcamps or tech training programs.

Talk about a game-changer!

The Ministry of Information and Communications has teamed up with top coding academies to offer tuition subsidies and living allowances for selected students.

Some of the juicy programs include the HackerRank Coding Scholarship (up to 70% tuition covered), the FPT Software Coding Fellowship (full tuition + monthly cash flow), and the VNG Coding Academy Sponsorship (partial tuition coverage).

According to the Vietnam Software Association, over 1,200 aspiring coders like us have already benefited from these government-funded initiatives in the past year alone.

As Vietnam continues to embrace the tech revolution, these programs are set to play a major role in nurturing the next generation of coding superstars. Mary Moore, Director of the National Technology Talent Development Fund, says it best:

"These scholarships have opened doors for many talented individuals who might have otherwise been unable to pursue their coding dreams."

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Private Scholarships for Coding Bootcamps in Viet Nam


In Viet Nam, there are some excellent financing options for coding bootcamps that make it way easier to learn to code without going broke.

Aside from government funding, lots of private organizations are stepping up to offer scholarships and assistance to help aspiring coders like us make it in the tech world.

Some scholarship providers in Viet Nam include CodeGym Vietnam, CoderSchool, and Skills Abroad. These places offer full scholarships or flexible payment plans for their coding bootcamps, so you can focus on learning without stressing about the cost.

The Chevening Vietnam Career Mentoring Programme even partnered with Zuitt Coding Bootcamp to offer a free 2-day coding event for their mentees.

To snag one of these private scholarships, you usually have to submit an online application, your grades, a personal statement explaining why you deserve it, and some recommendation letters.

Some organizations might make you do coding challenges or interviews to test your skills too. But it's a small price to pay for the chance to get your education paid for, right? The process is generally:

  1. Find scholarships you're eligible for
  2. Gather your documents (transcripts, personal statement, etc.)
  3. Complete and submit the online application
  4. Do any additional assessments they require
  5. Wait to hear if you got it or not

Just make sure you stay on top of the deadlines and requirements for each scholarship, because those can vary.

But if you put in the effort, you could end up with a sweet deal that makes learning to code way more affordable and accessible. It's worth a shot, right?

Corporate Sponsorships and Partnerships in Viet Nam


Coding bootcamps in Vietnam are getting seriously backed by some major players! These big-shot companies get it - nurturing local talent is key. They're throwing cash and opportunities at bootcamp grads like it's nothing.

FPT Software dished out a billion dong for scholarships to FUNiX's online coding course.

That's insane! Meanwhile, Octa is bankrolling a whole bootcamp for underprivileged students at Ideas Academy, covering everything from tuition to connecting grads with internships.

These companies are going all-in on prepping the next generation of tech talent.

But it's not just the homegrown heroes backing bootcamps. MindX, one of Vietnam's top coding educators, just raised a fat $15 million Series B to expand their network of campuses across the country.

They've got investors from Thailand, Japan, and Singapore lining up to get a piece of the action. With plans to reach 45 cities by mid-2024, MindX is dead set on creating "little Silicon Valleys" all over Vietnam, prepping students for tech gigs worldwide.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Tips for Applying to Scholarships and Funding in Viet Nam


Getting scholarships and funding for coding bootcamps in Viet Nam can be a real grind, but with the right moves, you can level up your chances of scoring that sweet cash.

Here's the 411:

First off, you gotta start early 'cause these scholarship deadlines ain't playin' around. Get your ducks in a row well before and don't sleep on gathering all the docs and writing some fire essays that'll make the committee go "Daaaamn, this kid's got skills!"

Next up, do your homework on each scholarship and tailor your application to fit their specific vibe.

Don't just copy-paste that generic stuff – make it personal and let your passion for coding shine through. Flaunt any dope projects, competitions, or certs you've got under your belt to really seal the deal.

But watch out for these common L's that can tank your app:

  1. Missing deadlines or submitting incomplete apps: Come on, get it together!
  2. Not following the rules or forgetting crucial docs: Read the fine print, folks.
  3. Bland, cookie-cutter essays: Scream "I didn't even try" – put some flavor in it!
  4. Sloppy mistakes and typos: Proofread like your life depends on it.

If you need backup, hit up your university's career center or join some local coding communities online to connect with mentors and fellow devs who've been there, done that.

And don't sleep on organizations like VINASA – they might have the inside scoop on scholarships and application tips.

Follow these moves, avoid those rookie mistakes, and tap into the right resources, and you'll be well on your way to crafting a scholarship application that'll make the committee go "Dang, we gotta give this one to 'em!" Just remember to reference the Nucamp scholarship options too – they got your back.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the costs of coding bootcamps in Vietnam?

Coding bootcamps in Vietnam typically cost between $2,000 and $3,000, making financial aid and scholarships crucial for many aspiring coders.

What types of scholarships and funding options are available for coding bootcamps in Vietnam?

There are several funding options including Income Share Agreements, monthly payment plans, and discounts. Government-backed options like the National Technology Talent Development Fund and partnerships with the Ministry of Information and Communications also provide tuition subsidies and living allowances.

What are some private organizations offering scholarships for coding bootcamps in Vietnam?

Private organizations such as CodeGym Vietnam and Skills Abroad offer scholarships and flexible payment plans. Additionally, partnerships like the one with Zuitt Coding Bootcamp provide free coding events for their mentees.

What corporate sponsorships and partnerships are available for coding bootcamps in Vietnam?

Several major companies, such as FPT Software and VNG, provide sponsorships for coding bootcamps. Corporate partnerships also include funding from overseas investors, with MindX securing $15 million in Series B funding to expand their campuses across Vietnam.

What tips can help me successfully apply for scholarships and funding in Vietnam?

Start early and gather all necessary documents. Personalize your application to each scholarship and highlight your achievements in coding. Avoid common mistakes such as missing deadlines or submitting incomplete applications. Seek help from university career centers or local coding communities, and make sure to thoroughly proofread your application.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.